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1. Smarten Up Your Career Plan

2. Enhancing Your Employability

3. Launch Your Career via Multi-Media and Networking

4. Writing a Winning CV

5. Ace the Interview

6. Mock Individual Interview

7. Mock Group Interview

Non-Final-year College of Business (CB) students
may seek similar service from CB Career Service. 8. Aptitude Test Practice

9. Surviving Assessment Centre

Career and Leadership Centre
Graduate Employability
LinkedIn Learning
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Ace the Interview

Career and Leadership Centre

Student Development Services

Interview Skills Series

1 Ace the Interview Build understanding of common

interview questions & tips for success

2 Mock Interview Opportunity to practice typical interview

questions and receive feedback

Mock Interview with a

Career Advisor

Which year do you belong to ?
• Year 1
• Year 2
• Year 3
• Year 4
• Others (e.g. Postgraduate)

Do you have any job interview (including part-time,
internship) experience before?
• None
• 1-3 times
• 4-6 times
• 7-9 times
• 10 times or above

Which of the following area(s) you is/are more important for
you? (You may pick two topics)
• Conducting research prior to interview
• Preparing for question and answers
• Handling tough questions
• Making positive impressions
• Handling nerves

• What is a Job Interview
• Creating a Positive First Impression
• Common Interview Questions
• Best Practices for Pre and Post Interview
• Tips on Online Interview
• Overcoming Psychological Barriers (Optional)

• Interview is very common assessment method for staff
• It may happen at any stage of the hiring process.
• Common Interview types
– Individual interview (1:1)
– Panel Interview (more than one interviewer)
• Interview can be conducted face-to-face or virtually (phone,

Most interviews are designed to figure out

#1 Goal of an interview

Convey your strength

Your suitability to the job
Be Memorable

Your First Impression
Research indicated that
• Impression made in the first 4-minutes will affect
subsequent interviewer-interviewee interaction
• Just one negative impression was followed by a rejection
decision 90% of time

(Source : Applied Psychology in Human Resources by Cascio & Aguinis, 2014)

Creating a Positive First Impression

Posture Facial expression

& eye contact


Tone of Voice Pause fillers

e.g. Um.. Ah.. Actually..

Your Appearance – Dress Professionally
Business Formal (For most interviews)
Men Women
• Matching suit in neutral color (e.g. black, navy, dark • Pantsuit, knee length skirt suit; or conservatively
grey) tailored dress in neutral color with blazer
• Collared shirt and tie • Blouse or collared shirt. Not too tight, or revealing
• Coordinated belt and shoes (polished) • Simple style shoes; no open-toe shoes or sandal (well
• Proper socks (non-athletic) polished)
• Proper stockings
Business Casual
Men Women
• Pants, belt. No jeans. • Pants, knee length skirt or dress; jacket / blazer
• Collared shirt optional. No jeans.
• Tie and jacket optional • Blouse, shirt. Not too tight or revealing.
• Matching shoes. No sneakers. • Matching shoes. No sneakers.
Notes :
• There is no absolute rule about dress code.
• Make your judgement. If in doubt, wear business formal !
(Video Link) 16
Body Languages

• Handshake • Posture
– Not too weak; not too strong – Sit up straight , open shoulders
– Be proactive – Do NOT cross your arms
• Smile – Lean forward slightly to show
• Eye contact interest in the conversation

Tone of Voice / Language

• Loud enough • Use simple language • Avoid using “um… ah…

• Sound energetic • Use positive language actually.”

Interview Etiquette
Behave yourself inside & outside the interview room
–Be Polite
–Be Positive
–Be Honest
–Follow the Rules
–Arrive on time (e.g. 5 min prior to scheduled time)
–Turn off the phone

Interview Questions

1. Technical questions
2. General questions
3. Behavioural questions

Interview Questions

1. Technical questions
2. General questions
3. Behavioural questions

Common General Questions

1. Tell me something about yourself.

2. Why do you choose our company?
3. Where do you see yourself in five years?
4. What do you know about this organization?
5. What is your greatest strength / weakness ?
6. What are your hobbies?
7. Do you have any questions?

Question: Could you briefly introduce about yourself ?

• Your life story

• “What do you want to know?”
• High level overview of yourself
• Make it relevant to position / company
• Focus on your professional life
• 1-2 minutes
• 3-point structure

Question : Could you briefly introduce yourself?
Example : Psychology major; applying for Talent Acquisition Officer

“I’m a graduate from the City University of Hong Kong majoring in Psychology. I am
very interested in human behavior. In the course, I learned some fundamentals about
human behaviors and assessment methods. I think those can be applied for the role of
talent acquisition officer.

Last year, I took an internship in the recruitment team of ABC company. It was a very
good experience. I gained some understanding about the operation of recruitment
services. I also participated in the launch of new HR system.

Throughout my study and internship, I gained my interest in recruitment function.

Your company conducted a very successful recruitment campaign early this year. I
admire it a lot. I want to be part of team to learn and contribute.”

Question : Why do you choose our company?
• “My parents said it is a good job.”
• “It is a stepping stone for my career. “
• “Your company is prestigious.”
Think about:
• How your relevant skills and attributes contribute to the company?
• What are your expectation of the company / role?
• How do you like the culture, value of the company?
• Use of 3 points / Headlines
- About Exposure
- About Prospects Examples only
- My Skills Sets
- My Passion
Question: Where do you see yourself in 5 years ?
• “I have no idea …..”
• “I want to become a CEO”
• “I’d like to travel around the world”
• Focus on your career goals, ways in which you anticipate to
attain them.
• Be enthusiastic
• Show ambition but be realistic
• Show your commitment to your role

(Video) 26
Question: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

“My long-term goal is to be an all-rounded human resources professional.

Being accepted into this position would be a great starting point for my HR
career. In the coming few years, I would like to focus on developing expertise
in the recruitment function. I would love to strengthen my capability in
stakeholder management through participation of various projects, and be
considered as a trusted partner by my internal clients. At some point of time, I
hope I can lead a project myself.”


Question: What do you know about this organization?
• “Your Chairman is very handsome and his wife is a famous
• “This is a large company…um...”
• Talk about its business nature, recent development and
• Do complete research on the organization
• Company websites, annual reports, news, articles in
magazines, someone who knows the company
• Company accomplishments, culture, projects etc.
• Find something that you like / appreciate
Question: What do you know about this organization?

“I read on your website that you are one of the top data security
companies in US serving many Fortune 500 companies. I also learned
from a recent news article that you are expanding your capabilities to
further develop your business in Asia. I think it is a very exciting move.”

“I learn that one of your core values is diversity and inclusion. Your
company has done XYZ on this initiative. I personally value diversity a
lot. Your actions were amazing. As a citizen of this country, I really
appreciate your effort.”

Question: What is your strength ?
• Dishonest
• Oversell or over-humble
• Label your strength
• Illustrate with example
• Relate your strength to the role (if possible)

Question: What is your strength?
“One of the strengths was time management skill and ability
to meet deadline. Last year, I had 3 school projects on-hand, I
used Project Planner to track all major activities and I
discussed with my team members to adjust the task priority
when required. Finally, my 3 projects were completed on time
with quality feedback.”

Question: What is your weakness?
• “I have no weakness”
• ”I tend to be a perfectionist”
• “I’m a workaholic”
• “I am an idiot in maths”
• Pick a weakness that
• Is Relevant, but NOT critical
• You are genuinely making attempts to improve on
• Talk about it in a compelling, insightful and positive way
• What is your weakness
• Why it’s important to fix it
• How you’re trying to improve it
Question: What is your weakness?
“One of the things I am working on is my tendency to wait till
the last minute to do things. Now, I would set a project
schedule and a daily to-do list. My goal is to get things done 2
days before the deadline. For example, … I felt this actually
takes the last minute pressure away. I can also make use of
the extra time left to improve my work further.”

Question: What is your weakness?
“I am currently improving my public speaking skills. I used to
be nervous when doing class presentation. I realized that this
skill will be important in my long term career. So I joined a
local Toastmaster Club to keep practicing this skills. Now my
confidence has increased and I was the MC of our Alumni
dinner last month.”

(Video Link)
Question: What are your hobbies?
• “I like watching TV, sleeping, gaming”
• “I am too busy to have any leisure time”
• May showcase your personality & positive qualities
• Talk about why you love the hobbies, and what
skills/mindset that you have developed
• Share 1 to 2 hobbies that you really like to do and have
• Be genuine

Question: What is your hobby?
“I have been learning singing for 10 years. It was tough
journey because of X,Y,Z. Up to now, I may not be able to sing
a song perfectly. What I enjoyed most is the improvement I
have made so far. I am satisfied about it”

Qualities implied → Looking for self improvement, resilient

Question: Do you have any questions for me?
• “You have told me everything I wanted to know”
• “Yes, how about the salary/fringe benefit?”

• Show your interest & knowledge to the role /

company / industry
• Job / development related
• What type of projects will I be able to assist on?
• Next Step
• When would I expect to hear from you?

Question: Do you have any questions for me?
• “What is the culture of the xxx department?”
• “Can you describe what life is like working in this company?”
• “You have just mentioned about the xx project and I find it
very interesting. Can you share it a little bit more?”
• “With the current trend of AI, how will it impact of operation
of your XX department?”

Behavioral questions
• “Give me an example of…”
• “Tell me a time when…”

Give me an example of when you showed

initiative and took the lead

Some Typical Behavioral Questions
• Describe a time where you disagreed with a teammate
on a project / school activity
• Describe a situation in which someone critiqued your
work. How did you respond?
• Tell me a situation where you have to work under
pressure and how did you handle it?

The S.T.A.R. Framework

S - State the SITUATION you are in

T - Describe the TASK you have to complete

A - Talk about the ACTIONS you took

R – Detail the RESULTS of your actions

STAR Framework - Example
Can you tell me a time when you had to manage heavy workload? How did you handle it?
Situation – I worked as summer intern in XXX company last year. My role was to provide
admin support to Team A. There was another admin assistant in Team B but she would
be on vacation.
Task – I was asked to cover the work of my colleague for 2 weeks i.e. I needed to
provide administrative support to two teams, rather than one team.
Actions – Before my colleague left for vacation, I set up a meeting with her to discuss
about the admin practices of Team B and her anticipated work during the vacation time.
Then I created a to do list for myself, prioritize my tasks to make sure that the work was
completed correctly and on-time.
Result – My planning enabled me to provide excellent support to both teams. The team
heads were happy about my performance. They sent me a thank you note
complimenting on my organizational and time management skills. (Video Link 1)
(Video Link 2)
Behavioral questions – Summary
• Prepare your stories around the competency requirements
• Use the STAR model – share stories with positive
• STAR + Learning - if you have to share ”not so successful”
• Practice and make sure your answers are positive, specific
and concise

How you would prepare your interview for this job?

Best Practices – Pre-interview
• Understand yourself & understand the job/company
✓ Research the Company, industry, interviewer (via internet, public info,
your own network)
✓ Analyse the job description
• What qualities / skills they are looking for?
✓ Assess yourself (via reviewing your CV)
• What matching strengths / qualities you can offer? Any relevant
internship, part-time, work experience, projects, volunteering work,
extra-curricula activities?
• Any specific things employer may have interest to know more, e.g. gap
year, low GPA, changing major ?
Prepare your FAQ (General Q and Behavioral Q)
Best Practices – Pre-interview
• Keeping enhancing your professional knowledge
✓ Current affairs, industry trends

• Rehearse interview with friends or your career advisors (say it loud)

• Prepare your interview in multiple languages (English, Cantonese,


• Research about your interview location. Plan your route ahead.

Allow sufficient travelling time.

Best Practices – Post-interview

• Create a positive last impression

• Send follow up email

✓ Show respect to interviewer and your interest in the position
✓ Within 24 hours

• Keep reflecting
(Video Link)

Online Interview
Compared to Face to Face interview :

• Preparation for Questions - Same

• Professional appearance – Same (from head to toe)
• Body language – Same
• Voice / Use of language – Same

Online Interview
Compared to Face to Face interview, additional attention includes

• Finding the right environment

• Setting up the technology and devices
• Eye contact via webcam

Online Interview
Find the right environment
• Avoid public space
• There is stable high speed internet connection
• Quiet and uninterrupted (e.g. noise from phones, family
• Keep your background uncluttered and remove all distractions
• If you prefer using a virtual background, pick a simple style
• Clear your workspace

Online Interview
Find the right environment

• Proper lighting

Online Interview
Proper Use of Technology
• Computer vs mobile phone ?
• Test internet connection, software and hardware computer audio,
webcam, headset…in the location where you will have the online
• Maintain the webcam at the eye level i.e. you do NOT look downwards

• Close unnecessary applications in your computer – avoid distractions

Online Interview

• May have some paper, pen and your resume on your desk
• Log in early. Never wait until last minute.
• Create a professional user name
• Practise, practise, practise

One-way Video Interview / Pre-recorded Video Interview

• “Selfie interview”

• Candidate will record the

video responses to the
interview questions on
your own time.

One-way Video Interview / Pre-recorded Video Interview
• Read the instructions carefully
• Time limit for preparing each question
• Time limit for answering each question
• Can you review your videos?
• Can you re-record your answers? How many times ?

• Make use of practice session

• Meet the deadline; don’t wait until last minute

• Practise, practise, practise

Overcoming Psychological Barriers
• Interview can be a stressful event

The Yerkes-Dodson Law – Inverted U Model

Overcoming Psychological Barriers
Deep Breathing

• To reduce your physiological responses due to nerves

• To calm your brain
• 4-7-8 breathing technique
– Inhale – count of 4
– Hold your breath – count of 7
– Exhale – count of 8

Overcoming Psychological Barriers

• Few weeks before interview:

– Pick a song that gives you energy
– Close your eye, play the song → Visualize the interview process ,
consciously imagine all positive scenarios → generate positive
– Repeat the exercise regularly
• Before interview (e.g. on your way to office), listen to the


• Keep an open-mind
• Make it a conversation
• Be yourself

Interview Skills Series

1 Ace the Interview Build understanding of common

interview questions & tips for success

2 Mock Interview Opportunity to practice typical interview

questions and receive feedback

Mock Interview with a

Career Advisor

Career preparation workshops to help you find & reach your career goal

Ace the Understand job

Interview market &
competitive in employers’ Smarten up
the job market expectations
your Career
Mock Plan
Mock Group
Individual Interview
Interview and
Set career goals
Enhance your
Surviving Job Search Process
Aptitude Test Assessment
Practice Centre

Build up your
Job hunting professional
Launch your
career via Multi-
Media &
Writing a
Networking Personal
Winning CV
CV and cover
Branding &
letter writing
Networking 61
1. E-Handout
2. Q&A
3. Feedback Form


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