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Book 1 – The Key to Carcosa

Chapter 3: The Road Less Traveled

The trio has just left Moonpass' walls, bought horses and gotten ready to find their way
elsewhere. The journey is long and perilous, no matter where they decide to head – who knows
what they'll find along the way?

The Bandit Camp (10+ within 4 hexes of Moonpass)

Stopped along the road by a member of the Guild, the party is asked, as seemingly strong
characters, to help save her pack before it is too late. They have been captured while scouting out a
large bandit camp nearby.

The Misterious Village (Scripted, 8th day)

A heavy mist falls to veil the horizon, and within an hour leads the players to a settlement
not marked on the map. It is seemingly abandoned, though restless dead shamble around. The
architecture is completely unfamiliar even to the Dwarf – perhaps the local temple will have some

A Wild Storm (12, after Village)

A cruel wind and heavy rain force the pack to find shelter. Red lightning occasionally pierces
the sky, and though they risk getting stuck in a cave, it is better than facing whatever force brings
about such weather – or that which hunts within it, should it be natural.

Appendix – Men, Maps and Monsters

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