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Nishant Upadhyay : 1RV20IM031

Problem Statement :

Develop a consulting-oriented book publication aimed at college students seeking

comprehensive guidance and insights into securing placements in reputable
companies. The book will feature a collection of case studies, recommendations, and
detailed accounts of previous company placements, including offered roles and
essential advice for student success.

Double Diamond Illustration:

1. Discover Phase :
a. Understanding Student Needs :
i. Student Interviews & Surveys: Gather insights into the challenges,
preferences, and aspirations of college students regarding
ii. Exploration of Placement Landscape: Analyze diverse industries
and recruitment processes to comprehend the varying demands and
b. Insights and Opportunities :
i. Identifying Pain Points: Recognize specific obstacles students face
in resume building, interview preparation, and industry exploration.
ii. Spotlight on Successful Journeys: Identify elements common to
successful placements and potential opportunities for guidance.

2. Define Phase :
a. Framing the Guidebook’s Purpose :
i. Defining Objectives: Establish the mission of the guidebook to
address specific student needs and bridge existing resource gaps.
ii. Ideation & Conceptual Framework: Brainstorm ideas for case
studies, industry insights, and actionable guidance sections.
b. Prioritizing Content :
i. Content Selection: Choose relevant case studies, industry profiles,
and guidance content based on their significance and relevance to
3. Develop Phase :
a. Guidebook Creation :
i. Content Structure & Design: Establish the layout and structure of
the guidebook, outlining chapters on case studies, industry profiles,
and guidance sections.
ii. Curating Compelling Content: Collect and create engaging case
studies, drafting comprehensive guidance sections, and seeking
insights from industry experts
b. Iterative Refinement :
i. User Testing & Feedback: Pilot sections of the guidebook with
students, seeking feedback on usability, relevance, and clarity.
ii. Content Enhancement & Tailoring: Refine and enhance content
based on feedback, ensuring it directly addresses the identified
student needs.

4. Deliver Phase :
a. Product and Dissemination
i. Finalizing the Guidebook: Complete content refinement, design,
and production of the placement guidebook.
ii. Distribution Strategy: Plan the dissemination of the guidebook via
various platforms or distribution channels.
b. Evaluation and Evolution
i. Usage Monitoring & Impact Assessment: Track the guidebook's
usage, engagement levels, and its impact on students' placement
ii. Continuous Improvement: Gather ongoing feedback, update
content, and expand resources to keep the guidebook current and
Output :

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