3gs170 Help PostInterview

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Post Interview

Your behavior after the interview is as important as your behavior before and during the interview. It is
a chance to demonstrate your good nature and may be your last chance to encourage them to choose
you over another candidate. Here are some quick tips:

Before you leave the interview

 Ask how you may follow up and when they expect to make a decision.
 Ask for business cards.
o Later, add the contact information from the business cards to your “Contacts and
Opportunities” list.

As soon as you are out of sight

 Write everything you remember: names, thoughts, ideas, questions, anything that can help you
get this job.
 Ponder the interview and think of things that you feel would provide more information about
the value you could add to their organization. Write these down.
o What do you wish you had said better, explained more clearly, or answered differently?
o What things did you forget to say or that never came up?

Within 24 hours
 Send a thank you email/letter to each individual person that you interviewed with. The sooner
the better.
o If you do not know the person’s email, send a letter to their name at the business
o If there is anything you wish to add or clear up that might help them better understand
how you will add value to their organization, this is the place.
 Limit it no more than 3 additional thoughts
o Keep it very short and to the point. Do not burden them with a long email/letter.

Example thank you email

Hello First and Last Name,
Thank you for taking time to meet with me today. After learning more about Name of Company and
your vision for the company’s development, I would be honored to be a part of this team.
To follow up on our conversation, state a few more reasons (no more than three) that you would be a
good match for the company (something you forgot to say in the interview or restate some of the
things that you believe they would want to remember).
I am excited for the possibility of joining your team and being be a part of Name of Company’s future.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions about my experience.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Your First and Last Name and contact information

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