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angmesh war fubloe Sthool papergrid

Date: D /2/23
Horme Work
Svbied : Sutnce
Mulhple choicc qucakons
qucokons.. Choo se the correct altunatre
which is the qualik of waske uw atcy 2
(a) Duby looh (6) Foul sMell
c) Bad tastc. Ca) A| of these

2 which is Uscd toilets 9

(a) Cockroa ches
Vermi paDceIrinq
CcoBoth of hese None of thesei

Watr Day iscale bratd

(a)22 Macch Cb) 22 Apsil
e) 23 March (d) 23 Septenm ber

4. chemical Used to dis infect wata

hl orine (6) Nihoqen
Cc) Me hane. ca) Phophak
The tul form of WwTP
(a) ibrld Wide Tzampak
Tzampart faqramae
b) waste wateri TIcat ment Plant
WoskeYS Talent
Ld) None hoe

Ca) Linuid wask
mainly (b) Soltd wask .
(c)Gaseovs was te Cd) ixhore of solidand gas

u/ave ppdvcts oi wact watu ticatmnt 2

7 ohichof
Ca) Bibq
sçlousing eb) slvdge
) Bath binaas and clvde (a) Aerator

sOpen drain syskn i's a datidinq place for which of th

a) Flies (b)' MOs qrito es
AL of thuse

which af the follawing is a paxt of inoxqanit tmpuziHiu

of he
Ca) Peshi°des C6) Ura
(a) Veqelable was te

1eatu pallekd by NOrioUshiyman adtivi kica' Caueea.

a numnber of \ watr o ne ciseaCs he
tollauing i_ not diseasei?

(a) cholera (b) Typhoid

As thma

62 Match thepairs
Column I
Ca) Bar Seren 1 ) Cholerae typhoidd

(b) faint and Slvent (u) Pestida &heibiddes .

Cc) Anaeyobil bactria (i) Removco larqe obicch

(ir) Do not allow frce ow oF
a) Sewcrage
e2 orqaniLimpuzilio (v) peompocc sludqe
() Bacteria (w) Tawport sysknn iof

Q3 Sat whcLher the tollowinq statMent arc tave er false

a) sewaqt is a solid waste wwhih causes watcx
pollutien and Soil pollutton
(b) Vsed wattr wastc wat

Waslt watt r Could be

à) where whdexqzoundsccxAqe syskMs and chse

disposal syskms arr not available Ihe hiqh tost
on-site sanikation syke can be adopkd

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