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School: ……………………………………….. Date:……………………………………..

Class: ……………………………..................... Period: ……………………………........

Progress Check A – page 33

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1.1. Language knowledge and skills
 review some vocabulary learnt in unit 1 and unit 2.
 develop Ss’ phrasal verbs: carry on, carry out, take off, take away.
 practise grammar: tenses: present simple, present continuous, past simple, and past continuous.
 improve speaking skills and pronunciation: talking about a place to visit.
1.2. Competences
 improve communication, collaboration, logical thinking, and collaborative discussion.
1. Teacher’s aids: Student’s book and Teacher’s book, class CDs, IWB – Phần mềm tương tác trực
quan, projector/interactive whiteboard / TV (if any), PowerPoint slides.
2. Students’ aids: Student’s book, workbook.
Performance Tasks Performance Products Assessment Tools
- Choose the words that have - Ss’ answers. - T’s feedback.
different pronunciation of the
underlined sounds.
- Choose the words that have - Ss’ answers. - T’s correction.
different stress patterns.
- Choose the correct words/ - Ss’ answers. - T’s correction.
phrases to complete the
- Choose the correct form of - Ss’ answers. - T’s correction.
- Talk about a place to visit - Ss’ answers/ - T’s feedback/ Peers’
presentation. feedback.
A. Warm-up: (5’)
a) Objectives: review different pronunciation features.
b) Content: Ss pronounce and choose the words that have different pronunciation.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss pronounce the words correctly.
d) Organization of the activity:
Task a. Different pronunciation.
- Have Ss work in pairs to discuss and choose one - Work in pairs and complete the task.
word that has different pronunciation of the
underlined part. (Exercise 4, SB, p.33)
- Set the time limit for 2 minutes. - Give answers.
- Call for answers. - Check answers.
- Correct as a whole class.
Answer Keys:
1. B 2.B 3. D 4. A
Task b. Different stress patterns.
- Have Ss work individually to choose one word that - Complete the task all by oneself.
has a different stress pattern from other words in a
- Set the time limit for 2 minutes.
- Call for answers and explanations. - Give answers and explain.
- Correct as a whole class. - Check answers.
Answer Keys:
1. Annoyed – anxious – selfish – modern 1. Annoyed
2. Difficult – powerless – picturesque – permanent 2. Picturesque
3. Architecture– technology – behaviour - 3. architecture

B. Main lesson (35’)

 Activity 1: Vocabulary (12’)
a) Objectives: Ss revise the meanings and usage of the words they learnt.
b) Content: Ss choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss remember the meanings of words and can use them correctly
d) Organization of the activity:
Task a. Choose the correct word.
- Have Ss work individually to complete exercise 1 - Complete the task all by oneself.
(SB, p.33).
- Let Ss work in pairs to share their answers. - Work in pairs to check answers.
- Call for answers (ask Ss to say the whole sentence - Give answers.
that contains their answer instead of saying the word
or phrase only).
- Check answers as a whole class. - Listen to the teacher to check answers.
Answer keys
1. powerless 7. dunes
2. tower 8. village
3. set 9. crowded
4. local 10. palace
5. worried 11. nags
6. image 12. manners
Task b. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal
- Have Ss work in pairs complete exercise 2 (SB, - Complete the task with their partners.
- Call for answers (ask Ss to say the whole sentence - Give answers/ Listen to their peers.
that contains their answer instead of saying the
phrasal verbs only).
- Give correction. - Check answers.
Answer Keys:
1. carry out
2. take off
3. take away
4. carry on
 Activity 2: Grammar (13’)
 a) Objectives: Ss revise forms and usage of present simple, present continuous, past simple
and past continuous.
b) Content: Ss choose the correct form of verbs.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss use the tenses correctly.
d) Organization of the activity:
Task a. Choose the correct form of verbs.
- Have Ss work in groups of 4 to complete exercise - Work in groups, and discuss to complete
3 (SB, p.33). the task.
- T can use some tools (bells/ color paper/ mini - Fight for answers and explanations to
board/ …) to let Ss fight for answers. For one earn points.
correct answer and explanation, they earn 1 point.
Turn the correction into a fun game to make it
more engaging. The group with the most points
will win.
- Give correction after each question. - Listen to the teacher to check answers.
Answer Key:
1. is always taking 7. looks
2. booked 8. is thinking
3. went 9. checked
4. gets 10. Was she visiting
5. was helping 11. is staying
6. wasn’t sleeping 12. It was Sue that
 Activity 3: Speaking (10’)
a) Objectives: Ss use the learnt vocabulary to produce a short talk.
b) Content: Ss talk about a place to visit.
c) Expected outcomes: Ss can apply the learnt vocabulary words in units 1 – 2 to talk about a place
they would like to visit with family.
d) Organization of the activity:
Task a. Talk about a place to visit.
- Have Ss work individually to prepare a short talk - Prepare a short talk on the given topic all
for this topic: by oneself.
Use the vocabulary words you learnt in Unit 1
& unit 2 to talk about a place you would like to
visit with your family. You should say:
 What place it would be?
 Where it is.
 What you would do with your family there?
 Why you would like to go there with your
- Let Ss work in groups of 3 to share their talk. - Share answers with their partners.

- Call for presentation. - Give answers/ Listen to their classmates


- Ask other Ss to give feedback. - Listen to their peers’ feedback.

- Give feedback. - Listen to T’s feedback.

C. Consolidation and homework assignments (5’)

* Consolidation
- Write a short paragraph (about 80-100 words) about a place you would like to visit with your friends.
You should write: Where you would go; which friends you would like to go with; what you and your
friends would do there; why you would like to go there with your friends.
* Homework:
- Review the learnt vocabulary in today’s lesson
- Do the exercises in WB: page 22
- Prepare: Progress check A (cont.) (page 34 – SB).
a. What I liked most about this lesson today:
b. What I learned from this lesson today:
c. What I should improve for this lesson next time:

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