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Parsons Pleasure is based on the short story which is found in the book, Ah Sweet Mystery Of Life by Roald Dahl.

The story is about a man named Mr Boggis who is an antique furniture salesman. Day to day Mr Boggis would drive around the various country sides of England looking for a unsuspected person of which he could haggle an expensive piece of furniture, and then sell it on for a much greater price. The majority of the story is held in a small farm of where Mr Boggis has found one of the rarest pieces, The Chippendale Commode. He tries to swindle the antique from its owner, but instead it is destroyed in front of him. What makes this story brilliant is the string of lies Mr Boggis conveys to get his prize piece and the unsuspected future of the cabinet in which he tried so hard to acquire possession of. For my minor piece I will set out to submit a small animation, which will present an environment based work of the farm and possibly the room of which the negotiations take place. I wish to do this because I am keen to develop my skills in certain areas such as, lighting, texturing and dynamics. I also want to gain an understanding, or insight into professional compositing tools such as Nuke. I will be looking at the late 1940 period as the story was written then. I will be referencing buildings of that time period and also the life style and technology that was around. I want my final product to be warm and natural, pictured in the scene would be a blend of stone work from the buildings, tress and ivy covering spaces, an overgrown yet a workable space for the farmers. I want to capture all the details that make a scene full of life; I imagined it to be a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

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