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Name Study and Practice Theory

Description This use case represents the process of learners studying and practicing driving
theory in preparation for the license exam within the application.

Actor Learner

Trigger Learner opens the application and accesses the study module without logging in.

Pre-condition  The learner has installed the driving theory test preparation application on
their device.

Post-condition  The learner has successfully studied a specific topic or lesson without the
need to log in.
 The learner has practiced answering questions related to the studied

Name View Results and Personal Stats

Description This use case describes the process where learners can view their exam results and
personal statistics for self-assessment within the application.

Actor Learner

Trigger Learner accesses the "Results" section after completing the questions.

Pre-condition  The learner must complete all questions

Post-condition  The learner has reviewed detailed results and personal statistics for the
selected practice exam(s).

 The learner gains insights into their strengths and weaknesses in different
Name Monitor System Performance

Description This use case outlines the process where a system administrator monitors the
performance of the application to ensure optimal functionality.

Actor System Administrator

Trigger The system administrator accesses the "System Performance Monitoring" module.

Pre-condition  The system administrator has logged into the application with
administrative privileges.

Post-condition  The system administrator has successfully monitored the application's


 Any identified performance issues have been addressed, and the system is
functioning optimally.

 Performance monitoring activities are logged for auditing purposes.

Name Content Review and Updates

Description This use case involves the process of a Content Creator reviewing and updating
current educational content based on feedback and changes in the curriculum.

Actor Content Creator

Trigger The Content Creator receives feedback from learners or identifies changes in the
curriculum that require adjustments to the content.

Pre-condition  The Content Creator has logged into the content management system.
 Feedback from learners or information about curriculum updates has been

Post-condition  The Content Creator has logged into the content management system.

 Feedback from learners or information about curriculum updates has been

UC1:Study and Practice Theory

Activity BR Code Description

(1) BR1 When the user activates the "Study and Practice" button, the system
Load Screen displays the topic and license type selection screen.
If (Press "Study and Practice") =>
(2) BR2 Users can choose the driving license category they want to study for A1,
Select A2, A3.
License Type If (Select License Type [licenseType]) => setLicenseType([licenseType])
The system loads relevant topics or content related to the selected
license type.
(3) BR3 Users choose a topic or section to study the theoretical material or
Study and practice questions.
Practice If (selectTopic([topic])) => loadContent([topic])
While studying, users can press "Start Quiz" to practice.
If (Press "Start Quiz") => startPractice([topic])
The system tracks the number of correct and incorrect answers.
UpdateStats([correctAnswers], [incorrectAnswers])

UC2: View Result and Personal Stats

Activity BR Code Description

(1) BR1 After completing a quiz, users can view their results.
If (Press "View Results") => showResults()
View Result The system displays the total correct, total incorrect, and the user's score.
DisplayResults([totalCorrect], [totalIncorrect], [score])

(2) BR2 Users can view personal statistics on their learning and practice history.
If (Press "Personal Stats") => showPersonalStats()
Personal The system displays the total questions studied, total questions practiced,
Statistics and the accuracy rate.
DisplayPersonalStats([totalQuestionsStudied], [totalQuestionsPracticed],

UC3: Monitor System Performance

Activity BR Code Description

(1) BR1 The system automatically logs information on performance and user
activity to monitor system performance.
Monitor LogSystemPerformance([performanceMetrics])
System Administrators can view performance reports to ensure stability and
Performance efficiency.
If (AdminPress "View Performance Report") =>

UC4:Content Review And Updates

Activity BR Code Description

(1) BR1 Administrators can review the current content of the application.
Content If (AdminPress "Review Content") => viewContentReview()
Review And Administrators can add, modify, or delete current content.
Updates If (AdminPress "Update Content") => updateContent()
The system updates the content and notifies users of the changes.
If (ContentUpdated) => notifyUsers("Content has been updated, please
check again")

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