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ESLSCA Business School

Strategic Management Course

Name: Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed Aly

Mobile number: 01159055519

Assignment No # 2
Q1: You are kindly requested to apply general, financial and non-financial benefits on your own
organization, present the benefits that will be secured under each category. support your answer with an

In our case we will apply the benefits of strategic management on a XY bank.

ESLSCA Business School
Strategic Management Course

1. General Benefits:
There are a number of benefits of strategic management. There are many potential benefits that are
associated with the strategic management which include 1) The future of the bank and how it is being shaped
proactively. 2) taking the right actions 3) Better strategies are formulated.
Having said that, the strategic management will help the management and stakeholders to achieve the goal to
be on of the top banks in Egypt in the next 5 years.
2. Financial Benefits:
Strategic management creates a more profitable and successful organization as it enhances the process of the
bank to become more efficient and reduces costs and increases sales.
Example: Strategic management helps the bank to monitor the cash balances and ensure that the available
cash is being invested in line with long-term goals to achieve more profitability.

3. Non-financial Benefits:
There are many potential benefits that are availed by the application of strategic management other than the
financial ones whereby Strategic management creates a framework for internal communication between the
various departments of the bank to reach a common goal , it also Provides a cooperative, integrated, and
enthusiastic approach to tackling problems.
Example: 1) Enhancing the call center services which will in turn enhance the bank’s position and increase
sales. 2) Strengthens the Human Resources: which will in turn enhance the quality of the bank’s team and
accordingly the bank profitability.

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