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Faculty of Engineering and Technology,

Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur AJ&K 10250 Pakistan
Tele: +92-5827-961008
Fax: +92-5827-961015

Dated: 27. 10. 2023

Ignite (National Technology Fund) is a premier National organization dedicated to promoting an
innovation and research commercialization ecosystem across Pakistan. It is focused on making
Pakistan a player in the knowledge economy by supporting startups focused on 4th industrial wave
technologies and by addressing gaps in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Cybersecurity is key to
achieving the 4th industrial revolution.

This competition will be beneficial to security researchers and academics who can use the attack
data and network traffic generated during competitions as case studies to help model, predict and
prevent real-world security incidents. The below are the major benefits:
✓ Career kickstart and industry recognition.
✓ Social networking amidst fierce competition.
✓ National-level recognition and opportunities.
✓ Professional talent identification and recruitment.
✓ Knowledge sharing and goal alignment.

The first five positions will be provided Top Performer Certificates by Ignite and all the
participants will be provided E-Certificates by the Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Best Regards,

Engr. Prof. Dr. Naeem Iqbal Ratyal

Acting Dean,
Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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