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Team project plan

Online Herbs Shopping Php

Version 1.0
Date: Aug 15th, 2023

TEAM NAME : Five Dummy Guy

MENTOR : Jan Samuelsson
Lê Vũ Gia Bảo
Chu Văn Khiêm
Đặng Anh Quang
Nguyễn Đức Tân

PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name
Project Information

Project Title Online Herbs Shopping Php

Start Date 10 AUG 2023 End Date 27 NOV 2023 Commented [js1]: This should be start and end date of the pro-

Lead Institution International School, Duy Tan University

Jan Samuelsson
Project Mentor &
contact details
Tel: 012345678
Team members Name Email Tel
Trần Trọng Bằng 0935628765

Lê Vũ Gia Bảo 0906888888

Chu Văn Khiêm 0905686868

Đặng Anh Quang 0905555555

Nguyễn Đức Tân 0905679864

Document Title Online Herbs Shopping Php
Author(s) Five Dummy Guy
Date Dec 20th, 2023 File name: Project Plan v1.0 Commented [js2]: Date for first version of document


Version Person(s) Date Description

1.0 5 Dec 18th, 2023 Commented [js3]: Name of who did the update

1.1 Commented [js4]: Date for the update


Team name|2
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name

Table of Contents
1. Introduction: 5
1.1. Purpose of document: ............................................................................................... 5
2. Product overview 5
2.1. Product definition: .................................................................................................... 5
2.2. User:........................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2. User problems: .......................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Prior art: .................................................................................................................... 5
3. Project overview 6
3.1. Project goal ................................................................................................................ 6
4. Work Breakdown Structure 6
Provide a picture of your WBS. (photo is ok) DO NOT! copy a WBS from google. I can tell
when you do… Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. Planning 7
5.1. Product requirements (Product backlog) 7
6. Project schedule (overview) 7
Provide a project schedule. Picture, for example in the form of a Gantt chart. Not with too
many details. Number of Sprints and when in time they will happen and so on. Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Details comes later in your sprint planning. Error! Bookmark not defined.
7. Development Process: 7
8. Team Organization: 9
8.1. Scrum Team Information: ........................................................................................ 9
8.2. Role and Responsibility: ........................................................................................... 9
8.3. Communication Methodology: ............................................................................... 10
8.4. Communication and Report: .................................................................................. 10
9. Schedule: 11
Mentor comment (to be removed later) The detailed schedule is something that you create
over time. You can fill in all work items for a sprint after you have had your sprint planning.
Before the sprint planning you will only have a rough idea what to do in each sprint. So you
can put the overall plan into each later sprint, without the details. For the sprints the start and
finish dates are only valid for the sprint. Not for the activities inside the sprint. Leave it blank.
Ask if you have any questions about this 11
9.1. Detailed Schedule: .................................................................................................. 11
10. Budget: 13

Team name|3
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name
11. Project Risks 14
12. Deliverables 15
13. Individual contribution 16

Team name|4
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name

1. Introduction:
1.1. Purpose of document:
This document provides a summary of the project's objectives, division of work,
the major milestones, required resources, time and overall schedule and budget allo-
cation used and based on the document proposal to build a Online Herbs Shopping
Php application on time, according to requirement and plan.

2. Product overview
2.1. Product definition:

The online herbs shop will allow customers to:

• Browse and search a catalog of herbs, spices, teas etc.

• View details like descriptions, images, uses, and recipes
• Add products to a shopping cart
• Checkout and pay securely via various payment methods
• Create user accounts to save shipping addresses and order history

2.2. User:
Describe the type of user that will use your product

• General public consumers interested in buying herbs and natural products

• Target age groups: 25-65
• Platforms: Website and mobile app

2.2.1. User needs:

• Buy herbs and natural products online

• Learn about uses and benefits of products
• Have products conveniently shipped
• Pay securely online

2.2.2. User problems:

• Difficulty finding good selection of quality herbs and natural products locally
• Don't know much about different herbs and their uses
• Inconvenient to shop at physical stores
• Security concerns with payment

2.3. Prior art:

There are some existing online stores selling herbs, spices and natural products such as:

• Mountain Rose Herbs - Focused mostly on bulk herbs rather than consumer products.
Website not as modern.
• Starwest Botanicals - Less selection than our store. Shipping costs more.
• Vitacost - Carries more mainstream vitamins and supplements not specialized herbs

Our online herbs store will provide:

Team name|5
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name
• Larger selection of herbs, spices and unique natural products
• More information about herbs and how to use them
• Lower cost shipping options
• Modern and easy to use website interface

3. Project overview
3.1. Project goal
The goal of the project is to build an Online Herbs Shopping website with shopping
cart, payments and user accounts within budget $5000 and deliver on time May 7,
3.2. Project Deliverables:
Main features are:
• Product catalog browsing and search
• Shopping cart
• Checkout with payment processing
• User account registration and management

4. Work Breakdown Structure Commented [js5]: Maybe you can add some more tasks that are
unique for your project. This WBS is very generic.

Team name|6
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name

5. Planning
5.1. Product requirements (Product backlog)

6. Project schedule (overview) Commented [js6]: You need to provide a gantt chart with the
Commented [js7]: remove

7. Development Process:

Team name|7
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name
Scrum Process

Scrum process:
Product Backlog:
The process begins with a Product Backlog, which is a prioritized list of all fea-
tures, enhancements, and fixes needed for a product.
The Product Backlog is maintained by the Product Owner, who represents the in-
terests of stakeholders and ensures that the team is working on the most valuable
Sprint Planning:
A Sprint is a time-boxed iteration, typically two to four weeks long.
During Sprint Planning, the Scrum Team (which includes the Product Owner,
Scrum Master, and Development Team) selects items from the Product Backlog to
work on during the upcoming Sprint.
The team collaborates to define the goals and tasks for the Sprint.
Daily Standup (Daily Scrum):
The team holds a brief daily meeting, known as the Daily Standup or Daily Scrum,
to discuss progress, plans, and any obstacles.
Each team member answers three questions: What did I do yesterday? What will I
do today? Are there any impediments in my way?
Sprint Review:
At the end of the Sprint, the team presents the completed work to stakeholders dur-
ing the Sprint Review.
The Product Owner reviews the work and updates the Product Backlog based on
feedback and changing priorities.
Sprint Retrospective:

Team name|8
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name
The team reflects on the Sprint during the Sprint Retrospective.
The focus is on continuous improvement, discussing what went well, what could
be improved, and creating action items for the next Sprint.
Incremental Development:
The Development Team works in a series of short, time-boxed iterations, produc-
ing a potentially shippable product increment at the end of each Sprint.
This incremental development allows for frequent inspection and adaptation.
- Product Owner: Represents stakeholders, defines the Product Backlog, and en-
sures the team is working on the most valuable features.
- Scrum Master: Facilitates the Scrum process, helps remove impediments, and en-
sures the team adheres to Scrum principles.
- Development Team: Cross-functional group responsible for delivering the prod-
uct increment.
Benefit of the methodology:

- Efficiency and productivity

- Consistency and quality
- Communication and collaboration

8. Team Organization:
8.1. Scrum Team Information:
Table 1: Scrum Team Organization.
Full Name Phone Email Position

Trần Trọng Bằng 0935628765 Scrum Master

Lê Vũ Gia Bảo 0906888888 Team Member
Chu Văn Khiêm 0905686868 Product Owner
Đặng Anh Quang 0905555555 Team Member
Nguyễn Đức Tân 0905679864 Team Member

8.2. Role and Responsibility:

Table 2: Role and Responsibilities.
Role Responsibility Name/Title
Describe shortly each role

Team name|9
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name
- Maximizing the value of a product by en-
Scrum Master - Removing impediments, fostering collabora-
tion, and promoting continuous improvement
throughout the Scrum process.

Developer - Delivering product increments All Members

Tester - All Members

8.3. Communication Methodology:

Table 3: Communication Methodology.
Audience/ At- Topic/ Deliverable Frequency Method
Mentor and Team Project Progress Review Weekly Meeting, Email,
member One Drive

Team Member Project Progress Review and Daily Email, Facebook,

Daily Meeting Skype

8.4. Communication and Report:

Table 4: Communication and Report.
Type of com- Methods, Frequency Information People
munication tools (Definition of the meeting)
Communication among in group
Scrum meeting Face to face or Every two Project team
Skype day
Sprint Planning Meet face to Beginning Project team
Meeting face of each
Retrospective Meet face to After each Project team
meeting face sprint

Demo One Drive After each Project team

sprint and Mentor

Team name|10
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name

9. Schedule:

Mentor comment (to be removed later)

The detailed schedule is something that you create over time. You can fill in all work
items for a sprint after you have had your sprint planning. Before the sprint planning
you will only have a rough idea what to do in each sprint. So you can put the overall
plan into each later sprint, without the details.
For the sprints the start and finish dates are only valid for the sprint. Not for the activi-
ties inside the sprint. Leave it blank. Ask if you have any questions about this 😉

9.1. Detailed Schedule:

No. Task Name Duration Start Finish Effort

1 Initial 20 Nov 15 Dec 08 160 h

1.1 Gathering Requirement 15 days Aug 15 Aug 29 40 h Commented [BT8]: Thêm vào các dòng 1.1.2 v.v sao cho đủ 40h
Tương tự với các sprint còn lại.
1.1.1 Gather requirement 40 h Phần này Khiêm làm

2.2 Create Document 5 days Dec 9 Dec 28 75 h

2.2.1 Create Project Plan 40

2.2.2 Create User Stories 20
2.2.3 Create Product Backlog 15

3 Development 42 Dec 29 Feb 27 336 h

3.1 Sprint 1 15 days Feb 29 Mar 21 120h

3.1.1 Sprint Planning Meeting 5 Commented [BT9]: Quang làm phần này

3.1.2 Create Sprint Backlog 5

Design, Code and Test
3.1.5 the following Require- 195 h
ments/User Stories Register an account 100
80 Login Logout 15


Team name|11
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name
Regression test, bugfix-
3.1.7 0h
ing, etc.
3.1.8 Release Sprint 1 10 h Sprint 1 Review Meeting 5 Sprint 1 Retrospective 5
3.2 Sprint 2 10 days Mar 23 Apr 5 80h
3.2.1 Sprint 2 Planning Meeting 5 Commented [BT10]: Bảo làm phần này

3.2.2 Create Sprint 2 Backlog 5

Design, Code and Test

3.2.5 the following Require- 180h
ments/User Stories Buy Herbs 50 Shopping cart 30 Payment 100

Regression test, bugfix-

3.2.7 25h
ing, etc. Regression test 10 Bug fixing 10 Sytem Test 5

3.2.8 Release Sprint 2 10 h Sprint 2 Review Meeting 5 Sprint 2 Retrospective 5
3.3 Sprint 3 12 days Apr 7 Apr 23 96 h
3.3.1 Sprint 3 Planning Meeting Commented [BT11]: Tân làm phần này

3.3.2 Create Sprint 3 Backlog

Design, Code and Test

3.3.5 the following Require- 120 h
ments/User Stories
Graphic User Interface
( GUI ) Security

Team name|12
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name
Regression test, bugfix-
3.3.6 65 h
ing, etc. Regression test Bug fixing

3.3.7 Release Sprint 3 15 h Sprint 3 Review Meeting Sprint 3 Retrospective
3.4 Sprint 4 5 Apr 25 May 2 40 h
3.4.1 Sprint 4 Planning Meeting
3.4.2 Create Sprint 4 Backlog

Buffer for delayed or un-

3.4.3 130 h
planned tasks
Design, Code and Test
3.4.5 the following Require- 40 h
ments/User Stories

Regression test, bugfix-

3.4.7 20 h
ing, etc.

3.4.8 Release Sprint 4 20 h Sprint 4 Review Meeting Sprint 4 Retrospective
3.5 Review Project

Table 5: Detailed Schedule.

10. Budget:
Team name|13
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name
10.1. Cost Person/Hours

Full Name Role Salary Rate

Trần Trọng Bằng Scrum Master & 2
Lê Vũ Gia Bảo Team Member 2
Đặng Anh Quang Team Member 2
Nguyễn Đức Tân Team Member 2
Chu Văn Khiêm Product Owner & 2

10.2. Total Cost Estimate

No Criteria Price Amount Total (USD)

1 Working hours $2 900 1,800
2 Party $5 3 75
Total cost 1,875

Description Amount Unit

Number of members 5 Person
Number of working hours per day 8 Hour
Number of workdays/week 5 Day
The duration of the project 3 Month
Party cost per member per time 5 USD
The number of working days 60 Day

11. Project Risks

Table 7: Rating for likelihood and seriousness for each risk.


Team name|14
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name
1 Rated as very Low 4 Rated as High
2 Rated as Low 5 Rated as Extreme
(Used for Seriousness
3 Rated as Medium NA Not Assessed

Risk exposure = Impact x Probability

Table 8: Project Risk.

Risk Definition Prob- Im- Risk Mitigation Strategy

abil- pact Ex-
ity po-
Estimates of project The plan may be delayed 2 2 4 N/A. Low Risk expo-
planning for the initial estimate of sure
the project.
Requirements Internal contradictions that 4 4 16 Uniform requirements
may exist in the request. prior to analysis.
Important requirements
may be missing from the
formal requirements speci-
Estimated project Time sort of work. 5 4 20 Time project was cre-
schedule ated to be updated and
evaluated regularly.
Programming expe- 5 3 15
Technical pro-


12. Deliverables
Table 9: Deliverables

No. Document Deadline File Name


Team name|15
PROJECT PLAN International School
SPM Team project – 2022 – Project name

13. Individual contribution

Provide contribution level for each team member.

100% = Very valuable contribution
90% = Valuable contribution
80% = Contributed
70% = Participated
0% = Did not participate or contributed

No. Team member Contribution in %

1 Trần Trọng Bằng 100%
2 Lê Vũ Gia Bảo 100%
3 Đặng Anh Quang 100%
4 Nguyễn Đức Tân 100%
5 Chu Văn Khiêm 100%

Team name|16

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