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Machine Learning Foundations

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for Seminar in 6 stSemester.

B.Tech in CSE

Priyanka Singh
Under the Guidance of
(Assistant Professor, DEPT. OF CSE)



SESSION (2022-2023)


SESSION 2022-2023

MOOCS - Coordinator and Mentor

Ms. Senam Pandey



3 WEEK 1 3
4 WEEK 2 4
5 WEEK 3 5
6 WEEK4 8
7 WEEK5 10
8 WEEK6 11

I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide Ms. Senam
Pandey for her exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course.
The blessing, help and guidance given by her time to time helped me throughout the project. The
success and final outcome of this course required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people
and I am extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of my report. All that I have
Done is only due to such supervision and assistance and I would not forget to thank them. I am
Thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance from all the
People around me which helped me in successfully completing my online course.

The following seminar report provides an overview of the Machine Learning course offered on the
Coursera platform. The course is designed to introduce learners to the fundamental concepts and
techniques of machine learning. The report is structured week-wise, highlighting the key topics
covered in each week of the course. Throughout the course, participants engage in hands-on
programming assignments, quizzes, and projects that allow them to apply the concepts learned in each
week. By the end of the course, learners have a solid understanding of the foundational concepts and
techniques of machine learning and are equipped to apply them to real-world problems.

The first week of the Machine Learning course on the Coursera platform sets the stage for the entire
learning journey. Participants are introduced to the fascinating field of machine learning and its wide
range of applications. They learn about the basic concepts and terminologies associated with machine
learning, such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. The week
covers the different types of machine learning algorithms, including regression, classification, and
Week 1: Introduction to Machine Learning
In the first week of the Machine Learning course, participants are introduced to the
fascinating world of machine learning and its significance in data-driven decision making.
This week sets the foundation for the subsequent topics covered throughout the course.

The week begins with an overview of machine learning, providing participants with a clear
understanding of what machine learning is and its applications in various fields such as
healthcare, finance, and marketing. Participants learn how machine learning algorithms can
analyze and extract valuable insights from vast amounts of data, enabling automated decision-
making processes.

One of the key concepts covered in this week is the distinction between supervised,
unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. Participants gain insights into the characteristics
and applications of each learning paradigm. Supervised learning, where models are trained
using labeled data, allows participants to understand how algorithms can predict future
outcomes or classify data based on existing labeled examples. Unsupervised learning, on the
other hand, focuses on finding patterns and structures in unlabeled data, uncovering hidden
insights and clustering similar data points. Reinforcement learning explores the concept of
training an agent to make decisions in an environment by receiving feedback in the form of
rewards or penalties.

Participants also learn about the importance of data preprocessing in machine learning
pipelines. They understand that raw data often requires cleaning, transformation, and
normalization before it can be used effectively in machine learning models. Techniques such
as handling missing data, outlier detection, and feature scaling are covered to ensure
participants have a solid understanding of how to prepare data for analysis.

Furthermore, feature selection is discussed as a crucial step in machine learning. Participants

learn various approaches to selecting relevant features from a large set of input variables,
improving the model's performance and reducing overfitting. The concept of feature
engineering, where new features are derived or constructed from existing ones, is also
explored. Participants gain insights into how feature engineering can enhance the predictive
power of models and capture complex relationships within the data.

To solidify their understanding of the introductory concepts, participants engage in hands-on

exercises and programming assignments. They get the opportunity to implement machine
learning algorithms using popular programming languages and libraries. Through these
practical tasks, participants not only grasp the theoretical concepts but also develop the
necessary programming skills to apply machine learning techniques in real-world scenarios.
Week 2: Introduction to Regression
In the second week of the Machine Learning course, participants dive into the fascinating
world of regression analysis. Regression is a fundamental concept in machine learning that
involves predicting continuous outcomes based on input variables. This week focuses on
understanding different regression models, evaluating their performance, and applying them
to real-world datasets.

The week begins with an overview of regression analysis, explaining its purpose and the
types of problems it can solve. Participants learn that regression models are used to predict
numerical values, such as house prices, stock market returns, or patient health outcomes,
based on input variables or features.

Participants are introduced to the most common form of regression, namely linear regression.
They learn how linear regression models the relationship between the input variables and the
target variable using a linear equation. The concepts of coefficients, intercepts, and the least
squares method for estimating the model parameters are explained in detail.

Moreover, participants explore the different types of linear regression models, including
simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and polynomial regression. They
understand how these models can capture complex relationships and make accurate
predictions by fitting the data to higher-order polynomial functions.

The concept of model evaluation is also covered extensively in this week. Participants learn
about various metrics used to assess the performance of regression models, such as mean
squared error (MSE), root mean squared error (RMSE), and R-squared (coefficient of
determination). These metrics help participants quantify the accuracy and goodness of fit of
their models and compare different models based on their performance.

To enhance their understanding and practical skills, participants engage in hands-on exercises
and assignments. They learn to implement regression models using popular programming
libraries such as scikit-learn in Python. Through these exercises, participants gain valuable
experience in preprocessing data, splitting datasets into training and testing sets, fitting
regression models, and evaluating their performance.

Real-world applications of regression are also explored during this week. Participants
discover how regression analysis is widely used in various domains, including finance,
economics, healthcare, and marketing. They learn how regression models can uncover
valuable insights, identify key predictors, and aid in decision-making processes.

Throughout the week, participants are encouraged to apply their knowledge and skills to real-
world datasets. They learn to analyze data, identify relevant features, build regression models,
and interpret the results. This hands-on experience further solidifies their understanding of
regression and its practical applications.
Week 3: Introduction to Classification
In the third week of the Machine Learning course, participants delve into the realm of
classification. Classification is a fundamental concept in machine learning that involves
predicting discrete outcomes or assigning objects to predefined categories. This week focuses
on understanding different classification algorithms, evaluating their performance, and
applying them to real-world datasets.

The week kicks off with an overview of classification, explaining its purpose and the types of
problems it can solve. Participants learn that classification models are used to predict
categorical outcomes, such as whether an email is spam or not, whether a tumor is malignant
or benign, or whether a customer will churn or not, based on input features.

The most common classification algorithm, logistic regression, is introduced in detail.

Participants learn how logistic regression models the relationship between the input features
and the probability of belonging to a specific class. The concepts of decision boundaries,
logistic function, and maximum likelihood estimation are explained, enabling participants to
understand the inner workings of logistic regression.

Moreover, participants explore various other classification algorithms, including decision

trees, random forests, and support vector machines (SVM). They understand the intuition
behind these algorithms, learn how they make predictions, and grasp their strengths and
weaknesses. The concepts of entropy, information gain, and kernel functions are introduced,
shedding light on the underlying principles of these algorithms.

The week also covers the evaluation of classification models. Participants learn about metrics
such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, which help quantify the performance of
classification models. They understand the importance of evaluating models on different
metrics depending on the problem at hand, such as prioritizing precision over recall in certain

To reinforce their understanding, participants engage in practical exercises and assignments.

They learn to implement classification algorithms using popular programming libraries such
as scikit-learn in Python. Through these exercises, participants gain hands-on experience in
data preprocessing, feature engineering, model training, and performance evaluation.

Real-world applications of classification are explored throughout the week. Participants

discover how classification models are utilized in areas such as image recognition, sentiment
analysis, fraud detection, and medical diagnosis. They understand how these models
contribute to automating decision-making processes, improving accuracy, and optimizing
resource allocation.

Throughout the week, participants are encouraged to apply their knowledge and skills to real-
world datasets. They learn to analyze data, preprocess features, build classification models,
and interpret the results. This practical application enhances their understanding of
classification algorithms and their ability to solve classification problems effectively.
Week 4: Introduction to Ensemble Learning
Ensemble learning is a powerful technique in machine learning that involves combining
multiple models to improve predictive accuracy and generalization. It leverages the wisdom
of the crowd by aggregating the predictions of individual models to make more robust and
accurate predictions. Ensemble learning has gained significant popularity and has become a
fundamental concept in the field of machine learning due to its ability to enhance prediction
performance and handle complex problems.

Motivation: The motivation behind ensemble learning is rooted in the idea that different
models may have varying strengths and weaknesses, and by combining their predictions, we
can achieve better overall performance. The concept draws inspiration from the saying, "Two
heads are better than one." Ensemble learning aims to harness the diversity and
complementary nature of different models to create a more accurate and reliable prediction.

Types of Ensemble Learning: There are several types of ensemble learning methods, each
with its own characteristics and advantages. Some of the commonly used ensemble methods

1. Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating): Bagging involves training multiple models

independently on different subsets of the training data. Each model is trained on a
random subset of the data obtained through bootstrap sampling. The predictions of the
models are then combined by averaging or voting to obtain the final prediction.
2. Boosting: Boosting is an iterative ensemble learning technique where models are
trained sequentially, and each subsequent model focuses on correcting the mistakes
made by the previous models. Examples of boosting algorithms include AdaBoost,
Gradient Boosting, and XGBoost.

3. Random Forest: Random Forest is an ensemble method that combines multiple

decision trees. Each tree is trained on a random subset of features, and the predictions
of all trees are aggregated to make the final prediction. Random Forest is known for
its robustness and ability to handle high-dimensional data.

4. Stacking: Stacking combines multiple models by training a meta-model on the

predictions of the base models. The base models make individual predictions, and
these predictions serve as input features for the meta-model. Stacking allows for more
complex relationships to be captured by using the predictions of multiple models as

Benefits of Ensemble Learning: Ensemble learning offers several benefits that make it a
popular technique in machine learning:

1. Improved Predictive Accuracy: By combining the predictions of multiple models,

ensemble learning can achieve higher predictive accuracy compared to individual
models. The ensemble is often more reliable and robust, as it reduces the impact of
model biases and errors.
2. Generalization and Overfitting Reduction: Ensemble learning helps to reduce
overfitting by combining models that may have learned different aspects of the data.
By considering multiple viewpoints, ensemble models can generalize better to unseen

WEEK 5: Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Neural networks, also known as artificial neural networks or simply neural nets, are a class of
machine learning models inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. They are
widely used for various tasks, including pattern recognition, classification, regression, and
time series analysis. Neural networks have gained significant attention and popularity in
recent years due to their ability to solve complex problems and their state-of-the-art
performance in many domains.

Structure of Neural Networks:

A neural network consists of interconnected nodes, called neurons, organized in layers. The
three main types of layers in a neural network are the input layer, hidden layer(s), and output
layer. The input layer receives the input data, the hidden layer(s) process the data through
mathematical operations, and the output layer produces the final prediction or output.

Each neuron in a neural network receives inputs from the previous layer and applies a
mathematical function, called an activation function, to produce an output. The outputs of the
neurons in one layer serve as inputs to the neurons in the next layer, and this process
continues until reaching the output layer.

Training Neural Networks:

Neural networks are trained using a process called backpropagation, which involves adjusting
the weights and biases of the neurons to minimize the difference between the predicted output
and the actual output. The training process involves two main steps: forward propagation and
backward propagation.

In forward propagation, the input data is fed through the network, and the output is computed.
The computed output is then compared to the true output, and the difference is measured
using a loss function, such as mean squared error or cross-entropy.

In backward propagation, the gradients of the loss function with respect to the weights and
biases are computed. These gradients indicate how the weights and biases should be adjusted
to reduce the loss. The adjustments are made using optimization algorithms, such as gradient
descent, which iteratively update the weights and biases to minimize the loss.
Week 6: Feature Engineering
Feature engineering is a crucial step in the machine learning pipeline that involves
transforming raw data into a set of meaningful features that can be used to train a predictive
model. It is an art and science of selecting, creating, and transforming features to improve the
performance of machine learning algorithms.

The quality and relevance of the features used for training a model have a significant impact
on the model's accuracy and generalization capabilities. Feature engineering aims to extract
relevant information, reduce noise, handle missing values, and represent the data in a format
that is suitable for the chosen machine learning algorithm.

There are several techniques and strategies involved in feature engineering:

1. Feature Extraction: This involves extracting new features from the existing raw data.
For example, in natural language processing, features can be extracted from text by
counting the frequency of words or using techniques like TF-IDF (Term Frequency-
Inverse Document Frequency) to measure the importance of words in a document.
2. Feature Transformation: This involves transforming the existing features to make
them more suitable for the machine learning algorithm. Common transformations
include scaling features to a specific range (e.g., normalization or standardization),
applying mathematical functions (e.g., logarithm or square root), or creating
interaction terms between features.
3. Handling Missing Values: Missing values can be a common issue in datasets. Feature
engineering techniques can be used to handle missing values by imputing them with
suitable values, such as mean, median, or mode, or by creating a new indicator
variable to capture the missingness.
4. Encoding Categorical Variables: Categorical variables need to be encoded into
numerical form for machine learning algorithms to process them. One-hot encoding,
label encoding, or target encoding techniques can be used to represent categorical
variables as numeric features.
5. Feature Selection: Feature selection aims to identify the most relevant features for the
model while discarding irrelevant or redundant ones. This helps reduce
dimensionality, improve model interpretability, and avoid overfitting. Techniques
such as correlation analysis, feature importance ranking, or recursive feature
elimination can be employed for feature selection.
6. Feature Combination: Combining existing features can create new informative
features. For instance, in image processing, combining color and texture features can
provide a more comprehensive representation of an image. Feature combination can
be done through mathematical operations, concatenation, or interaction terms.

The process of feature engineering requires domain knowledge, data exploration, and
iterative experimentation. It involves a deep understanding of the data, problem context, and
the machine learning algorithm being used. Proper feature engineering can lead to improved
model performance, better interpretability, and enhanced generalization capabilities.
Over the course of the past six weeks, we have delved into various topics and concepts in the
field of machine learning and data science. We have covered a wide range of subjects,
including ensemble learning, neural networks, feature engineering, and more. Each week has
provided us with valuable insights and practical knowledge that can be applied to real-world

In the first week, we explored ensemble learning, a powerful technique that combines
multiple models to improve predictive accuracy and robustness. We learned about different
ensemble methods such as bagging, boosting, and stacking, and how they can be effectively
used to tackle complex problems and handle diverse datasets. Through hands-on exercises
and case studies, we gained a deeper understanding of ensemble learning and its applications.

Moving into the second week, we focused on neural networks, a fundamental concept in deep
learning. We studied the structure and functioning of neural networks, including different
layers, activation functions, and optimization algorithms. We learned how to design and train
neural networks for tasks such as classification and regression, and gained insights into
advanced architectures like convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural
networks (RNNs).

In week three, we dived into the intriguing world of natural language processing (NLP). We
explored techniques for text preprocessing, feature extraction, and sentiment analysis. We
learned how to leverage NLP tools and libraries to perform tasks such as text classification,
named entity recognition, and text generation. We also discussed the challenges and ethical
considerations associated with working with textual data.

Week four introduced us to the art of feature engineering, a critical step in the machine
learning pipeline. We learned various techniques to extract, transform, and select relevant
features from raw data. We discovered how feature engineering can enhance model
performance, handle missing values, and deal with categorical variables. Through practical
exercises, we honed our skills in feature engineering and gained insights into the importance
of domain knowledge in this process.

In week five, we focused on unsupervised learning, particularly clustering and dimensionality

reduction techniques. We explored algorithms such as K-means, hierarchical clustering, and
principal component analysis (PCA). We learned how to identify patterns and structure in
unlabeled data, and how to reduce the dimensionality of high-dimensional datasets while
preserving essential information.

Finally, in the last week, we delved into time series analysis, a domain that deals with data
evolving over time. We learned about time series forecasting techniques, including
autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs).
We discovered how to model and predict future values based on past observations, enabling
us to make informed decisions and forecasts in various domains such as finance, sales, and
weather forecasting.

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