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Gulevata Liliya 11-B

Reading 1
1 E
2 D
3 F
4 C
5 A
6 B

1 b doing
2 a took place
3 a went
4 b for
5 b could
6 c build
7 a powerful
8 c agony
9 d led
10 a had not won

Writing 1


1 Complete the sentences and questions. Use the correct form of the verbs in
1 Sandy played basketball with her friends last Saturday.
2 We were watching a film on TV when we heard a noise.
3 If Martin doesn't know about the party, will you tell him about it?
4 Ruth will study hard next weekend because she wants to do well in the exam.
5 Your room is a mess, but we will help you to tidy it.
6 I was really anxious when I was waiting for my exam results.
7 Davina and Harry are marrying at the end of this month – here’s the invitation.
8 Mum made breakfast for everyone while we were sleeping.
9 Kelly won't forget your birthday − she always remembers things like that.
10 You look really tired! I'll carry that bag for you .

2 Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

1)b 2)a 3)c 4)c 5)c 6)a 7)a 8) a 9) c 10)b

3 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 Dave didn't tell the truth about his exam results.
2 It was a terrible journey in bad weather, so we were relieved when we got home.
3 I'll probably give Mum a DVD for her birthday, but I'm not sure.
4 After the long walk, my grandmother was very tired.
5 Maria cut her hand and it bled all over the floor.
6 Tom lives near a lake so he goes fishing every day.
7 The writer won a prize for the script of his latest film at the film festival.
8 Elliot spends too much time playing video games - it causes concern for his
9 Dad wants to be healthier, so he's going to give up having sugar in his tea and
10 The computer company offered Mum a job last week.

4 Complete the sentences with the words below.


5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 entertainment
2 eruption
3 motivation
4 spelled
5 diggusting

Writing 2

I. Choose the correct answer.

In 1873, a grocery salesman named Joel Cheek became interested in coffee and
came up with his own unique blend. Realizing that he (1) had created a fine brew, he
decided to sell it. One of the South's (2) best hotels, the Maxwell House, liked his
coffee and began to serve it to guests; hence the name Maxwell House Coffee. In
1907, on returning from a bear hunt in (3) Mississippi, President Theodore Roosevelt
was a guest of the Ladies Hermitage Association at Andrew (4) Jackon's homestead
in Nashville, Tennessee. He was served a cup of Maxwell House Coffee. Upon being
offered a refill, he remarked on the excellent quality of the coffee and uttered the
famous line, "Delightful. This coffee is good to (5) the last drop." Apparently when
Roosevelt (6) talked people listened.

II. Choose the correct answer.


IlI Use the Conditionals I, II, III.

1 If it snows, the children will play snowballs.
2 If I didn't know English, I wouldn't be able to enjoy Byron's poetry.
3 I wouldn't do it if you didn't ask me.
4 The dish would have been much more tasty if she were a better cook.
5 . He never phones you if I hadn't reminded him to do that.
6 had woken up
7 Were
8 Would open
9 Would drive


Composed in Minimal | Notes.

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