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Common Useful expressions

How are you? How are things going?

How have you been?
Long time no see.
How is it going?
How is your day going?

Great! So far so good!

I’m over the moon!
Pretty good, thanks!

I can’t complain!
I’ve been better!
Not too bad!

Horrible! I’m alive!

I’m hanging in there!
Surviving, I guess!

Thanks a bunch!
Thank you! Thanks a million!
I owe you one.
I can’t thank you enough.

You are welcome! It’s nothing!

Of course!
Don’t mention it!
It was my pleasure!
No problem!
No worries!

Bye! Take care!

Bye bye! See you later!
Good Bye! Later! / Laters!
Catch you later!
I’m off!
I’m out of here!
I’ve got to get going...
I gotta hit the road
Common Useful expressions

How are you? How are things going?

How have you been?
Long time no see.
How is it going?
How is your day going?

Great! So far so good!

I’m over the moon!
Pretty good, thanks!

I can’t complain!
I’ve been better!
Not too bad!

Horrible! I’m alive!

I’m hanging in there!
Surviving, I guess!

Thanks a bunch!
Thank you! Thanks a million!
I owe you one.
I can’t thank you enough.

You are welcome! It’s nothing!

Of course!
Don’t mention it!
It was my pleasure!
No problem!
No worries!

Bye! Take care!

Bye bye! See you later!
Good Bye! Later! / Laters!
Catch you later!
I’m off!
I’m out of here!
I’ve got to get going...
I gotta hit the road

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