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Dogar’s Testmaster 1 Islamic Studies


agricultural output whereas if the agricultural land
Nisab of Zakat for Animals is artificially irrigated then the amount of usher to
be paid on the total agricultural output is 5% of
Nisab of Zakat for Camel the total agricultural output value.
5 to 9 grazing camels for one 1 sheep
10 to 14 grazing camels for one 2 sheep Difference between Usher and
year Zakat
15 to 19 grazing camels for one 3 sheep
year Zakat is the voluntary alms tax levied on rich
20 to 24 grazing camels for one 4 sheep muslims, it is aimed to help the poor.
year Usher is a tax levied on agricultural produce.
25 to 35 grazing camels for one 2-year-old
year she-camel Recipients of Zakat
61 to 75 grazing camels for one 5-year-old
year she-camel 1. Fukra- Includes poor people who are devoid
of wealth equal for Nisab.
2. Masakeen- Extremely poor people who
Nisab of Zakat for Cattle can't even finance their basic necessities.
3. Al-Alemeen- A person or a body appointed
30 to 40 heads of 2.5-year-old male or by the Islamic State for the purpose of
cattle female weaned calf collection of Zakat. It is not a compulsion
40 to 60 heads of 3-year-old weaned calf that they need to be a needy person.
cattle 4. Recent converts to Islam deprived of basic
60 heads of cattle 2 1-year-old calves necessities.
more than 60 heads 1 calf for each 30 heads 5. Al Raqib- Slaves who have agreement with
of cattle and 1 weaned calf for their master for freedom upon payment of a
each 40 heads. certain amount.
6. Poor people trapped in debt given that the
debt is not used for un-islamic purposes.
Nisab of Zakat for Sheep or Goats 7. To those who have to fulfill certain
40 to 120 sheep or 1 sheep or goat obligations but are unable to do so due to
goats For 40 to 120 it is the lack of wealth.
same 8. Ibn e Sabeel- Travelers who might be well to
121 to 200 sheep or 2 sheep do at home but are devoid of basic
goats necessities during their journey.
201 to 300 sheep or 3 sheep
goats Important Islamic Terminologies
301 to 400 sheep or 4 sheep ⮚ Daa'i: A missionary in Islam.
goats ⮚ Dar-al-harb: A term used for the non-
For every additional Muslim world and means "House of War."
sheep or goat, an ⮚ Dar-al-Islam: A term that refers to the
extra sheep is added Islamic world and means "House of Islam."
⮚ Da'wah: Its literal meaning is to invite others
Zakat on Gold and Silver to Islam.
Nisab on Gold and Silver is 2.5% after certain ⮚ Dhimmis: These are conquered people living
conditions are met. Two important conditions are: under Muslim rule.
Compete ownership of Gold and Silver and lapse ⮚ Fatwa: This is an Islamic legal ruling or edict.
of a year on it. In light of Sahih Hadith, the value of ⮚ Batil: void
Nisab is 52 ½ tolas of silver or 7 ½ tolas of gold. ⮚ Diyya: Financial compensation paid to the
family of the victim incase of murder of the
victim or it is the financial obligation paid to
Usher on crops the victim incase of bodily harm or property
If the agricultural land is irrigated naturally by rain damage.
or by natural water bodies such as rivers, streams ⮚ Qisas: is retributive punishment for the
etc then the usher payable is 10% of the total offender.
Dogar’s Testmaster 2 Islamic Studies

⮚ Gunnah e Kabira: refers to greater sins in Islamic Law of Heritage:

⮚ Kiswah – the cover of Kaaba – is laid on the
Kaaba on the 9th of Dul Hijjah – the day
Share of Wife:
when pilgrims go to the mountain of Arafat If they have children then the wife’s share will be
⮚ “Namaz” is an Urdu word hence, it is not ⅛ of the inheritance, otherwise her share will be
mentioned in the Qur’an; instead, the word ¼
“Salah” is mentioned. However, the word
“Salah” is mentioned only 67 times but the Share of Husband:
commandments to offer Salah/Namaz If they have children then the husband’s share will
occurs 700 times in the Qur’an. Likewise, be ¼ of the inheritance, otherwise his share will be
Salah and Zakat together are mentioned 32 ¼.
times. Share of son:
Twice of daughter’s share
Share of daughter:
Half of son’s share
Names of Islamic Months HAJJ:
No. Name Meaning
1 Muḥarram Forbidden Hajj is of three types:
2 Ṣafar Void Hajj al-Ifrad – This refers to performing the Hajj
3 Rabi-al-Awwal The first spring alone without Umrah.
4 Rabi-al-Thani The second spring Hajj al-Qiran – This refers to the one who
5 Jumada-al- The first of parched performs both Hajj and Umrah together while
Awwal land being in the state of Ihram.
6 Jumada-al-Thani The second of parched Hajj al-Tamatt’u – The most common type of Hajj
land pilgrimage and the one Prophet S.A.W encouraged
7 Rajab Respect & Honour his companions to perform. It refers to performing
8 Shaban Scattered Umrah during the Hajj season and then to
9 Ramaḍan Burning heat complete the Hajj between the 8th and 13th day
of Dhu al-Hijjah.
10 Shawwal Raised
11 Dhū al-Qa‘dah The one of truce
12 Dhū al-Ḥijjah The one of pilgrimage Manasik e Hajj (Hajj Rituals):
Day 1:
Sacred Months: Pilgrims will walk around the Kaaba seven times.
In Islam, four months are sacred. Fighting is This is called Tawaf e Qudoom ( Welcoming Tawaf
forbidden during these months except the self ). Then pilgrims head towards Safa and Marwah
defence. hills. They will run seven times between the hills.
 Zul-Qa’dah This is called “Sa’ai’i ( The effort )
 Zul-Hijjah
 Muharram Day 2:
After the morning prayer “Fajr”, pilgrims will go to
 Rajab Mina. They spend the whole day in Mina praying.
Islamic Occasions: Day 3:
In Islam, there are two celebrations. This is the day Hajj. Pilgrims move to Arafat where
 Eid al-Fitr ( Festival of breaking the Fast ) - it they stay the whole day praying and listening to
is celebrated on the 1st of Shawwal the sermon of Hajj.
 Eid al-Adh’ha ( Festival of Sacrifice ) - it is After the sunset pilgrims will leave for the
celebrated on the 10th - 12 of Zul-Hijjah Muzdalifah. They offer Maghrib and Eshaa prayer
combined, in Muzdalifa. They will spend the night
Ramazan: in Muzdalifah.
This month is considered as the month of Fasting,
in Islam. This is a holy month in islamic culture, as Day 4:
the revelation of the Quran began this month. Pilgrims will return to Mina to stone the devil
Moreover, “Laylatul Qadr” ( a sacred night ) is also symbolically by throwing seven pebbles at the
in Ramazan. largest of the three pillars.
Dogar’s Testmaster 3 Islamic Studies

After the stoning of the devil, sheep or goat would Masha’ar-e-Haraam:

be slaughtered. Masha’ar-e-Haraam is the title of the valley of
Male pilgrims shave their heads completely and Muzdalifa. It means literally “The sacred sign”. As
females will clip pieces of the hair. the Muzdalifa is the place where the pilgrimage is
Pilgrims will do another round of stoning the performed, so it is named “Masha’ar-e-Haraam”.
Then they can head to the Makkah to do the Cave Hira:
Tawaaf. Revelation of Qura’an started in the cave hira,
which is located at the Jabal al-Nour ( Mountain of
Day 5: Light), near Makkah. َ َ َّ َ ِّ َ ْ َ ْ
If pilgrim was not able to return to Makkah, he First revelation was ‫ق‬ ْ ‫ْر َبکْال ِذ ْیْخل‬ ‫ُ اِ ق ْراْ ِباس ِم‬
would do the stoning on the day 5 and 6 also as he
َ َ ‫َو َّات ُق ْو‬
, and the last revelation was ْ‫اْی ْو ًماْت ْر َج ُع ْون ِْف ْیهْاِ َل‬
had done on the 4th day. ْ
Before leaving Makkah for their home, pilgrim will Before Makkah was conquered by the Holy
do another Tawaaf, which is called “Tawaaf e Prophet (SAWW), Uthman ibn Talha was the
Wada’a” ( Farewell Tawaaf ) custodian of the key to Kaaba and the Prophet
Sacred Places: (SAWW) gave it back to him. The Prophet (SAWW)
First Mosque on Earth: said, "Take it, O Children of Talha, eternally up to
First mosque ever on the earth is al-Masjid al- the Day of Resurrection, and it will not be taken
Haraam, built by Hazrat Ibrahim A.S and his son from you unless by an unjust, oppressive tyrant."
Hazrat Islamil A.S Uthman ibn Talha is known as “Sadin of Mecca.”

Offering Prayers in Makkah: Mujtahid and Mujaddid:

Muslims used to pray secretly before Hazrat
Hamza embraced Islam. Once he embraced Islam, Imam Abu Hanifa:
he announced that Muslims can offer the prayers His full name was Numan ibn Sabit. He was born in
without fear of disbelievers and I would protect the city of Kufa, Iraq during the reign of Abd al-
Muslims. Malik ibn Marwan, in 80 AH. He was the founder
of Hanafi School of Jurisprudence.
Masjid Quba: His books are “al-Fiqh al-Akbar”, “Kitab al-Aasaar”.
Masjid Quba is the first mosque in Muslim history. His famous students are “Abu Yousuf al-Qazi”,
It is the first place where the holy prophet S.A.W “Muhammad ibn al-Hassan”, and “Zufar ibn
rested after migration from Makkah to Madinah. Huzyl”.
When Holy Prophet arrived village of Quba, he He passed away in Baghdad in 150 AH.
stayed at the house of Hazrat Kulthum bin Hadam.
After several days, he laid the foundation of Imam Malik ibn Anas:
Masjid Quba on the land which was owned by He was born in the city of Madina in 93 AH and
Hazrat Kulthum R.A. died in 179 AH in Madina.
He was titled as “Imam of the Abode of
Masjid Qiblatain: Emigration”.
This mosque is located in Madina, and was built by His famous book is “al-Muwatta”.
Sawad bin Ghanam al-Ansari in 2 A.H.
Imam al-Shafi’i:
Change of Qibla: He was born in 150 AH, in Gaza and died in 204
After migration to Madina, Muslims offered their AH, in Fustat, Egypt .
prayers facing al-Aqsa Mosque. The jews of He was student of Imam Malik bin Anas and Imam
Madina started claiming that the prophet had to Muhammad bin al-Hasan.
take their sacred city ‘Jerusalem’ as the Qibla. This He wrote several books including “Kitab al-Risala”,
arose doubts about validity of Islam. “Kitab al-Umm”, “Musnad al-Shafi’i”.
Meanwhile, the Prophet was irritated to hear such
rumors, and used to look up to the sky waiting for
common from Allah to face the Kaba’ah as Qibla.
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal:
After 16 months approximately, Allah commanded He was born in Baghdad in 164 AH and died in 241
Muslims to face Kaba’ah as their Qibla. AH in Madina.
The mosque where the Prophet received the He was student of Imam Abu Yousuf al-Qazi and
command to change the Qibla, was Masjid Imam al-Shafi’i.
Qiblatayn. His famous book is “Musnad”.

Umar bin Abdel Aziz:

Dogar’s Testmaster 4 Islamic Studies

He was born in 61 AH and died in 101 AH. Caliph Haroon al-Rashid. The famous translation
he has been called "the most pious and devout" of movement was started in that house of wisdom. A
the Umayyad caliphs and was described as the large number of books from the Greec, India, and
first Mujaddid and fifth righteous caliph of Islam. Persia were translated into Arabic. Yaqub ibn
He was also a great-grandson of the second caliph,
Ishaq al-Kindi, and al-Khwarizmi had also worked
Umar ibn Al-Khattab.
in the House of Wisdom.
Books of four Imams:
Imam Abu Hanifa : “Kitab-ul-Aasaar”, “al-Fiqh ul Translations of Quran in different
Imam Malik bin Anas: “al-Muattaa” languages
Imam Shafi’i: “Kitab al-Risala”, “Kitab al-Umm”, Latin Robertus Ketenensis
“Musnad al-Shafi’i” Spanish Julio Cortes, Ahmed Abboud and Rafael
Imam Ahmad bin Hambal: “Musnad Ahmad”, “al- Castellanos, Kamel Mustafa Hallak,
Elal”, Usool al-Sunnah”, “Kitab al-Zuhd”
Abdel Ghani Melara Navio
French Andre du Ryer
Mujaddid Alf Thani:
Imam Ahmad Sirhindi is called “Mujaddid Alf English Alexander Ross, George Sale, Mirza
Thani”. He was born on June 26, 1564 in Sirhind Abul Fazl
and died on December 10, 1624. Urdu Shah Abdul Qadir, Ahmed Raza Khan
He stood against the Mughul heresy introduced Barelvi (Kanzul Iman), Molana Ashiq
by Jalaud Din Akbar. He is called the Mujaddid Elahi Merathu
because he started the movement of purifying Chinese Yusuf Ma Dexin, Wang Jingzhai
Islam and restored its traditional orthodoxy.

Shah Waliullah: Types of sentences in Arabic

Shah Waliyullah was born on 21 February 1703 to i. Khabaria/Mufeeda – which is subdivided
Shah Abdur Rahim Dehlavi, a prominent Islamic into two kinds:
scholar of Delhi. His actual name was “Ahmad”, a. Ismia – a sentence in which the first
but he was known as Shah Walliullah because of word is a noun
his piety. b. Failla – a sentence in which the first
He had completed the memorization of the Qur'an word is a verb
by the age of seven. By sixteen he had completed ii. Shibh Joomla – Prepositional Phrase
the standard curriculum of Hanafi law, theology,
geometry, arithmetic and logic. How many days did Prophet Younus stay in the
He travelled to Hijaz for the advance education of belly of the whale?
Hadith. There are differing views on how long he was
His father, Shah Abdur Rahim was the founder of inside the belly of the whale – some say 3 days,
the Madrasah-i Rahimiyah. He was on the some say 40 days, while some still say he was
committee appointed by Aurangzeb for swallowed in the morning and thrown out in the
compilation of the code of law, Fatawa-e-Alamgiri. evening.
Shah Waliullah had four sons, “Shah Abdul Aziz”,
“Shah Rafiuddin”, “Shah Abdul Qadir” and “Shah
Abdul Ghani”. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed’s acceptance
Shah waliullah wrote a lot of books on several of Islam
topics of islamic theology. Some of them are “al- Khalid Bin Waleed accepted Islam in 627-629 AD
Fawz al-Kabir”, “Hujjatullah al-Baaligha”, “izaalatul i.e. between 6th to 8th Hijri. However, it is
Khifa’a”. believed that he accepted Islam in 627 AD and
One of the prominent work he had done was the joined the Prophet (SAWW) during the conquest
“Persian Translation of Qura’an”. of Makkah in 629 AD i.e. 8th Hijri.
He passed away on 10 August 1762 in Dehli.
Shortest Surah of the Qur’an Surah
Historical Facts: Kausar
Bayt al-Hikmah: It is the 108th Surah, has only 3 verses and it was
revealed for honoring the daughter of the Prophet
Bayt al-Hikmah ( House of Wisdom ) is also known (SAWW) – Hazrat Fatima (RA). The Surah talks
as the Grand Library of Baghdad. It refers to a about abundance. It tells the Prophet (SAWW) to
major Abbasid public academy and intellectual not be upset that he has no sons to continue his
center in Baghdad. It was founded by the Abbasid lineage because Allah has given him Fatima (RA) to
Dogar’s Testmaster 5 Islamic Studies

continue his lineage for him so he should pray to

Allah and thank him and sacrifice a camel in
celebration. Surah in the Names of the Prophets
The Following six Surahs in the Holy Quran are in
Prophet Shu’ayb (AS) the name of the prophets.
The Prophet Shuʿayb (AS) was appointed by Allah 1. Surah Yousaf
to guide the people of Midian in Arabia. These 2. Surah Hood
people were robbers and cheaters who were 3. Surah Younus
blessed by Allah but they still stole from others 4. Surah Ibrahim
and cheated excessively. This is mentioned in 5. Surah Noah
Surah Al A'raf, the 7th Surah of the Qur’an. 6. Surah Muhammad

Sunnah: Prophets mentioned in Quran:

Sunnah is a 2nd primary source of Syariah. 1. Adam 2. Idris
Importance of Sunnah in Quraan: “And we have 3. Nuh 4. Hud
sent down unto you also the message: that you 5. Salih 6. Lut
may explain clearly to men what is sent for them 7. Ibrahim 8. Ismail
& that they may give thought “(16:44) “obey Allah 9. Ishaq 10. Yaqub
and obey the Messenger and those in authority 11. Yusuf 12. Shu’aib
among you”. (4:59) 13. Ayyub 14. Dhulkifl
15. Musa 16. Harun
Importance of Sunnah in Hadith: 17. Dawud 18. Sulayman
The Prophet has reported to have said 19. Ilias 20. Alyasa
21. Yunus 22. Zakariya
 “Undoubtedly, I am given the Al-Quran & 23. Yahya 24. Isa
the like of it (i.e. Sunnah) with it.” 25. Muhammad
 “I have left 2 things among you. You shall S.A.W
not go astray as long as you hold on to them:
The Book of Allah & my Sunnah.”
Titles of Prophets:
Types of Sunnah: Adam A.S – Safiullah
The first type of Sunnah is Sunnah Qauliyah which Ibrahim A.S – Khalilullah
is saying of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to Musa A.S – Kaleemullah
explain about a ruling or to tell the people of what Shoaib A.S - Khateeb ul Anbiaa
to do and what should not. Essa A.S - Messih, Roohullah
The next one is Sunnah Fi’liyah that is all prophet’s Younus - Sahibul Hoot, Zul-Noon
deeds and actions such as religious, social, Muhammad S.A.W - Khatam al-Nabiyeen
administration, family matters and etc.
Lastly, Sunnah Taqririyah is a tacit approval. This is Relationships of Prophets:
the actions or saying of the companions of Plaintiff  Hazrat Ismail was the son of Hazrat Ibrahim
which receive tacit approval of Prophet with A .S
practice by the people.  Hazrat Musa and Hazrat Haroon A.S were
Six authentic collections of Hadith: brothers  Hazrat Lut was nephew of Hazrat
 Sahih al-Bukhari Ibrahim
Imam Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari.  Hazrat Shees was son of Hazrat Adam
 Sahih Muslim  Hazrat Yousuf was son of Hazrat Yaqub A.S
Imam Muslim bin Hajjaj ibn Muslim.  Hazrat Yaqub was son of Hazrat Ishaq A.S
 Sunan Abu Dawood  Hazrat Ishaq was son of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S
Imam Abu Daud Sulaiman bin Ash’at.
 Sunan al-Tirmidhi Qiyas:
Imam Abu Isa Muhammad bin Isa. Literal meaning is Comparison i.e. comparing
something with another.
 Sunan al-Nasa'i
Imam Abu Addur Rehaman Ahmad bin Ali al-
Technical meaning:
“Applying a case whose rule is not found by the
 Sunan ibn Majah text to a case whose rule is found in the text on
Imam Abu bin Abdullah Muhammad bin account of equation of both cases in respect of
Yazid bin Majah al-Kazdini. effective cause of the rule.”
Dogar’s Testmaster 6 Islamic Studies

4 Conditions of Qiyas: There are other angels in Islam, such as IZRAIL, the
 The original case is not a parallel case. This ANGEL OF DEATH, who takes the souls from
means that the new case shall not be the bodies when people die so they can enter the
original case. afterlife.
 The legal ruling should be one which is
based on effective cause that can be ISRAFIL is another angel. It is believed that he will
rationally understood. In case if legal ruling blow a trumpet to announce the Day of
based on effective cause that cannot be Judgement.
understood, qiyas is not allowed.
 There is no explicit legal ruling mentioned by Muslim Spain:
the text on parallel case. There shall be no During the caliphate of the Caliph Al-Walid Ibn
qiyas in case where there is legal ruling Abdel Malik, Islamic forces led by Tariq ibn Ziyad
mentioned by the text. disembarked in early 711 in Gibraltar. After
 Effective cause must be an apparent defeating the king Roderick at the Battle of
attribute. Guadalete, Tariq was reinforced by an Arab force
 It can easily be perceive by sense. led by his superior wali Musa ibn Nusayr and
continued northward. By 717, the combined
Justification of Qiyas as a source of ArabBerber force had crossed the Pyrenees into
Islamic law:
• The majority of Muslim jurists are of the
view that Qiyas is a source of Islamic law. It CITIES OF MUSLIM SPAIN
is relied upon in deriving legal rules.  Cordoba
• Muslims are obliged to follow the legal  Granada  Madinat al-zahra  Valladolid 
ruling Which is validly derived from qiyas. Guadalajara
 Toledo
The justification of Qiyas as a source of Islamic
law is established by the Qur’an and Sunnah.
“O ye who believe! Obey Allah and Obey the  Ibn e Hazm
Messenger and those charged with authority  Ibn e Hisham
among you. If ye differ in anything among  Mundhir ibn Sa'īd al-Ballūṭī
yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger...”  Abu Ghalib Tammam ibn Alkama
(al-Nisa’(4):59  Ibn Hayyan
The Sunnah  Ibn al-Qūṭiyya
There are many cases in which the Messenger of  al-Khwarizmi
Allah (peace be upon him) in response to queries  Ibn al-Saffar
of the Companions tried to give answers in a form  Al-Zahrawi
that was supposed to train them in legal thinking  Ibn al-Kattani
and in many such cases the method is quite similar  al-Mutatabbib
to analogy.  Ibn Abd Rabbih
 Muhammad ibn Hani al-Andalusi al-Azdi
Angel Jibril
Angel Jibril always brings good news. He is
Islamic Learning Centers
mentioned in both the Qur’an and the Hadith. He Jamia al-Azhar (al-Azhar University):
revealed Allah’s words (the Qur’an) to Al-Azhar University was the chief centre of Islamic
Muhammad on the Night of Power so he is known and Arabic learning in the world. It was founded
as the ANGEL OF REVELATION. He played a vital by the Fāṭimids in 970 CE and was formally
role in communicating the final version of Islam to organized by 988. It is considered to be the oldest
humanity. university in the world.

Angel Mika’il Famous Grand Imams of al-Azhar:

The ANGEL MIKA’IL is a friend to humanity and  Mustafa Al-Maraghi
known as the giver of rain and food. He is believed  Muhammad al-Khadi Husayn
to reward people who do good deeds.  Mahmud Shaltut
 Abdel Halim Mahmoud
Other angels  Ahmed El-Tayeb
Dogar’s Testmaster 7 Islamic Studies

considered to be the most important day of the

University of al-Qarawiyyin: Hajj.
It was founded as a mosque by Fatima al-Fihri in Mosque Quba:
857–859 in Fez, Morocco and subsequently The Quba Mosque is a mosque located on the
became one of the leading spiritual and outskirts of Medina, Saudi Arabia. Initially, the
educational centers of the historic Muslim world. mosque was built 6 kilometres off Medina in the
Scholars consider that the Qarawiyyin was village of Quba, before Medina expanded to
effectively run as a madrasa until after World War include this village. It may be the first mosque in
II. the world that dates to the lifetime of The Islamic
The Qarawiyyin is considered as the oldest Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century CE, (1st
continually operating higher learning institution in Hijri ).
the world.
Mosque Qiblatain:
It Built by Sawad bin Ghanam bin Kaab during the
second year of Hijra, it is historically important to
Muslims because it is where the Qur’anic
revelation for Prophet Muhammad to change the
Islamic Places direction of the qibla took place.
Jabal al-Noor: Mosque al-Aqsa:
Jabal an-Nour ‘Mountain of the Light' is a Masjid Al-Aqsa was the first Qibla for muslims.
mountain near Mecca in the Hejaz region of Saudi Historians believe that Prophet Ibrahim, peace and
Arabia. The mountain houses cave of 'Hira' which blessings be upon him, was the one who built or
holds tremendous significance for Muslims ordered Al-Aqsa to be built. It was demolished
throughout the world, as the Islamic prophet during the conquests of Jerusalem. `Umar Ibn
Muhammad S.A.W is said to have spent time in AlKhattab, may Allah be pleased with him, is the
this cave meditating, and it is widely believed that first one then who restored Al-Aqsa. He
it was here that he received his first revelation. recognized the sight but nothing was built. When
First revelation consisted of the first five verses of abdul-Malik Ibn Marwan held the office in the year
Surah Al-Alaq. 66 A.H., he rebuilt Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the
Jabal Uhud: Al-Aqsa is one of the largest and most important
Mount Uhud is a mountain in north of Medina, mosques in the Muslim world, and the earliest in
Saudi Arabia. It was the site of the second battle of Palestine.
Uhud between Muslim and unbelievers. The Battle
of Uhud was fought on 19 March, 625 CE,
between a force from the small Muslim Qisaas
community of Medina and a force from Mecca. Qisas is an Islamic term meaning retaliation. In the
case of murder, it means the right of the heirs of a
Jabal Thawr: murder victim to demand execution of the
Jabal Thawr (Mount Bull) is a mountain in Saudi murderer.
Arabia, located in the lower part of Mecca to the Allah says in Qura’an :
south of the district of Misfalah. Holy Prophet “O you who believe, equivalence is the law
S.A.W stayed here as a refugee with his decreed for you when dealing with murder - the
companion Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A. free for the free, the slave for the slave, the
female for the female. If one is pardoned by the
Jabal Arafaat: victim's kin, an appreciative response is in order,
Mount Arafat is also called by its other Arabic and an equitable compensation shall be paid. This
name, Jabal ar-Raḥmah is a granodiorite hill. is an alleviation from your Lord and mercy.
According to Islamic traditions, the hill is the place Anyone who transgresses beyond this incurs a
where the Prophet Muhammad stood and painful retribution”
delivered the Farewell Sermon, also known as the (Al-Baqarah- 178)
Khutbat al-Wada',to his Sahabah (Companions)
who had accompanied him for the Hajj towards Diya
the end of his life.
Diyya - compensation paid to the heirs of a victim.
The mountain is especially important during the
In Arabic the word means both blood money and
Hajj, with the 9th day of the Islamic month of Dhu
ransom. Diyaa is part of private rights due to the
al-Hijjah, also known as the Day of 'Arafah after
victim(s), and could not be waived by the
the mountain itself, being the day when Hajj
sovereign. For a free Muslim, the diyah value of
pilgrims leave Mina for Arafat; this day is
their life was traditionally set as the value of 100
camels. This was valued at 1000 dinars or 12000
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dirhams, corresponding to 4.25 kilograms of gold, according to Islamic Law, and refers to offense
or 29.7 to 35.64 kilograms of silver. mentioned in the Quran or the Hadiths, but where
neither the Quran nor the Hadiths specify a
Tazir punishment. In Tazir, the punishment is at the
Tazir means"to punish", sometimes spelled as discretion of the ruler, or a Qaadi ( Judge ).
taazir. It is the third category of punishments


Umayyad Era - Muhammad bin Qasim inferior’, with the opportunity to move up in
The very first expansion of Islam into the Indo-Pak
subcontinent came about through Muhammad bin Role of the Scholars
Qasim. It is alleged that Islam spread in South Asia by
Arab trading ships on their way to Sindh had been force. However, if that were true, Islam would be
pillaged and attacked by pirate ships, and to deal limited to a small number of areas today. The
with this problem, the then-ruler of the Umayyad existence of small Muslim communities in far
dynasty, Hajjaj bin Yousuf, decided to send a small reaching areas of countries such as modern-day
military expedition. Myanmar, Sri Lanka etc. clearly suggests that Islam
In 712 AD, a 17 year old general Muhammad bin spread organically throughout the region.
Qasim was given the responsibility of leading the Thus, Islam spread through the region due to
Umayyad forces to deal with the pirates and political expansion along with people willingly
extend their control into the Sindh region. accepting Islam. This second aspect i.e. people
Muhammad bin Qasim led an army of about 6000 willingly accepting Islam, was greatly influenced by
soldiers far into the Makran. His expedition was the Sufi scholars and mystics of the time.
what led Islam into the Indo-Pak region through These Sufi scholars, (the ‘Auliya’, as they are
Sindh. popularly known) served as wandering teachers,
Bin Qasim faced little resistance while on his spreading the message of Islam. They preached
expedition. In most of the cases, cities willingly ideas of peace and compassion which greatly
came under Islamic rule without any violence. appealed to the masses and were thus highly
Even though many among the population were influential in spreading Islam throughout the
very willingly entering the fold of Islam, the then people of the region.
ruler of Sindh, Raja Dahir, opposed the Muslim
expansion and sent his army to deal with the
expanding influence of Islam in the region.
Islamic Reformers and their
The two armies met in the field of battle in the Eminent Work in Indo-Pak History
year 712 AD, resulting in a decisive victory for the (1564-1898):
Umayyad forces. And with this victory, all of Sindh
came under Muslim control. Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani (1564-1624):
● His real name was Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi.
Successive Rulers He was born in East Punjab on 26 June 1564.
He was a disciple of Khwaja Baqi Billa.
The successive Muslim rulers that came to India, ● He strongly opposed the Din-i-Ilahi proposed
such as Mahmud Ghaznavi or Muhammad by Emperor Akbar.
Tughlaq, followed the same pattern of expansion ● He wrote letters to nobles of Royal courts.
as employed by bin Qasim – the Muslim political These letters are known as Muktunat-i-Islam
domains were expanded, while the people were Rabani.
not forced to convert to Islam. ● Sheikh Ahmed was imprisoned in the fort of
The religious or social fabric of the society was not Gwalior by Mughal Emperor Jahangir
altered forcefully. Instead, the population was left because Sheikh Ahmed forbade to perform
to convert of their own free will. sajda to Jahangir however he was released
Since the society of pre-Islamic India was broken after two years.
into castes, sometimes entire castes would ● Later Sheikh Ahmed became a guide to
convert to Islam. This provided people who had Jahangir on religious matters and Jahangir
belonged to castes which were deemed ‘socially built a mosque on his advice.
Dogar’s Testmaster 9 Islamic Studies

Shah Wali Ullah (1703-1762): ● Peshawar was captured in 1830.

● Syed Ahmed was martyred in Balakot (1831)
● He was born on 21 February 1703 in Delhi. when forces led by Sikh commander Sher
He is also entitled to Imam ul Hind. ● His Singh occupied a strategic position at hilltop
father’s name was Abd-ur-Rahim who known as Mitti Kot to attack Syed Ahmed in
established Maderessah e Rahimya. the valley of Balakot.
● He translated the Holy Quran in the Persian

To counter sectarianism he introduced the
Haji Shariat Ullah (1781-1840):
concepts of Izalat-al-Khafa and Khilafat-ul- ● He is well known for his Faraizi movement
Khulfa. He also wrote a book Qurat-ul-Ain in initiated from Bengal.
this context. ● It was aimed at a religious revival. The
● In his book Hujjat-Ullah-il-Bilagah he Faraizi movement tried to uplift the most
identified reasons for the socio-eco depressed class of Muslims by asking them
deterioration of Muslims. to abandon un-Islamic practices and
● Shah Walli Ullah called upon Ahmad Shah emphasis was laid on performing obligatory
Abdali. Ahmad Shah Abdali responded to his religious duties.
call and defeated Marathas in 1761. ● He encouraged Muslims to denounce some
● He introduced the concept of Fak-ul-Nizam traditional practices that were known as
which aimed at the Islamic Revolution. Riwaj. Such as praying at shrines of Saints
● His notable books include Tafhim and Sarat- and adoption of certain Hindu traditions.
i-Mustaqeem. ● Moshin al-Din Ahmed (Dudu Miyan) was the
only son of Haji Shariat Ullah.
Syed Ahmed Shaheed (1786-1831): ● Dudu Miyan organized the Faraizi movement
in a way that he divided Bengal into units
● He was born on 29 November 1786 in Rai and appointed a Khalifa for each unit who
Barelvi. would inform him about the particular units.
● He is well known for his struggle against ● Dudu Miyan strongly rejected the ban on
Sikhs in Punjab and NWFP. cow slaughter and taxes imposed on poor
● He is the forerunner of the Mujahideen Muslim farmers by their landlords.
Movement aimed at the religious and
political revival of Muslims.
● Owing to his struggles he became the Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817-
founder of Tariqah-e-Muhammadiyah (The 1898):
Way of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) )
● He is credited for making efforts to collect ● He is known as the Father of the Two-Nation
Usher (Islamic agricultural tax). Theory. It was after the Hindi-Urdu
● He launched his Jihad against Sikhs from controversy in United Provinces when Sir
NWFP. Syed realized that the gulf of differences
● The first battle between Sikhs and forces of between Hindus ad Muslims cant be
Syed Ahmed was fought near Akora on 21 bridged.
December 1826 in which Muslims defeated ● He is well known for laying stress on western
the Sikhs. Sikh forces were led by Budh education for Muslims and opposition
towards Muslims taking part in politics as it their total ignorance regarding the local
would have agitated the British. culture which are to be blamed. Another
● Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was the forerunner of important work was ‘Loyal Muhammadans
the Aligarh Movement, an educational of India’ in which he explained loyal services
movement. Due to the prominent leaders rendered by Muslims in India. Tehzib ul
that the Aligarh Institute contributed to the Ikhlaq is another famous work of Sir Syed,
Muslim League and the independence aimed at the social uplifting of Muslims. He
struggle, it is known as the “Ammunition of wrote Tabeen-ul-Kalam and Risala-e-Ahkam
Muslim League.” to reduce discrepancies between Muslims
● His famous writings include: and Christians.
‘Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind' (Causes of ● He established Muhammadan Anglo-
Indian Revolt) in which he explained that Oriental College of Aligarh in June 1875 and
instead of laying the blame on the Muslims it was raised to the status of University in
for the War of Independence of 1857 (which 1920.
was the common notion at the time), it was ● Lord Lytton inaugurated Aligarh college in
the suppressive policies of the British and 1875. It was an attempt by Sir Syed to
Dogar’s Testmaster 10 Islamic Studies

engage the British in his educational reforms

for Muslims.
Sir Syed established a Scientific society in
Related Information from
1864. exam perspective:
● Sir Syed established the Muhammadan
Educational Conference in 1886 aimed at ● Darul Uloom Deoband was established on 31
enhancing the scope of the Aligarh May 1866 in Chatta Mosque.
Movement. ● Maulana Qasim Nanotvi is the founder of
● Sir Syed played an eminent role in this movement.
preventing Britishers from replacing Urdu Under this movement the Ulemas of Dar ul Uloom
with Hindi as an official court language in UP established Dar ul Ifta, they acted as a center for
in 1867. social, economic, religious guidance for Muslims

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