Integumentary System

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Word Root and Combining Vowel for the Integumentary System

This is a list of word roots with their combining vowel used for the integumentary system.


Carcin(o) cancer

Cutane(o) skin

Cyan(o) blue

Dermat(o) skin

Derm(o) skin

Erythr(o) red

Kerat(o) horny

Lip(o) fat

Melan(o) black or melanin

Onych(o) nail

Seb(o) sebum, oil

Sud(o) sweat

Trich(o) hair

Ungu(o) nail

Vesic(o) bladder or blister

Integumentary Specific Suffixes and Prefixes


Carcin- cancer

Cryo-, cry- cold

Cut- skin

Cyan- blue

Cyst- pouch or bladder

-cyte cell

-derm skin

Dermat, derma skin

Epi- on or upon

Epiderm-, epidermo- epidermis

Fiss- cleft or split

Kerat- horny

Melan-,mel- black

-oma tumor

Photo- light

-rrhea fluid discharge or flow

Seb- sebum

Strati- layer
Integumentary Specialties

This is a list of the specialists that diagnose and treat conditions related to the integumentary system.


Dermatology Derm(o) means skin

-logy means the study of.

A division of medicine that diagnoses and treat conditions of the skin, hair, and nails.

Dermatologist Derm(o) means skin

-logist means one who studies.

A physician specializing in the treatment of the skin and accessory structures.

Plastic Surgery A branch of medicine that treats conditions of the integumentary system

Plastic Surgeon A physician that repairs, improves and reconstructs damaged body structures.

Procedures of the Integumentary System


Cryosurgery Cryo- means cold.

Cryosurgery is a surgery that uses subfreezing temperatures to destroy tissue. This

procedure can be used to treat cancers or lesion of the skin.

Curettage Curette means to scoop.

Curettage is the scraping of tissue from a surface for microscopic examination.

Electrodesiccation Electro- means electricity.

Desiccare means to dry up.

Electrodesiccation is a technique which destroys tissue by burning it with an electric


Facelift A surgery in which the skin of the face is tightened and wrinkles and other signs of aging
of the skin are eliminated.

A facelift is also known as a rhytidoplasty.


Rhytid- means wrinkle.

Plasty- means surgical repair.

Liposuction Lipo- means fat or adipose.

Suction means to draw or aspirate a liquid or semi-liquid.

Liposuction is the removal of adipose tissue with the use of a suction device.

Phototherapy Photo- means light.

Therapy is the treatment of any disease.

Phototherapy is the treatment of a disorder using light. Phototherapy can be used to treat
skin conditions.

Punch biopsy A punch biopsy is the removal of living tissue for examination.

Skin graft A skin graft is when a portion of the skin is implanted to cover another area where the skin
has been lost.
Skin Lesions, Diseases, and Conditions of the Integumentary System


Acne Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles in which pimples, cysts that are
infected or abscesses occur.

Alopecia Alopecia is the lack of hair due to conditions such as normal aging, skin disorders,
anticancer medications, or endocrine disorders.

Beau’s line Beau’s line is named for a French physician named Joseph Beau.

Beau’s line is a white line that occurs across the nails due to a transverse impression that is
caused by illnesses such as malnutrition or thyroid dysfunctions.

Birthmarks Birthmarks are flat areas of discoloration on the skin that are usually brown or tan.

Carbuncle A carbuncle is a large area of staphylococcal infection appearing as clusters of deep


Carcinoma Carcin- means cancer.

-oma means tumor.

-carcinoma means malignant tumor.

A carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm composed of epithelial cells that invade surrounding

tissue and metastasize to different areas of the body.

Cellulitis Cellular is consisting of cells.

-itis means inflammation.

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin that is localized and characterized by heat,
swelling, pain and other signs of inflammation.

Clubbing Clubbing is an abnormal enlargement of the distal end of the fingers and the angle of the
nail is greater than 160 degrees where it meets the cuticle.

Crust A crust is a hard layer that is formed by the drying of body fluids.

Cyanosis Cyan(o) means blue.

-osis means condition.

Cyanosis is a bluish tone to the skin. This is due to a decrease in the oxygenation to the

Cyst Cyst- means pouch or bladder

A cyst is a closed pouch under the skin that contains a fluid or a semisolid substance.

Dermatitis Dermato- means skin.

-itis means inflammation.

Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin.

Ecchymosis Ecchymosis is an area of bluish discoloration on the skin caused by the spilling of blood
into the subcutaneous tissue caused by some type of trauma to the area. Ecchymosis is also
known as a bruise.

Eczema Eczema is dermatitis of unknown cause.

Erythema Erythem(o) means red

Erythema is a reddish color to the skin. This occurs when there is a rush of blood to the
surface of the skin. Erythema is usually associated with a fever or some type of localized

Fissure Fiss- means cleft or split.

A fissure is a cleft or a groove of the skin.

Folliculitis Folliculitis is the inflammation of the hair follicle.

Freckle Freckles are patches of melanin pigmentation that occur normally or when the skin is
exposed to the sun in some patients.

Furuncle A furuncle is a staphylococcal infection that originates from the hair follicle.

Hemangioma Hemangi- means a condition of the blood vessel or a collection of blood vessels.

-oma means tumor.

A hemangioma is a benign tumor that is a collection of blood vessels.

Hematoma Hemat(o) means blood or blood vessel.

-oma means tumor.

A hematoma is a collection of blood that is trapped in the skin tissue that is a result of

Herpes Simplex Herpes Simplex is an infection that is caused by the herpes simplex virus that affects the
skin and nervous system.

Jaundice Jaundice is a yellow tint to the skin, mucous membranes or the sclera of the eye. This is due
to increased levels of serum bilirubin in the blood.

Keloid Kel- is a tumor or fibrous growth.


A keloid is an overgrowth of scar tissue after an injury or surgery.

Keratosis Actinic means ray or radiation.


Keratosis is an area of the skin that is overgrown or thickened.

Actinic keratosis is thickening of the outer layer of the skin caused by prolonged exposure
to sunlight.

Macule A macule is a discoloration of the skin that is flat and level with the skin.

Melanoma Melan(o) pertains to melanocytes.

-oma means tumor.

A melanoma is a malignant neoplasm of the skin that is composed of melanocytes.

Mole Moles are an excessive growth of melanocytes. They are usually small, smooth and

Nodule Nod- means knot.

A nodule is a small node-like structure that is solid and elevated.

Onycholysis Onych(o) means the nail.

-lysis is the process of loosening.

Onycholysis is the loosening or separation of a nail from its bed.

Pallor Pallor is when there is a loss of the pinkish tones of the skin due to the lack of blood flow
to the surface of the skin or a decrease in blood cells. The skin takes on a whitish color.

Papule A papule is a skin lesion that is small, solid and raised caused by thickening of the

Petechiae Petechiae are tiny red or purple spots on the skin that are due to numerous tiny hemorrhages
in the dermal layer.

Pruritus Pruritus is itchy skin.

Psoriasis Psoriasis is a skin disorder that is chronic and is characterized by red patchy areas that is
also covered by a dry silvery scale.

Purpura Prupur- means purple.

Purpura is a bleeding disorder that is due to hemorrhage into the tissue of the skin which
causes ecchymosis or petechiae.

Pustule A pustule is a small elevation on the skin that contains pus, a creamy viscous fluid.

Scale A scale is a thin flake of epithelium that has keratinized.


Scar tissue Scar tissue is skin that is replaced by collagen fibers that do not contain any accessory
organs that the layers of the skin normally contain.

Seborrhea Seb- means sebum.

-rrhea means fluid discharge or flow.

Seborrhea is an overproduction of sebum which causes excessive oiliness.

Ulcer An ulcer is a crater in the skin as a result of necrosis. An ulcer can be shallow or deep and
can be accompanied by an infection or inflammation.

Urticaria Urticaria is a skin eruption that has wheals of various shapes that have red margins and a
pale center.

Vesicle Vesic(o) means bladder or blister.

A vesicle is a small bladder or blister that contains a clear fluid.

Vitiligo Vitiligo is a skin disease of unknown caused that is benign and characterized by irregular
patches of skin that lack pigment.

Wheal A wheal is an area of the skin that is slightly raised and appears either redder or paler than
the surrounding skin.

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