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ESci 117- Engineering Data Analysis

Exercise 8

Module 9: Simple Linear Regression Analysis

INSTRUCTION: Answer the following as indicated. Show your solution. Make your work as neat
and systematic as possible.

Day High Temperature Peak Load

1 93 214
2 80 152
3 88 156
4 79 129
5 97 254
6 98 266
7 91 210
8 93 204
9 91 213
10 85 150

1. Consider the above data variables with n = 10 days. Plot a scatter diagram of the data on
the peak power load for a power plant and the daily high temperature. Does it appear that
there is a linear relationship between the two variables?
2. Compute for the sample Pearson product moment correlation coefficient between the
peak power load for a power plant and the daily high temperature. What does the
estimated value of the correlation coefficient indicate? Does this support your observation
in 1?
3. Test the null hypothesis that 𝜌 is 0 using a 0.05 level of significance. Follow the steps in
hypothesis testing. State your conclusion based on the correlation problem in 1.
4. Fit a simple regression model to the data in 1.
5. Construct a 95% confidence interval on the unknown regression coefficients, 𝛽0 and 𝛽0 in
4. And perform the tests of significance on the estimated regression coefficients using the
confidence intervals constructed.
6. Compute for the coefficient of determination (𝑅 2 ) of the estimated model in 4 and interpret.
7. Using your estimated simple linear regression model in 4, perform diagnostic checking by
plotting the residuals against the values of X. What conclusion can you draw? Explain.

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