FC Hotkeys

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All Rights
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Table of Contents
1 Hotkey Use in Flashpoint Campaigns ................... 4
1.1 About Rebinding Hotkeys ....................................... 4
2 Hotkey Listings ....................................................... 5
2.1 Function Hotkeys ...................................................... 5
2.2 Current Shortcut Keys .............................................. 5
2.3 Map Scale Hotkeys .................................................... 6
2.4 Shift-Click for LOS Use .............................................. 6
2.5 Selecting Multiple Units ........................................... 6
3 Flashpoint Campaigns Credits ............................... 7
3.1 On Target Simulations Team................................... 7
3.2 Cold War Contributors/Testers ............................... 7
3.3 Cold War Beta Testers .............................................. 7
3.4 Matrix Production Manager .................................... 7
OTS on the Web ........................................................... 8

October 30, 2022 On Target Simulations, LLC Table of Contents 3

The in-game Help Menu can call up this document.
1 Hotkey Use in Flashpoint Campaigns
As with most software, Flashpoint Campaigns - Cold War (FCCW) has
many predefined Hotkeys that substitute menu functions or speed
button clicks to perform various actions in the simulation.
The following section shows the keys and effects currently supported.
There are a few Available keys left in the listing, and new functions may
be added in the future. Hotkeys are also noted in the various menus
within the simulation.

1.1 About Rebinding Hotkeys

Due to the nature of the code, the colossal number of hotkeys, and how
deep all these hotkeys are embedded in many functions and procedures,
there is currently no way to rebind keys within the game.
If there is a means to make this dynamic in the future, we will revisit the
code and look at what it might take to work.

October 30, 2022 On Target Simulations, LLC Hotkey Use in Flashpoint Campaigns 4
2 Hotkey Listings Ctrl+C - Show % Cover on the map
Ctrl+D - Show Range Rings: Spottable, Spotting, Effective Weapon,
The following sections cover the Function Keys, Shortcut keys, and Map
Maximum Weapon, Command as appropriate for the selected unit
Scale Hotkeys.
The information has the following format:
Ctrl+E - Show Map Elevations
KEY – Game Function (Any information) [Speed button name]
Ctrl+F - Toggle Map Ruler On/Off

2.1 Function Hotkeys Ctrl+G - Toggle Map Markers (not kills or craters) on/off

F1 - Open FM Folder (View Game Documents) Ctrl+H - Bring all HQ units to the top of Stacks

F2 - Set User Preferences Ctrl+I - Toggle NATO Symbols on Counters On/Off

F3 - Show Game Difficulty Settings (Read Only) Ctrl+J - Toggle Large NATO Symbols on Counters On/Off

F4 – View Unit Dashboard Ctrl+K - SOP Manager

F5 - Toggle Core Floating Panels On/Off Ctrl+L - Show LOS area [LOS]

F6 - View Subunit Inspector Ctrl+M - Show/Hide Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO)

F7 - Toggle Radio/OOB Panel On/Off Ctrl+N - Go to the next unit in OOB Tree

F8 - Toggle Off Map Assets (OMA) Panel On/Off Ctrl+O - Spottable From Overlay

F9 – Start/Pause/Resume Turn Resolution (In-Game Only) Ctrl+P - Show unit movement path

Shift+F9 - Replay Previous Turn Resolution (In-Game Only) Ctrl+Q - Toggle Sound Effects on/off

F10 – Toggle between Spotlight View Formats Ctrl+R - Rotate stack

Shift+F10 – Toggle between split and single Spotlight View Formats Ctrl+S - Select stack
Ctrl+T - Show hex movement hindrance ratings
2.2 Current Shortcut Keys Ctrl+U - Clear map of units
Escape “esc” – Pause game turn resolution, cancel the current Order in Ctrl+V - Hide all victory point markers
the Orders Phase, or if not in Orders mode, then cancel current active
overlays. Ctrl+W - Show “core” units with a “C” in the center of the counter
(ScenEd only)
Num pad “+” - Speed up game turn resolution (In-Game Only)
Ctrl+W - Show hex Concealment ratings (In-Game Only)
Num Pad “-” - Slow down game turn resolution (In-Game Only)
Ctrl+X – Chain-of-Command Overlay
Ctrl+A - Show all friendly paths [Paths]
Ctrl+Y - Show sighted enemy by the selected unit
Ctrl+B - Go back one unit in OOB Tree

October 30, 2022 On Target Simulations, LLC Hotkey Listings 5

Ctrl+Z – Full Map Screen Capture • CTRL-CLICK: Holding down the Ctrl key and selecting a unit will
automatically select all of the unit's siblings and their local HQ.
2.3 Map Scale Hotkeys
Ctrl+3 - Scale map at 130%
Ctrl+2 - Scale map at 120%
Ctrl+1 - Scale map at 110%
Ctrl+0 - Scale map at 100%
Ctrl+9 - Scale map at 90%
Ctrl+8 - Scale map at 80%
Ctrl+7 - Scale map at 70%
Ctrl+6 - Scale map at 60%
Ctrl+5 - Scale map at 50%
Ctrl+4 - Scale map to current screen size
NumPad 5 – Center map on the active unit (to map edge limits)

2.4 Shift-Click for LOS Use

With the LOS Overlay Tool active, you can select a unit with the mouse
to see the line of sight overlay for that unit. You can also Shift-Click on
an empty hex and see the basic line of sight from that location. You can
select any number of hexes with the overlay tool active.

2.5 Selecting Multiple Units

• SHIFT-Click: Holding down the Shift key while clicking any number
of units will select those units. This selection helps give an order to
the selected group.
• ALT-Click: Holding down the Alt key and selecting an HQ unit will
automatically select all subordinate units to that HQ. If you select a
high HQ, all HQs under that command and all subordinates will be

October 30, 2022 On Target Simulations, LLC Hotkey Listings 6

3 Flashpoint Campaigns Credits
3.1 On Target Simulations Team
• Lead Programmer and Head Honcho: Robert "Ironman" Crandall
• Data, Programming, Graphics, and Sound: Jim "Cap’n Darwin” Snyder
• Programming, Data, Models, and Research: Jeff “Iron Mike Golf” Sugden
• Map Master, Programmer, AI, and Graphics: William van der Sterren
• Quality Czar and Testing Lead: Charles “The Whip” Belva
• Scenario and Campaign Design Lead: Joao Lima

3.2 Cold War Contributors/Testers

• Alexander “Stimpak” Schwarz, Bryan “Tazak” Jones, Mike “MikeJ19” Johnstone, David “22sec” Whitt, Jurrie van der Zwaan,
Don “Dovs” Lazov, Craig “CTCharger” Truesdell, Terry Barnes, and Steve Overton

3.3 Cold War Beta Testers

• Alexander “Lomo7j” Shestakov, Bas “Baskaatje” Kreuger, Calvin Breaker, ||CptMiller||, Dario Miroli, Dave Duckett, David
“ultradave” Anderson, Doug Miller, Durkik "gucciflocka97" Koth, Eemeli “Kurrestan” Sorri, Eric Estes, Exsonic01, Gary
Bezant, Gary Heintz, Harry “harry_vdk” van der Kooij, Henry Simpson, Howard Rigg, Hoyt Burrass, Ian Strauss, Jack Herling,
James Cleeter, Jing “cristianwj” Wang, John “JohnO” Osborne, Jorgen “Jotte” Torgersson, Jo van der Pluym, Jonas Solberg,
Justin Wonderlick, Kamyar Ashfar, Marc Bellizzi, MadGuard, Mark “nelmsm” Nelms, Maxime Lemieux, Nefron, Panta
“Panta_slith” Astiazaran, Patrick Walker, PullG, Reto “rgeiger” Geiger, Richard “The Plodder” Lloyd, Ringtailhawk, Robert
“rsallen64” Allen, Searry, Shannon “ObfuscatedJava” Morgan, Stas “StasSche” Schebetov, TarkError, Todd “sfbaytf” Fong,
Todd Bergquist, Tommi “Tomcatter” Saarainen, Tyler "daddywarlord" Knapp, Ai “Xavier Jot” Zhang

3.4 Matrix Production Manager

• Erik Rutins – The man behind the curtain keeping us on task!

October 30, 2022 On Target Simulations, LLC Flashpoint Campaigns Credits 7

OTS on the Web
OTS Website: http://www.ontargetsimulations.com/
OTS Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ontargetsimulations
Matrix Games Forum: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tt.asp?forumid=1197
Check Us Out on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/3302720/

October 30, 2022 On Target Simulations, LLC Flashpoint Campaigns Credits 8

© 2022 On Target Simulations, LLC. All Rights
Reserved. The images used and OTS Logo are
property of On Target Simulations, LLC. All other
marks and trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

October 30, 2022 On Target Simulations, LLC Copyright Statement 9

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