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Exam Framework for CQI and IRCA Lead Auditor and Conversion Courses

Lead Auditor Exams

Exam duration: 1hr 45 minutes

Total number of items: 40

Total marks available: 80

Learners must achieve the minimum pass mark for each domain and an overall score of 40 marks (50%)

Open book exam. Learners will require access to the relevant ISO standards (electronic or paper copy permitted).

Link to learning Number Item

Min. pass Generic (G)
outcomes of Number of difficulty
Domain mark for or Scheme
Domain area (LOs)and marks questions (Blooms
number each Specific
enabling per per domain taxonomy
domain (SS) item?
objectives (EOs) domain level)

Concepts and
principles of 6
(sample from all
1 Management 8 (2 x 2 mark, 3 G & SS Understand
EOs: 2.1.1 –
Standards and 4 x 1 mark)
Audit concepts 6
(sample from all
2 and auditor 8 (2 x 2 mark, 3 G Apply
EOs: 2.2.1 –
responsibilities 4 x 1 mark)
Planning the LO3 (2 x 2 mark,
3 8 3 SS Apply
audit (EO 2.3.1) 4 x 1 mark)
Conducting the (8 x 3 mark, Apply,
4 (EO 2.3.2– 36 14 G & SS
audit 6 x 2 mark) Evaluate
Reporting and LO3
(4 x 3 mark,
5 closing out the (EOs 2.3.5, 20 8 SS Evaluate
4 x 2 mark)
audit 2.3.6)

Recommended time allocation

Domain 1: 10 minutes
Domain 2: 10 minutes
Domain 3: 10 minutes
Domain 4: 45 minutes
Domain 5: 30 minutes

CQI-IRCA Lead Auditor & Auditor Conversion Course Exam Framework v8 240822
Auditor Conversion exams (domain 2 removed as covers generic 19001 requirements)
Exam duration: 1 hour 35 mins

Total number of items: 34

Total marks available: 72

Learners must achieve the minimum pass mark for each domain and an overall score of 36 marks (50%)

Open book exam. Learners will require access to the relevant ISO standards (electronic or paper copy permitted).

Link to learning Number Min.

Number Generic (G)
outcomes of pass Item difficulty
Domain of marks or Scheme
Domain area (LOs)and questions mark (Blooms
number per Specific
enabling per for each taxonomy level)
domain (SS) item?
objectives (EOs) domain domain

Concepts and
LO1 6
principles of
(sample from all (2 x 2
1 Management 8 3 G & SS Understand
EOs: 2.1.1 – mark, 4 x
Standards and
2.1.4) 1 mark)
Planning the LO3 (2 x 2
3 8 mark, 4 x 3 SS Apply
audit (EO 2.3.1)
1 mark)
(8 x 3
Conducting the LO3
4 36 mark, 6 x 14 G & SS Apply, Evaluate
audit (EO 2.3.2– 2.3.4)
2 mark)

Reporting and LO3 (4 x 3
5 closing out the (EOs 2.3.5, 20 mark, 4 x 8 SS Evaluate
audit 2.3.6) 2 mark)

Recommended time allocation

Domain 1: 10 minutes
Domain 3: 10 minutes
Domain 4: 45 minutes
Domain 5: 30 minutes

CQI-IRCA Lead Auditor & Auditor Conversion Course Exam Framework v8 240822
Use of situations and scenarios
A situation is a brief description of an event, linked to a single item.

A scenario has more detail/context and has several linked items.

• Domains 1-3:
Situation items are permitted, not scenarios. Items must be worth 1 or 2 marks each.

• Domain 4:
Only use scenarios. Each item must be based on a scenario, but each item must be standalone. However, the
scenario can be used for multiple items. Items must be worth 3 marks or 2 marks each.

• Domain 5:
Only use scenarios. Each item must be based on a scenario, but each item must be standalone. However, the
scenario can be used for multiple items. Items must be worth 3 marks or 2 marks each.

Partial marks

Partial marks are given for all items.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

CQI-IRCA Lead Auditor & Auditor Conversion Course Exam Framework v8 240822

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