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When you sell your soul for a TV

Written the december the eleventh 2023 by Garnier Néven and Bardet Valentin

Black Friday !
A great day for everyone wants to buy things
and spend money. But who knows really what
that is ?

At the start that was a religious holyday

because one day before the black Friday, it’s
Thanksgiving, the fourth Thursday of November.
It’s a day of giving and splitting to be grateful
for Natives Americans did for their ancestors.

Last year in America Black Friday brought

consumers to spend an average of $321 each,
according to NRF, bringing the total to more
than $60 billion. Moreover, online sales on
Cyber Monday alone reached $12.4 billion, up
9.6% year -on-year, according to a survey by
Adobe Analytics. In detail, during the five-day
Thanksgiving period, 121.4 million people
physically visited a retail outlet ( -1%), fewer
than the 134.2 million US residents who shopped
online (+3%), some of whom used both options. source : Pocketstop

After numbers, facts !

Black Friday is a good way for the brands and shops to solds a lot and generate money.
Therefore, it’s a good period for customers because they can buy things they want with a
cheap price. A good deal for both ! Shops and people are satisfacted.
Unfortunately, Black Friday is not all rosy there is some bad side too to this period of the year.
Like says at the start, that’s was a part of Thanksgiving, a religious holiday, but now it’s just an
economic thing. In Europe, the B.F is during 2 weeks or more, Thanksgiving not exist in UE.
There are dead too. For instance, a Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death by a crowd of
customers. He was just opening the doors shop in the morning of B.F and was knocked down
by peoples.
Buy Noting Day
To continue there exists an alternative to Black Friday : Buy Noting Day.
This event was created to criticise the excessive expenses of Black Friday, like the people
who get ready to sell their soul for a TV...
But the event is not really done by people, they don't care about, it's bad considerate.
Moreover, thanks for informations about people who work in it, main TV channels refuse
to broadcast the add of BnD in reason why that can't be really efficient.
The creator of Bnd (create in 1991) thinks the project will work in the futur and say :
"People should do the BnD, they should boycott the holiday season shopping".
Finally, according to the ad, that denounce consummation, the situation is worrying
because the average American consumes the most in the world : 5 times more than a
Mexican and 30 times more than an Indian.

source : Wikipedia

In conclusion,
During Black Friday people just spend money for
things with a low price and some of them are
ready to kill for purchase. You are satisfacted to
get things you want but you have sold your soul
and lose your money. At the end, who is the
luckier in the story, you or the brand and the
newspaper ? If you prefer to save your soul,
participate in the Buy nothing Day and keep your
money safe.

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