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1. Title : Enter Title of the Blog/Article.

2. Main Image: URL of the main Image. ( for the image shown at the top of the blog).
Case 1: If writing a new blog then paste the url of a sample image provided below.
Case 2: If the image has been provided by offtheweb team then use the URL of that image.
Case 3: If rewriting the blog published from an older editor then use the URL of the image
used in that blog.

Sample Image URL-

If Case 3 is applicable, below steps can be followed to get the Image URL -.
1. Go to search for the blog which is to be rewritten in a new editor and
open it.
2. Right click on the main Image (Image at the top) and select open image in the new tab.
3. Copy the url from the new tab and use it as a url for main Img.

4. Keywords: Include all the relevant keywords from the spreadsheet provided to you. (separated by
Example - chatGpt, AI, Technology

5. Description: Write the description for which the blog/article is related to.
Tips:- 1) Must include 2-3 keywords.
2) Can be same as Introduction.

6. Category: Select the appropriate category from the dropdown related to the blog/article.
Blog/Article writing

Title : Use Heading1 for the title.

1. Font = Helvetica (by default).
2. Font Size = Select Heading1 and no need to change the size.

Heading : Use Heading2 for heading.

1. Font = Helvetica (by default).
2. Font Size = Select Heading2 and no need to change the size.

Subheading : Use Heading3 for heading.

1. Font = Helvetica (by default).
2. Font Size = Select Heading3 and no need to change the size.

Paragraph : Select Paragraph from dropdown for paragraph writing.

1. Font = Times new roman.
2. Font size = 18px .
Tips:- 1) Press enter for New paragraph.
2) Press Shift + enter for New line.

Bullet List or Numbered List :

1. Tap on a particular option (Bullet List / Numbered List) to activate.
2. Press Enter: Next Bullet point.
a. Press Tab: Nested Bullet point.
Imp Note
-> Press enter to create the next bullet point.
-> If a new paragraph is required inside the bullet list/ numbered list then press shift+enter.

Note : please do not add extra space anywhere in the blog. Space will be automatically implemented
accordingly especially before and after Image, so do not add space from your side.
Note:- All the keywords must be included in the blog/article with a meaningful sentence, do not
just copy and paste the keyword in the blog.
To know about keyword selection go to page no - 9.

You Don’t need to create an index, It will be created automatically. The headings, especially
Heading2 will automatically be used in the index.

Note : Use at least 4-5 Heading2 headings so that the index can be created. If you do not use
Heading2 for your heading it will not add that heading in the index so you must use Heading2 for
To insert an image

To insert an image in your blog please go to the insert section and select image option and it will
open a popup insert the url and you are done. Image will be inserted and resize accordingly.

Use sample image url, if images are not provided by the offtheweb team. Do not upload any other
If rewriting the blog published from an older editor, then use the same images from that blog.
Note: To align Image -
1) Align Image Left and text on Right- To align Image on Left and Text on Right just click
on the image and select “Left align” from the menu bar and start writing on the right
side of the image as shown below.

2) Align Image Right and text on left- To align Image on Right and Text on Left just click
on the image and select “Right align” from the menu bar and start writing on the Left
side of the image.
3) Align Image in the centre- To align Image in centre just click on the image and select
“Align center” from the menu bar.

Note:- Do not use space after the image ( in case of left align ). It will automatically adjust once the
blog is submitted and can be seen in preview.
Some shortcuts

These are some shortcuts you can use to fast track you work

Bold Ctrl + B

Italic Ctrl + I

Underline Ctrl + U

Select all Ctrl + A

Redo Ctrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z

Undo Ctrl + Z

Heading 1 Shift + Alt + 1

Heading 2 Shift + Alt + 2

Heading 3 Shift + Alt + 3

Heading 4 Shift + Alt + 4

Heading 5 Shift + Alt + 5

Heading 6 Shift + Alt + 6

Paragraph Shift + Alt + 7

Div Shift + Alt + 8

Address Shift + Alt + 9

Focus to menu bar Alt + F9

Focus to toolbar Alt + F10

Focus to element path Alt + F11

Focus to contextual toolbar Ctrl + F9

Open popup menu for split buttons Shift + Enter

Insert link (if link plugin activated) Ctrl + K

Find (if searchreplace plugin activated) Ctrl + F

Switch to or from fullscreen mode Ctrl + Shift + F

Keyword selection

Points to remember :

You have to follow same parameters before selecting a keyword

1. Make sure keyword monthly searches must be greater.

2. The competition of the keyword must be low.
3. The index value must lie between 0 to 5.

Note: These are the categories you have to follow before selecting a keyword

You can take help from the above snapshot in which the yellow highlighted section are the points you
need to use to select a keyword .

Below are the images of sample blog-

Meta Data

Title and Intro

Headings and paragraphs

Image (in between blog)

To check the preview of the above example visit-
Format for writing blog -

1. First write the title of the blog (Heading1).

2. Write the introduction (paragraph).
3. Write Heading2 and then a paragraph about that heading in detail ( can use 1 or more paragraphs ).
4. Use images wherever relevant.( Do not include Images before title or in between title and intro ).

If you are having trouble or need any help, feel free to contact us.

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