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Heatwave prediction


AI Heatwave Insights and Sustainable Living

Project name Thermal

Project Track AI and machine learning

University Aswan university

Department/Faculty Computer engineering

Overview as (engineering and scientific)

ThermalSync is an innovative AI-powered project aimed at mitigating the impacts of heatwaves and promoting
sustainable practices to reduce carbon emissions. This initiative leverages cutting-edge technologies to provide
users with accurate heatwave predictions, personalized carbon footprint assessments, and actionable strategies
to combat climate change.

Scientific Objectives:

1 Develop an AI model for accurate heatwave prediction.

2 Create a system for personalized carbon footprint assessment.

3Establish a platform for community engagement and idea sharing. (making data accessible using api)

4- Analyze data to uncover insights on heatwave occurrences and carbon emissions.

5- Provide users with tailored recommendations for heatwave resilience and carbon reduction.
Overview (economical and business)

ThermalSync is as a project not only addresses environmental challenges but also offers economic opportunities and benefits for
businesses, communities, and stakeholders.

Economic Objectives:

1Cost Savings: Accurate heatwave predictions enable municipalities and businesses to take timely actions, reducing potential damages
and costs associated with extreme heat events.

2Healthcare Savings: By mitigating health risks during heatwaves, the project contributes to decreased healthcare expenses and related
economic burde

Business objectives:

1 AI Services: ThermalSync can offer AI-driven heatwave prediction and carbon reduction services to municipalities, businesses, and
other stakeholders, creating a new revenue stream.

2Investor Interest: The alignment with climate-conscious initiatives can attract investors seeking projects with long-term societal and
environmental impact.
Why do you consider this project?

First we all felt about how serious it is to live in hard heatwave and how it affects our life and
our productivity and how it affect us financially by damaging our devices that we use everyday
in the future it will affect us from our cars to our clothes.

So we wanted to make project that will make life better easier and more effective by giving us
information to protect ourselves in short term and give is a new lifestyle to reduce heatwaves
in the future and end heatwaves in the long term and back earth to it normal temperatures .
Impact on users

Impact on Users:

1Heatwave Preparedness: Users will receive accurate heatwave predictions and alerts, allowing them to take
proactive measures to protect themselves and their families during extreme heat events.

2 Health and Safety: By staying informed about potential heatwaves, users can avoid outdoor activities during
peak heat hours, reducing the risk of heat-related illnesses.

3Energy Savings: Personalized recommendations for energy-efficient practices will help users reduce energy
consumption, leading to lower utility bills and financial savings.

4 Carbon Footprint Reduction: Users will gain insights into their carbon footprint and receive practical
strategies to lower it, contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

5Community Engagement: The platform provides users with a space to connect with like-minded individuals,
share ideas, and collectively address heatwave challenges and carbon reduction goals.
Impact on communities

1Resilience Building: Access to accurate heatwave predictions empowers communities to implement safety measures,
reducing health risks and potential emergency responses.

2Carbon Reduction: By adopting personalized carbon reduction strategies, the community collectively contributes to
lowering carbon emissions and combating climate change.

3 Informed Decision-Making: Community leaders and policymakers can use AI-generated insights to make informed
decisions about urban planning, energy policies, and climate adaptation strategies.

4Collaborative Action: The AI-driven idea evaluation and ranking system encourages community members to collaborate
on innovative initiatives for heatwave resilience and sustainable practices.

5 Public Awareness: The project raises public awareness about the impacts of heatwaves and the importance of carbon
reduction, fostering a sense of responsibility for environmental stewardship.

6Economic Benefits: Through energy efficiency and lower health costs associated with heatwaves, communities can
experience reduced financial burdens and improved overall well-being.
(i) novelty (ii) features

(I)what is new in out project :

Holistic Approach: ThermalSync integrates heatwave prediction, carbon footprint assessment, community engagement, and AI-driven recommendations
in a comprehensive package, providing a multifaceted solution.

(II)Key Features:

1 Heatwave Prediction AI: Utilizes historical and real-time climate data to provide accurate heatwave predictions and alerts, enabling proactive

2Carbon Footprint Assessment AI: Offers users a platform to input daily activities and behaviors, calculates their carbon footprint, and provides
personalized strategies for reduction.

3 Community Engagement Platform: Creates a space for users to share ideas, initiatives, and experiences, fostering collaboration and collective action.

4 AI-Driven Idea Ranking: Evaluates community-generated ideas using AI algorithms to highlight impactful strategies for heatwave resilience and carbon

5 Personalized Recommendations: Empowers users with customized action plans to combat heatwaves and reduce carbon footprints.
related products

1) Wren Corporation Wren helps you calculate and offset your personal carbon emissions
through a monthly they're a Benefit Corporation with a legally-binding charter.
2) This project uses volunteer computing to run climate models on
personal computers to improve climate change predictions, including extreme weather
events like heatwaves.
3) CivicSpark: A program that engages AmeriCorps members in climate-related projects,
including community resilience and energy efficiency initiatives.
4) MyClimateAction: An app that calculates carbon footprints and offers personalized
reduction strategies. It focuses on individual behavior change for a more sustainable
Project outcome.

Outcome-as-a-Service Model:

1) Heatwave and Carbon Outcome Metrics: Offer users quantifiable outcomes such as reduced
heatwave exposure, improved heatwave preparedness, and lowered carbon footprints. These
metrics demonstrate the concrete impact of using the ThermalSync platform.
2) Subscription Model: Introduce subscription plans that grant users ongoing access to heatwave
predictions, carbon reduction strategies, and community engagement features. Subscriptions
can provide a sustainable revenue stream to support platform maintenance and improvements.
3) Data-Driven Insights: Develop advanced analytics that showcase the correlation between
users' actions, heatwave occurrences, and carbon reduction. These insights can further
motivate users and demonstrate the project's effectiveness.
4) Premium Features: Offer premium tiers with advanced features, such as more accurate
predictions, deeper insights, personalized coaching, or additional community engagement tools.
Do you expect any
demand on the final

Yes we expect so much demand on

it in the future
What is the type of support to be provided by
the industrial partner (technical, financial,
We need

1) Technical support for the most advanced AI skills and knowledge to give the most
2) Financial support for computer devices that will be used for training the AI model
3) Access we need permission to use data to train Ai and some volunteers that we can
collect data from to provide personalised data

ClimatePrediction andHeatwaves:
● Climate research organizations and meteorological agenciesprovide dataand research on heatwave
patternsand predictions.
● IPCC (IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change) reports often cover extreme weather events like
Carbon Footprint Assessment:
● Carbon footprint calculators and tools available online, often associated with environmental organizations.
● Research articles and reports from environmental research institutions. AI
● Journals andpublications on AI andenvironmental sustainability.
● Conferences andsymposiumsfocused on the intersection of AI andclimate-related topics.
Community EngagementPlatforms:
● Research into community engagementstrategies and online platforms for environmental initiatives.
● Case studies on successfulcommunity-driven projects. Smart
City Initiatives:
● Reports from cities that have implementedsmartcity technologies and climate adaptationstrategies.
● Urban planningand sustainability research publications

E N G /S A R A S A D O U N

Project title solar power prediction

Project Track AI and machine learning

University Aswan University

Department Computer engineering


• Increase of production of renewable energy especially solar power in Egypt in recent years
• Climate change affects the amount of outcome energy.
•Not knowing how climate change or other factors effecting solar farms makes generation of solar
power expensive .
• Companies interesting in solar farms need to find efficient place for their project.
SMART GRID controls flow of
energy bidirectionally,collects
data from different devices,
e.g. sky imagers,cloud
motion vectors and
Pyranometers,detects and
solves problem immediately .

Machine learning algorithms

predicts the amount of energy
•Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models describe the essential
physical processes in the atmosphere, at the surface and in the soil and
take their impact on the temporal evolution of the model variables like
pressure, temperature, wind, water vapour, clouds and precipitation into
•NWP models vary in the model grid’s resolution and spatial model
domain. The model grid’s conventional spatial resolutions of 50 km for the
global and approximately 2 km for the region are integrated with the
global PM, i.e.

• Power cut is a real problem and gas plants no longer provide enough electricity.
• Companies need insurances that the demand and supply of solar energy is stable and the
climate change will not impact the cost of the project .
•Engineers and Workers in solar farms will have less problems in controlling the flow of the
energy and detecting problems.
• No longer customers will have to report any problems about the power because the Smart Grid
will notice any problem and solve it’

• Novelty: the smart grid will control the solar farm, therefore less problems will happen.
• Features:
• Low maintenance cost
• Easy to predict the best place for a solar farm and weather changes.
• Reduction of carbon emission

• If we find a way for the smart grid to be less expensive,then there will be a demand on it.

• There will be need for a company that has a solar farm.

• numerical weather prediction devices .

system with
AI-based facial
● By: Radwa Sayed
Objective Solution
01 Develop an automated
attendance system
Ouí system automates
the píocess, impíoving
using AI and facial accuíacy and
íecognition efficiency.

03 ľíaditional attendance
methods aíe time-
consuming and píone
to eííoís
We píesent an innovative
solution to stíeamline
attendance tíacking in
educational institutions
using AI and facial
íecognition technology
Impact on Students

Time Savings Simplified Enhanced Accuracy

Moíe time foí Attendance Faiíness and
leaíning, less No moíe manual íeduced eííoís
time spent on sign-in sheets oí in attendance
attendance. ID caíds íecoíds.
Impact on colleges

Real-time Administrative
Monitoring Efficiency
Instant access Less papeíwoík
to and
attendance data administíative
and íepoíts. buíden.
Novelty and Features

ľechnology: AI-based
facial íecognition foí
01 Real-time
accuíate identification 02 Monitoíing: Up-to-
date attendance
data and insights
attendance píocess,
eliminating manual
Novelty and Features

Facial Recognition:
Identifies individuals
by compaíing facial
01 03
Attendance ľíacking:
Recoíds and stoíes
attendance data foí
easy íetíieval

Inteíface: Intuitive 02 04 Repoíting and
system foí captuíing Notifications: Geneíates
and píocessing facial íeal-time attendance
images íepoíts and sends
Related Products

Traditional Methods Biometric Systems RFID Systems

Manual sign-in sheets Fingeípíint oí palm Radio fíequency
oí ID caíd scanning íecognition systems identification-based
systems systems
Advantages of AI-Based System

Higher Accuracy Non-Intrusive Seamless Integration

Less píone to eííoís No physical contact oí Easily integíates with
oí fíaud additional haídwaíe existing infíastíuctuíe
Project Outcome
01 02
Reliable Attendance Enhanced Efficiency:
ľíacking: Accuíately Stíeamlines
identifies individuals attendance píocess,
foí attendance impíoving
íecoíds píoductivity
03 04
ľime and Cost Impíoved Data
Savings: Reduces Accuíacy: Minimizes
manual eííoís and fíaudulent
administíative tasks, activities
saves íesouíces
Demand for the Final Product
Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and
01 universities can benefit from efficient attendance

02 Corporate Sector: Offices and organizations for

employee attendance management

03 Event Management: Conferences, seminars,

workshops for attendee monitoring
04 AI-based solutions and facial recognition technology
adoption in various industries
By: Mohamed Rabie Abdelhameed Empowering Your Finances with AIWisdom.
Project Details

Project Name AI Financial Advisor

Project Track AI & Machine Learning

University Aswan University

Department / Faculty Computer Engineering /Faculty of Engineering

Problem Statement

Personal financial advice is often No ability to get quick answersto Complex financial products are
too expensive money questions hard to understand alone
Average income individuals struggleto Without an advisor,averageincome Things like investing,retirement planning,
afford 1-on-1 sessions with financial individuals have limited ways to get taxes and insurance involve complex
advisors which often cost $150- specific personalized advice about products and decisions that are difficult
300/hour finances for an average person to fully grasp
without help

There is a need for an affordable and easily accessible way for average
incomeindividuals to get personalized advice to improve their finances.
Proposed Solution

Highly trained AImodel

Personalized financial plans

Customized investment advice

Easy to use mobile app

Develop an AI-driven application that offers personalized financial advice to users. The application should be
able to understand users' financial goals, analyze their income, expenses, and investment preferences, and
provide actionable recommendations to help them achieve their objectives.

Scientific Overview Economical Overview

AI-driven application offering personalized
Addresses a growing market for AI-powered
financial guidance.
personal finance management.
Leverages advanced machine learningfor tailored
budgeting,investment,and savings advice. Potential for industry collaboration,
monetization through subscriptions, and
U tilizes natural language processing and partnerships.
predictive analytics to analyze user financial
data. Improves financial decision-making, leading to
potential cost savings.
Continuously learns and adapts to users' financial Contributesto financial literacy,job creation, and
behaviors, ensuring relevance. growth in AIand financial tech sectors.
What makes this project worth considering?

The "Personal Finance Advisor" project holds substantial value due to its unique
combination of personalized AI-driven financial guidance and advanced data analysis. By
tailoring recommendations to individual goals and circumstances, the project empowers
users to make well-informed financial decisions. Its potential for improving financial
outcomes, enhancing financial literacy, and saving time and costs positions it as a
valuable tool for individuals seeking effective and efficient financial planning. Moreover,
its alignment with the growing demand for AI-driven solutions in personal finance,
coupled with the opportunity for industry collaboration, underscores its significance in
addressing real-world needs.
Impact on Users

1 Tailored Financial Guidance 5 Enhanced Financial Literacy

U sers receive customized financial advice aligned with their specific Beyond immediate recommendations,the project educates users
goals, risk tolerance, and financial profiles. This guidance goes about financial concepts and best practices. This enhances users'
beyond generic recommendations, providing actionable insights overall financial literacy, empowering them to navigate complex
that suit individual circumstances. financial landscapes confidently.

2 Empowerment Through Data 6 Potential Cost Savings

The project's AI-driven data analysis empowers users with a By optimizing budgeting and investment strategies, users have the
comprehensive understanding of their financial situation. By potential to reduce unnecessary expenses and maximize their
uncovering hidden patterns and trends, users gain the knowledge to financial resources. This translates to long-term cost savings and
optimize their spending, investments, and savings strategies. improved financial resilience.

3 Informed Decision-Making 7 Convenience and Accessibility

With accurate and timely insights at their disposal, users can The application's user-friendly interface and accessibility make it
confidently make informed financial decisions.This leads to smarter convenient for users to access financial insights on the go.It
choices that align with their objectives, resulting in improved simplifies the process of managing finances, making it more
financial health and stability. approachable for all.

4 Ongoing Adaptation
The project's AI continually learns from users' financial behaviors
and adjusts recommendations accordingly. As users' circumstances
evolve, the system adapts, ensuring that advice remains relevant
and effective over time.
Impact on Communities

1 Financial Literacy Advancement 4 Skill Development

By promoting financial literacy and education, the project equips The project's educational components encourage the development
community members with essential knowledge to make sound of financial management skills within communities. This not only
financial decisions.This contributes to overall economic literacy and enhances individuals' personal financial well-being but also
stability within the community. cultivates skills that can be shared and taught to others.

2 Reduced Financial Stress 5 Cultural and Social Impact

As individuals within communities become more adept at managing Financial empowerment has a ripple effect on social dynamics. In
their finances, the project has the potential to reduce financial communities, empowered individuals often serve as role models,
stress on families and households. This, in turn, leads to improved sharing knowledge and encouraging others to adopt responsible
mental well-being and healthier community dynamics. financial practices.

3 Economic Resilience 6 Long-Term Prosperity

Communities with members who make informed financial decisions Communities with members who make sound financial decisions
are more resilient to economic challenges. The project's emphasis are better positioned for long-term prosperity. The collective
on optimal budgeting, savings, and investments contributes to the financial stability positively impacts housing, education, and overall
economic stability of communities as a whole.Resource quality of life within the community.
Redistribution: As individuals optimize their financial resources
through the project's recommendations, excess funds become
available for investment in other community-based activities.This
7 Resource Redistribution
redistribution can support local businesses, initiatives, and As individuals optimize their financial resources through the
charitable causes. project's recommendations, excess funds become available for
investment in other community-based activities. This redistribution
can support local businesses, initiatives, and charitable causes.
Novelty - What is newin this project

Educational Component Personalized financial planning Goal-Centric Approach

The project not only offers U nlikegeneric financial tools,the project he project's emphasis on aligning
recommendations but also educates users employs advanced AI algorithms to recommendations with users' specific
about financial concepts,helpingthem generate recommendations that are goals,whether it's savingfor a house,
build a strongfoundation in financial tailored to each user's unique financial education, or retirement, reflects a goal-
literacy and decision-making. profile,goals,and risk tolerance. centric approach to financial planning.

This project utilizes cutting edgeAI to deliver a customized

and proactive financial planningexperience.
Key Features

1 Automated data collection 4 Goal Setting

Gather financial information automatically Provide a user-friendly interface for setting
from linked accounts. financial goals,such as saving for a home,
retirement, education, or a vacation.
2 BudgetingAssistance
Offer personalized budgeting
5 Savings Plan
recommendations,suggesting optimal C reate savings plans that outline how much
spending limits for different expense users should save regularly to meet their
categories based on users' income and goals within a specified time frame.
6 PerformanceTracking
3 InteractiveChatbot Implement a dashboard where users can
Include an interactive chatbot feature that track their progress toward their goals,
answers users' financial questions, explains view investment performance, and monitor
recommendations,and offers educational their financial health over time.
Related Products

Robo-advisors Personal finance apps Financial advisors

Robo-advisors use algorithms and Personal finance apps like M int help users Financial advisors providepersonalized
automation to build and manage investment track spending,create budgets,manage guidance on investments,taxes,retirement
portfolios tailored to an investor's goals, debt,and optimize finances through planning,estate planning,and other financial
risk tolerance,and time horizon. automation and analytics. goals based on a client's unique situation.
Do you expect any
demand ont the
final product?
There will likely be significant demand for a personal
financial advisor AI product.Personal finance is an
area many struggle with, so an AI advisor could
provide valuable guidance on topics like budgeting,
investing, retirement planning, and more.
Specifically, there is likely demand among millennials
and others new to finance looking for an easy way to
get personalized advice.
What type of assistance will the industrial partner
provide (technical, financial, access, etc.)?

Technical support Data access Infrastructure

Provideexpertise in AI and technical Provideanonymized financial data to train Provideaccess to high performance
guidance on model development AI models computingresources

The industrial partner will provide critical technical, data, and

infrastructure support to enable development of performant AI models.
The cutting-edge "Personal Finance Advisor"
project merges AI and money management to
provide personalised advice and insights. This
gives users the tools to confidently confront
financial issues, paving the way to improved
financial well-being and prosperity.Not only is
this of benefit to individuals, but it also helps
encourage economic literacy and resilience on a
wider level. In an age where technology plays an
increasingly important role in our lives, this
project exemplifies how tech can help us
become more financially secure.
robotics & their
handling with
each other

Asmaa Saad
Project Title Weightlifting robotics & their
handling with each other

Project Track AI & Machine Learning

University Aswan University

Department / Faculty Computer Engineering /Faculty of

Problem definition
large warehouses contain a large amount of goods that require a large
number of workers to handle. Since this takes a lot of time and costs a
lot of money, it is recommended to use robots instead of human
Why do you consider this project?
It should be noted that warehouse loads have different weights, so it is
not possible to design a robot for all these loads. Instead it proposes to
construct a robot capable of carrying a certain weight and if there is a
load that exceeds this limit, another similar robot is used to help.
What is its impact on What is its impact on
market? user?

• Providing human workers. • Financial savings.

• Reducing the price of products. • Speed of implementation
In order to find an effective way for interaction between robots, it was
proposed to create a simulation system between them.
This system allows robots to interact and collaborate with each other.
The main goal of this idea is to create a simulation that connects
robots and allows them to work together.
1. This system reduces costs because you don't have to buy multiple
2. One robot can help another with tasks . As a result, this will lead to
a reduction in the price of the end product.
3. In this way we have a range of robots that have the same
characteristics and do not have different types depending on the
4. We will use this as a kind of future prediction of robot interaction.
What is the project final outcome?
The final outcome of the project is the development robots that will
help each other, communicate with each other, and interact seamlessly.
These robots will perform various tasks and save you time and effort.
Do you expect any demand on the final product?

Yes, because this simulation will save building large and

many robots.
‫اللغة العربية‬
‫‪Asmaa Saad‬‬
Project Title ‫اللغة العربية‬

Project Track AI

University Aswan University

Department / Faculty Computer Engineering /Faculty of

‫تعريف المشكلة‬
‫في فترة من الزمن‪ ،‬كانت العلوم تدون باللغة العربية‪ ،‬وكانت تعتبر‬
‫مصدرا رئيسيًا للمعرفة والتقدم‪ .‬ولكن مع حلول فترة االحتالل‪ ،‬تم‬
‫ترجمة وسرقة هذه العلوم‪ ،‬وحرق وتدمير جميع المصادر العربية‪ .‬ثم‬
‫بدأ االحتالل في تطوير العلوم بلغاتهم‪ ،‬استنادًا إلى األساس العلمي‬
‫وفي هذا السياق‪ ،‬نشأت فكرة إلنشاء تطبيق يقوم بترجمة جديدة لكافة‬
‫التطورات واالبحاث في المجاالت المختلفة إلى اللغة العربية‪.‬‬
‫لماذا تفكر فى هذا المشروع؟‬
‫سهل على هؤالء‬ ‫يأتي هذا التطبيق ليلبي احتياجات جيلنا الشاب‪ ،‬حيث يُ ِّ‬
‫التق ُّدم واإلبداع دون أن يكون عائقًا أمام ُهم تَعَ ُّلُُ ُُ م لغة أجنبية‪.‬‬
‫إن تقدم العلوم باللغة العربية سيكون له تأثير كبير على تطور لغتنا‬
‫وحضارتنا العربية‪ .‬ستستعيد لغتنا مكانتها وسط اللغات العالمية‪،‬‬
‫وستعود حضارتنا إلى مجدها المفقود‪.‬‬
‫هذا التطبيق يُعد فرصة ذهبية إلحياء التراث العلمي العربي وإظهار‬
‫قدرات شبابنا في المجاالت الحديثة‪.‬‬
‫تأثيره على المجتمع؟‬
‫سا لتقدم الحضارة‪.‬‬‫• يكمن في محافظته على لغته‪ ،‬حيث تُعتبر اللغة أسا ً‬
‫فهو يساهم في تعزيز الوعي بأهمية اللغة والحفاظ عليها من التأثيرات‬
‫الخارجية التي قد تؤدي إلى تدهورها‪.‬‬
‫• إن استخدام هذا التطبيق يُعَ ُّد خطوة مهمة نحو تحقيق التقدم والتطور‬
‫في المجتمع‪ ،‬حيث يساهم في تنشئة جيل مستنير قادر على مواجهة‬
‫التحديات واالبتكار في مختلف المجاالت‪ .‬لذا‪ ،‬يجب العمل على تعزيز‬
‫استخدام هذا التطبيق وتوفيره ألكبر عدد ممكن من األفراد‪ ،‬بهدف‬
‫تحقيق التنمية والرقي في المجتمع‪.‬‬
‫تأثيره على المستخدم؟‬
‫• بتسهيل طرق البحث لألطفال والشباب الناشئ‪ .‬فهو يوفر لهم وسيلة سهلة وفعالة‬
‫للوصول إلى المعرفة والمعلومات المتجددة‪.‬‬
‫• يساعدهم في مواكبة التطورات العلمية واالبتكارات الجديدة بشكل مستمر‪.‬‬
‫• يقدم للمستخدمين فرصة االطالع على آخر المستجدات العلمية واالبتكارات في‬
‫مجاالت مختلفة‪ ،‬حيث يتيح لهم الوصول إلى نتائج األبحاث والدراسات بسهولة‬
‫الميزة المبتكرة؟‬
‫• قدرته على ترجمة األبحاث والتجارب العلمية الحديثة والقديمة بشكل فوري‬
‫يجسد رؤية جديدة في تسهيل نشر المعرفة وتبادل األفكار بشكل سريع وفعَّال‪.‬‬‫ِّ‬ ‫•‬
‫مصدرا جيدا للمهتمين بالعلوم والبحوث‪ ،‬حيث يتيح لهم الوصول إلى‬
‫ً‬ ‫• يُ َع ُّد‬
‫المعلومات العلمية الحديثة والقديمة في مكان واحد‪ .‬بفضل هذه الميزة‪ ،‬يُ ِّ‬
‫التطبيق على الباحثين والطالب واألكاديميين العثور على المصادر الموثوقة‬
‫والتحقق من صحة المعلومات التي يستخدمونها في أبحاثهم‪.‬‬
‫يُمكن اعتبار هذا التطبيق خطوة هامة نحو استعادة مكانة اللغة العربية في عالم‬
‫العلوم واألبحاث‪ .‬سيسهم في تسهيل عملية الوصول إلى المعرفة واالبتكار‪،‬‬
‫وسيشجع شبابنا على المشاركة في المجاالت العلمية المختلفة‪.‬‬
‫المنتج النهائى؟‬
‫انشاء تطبيق يقوم بترجمة جديدة لكافة التطورات واالبحاث في‬
‫المجاالت المختلفة إلى اللغة العربية تلقائيا عند نشرها‪.‬‬

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