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a) i) a = (v - u) / t
= (0 – 30) / (8 – 1.8) - 30 / 7.2 = -4.16
The acceleration is – 4.16 m/s2
iii) If the driver is tired there will be a increase in the thinking distance as his brain as would
work slower at least to some degree causing him to press the breaks later than he normally
would. The actual physical movement of his leg to the peddle would also be slower.
The Breaking distance wouldn’t change since that is determined by the actual machine he is
driving, things like type of breaks and how often they get changed would affect breaking
b) A
2) Sent in picture
3) a) A convection current is formed when the heater starts to heat the water on the bottom
of the container. Once the bottom layer is heated it becomes warmer and less dense and
floats up to the top. After this the cold water on top sinks and is heated at the bottom and
starts to rise. Once the hot water has stayed at the top for some time it starts to cool down
and become more dense therefore it falls to the bottom where it is reheated and rises
again. Now we have a current which circulates the water.
b) At the the beginning the bottom heats up and rises so we see a big spike in temperature.
However towards the middle and end its harder for the temperature to change since all of
the water must heat up not only the bottom part. We have a big temperature change at the
beginning and a slower gradual one to the end for this reason.
ii) The empty container is much hotter then the full one since its easier to heat up gas as
there is less total particles. Its also quicker to heat up gas and we see this reflected in the
graph since its more steep throughout. The reason its easier to heat up gas is because the
particles move a lot more and bump into each other therefore more particles will make it to
the heat source and be heated, this means more hot particles will also make it to the
temperature sensor and the temperature would be read as hot.

4) a)
b) i) The arrow is up
ii) F = m * a Acceleration = a = F/m 18000 / 4100 = 4.39 m/s2
5) a) Pressure difference = height * density * gravitational field strength 57 * 820 * 10 =
467400 Pa.
b) i) w = m * g 24 * 10 = 240 Weight of 24kg is 240N.
ii) Pressure = force / area Area = 57 * 1.2 = 68.4
240 / 68.4 = 3.51Pa
iii) The force acting upwards is again 3.51
c) Piston X loses GPE as it is pushed down. Piston Y gains GPE as it is pushed up higher.
Kinetic Energy of Piston Y is increased since it moves up. Chemical energy is not changed in
piston Y)

6) a) i) I cannot draw it but the angle of reflection would be the same as the angle of
incidence (64). It would go down and left.
iii) n = sin I / sin r
v) sin c = 1 / n
vi) sin c = 1 / n sin c = 1 / 1.7 sin c = 0.59 c = sin(-1)(0.59)
Critical angle is 36.16
b) At points Y and Z the light

7) a) 210 + (210 – 120) 210 + 90 = 300m

b) 0.50 + 0.62 + 0.55 + 0.52 + 0.58 = 2.77s 2.77 / 5 = 0.55 s
Average time is 0.55 seconds
c) speed = distance / time 210 – 120 = distance since this he starts when he hear it once
and stops when he hears it the second time, this time is the wave travelling from the wall
back to him. time = 0.55 We use avarage.
90 / 0.55 = 163.63 m/s

d) A reason that the students results are not the same could be a human error, the person
cannot press it perfectly every time.

8) a) Insulator
b) Electrons from the plastic over time get stored in the dust particles and their absence
makes the plastic positively charged.
c) There is a wire connecting metal to the earth to allow the current a fast route to the earth
and not to any humans
d) Voltage = charge * energy stored v = 4.4 * 3.6 = 15.84 V
e) If there is no earth wire any electrical current could hit the enginners body and if strong
enough kill him.

9) a) Before the water is heated they should take the temperature of the water using their
thermometer. They also need to take note of the mass of the water they are heating.
Therefore they would need some sort of scale to weigh the water. They should start heating
the water until it has gone up 1 degrees celsius, this is checked through the thermometer.
When the power is turned on. Electrical energy id transferred to the heaters thermal energy
store. Using the time and power supply we can calculate how much energy has been
transferred to the heater. The equation is E = Pt, if we assume all the electrical energy
transferred to thermal energy store then we can use this formula to calculate SHC.
E=mc0 c = E / (m * 0) where c is the specific heat capacity.
b) i)34 degrees Celsius
ii) When the line is horizontal the particles are in the process of breaking apart the
intermolecular bonds, this is why the temperature doesn’t increase. Once broken gases
move and hit each other and temperature increases.
iii) The two non-horizontal lines are different because as the temperature increases it gets
harder for it to increase even more, in other words the gas must do much more work then
the liquids.


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