The London Eye Unit Outline

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The London Eye Mystery: Unit Plan Outline

Monday Read Chapters 6-11  If I am late, read until I arrive

 Topics to explore:
o London/The London Eye (google
earth/virtual tour, photos, facts,
o The Tube/London Underground
 Task to do while reading:
o Try to solve mystery while reading:
o Students will create a case file throughout
the unit
Tuesday Read Chapters 12-16  What is theme? Students are encouraged to think
about themes in the book as they read.
 Mini Lesson: Practice figuring out the theme by
watching Pixar shorts. Watch one together and
talk about what the theme might be and why
 Read and conference:
Wednesday Read Chapters 17-22  I will not be there – students will read for most of
the period
 Handout provided in packet with questions to
think about, discuss and write down some
o Ted’s Syndrome and how his brain works
o Relationship with his sister and other
o What do you think happened to Salim?
What clues does the author give that
makes you think that?
Thursday Read Chapters 23-27  Quiz 1 (10 points)
 Is this just a mystery book, or is there more to the
story? (mini lesson/discussion)
 Read/Conference
Friday Read Chapters 28-32  What inferences have you made during your
 Think about Ted and Kat’s interaction with Christy
in chapter 28 compared to what happened at the
London Eye. What can you infer about Christy or
Salim’s disappearance? (mini lesson/discussion)
 Read/Conference

Monday Read Chapters 33-37  If I am late, read until I arrive

 How has each character been handling the
situation? Why are they each acting the way they
do? (mini lesson)
 Read/Conference
Tuesday Read Chapters 38-41  Quiz 2 (15 points)
 Discuss what themes have been found in the
book. (Hope, Family/Friendship, Perspective)
o What text details support the themes
 Read/Conference
Wednesday Catch up day  I will not be there – Students will read most of the
 Provide extra, enriching activities for students
who have finished reading
o Plot development
o Work on detective journals/case files
Thursday Work day  Work on completing their case file
 Choice board: pick something to create to add to
your case file
 Choice board: choose another activity to
showcase what you have learned
 Conference with students as they work
Friday Work day  Work on their projects
 Conference with each student as they work and
finish up their projects

Quiz 1 – 10 pts
Quiz 2 – 15 pts
Class Participation – 25 pts
Case File + first choice board – 25 pts
Second choice board – 25 pts
[Total: 100 points]

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