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Factors associated pneumonia in children under five

Reasons we choice for this topic
4. We chose this topic because We saw in hospital 90% CASES OF
5. Prolonged hospital stay causes under 5 children to develop hospital
acquired pneumonia.
6. during our community activity we saw a lot of parents with lack of
education to differentiate whether it is pneumonia or common cold
which causes complication or severity of pneumonia
Finding area
 Our target population area is Borama regional Hospital and
community qoorgaab
Plan of investigation
1.We will set group meeting then we will select team leader.
2.we will make group meeting every Monday and Wednesday.
3.we will prepare questionnaires.
4.we will divide into two groups.
5. one group will go to the community and another group will go to
Borama regional hospital.
6. we will make an appointment for the people that we need to meet
during this investigation we will try to explain the reason for the project
to the people.
7.we will get permission from community people and hospital patient.
8. we will make face to face interview. person will ask questions and other person will document the
interview information.
10.we will analyze our data and interprets.
11. finally we will try to discuss the result of this project and then we try
to apply result of these two areas
what is your understanding of pneumonia?
What are the symptoms you saw on your child?
How did you treated/or managed it?
You did bring your child to hospital/or managed him/her at
was the child completely treated or his condition got worse?
How long was your child effected at pneumonia?
How was your child effected on pneumonia?
How can you prevent pneumonia on your child?
What makes it worse/relieve?
What kind of medication did the child took?
What did you did /do to your child while you treat him/her at
Which one do you prefer/or think is better managing your child
at hospital or home
How many times pneumonia effected your child?
Literature review

 Pneumonia remains the leading infectious cause of death among

children under five. bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasitic infection
causes pneumonia. bacteria such as streptococcus pneumonia and
Hemophilus influenza cause severe cases of pneumonia and
respiratory syncytial virus is the most common viral cause of
pneumonia. Pneumonia arises mostly during the first 2 years of
life. the leading risk factors that contribute pneumonia that is stated
in this study is are nutritional factors such as malnutrition, lack of
exclusive breastfeeding, iron deficiency, environmental factors
such as overcrowding indoor air pollution due to use of fuel for
cooking, poor housing and social and behavioral factors such as
hand washing. (Caroline Muthoni Wachira 2016)
 Pneumonia is an inflammatory disease of the lungs in which
resulting poor oxygenation. Under five children are vulnerable to
pneumonia and it remains one of leading cause of morbidity and
mortality according to global estimate pneumonia development
and causing of death in under 5 children are decreasing. These
decrement was due to decrease of magnitude of its key risk factors,
increasing socioeconomic development and preventive
interventions, improved access to care and quality of care in
hospitals (Biruk Beletew 2020)

 Pneumonia is severe form of acute lower respiratory infection that

is responsible for high morbidity and mortality rates among
children of under 5 this study states that pneumonia poses major
threats to public health worldwide and pneumonia accounts 8.0 %
of all acute respiratory infections among children under five.
According to this study pneumonia control is uneven despite the
attempt of reducing global under 5 mortalities approximately 90%
of global under five deaths occur in low- and middle-income
countries due to persistent challenge of poor and inequitable
coverage of proven intervention such as vaccination, antibiotics
and oxygen therapy (Ayobami A, Bakare 2023)

 Pneumonia may affect both adult, children and neonates but

children and neonates are more vulnerable due to their low
immune system and immature respiratory system which cause
them to develop serious respiratory illness. factors associated in
children to develop pneumonia are including family income, lack
of parental education and overcrowded families. the family income
influences the insurance of child health, nutritional status and
complete immunization. although over crowded families are risk
factor of respiratory diseases and its easy for children to transmit
respiratory disease that will weaken their immune and pneumonia
can affect the children of under 5. also, educational level of parents
effects the preventive, diagnostic and treatment care of their
children. If parents are uneducated, they can miss diagnose their
child and the child can develop respiratory complications or it can
cause morbidity to the child and preventive step will become
failure due to lack of parental education (Mortadha H. Kreeb)

 First, we open browser then we typed the searching space pubmed

then we click home we found the page then we typed our topic
factors associated pneumonia in under 5 children then we found
many articles after that we selected the one that interest us then we
read the summary of the article then we chose 3 articles.
 We opened another browser we googled google advanced research
then we click advanced google search, we write the 3 positions
pdf, language and our topic then we click the search bottom we
chose the articles that specifically related to our topic and read the
summary and chose one article.
When we went to people in our two areas, we selected we asked ten
persons the questions we prepared. Our first question was what is your
understanding of pneumonia? They give us a different answer about this
question 5 participants have the same answer they said that they
understand that pneumonia is common cold and another 2 participants
said that they understand that pneumonia is shortness of breath and 3
other participants said that they don’t understand what is pneumonia.
What are the symptoms that you saw in your child? They give us
different answers about this question 5 participants have the same
answer they said that symptoms they saw in their child in is cough, fever
sob and another 2 participants said the symptoms they saw in their child
is poor appetite, chest pain and other 3participants said the symptoms
they saw in their child is grunting wheezing and left chest sound. How
did you treat or managed your child? They give us different answers
about these questions 6 participants have the same answer they said they
managed by bring them to the pharmacy and 4 other participants said
they managed their child by bring them to the hospital. Was the child
completely treated or his condition get worse? They give us different
answers about this question 6 participants have the same answer they
said the child is completely treated and another 4 participants said the
child’s conditions get worse. How long was your child effected in
pneumonia? They give us different answers about this question 5
participants have the same answer they said the child had pneumonia for
1week or less then a week and 3 other participants said the same answer
the child had pneumonia for 2 weeks and other 2 participants said the
same answer the child had pneumonia for 1 months. How was your child
effected in pneumonia? They give us different answers about this
question 7 participants have the same answer they said child was
affected in pneumonia due to bathing the child in cold weather and other
2 participant said they don’t know how their children was affected and
another 1 participant said her child was affected due to abnormal flexion
of shoulder muscles. How can you prevent pneumonia in your child?
They give us different answers about this question 5 participants have
the same answers they said they prevent pneumonia by doing warming
the room , cold compression and covering the child in blanket during the
night and other 2 participants said they prevent pneumonia by doing
frequent feeding , rewarming the child and 1 participants said she don’t
know how to prevent pneumonia but she take her the pharmacy
immediately and other 1 participants said she don’t know how to
prevent pneumonia and other 1 participants said she prevent pneumonia
in her child by removing excessive clothes in hot weather and by
keeping the child from second hand smoking. What make it worse or
relieve? They give us different answers about this question 5 participants
have the same answer they said it’s relieved when the child takes
medication and it makes worse by cold weather And another 2
participants said they don’t know what makes worse or relieve and
another 1 participant said she believe that dressing warm clothes the
child relieves the symptoms and bathing the child make it worse and
another 1 participant said putting warm compression in the chest relieves
the pneumonia and another 1 participant said cold compressions relieves
and inappropriate medications makes worse. What kind of medication
did the child took? They give us 2 different answers about these
questions 8 participants have the same answers they said their children
takes antibiotics and 2 other participants said they don’t know what kind
of medication they take. What did you do while your child was treating
at home? They give us different answers about these questions 6
participants have said the same answer they treat their child in home by
doing warm compression and given the child plenty of fluids and
another 3 participants said they immediately take their child in hospital
they don’t do home treatment and another 1 participant said they do cold
compressions to treat the child in home. Which one do you prefer or
think is better managing your child at hospital or home? All participants
said they prefer hospital. How many times pneumonia effected your
child? They give us different answers 3 participants said their child was
affected 3 times and another 3 participants said their child was effected 1
times and another 2 participants said their child was effected 2 times and
another 1 participants said their child was effected 4 times and another 1
participants said their child is effected pneumonia every cold season.


 this action could be done by using tv show, radio

 visiting community home to home.
 We also recommended good hygiene
 wear the child protective cloth during the cold weather
 when the child effected pneumonia immediately take to the
 give the child medication regularly
 medical check up
 promoting patient knowledge about the disease
 diet modification give your child adequate
 Awareness about prevention of pneumonia
 Awareness the risk of pneumonia and complication such
lungs diseases

Description of how you would convince the community

members and other about the idea

 introduce our selves is the most important thing

 explain them what we are talking about and purpose beyond this
 use effective communication with active listening simple language
 respect their opinion toward our topic
 explaining the complication of pneumonia, showing them pictures
of children who had
 pneumonia and developed complication of pneumonia through
untreated of it.
 Asking them question about the negative opinion toward our topic
and then putting our main focus by better explaining these negative
points that they mentioned.
Analyzing the challenge that we can expect
 that they don’t listen our information
 they may reject to answer our questions
 misunderstanding what we are talking about
 not giving us attention and respect
 they may not attend the day we made aontiment to meet
 they may give us fake answer
categorized information from participants

participant understand about pneumonia

based on information received from participant when we went to
community and hospital ,we asked 10 questions and we received
different responds 5 of those response was that pneumonia is
common cold others said that pneumonia is shortness of breath

sing and symptoms of pneumonia

this is the result of some questions with our questionnaire after we

categorized, some of these questions are related to the symptoms
of pneumonia including cough , fever, sob , poor appetite , chest
pain , wheezing and grunting

prevention of pneumonia

when we asked these question 5 participant said that they prevent

pneumonia warming the room, cold compression and covering the
child with blanket and others said frequently feeding and
rewarming the child.

 To evaluate our document and the participants, we read and re read our document, so we

see that our action plan of whole questions we asked the participants and also the popula-

tion and process we pass the information and also how we search and summarize the arti-

cles all of them they cover full information. Based on how we transferred and explained

the information to our participants to are able to aware their health and what the cause of
lack of hygiene and sanitation practice. And also, the health surface in that area al-Quds

and Galbeedi primary schools

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