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Novy developer guide Mars 2022

1 - Gateway:
This project contains the gateway and registry. It's composed of two modules, Gateway and Audit.
Steps to build and run in docker:
1. Build Audit module (inside audit):
./mvnw clean install -DskipTests
2. Build Gateway module (inside gateway):
./mvnw clean install -Pdev -DskipTests
3. Build docker image:
docker build -t gateway .
4. Create “novy” docker network:
docker network create novy
5. Run docker compose:
docker compose -f ./gateway/src/main/docker/app-dev.yml up -d
4 containers should be started:
● gateway-app (localhost:8082)
● gateway-mariadb (localhost:3306)
● jhipster-registry (localhost:8761)
● gateway-elasticsearch

2 - Collaboratorjava:
This project is the microservice for managing collaborators and projects. The name is suffixed with
“java” because there is an older version of the project built with PHP.
The process for building and running this microservice can be applied to any other microservice in
Novy (Recruitment, Holidays ..).
Steps to build and run in docker:
1. Build the project:
./mvnw clean install -Pdev “-Dmaven.test.skip=true”
2. Build docker image:
docker build -t collaboratorjava .
3. Run docker compose:
docker compose -f ./src/main/docker/app-dev.yml up -d

./mvnw clean install -Pdev "-Dmaven.test.skip=true"

docker build -t holidays .

3 containers should be started:
● collaboratorjava-app (localhost:8090)
● collaboratorjava-mysql (localhost:3307)
● collaboratorjava-elasticsearch

- You should use Java 8 to build the gateway, otherwise it may fail.
- In the first run, an app may fail if the database schema is not found. This is normal, just import
your database dump and restart.
- If you have a database server already running locally on 3306 stop it because you will have a
conflict with the gateway database.


switch b cmd NVM

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