Homework 4

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1. Which three auxiliary verbs are used before the main verb to show perfect verb tense?
 Answer: has, have, and had
 Correct Explanation: That’s right! Perfect verb tense is shown through the pairing of the auxiliary
verb have, has, or had with the main verb.
 Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right! Remember, perfect verb tense is shown through the
pairing of the auxiliary verb have, has, or had with the main verb.

2-Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).
1. I have not worked today.
2. We have bought a new lamp.
3. We have not planned our holiday yet.
4. Where have you been?
5. He has written five letters.
6. She has not seen him for a long time.
7. Have you been at school?
8. School has not started yet.
9. Has he spoken to his boss?
10. No, he has not had the time yet.

3--Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).

1. They have redecorated their house. It looks much better! = Ils ont redécoré leur
maison. Elle est beaucoup mieux !
2. My neighbor has had her dog for 14 years. = Ça fait 14 ans que ma voisine a son
3. It has not rained there for 3 months. = Il n’a pas plus là-bas depuis 3 mois.
4. How long have you played chess? = Ça fait combien de temps que tu joues aux
échecs ?
5. Our daughter has taken private piano lessons. = Notre fille a pris des cours
particuliers de piano.

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