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RESiSOMEM _ 02 | Exe lain. Aynarmic response cf fizsi onded Syste ___Gortth aoe eee — ——_aht_ayrnamnse _yesponse 9g a _fosgt_- opdee . a ySiem.__deocaibes how the sysremn - yeacts aan xo _changes in input Oves tire. Fiast ; i orded System AL ___Co' LON bey clin PRAT t theory to Jor~ious Pinysica & Systems - : A el RS ee See —&__Singie _enengy _gresnge elermena, such> a0: O__caPacited> oy an imductos anc _ Oo _ gingre Onedsqy. Ae Patin Plement = SUC aS a _wesistos. the _tannsfes —___Functren ef oa _finst = opcren_ ee = 4 ayeicang st PReSeMted as G5) = k _| ae S42 =) aie Gtr Ag) sbhe Bran, fen funcaron, aan —___| = L —Syskemn . aa _ eRe vse une ian cen Gain | ee eee Tis the Aime. constant +S IH AE comPlesc AreAuency vastable ExcamPle © RE cipcurt “chasging > > consides an Re cwcuit consisting 3 G VSD CR? and a caPacites ced Connected IM Semes Bhen You aePry a Sree MPUL Vottage Ciny +e Ans cotuit, the AYNamrc BEesPonse of he Voltage acyess he caPacited CVeut? Can ve modeled as a finsr & evded Syste - Trensfer function + Ger = Vous? =k Vents? Tot tonert , T= RO CrHE tine Constant qhe Ame constant + derendsS on xhe Names oF the BeSiStoD CRI and caracitcs — co A Sraawes T mens a Sasres satisPonse, Whrre gq lasged T leads to a S\pwed weSPONSE oy namic RESPONSE * wne™ You gudcdeniy arPYy a SteP vorlage \nPut CVind to the RC chl. , the vVottag e acess tne caPacitsd CVourd Sxavts to Ase exronenriauy towards the Anat Value 05 arctated by the fivst - Bder system stands Too fixe, om codes Plus _t Qnd it iS a _simprfied mathematic : crpodtt_Used +0 _desewibe the dynarnic ——vthavton___¢d_-many _zfai_wemid —_Peecesses as Onda __Systems. arhrs med er iS eseeciary corm on __isn_Ptraces4 _comtmet and -#5usreo — __amary SF Foe br System mnsrst torte main __comes NeNtS go wee. grecte = Sten, _q__dead time , and _a_time detay 2 Lryse_- OTded__Sysrenr © —__+__ane {ict omaew systen aepatsents the Pavan _clynamre _pehavvey _¢4 the _Ornces ——______»¥__SyShtm._y1__@achiits an __erPonensreat mse os eray ae Pon SE a eee | Beer mm Pe a tL G03 = is fae TS +2 “uneve, KE gain ond ad TE time constant _ | ___ send aime, denoted Nas Se ane kenge __Ahe Aime _clelay between when a avin ie change _is_made Ae _Ahe _Sysieen iment and when the __System _oegins— to yeSPond. Dead time _a’ceounrs fod delays in 32 me eras CT): * Aime deltas}, denottel 45 "Ta", sepsesent > Q Put aime detay afles whicr the SYSKLM —_ SLABS ESPON AIG — FoLLowiAg tne dead game - : Time deiqy 15 a Consyant ,trne eegrod betose the system begins it’s BESPONSE © ErxanPLe TemPEIAtUDe CoMtosl Syste. LeV5 considtd QA stempevaturye contdor sysem in a fuwnace . when You chang é- : ane SRNL LeMPEDAtUse ( the desived tere. y, the fasnaces emmP. dotsm>t MSkAN LLY grast +O ‘wise op fau yagteac , ie xn pikS FOPOT behaviow ° the frsst Codes System yepoesents the heat young Ro aynamics yngide the Susnace, which cleteomine how Jarekty ane em? changes — _-BESPOTSE +0. Changes im tne eating elements Power are dead yime accounts foo = aelny mn the temp. KSensos?S BeSPoONSE om example, iW mag ake Some time Loo the sensov 40 Aetect a temP change. Tne time dele iS the time heating it tanes fos the element +o pesPond +o Cnanges in Power. ea | snvense ses Pose, also Known aS negaun op __ntiac__die, is a __ Phenomenon het CeugS 10 Sor @ Ayman sc Systems Dherxe ___ __-he __ Paocess _Yariqhe tntrarcy veges ee in he oPPogite Aixectiom of “the desined | Change in ‘ats@onge -to a Change in +he_ Syste __meut- “hn _otnev oosvds, hen _ — | _ Nou _pnacetase the imPut, the outers. decaease S _ — —setiayy hefoee snowing in the _degirect di ovection._tAnvexge ee Ponse com. be —-__Psobrematic jn _Contwot systems “a5. it CoM — end +0 in *Obirity od um clesidzabre transient behavioe. : Es | gerommete —: Uduidl jever contzet im a Tonk ___|| tensiden a Scenamo mbere You have ag +ank fired with iduids_and—you wend to toolror _ | the Liquid _ level using _g__comtBol Vaive __|_The _conioul _vawwe oddusts the flow sate | 68 loutd into he -komk _basedon ye Level sensoa’s @edhback. clea when You _oeea yhe vaiwe c inesease the Claw = | acre). the \idurd level Shouid sige Mowevew, iM some cases, the _systern | night exchibit an —invesse xeseanse due _ | 40" comtarn factors, such a5_ Sy Stern |__dynarmmics om sensor delay tnvevse Response * 7 “witty | hem You ofer ne vawe, the Vdurd — Lever WA the +ANK Mignt dvr vnsttad O aising Tres haPeensS hecouse the — addittonar How vate Poom the vawe > NOL Wenn ey Oe LY compensated fo by the LeveL contrdol Sysrem - i The dvop im yidurd level is the INVETSE —-BESPONSE. $& txPlaren dynarnre sesPonse OF Second codes systtm mith sultapre excamere. Ui (C5) se : ti Faereate a 5(5¥ bun | | | a the _Aynarnic Bsroase fa “second opdes -SySsreen__cleScvibes_inow such _a__syjsteor benaves owed time When sub vecte td }—bo_yapious mPurS oy AiStusbances:< | — second __oddted sygierrs at commont found tn penarvot SYSAMS ane.” dye char aciepized by theit___Avansfer Sancuien: —twpich__cam__ be “aeParsented as Gisw oe 9) abIn® + 27 WnS+ Wet a . 8 1S an “corn PLES eee 7 = 7 fn _i5 the Naturat PHppduency. = + _15__the_dameing aatio oShrth - = AerCyrines -the Lever af nae = am__-the Syoxern. = ws The " dy~namte Po Poinge ere Seconct qadey Sysrten can he _divicled imto__theee man | Lye e was ed om the Vaiue 88: tne s LamPirng petro ( Sy. eels “ovewdamped ReStonse CSraV2 | x Case, rhe SYSrea_is_heaw'ty _damPed and ks eetoImn § +0 NS COuiLibaturm — spare —__ __ddithout __oScillation. The atsPonse iS sto. i Gnd: Eovqooth. t= 3a foe eee Coitt cat __Darared Keseons mes 2a tne dame i eng patio 15 ‘Peraclly “3, srhe_sy ster _ |_iS__eaiticauy “ dameed. Ge ebtumns. to eduittbor. 05 Guickty a5 Possible WWithoUk any OScitLatrons Tris sespense i6 desioabie mM aPPLcatrons wherse Farra — sravilizatton IS Needeck without OvEdSnooring Lndescdarmped Respoase C464) + in this gcenasve, Ane system 15 unclesdamPed , ond Wo exhibits oScitlatvons before Sertiting to HS finart Narue. the damping atic “(| SY fences the nambed CSAUALIONS gnd Aheiv cdecey Bate c yramePle = Cay SUSPENSION System - congidedD A Cad suSPENsion ‘Syste™ 45 a Second - codev daynamrc syste “phe cad, exPemenceS A Sudden pump, im ~he osead, which aS aS an mut distusbance The Reseonse cd We Suspension sy Stem can be aescoibed paged ON the domPing vat ro C4) : @ overdamped Resronse C Sry. tf xne cad’ S suspension system is heavy dampened, wore Smoethiy aetuen: +o Ww S.redus te bovuny Rositvon gitthout ang agnificant bouncin GD oscillations PONY A comfovta bUe mad & EEitrcally Harnped RKESPENSE cfr 6 3a AnvS (Cases ” Ane §us PENSON Sysren prings Ane Coo back to % Stable Bg weKly 9 \ ony OScillattonS Oo Position ostthout bouncing, ensuring both Yarra VSPonse-

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