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With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com
Where are you from?
A. Match the countries and the flags:

Brazil Canada France The US Italy Argentina England The UK

Egypt Australia Spain China Turkey Japan Russia

1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. ___________

11. ___________ 12. ___________ 13. ___________ 14. ___________ 15. ___________

Conversation 1:

■ Read and listen: Practice it:

Antonio: Hello, I’m Antonio. What’s your name?

Nuwa: My name’s Nuwa.
Antonio: Where are you from, Nuwa?
Where are you from?
Nuwa: I’m from China. Where are you from?
Antonio: I’m from Italy. From Milan. I’m from ____ (country/city)

Conversation 2:

A. Listen and complete the conversation: Practice it:

Blanca: Hello, I’m Blanca. What’s _________ name? B. Listen and write the countries:
Rafael: _______ name’s Rafael.
1. Mateo: ______________________
B: Hello, Rafael. Where are you __________?
Akemi: _____________________
R: ___________ from Spain. Where are you from?
B: Oh, I’m from Spain, too. ______ _________ Barcelona. 2. Loretta & Jason: __________________

R: Really? I’m from Barcelona, too! 3. Charles: _______________________

B: Oh, nice to meet you, Rafael. Bud: _____________________

Prepared by teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@
jraidmonsef48@ gmail.
gmail. Com
Conversation 3: Com

A. Fill in the gaps with the correct name: B. Fill in the gaps with the correct word:

Pablo Sumi Greta Sumi: Hi, Pablo. _________________?

Pablo: Hi, Sumi. _____________, thanks.
1. __________ introduces Greta to Pablo.
Sumi: Pablo, ___________ Greta.
2. __________ is German.
Pablo: Hi, Greta, I’m Pablo.
3. __________is Argentinian.
Greta: Hi, How are you?
Pablo: I’m fine, thanks. ___________________, Greta?
Greta: _____________ Germany .Where _________ from
Pablo: I’m from ________________. Nice to meet you.
Greta: Nice to meet you too.

In groups, practice the conversation above and then use different names and countries:

■ Complete the gaps with the correct Country/city/nationality.
Country Nationality Capital city Country Nationality Capital city
Morocco Moroccan Rabat Germany German Berlin
Russia Russian Moscow The UK British London
Brazil Brazilian Brasilia The US American Washington D.C
Canada Canadian Ottawa France French Paris
Spain Spanish Madrid Italy Italian Rome

Hello, I’m Ali. I’m Moroccan. Hi, this is Mary. She’s ____________.
I’m from Rabat, in Morocco. She’s from ______, in ____________.

Hello, I’m Jack. I’m ____________. Hello, this is Francis. He’s _________.
I’m from _____, in ____________. He’s from ________, in ___________.

Hi, I’m Marlin. I’m _____________. Hi, this is Susan. She’s __________.
I’m from ______, in ___________. She’s from _____, in ____________.

Hello, I’m Amy. I’m ____________. Hi, this is John. He’s __________.
I’m from ______, in ___________. He’s from ______, in ____________.

Hello, I’m Ron. I’m ____________. Hello, this is Mary. She’s ________.
I’m from ______, in ___________. She’s from ______, in ___________.

Prepared by teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com

WORKSHEET: Subject pronouns/ verb to be

A. Match the pictures and the Subject pronouns HE, YOU, I, SHE, IT:


A female A male


- An animal : a dog
- An object: a phone
- A place: a house

B. Complete the following table:


I ______ am _____ _____ I’m ______ _____ Am I? ___

You __________________ __________________ _________________

He __________________ __________________ _________________

She __________________ __________________ _________________

It __________________ __________________ _________________

Prepared by teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com

C. Complete the questions and answers:

1. Q: Where _____ from? 4. Q: Where _____ from?

A: ____ from________. A: ____ from the US.

2. Q: Where ___ he from? 5. Q: Where _____ from?

A: __ is from Spain. A: ____ from France.

3. Q: Where ___she from? 6. Q: Where _____ from?

A: She __ from England. A: ____ from Russia.

D. Complete the questions and answers:

1. 2. 3.

1. A: How old ______________? 2. A: How old ______________? 3. A: How old ______________?

B: _________ 26 (years old) B: _________ 15 (years old) B: _________ 14 (years old)

E. Look at the photos and complete?

1 2 3
I think he’s about one. I think she’s ___________ _____________________

4 5 6
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Prepared by teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com
WORKSHEET: Possessive Adjectives
A. Match the pictures and the Possessive Adjectives MY– HIS – HER –YOUR:


Give examples: Give examples:

- ________________ - ________________
- ________________ - ________________
- ________________ - ________________


Give examples: Give examples:

- ________________ - ________________ _______
_______ - ________________ - ________________
- ________________ - ________________

She He
B. Fill in the gaps with MY – YOUR – HIS – HER:

1. Q: What’s _____ name? 4. Q: What’s _____ name?

A: ___ name’s ________. A: ___ name’s Susan.

2. Q: What’s _____ name? 5. Q: What’s _____ name?

A: ___ name’s Jim. A: ___ name’s Amy

3. Q: What’s _____ name? 6. Q: What’s _____ name?

A: ___ name’s Mary. A: ___ name’s John.

Prepared by Teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com
Conversation practice:
■ Complete the sentences about the people:

1 2 3
His name’s Francis. ______ name’s Marlin. _______ name’s Suzan.
He’s from France. ______ from ___________. _______ from __________.
He’s 25 years old. _______ 30 years old. ________ 22 years old.

4 5 6
_______ name’s Joe. _______ name’s Lan. _______ name’s Ronaldo.
______ from ___________. ________ from __________. ________ from __________.
______ 29 years old. ________ 31 years old. _______ 20 years old.

7 8 9
______ _name’s Yun. ______ name’s Edward. _________ name’s Liz.
______ from Japan. ________ from ___________. ________ from __________.
_______ 25 years old. ________ 37 years old. _________ 25 years old.

■ Ask and answer questions about the people above:

What’s her name? Her name’s … What’s his name? His name’s …

Where’s she from? She’s from … Where’s he from? He’s from …

How old is she? She’s … How old is he? He’s …

Prepared by teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com
Worksheet: Grammar & Vocabulary
A. Order the words to make questions: Match them with answers.

1. is/name/what/your A: ____________________________ a) B: I’m at home.

2. from/is/he/ where A: ____________________________ b) B: It’s a cell phone.
3. are/today/you/how A: ____________________________ c) B: Yes, she is
4. old/you/how/are A: ____________________________ d) B: Very well. Thanks
5. She/from/is Vietnam A: ____________________________ e) B: My name’s Mark.
6. is/what/English/this/in A: ____________________________ f) B: I’m 26
7. you/where/are A: ____________________________ g) B: He’s from Milan.

B. Tick () the correct sentences: C. Complete with the verb to be (am, are, is).
1. □ My name Mark 1. A: ____ you my teacher? 7. A: How ___ she?
□ My name’s Mark B: Yes, I _____. B: She ____ fine.
2. □ What’s he’s name? 2. A: _____ she your friend? 8. A: ____ he a doctor?
□ What’s his name? B: No, she __ not. B: Yes, he ____.

3. □ ‘What’s her name?’ ‘Mary’ 3. A: How ___ you? 9. A: Where ____ she?
□ ‘What’s his name?’ ‘Mary’ B: I ____ fine, thanks. B: She ____ at school.

4. □ He’s from Japan. 4. A: What __ this in English? 10. A: ____ it your pen?

□ His from Japan. B: It ___ a laptop. B: No, it ___ not.

5. □ Where she from? 5. A: Where _____ London? 11. A: How old ____ you?
B: It ___ in England. B: I ___ 20 years old.
□ Where’s she from?
6. A: _____ you from France? 12. A: ____ he from Paris?
6. □ How old is he?
B: Not, I _____ not. B: No, he ___ not.
□ How old he is?

D. Look at the table and fill in the gaps with MY – YOUR – HIS – HER:


Mary Ben
Prepared by teacher Monsef
Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com

1. It’s _____ book. 2. It’s _____ ball. 3. They’re _____ shoes.

4. It’s _____ car. 5. They’re_____ trousers. 6. It’s _____ camera.
7. They’re ____ Headphones. 8. It’s _____ newspaper. 9. It’s _____ charger
10. It’s _____ t-shirt. 11. They’re _____ keys. 12. It’s _____ dog
13. It’s _____ cat. 14. It’s _____ hair brush. 15. They’re ____ glasses
16. It’s _____ bag.

D. Fill in the gaps with MY, HER, YOUR, and HIS:

This is _____ new car. This is ______ new car. That is _____ ball. That is ______ bike.

This is … (Near) That is … (Far)

E. Complete the sentences with THIS/ THAT:

1. _________ is my book. 2. ________ is your bag. 3. ________ is her ball.

1. _________ is his car. 2. ________ is my dog. 3. ________ is your teacher.

■ In pairs, ask and answer about different possessions. Use YOUR, HER, or HIS.

Yes, it is.
Is THIS your laptop?

No, it is not.
Is THAT his bag?

Prepared by teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com

Location (Where is/are …?)

A. Where’s the ball?


A. It’s ON the box. B. It’s _____ the box. C. It’s _____ the box. D. It’s _____ the box.

B. Look at the picture and practice the dialogue:

Mark: Where’s the phone?

Lucy: It’s on the chair.
Mark: Oh, thanks. Where are the car keys?
Lucy: I don’t know. Are they on the table?
Mark: No, they aren’t.

Where questions: Answers

SINGULAR ‘s the phone? It’s the chair.
Where on
PLURAL are the car keys? They’re the table.

Yes/No questions: Answers

Is it the chair. Yes, it is No, it isn’t
Are they the table. Yes, they are No, they aren’t

C. Read the answers and look at the picture. Write the questions.
1. A: Where’s the phone? B: ________________ the table.
2. A: Where are the keys? B: ________________ the chair.
3. A: Where’s the camera? B: ________________ the phone.
4. A: Where are the pens? B: ________________ the chair.
5. A: _________________________ B: They’re next to the wallet.
6. A: _________________________ B: It’s under the chair.
7. A: _________________________ B: It’s under the table.
8. A: _________________________ B: They’re in the bag.

Prepared by teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com

D. Look at the picture in exercise C again. Correct the prepositions in the

sentences. Two are correct.
1. Two pens are in the chair. __on__
2. The keys and the wallet are under the chair. ________
3. The books are under the bag. ________
4. The bag is next to the table. ________
5. The camera is next to the phone. ________
6. The phone is under the table. ________

E. Listen and Complete the sentences. Use It’s or They’re and in, on, next to or under.
1. _________ _________ the chair. 1. _________ _________ the bag
2. _________ _________ the bag 2. _________ _________ the chair
3. _________ _________ the book 3. _________ _________ the wallet
4. _________ _________ the camera 4. _________ _________ the phone
5. _________ _________ the table 5. _________ _________ the bag

F. Look at the picture and answer the following questions:

1. Is the phone on the table? Yes, it is. 2. Is the chair next to the table? ________________
3. Are the pens on the chair? Yes, they are. 4. Are the keys in the bag? ________________
5. Is the camera on the chair? ________________ 6. Is the bag on the table? ________________
7. Are the books on the table? ________________ 8. Are the keys under the chair? ________________

G. Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues with the correct location:
A: Where are you now? B: I’m in the classroom. / We’re in the classroom.
at work at the gym at home at school At the cinema At the restaurant

1 2 3

A: Where’s she? A: Where’s he? A: Where’s Jane?

B: She’s ____________. B: He’s ____________. B: She’s ____________.

4 5 6
A: Where’s Donald? A: Where are they? A: Where are they?
B: He’s ____________. B: They’re __________. B: They’re ________.

Prepared by teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com
H. Listen and complete the conversations.

Aki: Hi, it’s Aki here. Alex: Hi, Jo? It’s me – Alex.
Amy: Hi. ……………………………. Jo: Oh, ………………………………….
Aki: I’m at the station. Alex: We’re at a café. It’s the Café Metro.
Amy: OK. ……………………….. Jo: Oh, ……………………………… there.

Role play: On the phone

In pairs, practice asking your partner about their location:

Person A: Hi, it’s ______________ here.

Person B: Hi. Where are you?

Person A: I’m _____________________.

Person B: OK. See you


Prepared by teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71

A holiday in New York Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com

A. Read and listen:

This is a photo of Claude and Holly Duval from

Montreal in Canada. They are on holiday in New
York City. Holly is from Canada and Claude is from
France. They are married. Holly is an architect. Her
office is in the centre of Montreal. Claude is a
doctor. His hospital is in the centre of Montreal too.

B. Read the text and Answer the following questions:

1. What’s her name? ___________________________________________________________
2. What’s his name? ___________________________________________________________
3. Where’s he from? ___________________________________________________________
4. Where’s she from? ___________________________________________________________
5. Where’s her office? ___________________________________________________________
6. Where’s his hospital. ___________________________________________________________
7. Where are they now? ___________________________________________________________

C. Write TRUE or FALSE and Correct the false sentences.

1. ________ Claude is single. _________________________________________________
2. ________ They are in the US. _________________________________________________
3. ________ Holly and Claude are French. _________________________________________________
4. ________ He’s an architect. _________________________________________________
5. ________ She’s a doctor. _________________________________________________

D. Listen to Claude and Holly. Complete the conversation:

building Beautiful Really good Look Hamburger Awful Weather Amazing

A: Oh no! Look at the ____________! A: Mmm. Look at my ______________ it looks great.

B: Ugh! It’s _______________________. 1 B: My pizza is ________________, too! 2

A: Wow! This _________________ is fantastic! A: Wow! _____________ at the view!

B: Yes, you’re right. It’s ____________________. The B: It’s _________________.
Freedom Tower is my favourite building in New
York now. 3 4

Prepared by teacher Monsef

Fluent. English
With Mr. Monsef  Tel: 06 94 72 62 71
A. Match the adjectives and the emojis: Gmail: jraidmonsef48@ gmail. Com

good awful/terrible Fantastic/amazing really good bad ok

1. __________________________ 4. ____________________________

2. __________________________ 5. ____________________________

3. ______________________ 6. ________________________

B. Complete the sentences with the correct pairs of words:

Sport Music Day England English Mom

Country Colour Animal Pizza Basketball Jazz
City Month Person Coffee London Monday
Food Drink Language March Red Dog

1. Basketball is my favourite sport. 2. ____________ is my favourite _______________

3. ____________ is my favourite _______________ 4. ____________ is my favourite _______________
5. ____________ is my favourite _______________ 6. ____________ is my favourite _______________
7. ____________ is my favourite _______________ 8. ____________ is my favourite _______________
9. ____________ is my favourite _______________ 10. ____________ is my favourite _______________
11. ____________ is my favourite _______________ 12. ____________ is my favourite _______________

■ Give other examples:

1. ____________ is my favourite _______________ 2. ____________ is my favourite _______________

3. ____________ is my favourite _______________ 4. ____________ is my favourite _______________

Prepared by teacher Monsef

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