Sesión Fuerza 4ºESO

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The goal of this type of training is improving the The materials that have to be used are the following
serve acceleration while playing tennis. ones:

- A bar with disks

- Dumbbells
- Pulley
- Sit

The organization will consist in an individual work in The space where the exercises are going to be
a well-prepared gym with the necessary machines developed is the gym. It’s preferable that the gym
and materials that are required. doesn’t have carpets on the floor because this
accumulates more dust and can affect to your
respiratory capacity.

All the exercices will consist of 4 sets of 10 repetitions with a 30 second rest between sets and 2 minutes rests
between the different exercices.

The warm up will consist of 5 min of running (better if it is outside) at a medium velocity without getting exhausted
because the purpose of this is to start warming up the body. Then, we will continue with muscle flexibility while we
are moving (dynamic). We must execute very good the technique for preventing injuries during the main part. These
exercises will be progressive (from low intensity to higher) and focusing on the upper body in this case.Some
exercises for warming up the upper body are the following ones:

Moving the arms, neck and wrists doing a rotation movement (each is independent, this is, the arms don’t move at
the same time of the neck and wrists).

Moving the arms up and down with the opposite movement in each side of the body.

Crossing both arms in a rigid way. This warm up exercise starts with the arms in a rigid position at the front and then
you cross both. Doing this you warm up the pectorals.

Also, we can use for 5 or 10 minutes the rowing machine.


The main part of the exercise will consist on the following ones:

We will start with the biceps. But it is important to remember that each muscle has different parts. In this case, we
can identify the long head, the short head, the brachialis and the brachioradialis.

LONG HEAD: This part of the biceps as the name says is the longest and it is located in the middle of the biceps. It
can be exercised with ‘’curl with dumbbells in an inclined sit’’. The first we have to do is to adapt the sit in an angle
of 45º or less. Then, we sit and support our back in the chair back and put our feet on the floor. Finally, we leave our
arms in the down at each side of the chair with a good grip in the dumbbles and USING THE BICEPS we approach the
dumbbles to the shoulders. We do this exercise at the same time in each arm.

SHORT HEAD: This part is located in the inside part of the biceps and is shorter than the precious one. It can be
exercised with ‘’curl of biceps’’. This exercise can be done with a bar with disks or with dumbbels. First, you sit and
you put the posterior part of your arms on an inclinated table. And then, you will approach the bar to your neck
(without touching) and then move it back to the initial position.
THE BRACHIALIS AND BRACHIORADIALIS: These two parts are located near the forearms and can be trained doing
‘’biceps curl with dumbbles’’. This can be executed placing our feet at the level of our shoulders and then we start
approaching the dumbbles to our shoulders.

Then, we will continue with triceps. As the biceps, it has three parts. The medial head, the lateral head and the large

MEDIAL HEAD: This part is located in the lower inside part of the triceps. A typical exercise for training this triceps
part is the ‘’close grip bench press’’. It consists of laying on the bench with the back a little bit arched and taking the
bar with a very close grip and moving it up and down in parallel with the medium part of the pectoral.
LARGE HEAD: It is located in the upper inner part of the triceps. It can be trained with ‘’French press’’. Consists of
laying the back on the bench taking the bar with a very close grip and moving the bar from the initial position, which
is with the rigid arms in the air, down to behind the head.

LATERAL HEAD: It is located in the outer part of the triceps, and it can be trained with the ‘pulley triceps extensions’’
exercise. In this exercise, we have to put our body straight, take the pulley with the arms in 90º and then pull them

After this we will continue with the pectoral. As the others it has three parts: The lower, the medium and the upper
MEDIUM PART: It can be trained with’’ bench press’’. This exercise consists of laying on the bench with the back a
little bit arched and taking the bar with a very open grip and moving it up and down in parallel with the medium part
of the pectoral.

UPPER PART: An exercise for this part, can be the ‘’dumbbell fly’’. It consists of laying on a bench and carrying the
dumbbells up in the air aligned with the pectorals.

LOWER PART: We will use the pulley for this. First we place the pulley arms in 90º and with an adequate grip for our
hands. Then we take both pulleys and we put one foot forward (we change it in each series). Finally, we pull them in
front of us in parallel to the lower part of the chest. To release the correct technique, we can imagine a hug.

We also have to train the deltoid. This can be done in a machine or sitting in a sit with the back in 90º and pulling up
the dumbbells up from the shoulders.
Finally, we will finish the main part training the wide dorsal and trapezius.

The wide dorsal can be trained inclining our upper body and holding to a bench or a wall with one arm, and with
the other we will push up the dumbbell moving the shoulder.

The trapezius can be trained with the ’'burbell shrugs'' that consist of having the body in the anatomical position,
having a bar in the hands and moving up the shoulder part.

This part is one of the most important ones by doing exercises because prevents lesions like tendinitis, also avoids
stiffness, reduces muscular tension and the lactic acid from the muscles. For this type of training, the ideal
estreching exercises are the following ones:

For biceps: This type of stretching consists in positioning your body on the floor with the palms of the hands pointing
at your body and exeterting force with your body and legs pushing towards you.

For triceps: This type of exercise consists in placing your palm between the homoblades and with the other hand
pushing down the elbow.

For pectorals: You can do it with a wall or a rigid structure. Consists in holding with your hand to something rigid and
exerting force in the other direction.

For dorsals: You have to sit on the floor on your knees and then you ‘’fall’’ towards. You must extend your back the
maximum. You can be helped with your hands.
For trapezius: Consists in pushing your head down with the help of your hands.

For shoulders: It is executed pushing with one arm, the other which is placed horizontally across the body.

In all this training we have to highlight many different aspects for reaching the maximum capacity and for
preventing injuries because of bad techniques.
• If you feel that you cannot advance because of the weight, reduce it, but also you can increase it if
you feel that you can support more.
• If you feel pain during an exercise STOP. You are probably doing a wrong technique. Ask a
• All the exercises must be done with a very slow movement, with precission, concentration, and if
some exercise doesn’t involve the back but you feel that you are using it to apply force REDUCE THE
WEIGHT because at long term you can have serious back problems.

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