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State of Libya

Ministry of Higher Education and Science Research

Department of English, the School of Languages, the Libyan Academy, Misurata
The Teachers’ Interview
Dear Participants:
I am a Master’s Degree candidate conducting a study entitled "using authentic materials

for teaching listening and speaking skills: Libyan EFL teachers’ practices and beliefs in Misurata

University". This study aims to find out whether Libyan EFL teachers are using authentic

materials in their listening and speaking classes. This study will not be possible without your this connection, I would like to ask for your cooperation to answer these questions to the

best of your ability. I would be grateful for your time and effort.

Interview Questions
1. How long have you been teaching listening and speaking skills? For only one month
2. What do you know about authentic materials? Real items or materials
3.Do you prefer using authentic materials in your EFL classes? or do you prefer to use
them as supplementary materials in the class? As supplementary materials, because in
sometimes there is no need to bring them.
4.What are the reasons for your using or not using authentic materials? And how often do
you use them?
a) ……. expose students to real language c) …*…. motivate the students.
b) ……. improve the students’ skills d) ……. administration requirement
5.Why do not you prefer to use authentic materials in your EFL classes?
a) Do not see it as relevant
b) Difficult to be used/ difficult for the students to comprehend
c) Time consuming (in terms of selection and preparation)
d) Syllabus constraints
6.Do you enjoy using the Syllabus you are using at this moment? Yes
7.Listening texts, which are specifically designed for teaching and learning, do you think
are different from real life conversations? Sometimes it differs in such topics like
transportation it's mentioned some types of vehicles we don't have for example metro,
train. Also when the topics are related to travelling as not the majority of students are
experienced such a journey.
8. Do you agree that by using authentic materials, students can become familiar with
attitudes, values, traditions and social issues from different parts of the world better than
with materials specifically designed for teaching and learning purposes? Maybe
9. Do you think that authentic materials Should always be used in the classroom? It can be
used when its necessary.
10.In which class(es) do you prefer to use them? Listening/ Reading/ Writing/ Speaking.
11.Could we use authentic materials for all levels of students? And at which level would
you use authentic materials? Why?
a) Beginners b) Intermediate c) Advanced. As they are beginners, it would be good idea to
motivate them, and it is a way to engage them immediately in learning.
12.What kind of authentic material that you used in listening & speaking classes? In other
words, what sources of authentic materials are available for you to use?
a) Internet b) Radio c) TV programs/ Video/Song/Movie d) Magazines & Newspapers e) A
variety of all sources. I haven't used them yet.
13.In selecting authentic materials, what criteria would you follow?
a) Course objectives b) Students’ needs and interests c) Students’ language level d) Cultural
14.Does the use of authentic have an important role in teaching? Yes
15.Does the use of authentic materials in listening & speaking can improve students’
achievement? Yes
16. If you have used authentic materials in your teaching, what do you see as the pros and
cons of authentic materials? Give examples.
17.What do you see as the pros and cons of materials specifically designed for teaching and
learning purposes? Could you explain this in more detail?
18.Do you think using authentic materials need specific training?
a) selecting the materials/ designing the activities b) Yearly workshops c) Curriculum
19.Is there anything else you would like to say about the use of authentic materials?

Thank you for your valuable help

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