Grade 12 - Revision Worksheet - 7

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Ref: 2023-24/ /12 Science/ Unit-8, 9 & 10/Worksheet-7

Buds Public School, Dubai

Subject : Chemistry
1. What is pseudo order reaction?
2. What are the differences between order and molecularity reaction.
3. Write IUPAC names of the following compounds

4. Explain the following

a. Esterification reaction
b. phenol is more acidic than alcohol

5. Write the chemical equations for the following statements

(i) Oxidation of primary alcohols in presence of oxidizing agent like K2Cr2O7
(ii) When the vapours of a secondary alcohol are passed over heated copper at 573K,
dehydrogenation takes place
(iii) Preparation of aldehydes and ketones by ozonolysis of alkenes
6. Define the following term with mathematical expression
(i) Average rate of the reaction
(ii) Instantaneous rate of the reaction.
Derive the first order rate constant for the first order reaction.

7. How do you convert the following

a. Phenol to salicyldehyde
b. Phenol to benzene diazonium chloride

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