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1. Was your life different ten years ago? Why?
yes, I was because i lived with my parents, now I live alone
2. What is your earliest memory?
My earliest memory is the first day of kindergarden. I remember
that many of my classmates cried.
3. Is there anything that you would like to forget?
Yes, there is. I would like to forget the fights with my cousins
4. Did you ever have an embarrasing moment? What happened?
Yes, I did. When I was on the bus I didn't have money to pay
because I had forgotten my wallet at home.
5. When did you start school?
I started my School at 2005, the name of my school is MARIA
AUXILIADORA, it is located in Carhuaz
6. What subjects did you like best?
In elementary school I liked mathematics, in high school I loved
Now in the university I really like rock mechanics
7. How many hours did you study a day?
En elementary school I studied 4 hours a day in the high school I
studied 5 hours now in the university I estudy 5 hours a day
8. When did you finish high school?
I finished my school in 2015 and then I prepared for the military
school in Chorrillos.
9. Do you go to college?
Yes, I do, I study mining engineering and now I am a 7 th cycle
10. What are you majoring in?
I am studying mining engineering. I am going to specialize in rock
11.When are you going to get your degree?
I am going to get my degree in 2025 and my thesis going to be on
rock safety factor at the Nebraska mine
12.Where were you in your last vacation?
I was in pisco, I think pisco is the most beautiful city in ica.
13.Who were you with?
I was with my sister, we liked to eat ice cream there.
14.Where did you stay?
I stayed at my grandmother's house
15.How many days did you stay there?
we stayed 15 days, and we visited the lake huacachina

16.Did you enjoy your vacation?

Yes, I did, we take a lot of photos
17. Where did you go last night? What did you do?
I went to play video games with my friends

18.When and where were you born?

I was born in1999 in Carhuaz
19.What´s wrong with you?
my back hurts and I am a fever
20.How do you say “robo” in English?
We say BURGLAR robo in inglish
21.Did you study for your English exam?
Yes I did, I studied all night

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