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1. How often do you use a computer? – For real, I’m not using my computer as much as my friends. I
only use my laptop when I have to do something for school or when I have more free time, then I
often play Sims4 to relax.

2. What kind of things do you do on your computer? – I am doing on my laptop exercises from
school, sometimes I edit photos on it. And of course I play some games when I have time for it.
Otherwise I really like listen to music on my equipment. I think that’s all things that I do on my

3. Do you spend more time playing Or working on your computer? – I spend much more time
working on my computer. I am playing on it only when I have more free time or on holidays. I often
work on laptop, because we have many things from school, which we have to do them on ours

4. What kind of computer would you like to have if money was no problem? – I would like to have a
touch laptop with good capacity. Perfect will be really cool computer equipment included with
wireless keyboard, speaker and headphones. Coputer can be black with neons or something like that.
It can have a cool microphone and be handheld.

5. Pros and cons of social media – I think that social media are at the same time good and bad. For
example, the pros can be access to informations, the ability to talk with your friends, share photos
from your life or the ability to watching your idols or celebrities you love or like. But the cons of social
media are for sure FOMO. This is the kind of disease. When you have it, you can’t stop watching
social media, because you’re scared about tinking that you can miss some new news. This can turn
into obsession. In my opinion this is the kind of our sign od the times and it will get worse and worse.
Otherwise you can’t focus by social media and you can get addicted very fast.

6. Tell me about your last visit to a museum, theatre or gallery – I was about eleven years old. I was
with my parents in museum. Of course, I was really courious and independent kid, so when we were
there, I had to look around and went somewhere. Then I had lost. I met security man and I asked him
if he had seen my parents, but he said that he didn’t. I started to panic and I started to run left and
right, wherever i could. After about 10 minutes I met my cousin. I was shocked what he was doing
here, but I was stressed so I didn’t ask about it. I asked him if he had seen my parents, and he said
that he saw them and he could take me to them. Everything ended happy, except that we missed the

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