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Tag Description
CC Coordinating conjunction
CD Cardinal number
DT Determiner
EX Existential there
FW Foreign word
IN Preposition or subordinating conjunction
JJ Adjective
JJR Adjective, comparative
JJS Adjective, superlative
LS List item marker
MD Modal
NN Noun, singular or mass
NNS Noun, plural
NNP Proper noun, singular
NNPS Proper noun, plural
PDT Predeterminer
POS Possessive ending
PRP Personal pronoun
PRP$ Possessive pronoun
RB Adverb
RBR Adverb, comparative
RBS Adverb, superlative
RP Particle
SYM Symbol
TO to
UH Interjection
VB Verb, base form
VBD Verb, past tense
VBG Verb, gerund or present participle
VBN Verb, past participle
VBP Verb, non-3rd person singular present
VBZ Verb, 3rd person singular present
WDT Wh-determiner
WP Wh-pronoun
WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun
WRB Wh-adverb


AT article a, the, no, every

DT determiner some, this etc.
PP$ possessive determiner his, her, my, etc.
TO auxiliary particle to
MD modal can, will, may, should, etc.
BEP am, are
BED was, were
BEG being
BEI be
BEZ is
BEH been
DOZ auxiliary does
DOD auxiliary did
DOP auxiliary do
HVZ auxiliary has
HVP auxiliary have (finite)
HVD auxiliary had
HVG auxiliary having
HVI auxiliary have (infinitive)
AJJ attributive adjective
AJJR attributive adjective comparative
AJJS attributive adjective superlative
PJJ predicative adjective
PJJR predicative adjective comparative
PJJS predicative adjective superlative
AVBB past (passive) participle used attributively
AVBG present participle used attributively
VBP_T transitive verb present non 3rd sing
VBI_T transitive verb infinitive
VBD_T transitive verb past
VBZ_T transitive verb present 3rd sing
VBG_T transitive verb present participle
VBH_T transitive verb past participle
VBB_T transitive verb passive participle
VBP_I intransitive verb present non 3rd sing
VBI_I intransitive verb infinitive
VBD_I intransitive verb past
VBZ_I intransitive verb present 3rd sing
VBG_I intransitive verb present participle
VBH_I intransitive verb past participle
VBP_A intrans verb taking adjectival complement pres non 3rd sg
VBI_A intrans verb taking adjectival complement infinitive
VBD_A intrans verb taking adjectival complement past
VBZ_A intrans verb taking adjectival complement present 3rd sing
VBG_A intrans verb taking adjectival complement present participle
VBH_A intrans verb taking adjectival complement past participle
CC coordinating conjunction and, but, or etc.
C1 the first element of a compound coordination – both, neither, either
PREP preposition except by or of e.g. in, on, under, beside
BY by
OF of
IN than, though, etc. when not prepositions
SC subordinating conjunction, eg since, although, because
CMP the complementiser that
NNS_H plural head noun
NNS_M plural modifier noun
NPS plural proper head noun
NPS_M plural proper modifier noun
NN_H singular head noun
NN_M singular modifier noun
NP singular proper noun
NP_M singular proper modifier noun
NT noun phrase time adverbial last September, every Friday etc.
POS genitive ‘s, ‘
DP definite or indefinite pronoun some, this, anyone etc.
EX existential there
objective personal or possessive pronoun me, mine, you, yours, him, his, her, hers, it, them,
theirs etc
SPP subjective personal or possessive pronoun I, you, yours, he, his, she, hers, they etc.
RPP reflexive pronoun herself, himself, itself, myself, etc.
WP Wh pronoun what which who that
WP$ whose
WRB Wh adverb why where however etc.
WDT Wh determiner what, which
QP quantifier pronoun much more most few less etc.
PDT pre-determiner all, both, half, such, twice
FQ floated quantifier all, both
RB adverb modifying verb e.g. adoringly, again, ahead
RBR adverb comparative e.g. bigger, better, faster, more
RBS adverb superlative e.g. biggest, best, fastest, most
NEG not
RN else following indefinite pronoun
RP adverbial particle, e.g. across, back, out, over
RA enough, indeed following adjective
RC as following adjective and preceding standard of comparison
RD only, just preceding noun phrase
RF adverb following noun phrase here there alone east etc.
RG adverb following time or measure noun phrase ago, hence etc.
RGR comparative RG earlier, later
adverb modifying a following preposition or subord. conj., e.g. anywhere, even, just, partly,
RIR comparative RI more, less
RJ adverb modifying a following adjective or adverb e.g. abjectly, coldly, so, very
RT temporal adverb then now today
RQ adverb modifying a following numeral only about almost exactly
UH interjection. e.g gosh, heavens, pooh, rats
CD1 the number one
CD numbers five, thirty-two, million, third, fifteenth etc.
CD_M number in modifier position
CDS plurals of numbers fives, millions etc.
CDS_M plural number in modifier position
LS list separator
FW foreign word
$ currency symbol
“ backquotes
: colon, semicolon, dash
” quote
( left bracket
) right bracket
, comma
. full stop, question mark or exclamation mark


The tag set follows the CINTIL tags (Barcelar et al, 2006) but with some modifications: multi-word units do not
receive special POS tags as is the case in CINTIL (except a small list of latin expressions), and
contracted forms (pelo, do) are kept and receive a double tag (pelo/PREP+DET), while in CINTIL these
words are split into two separate tokens.

Tag Category Examples

ADJ Adjectives bom, brilhante, eficaz, …
ADV Adverbs hoje, já, sim, felizmente, …
CARD Cardinals zero, dez, cem, mil, …
CJ Conjunctions e, ou, tal como, …
CL Clitics o, lhe, se, …
CN Common Nouns computador, cidade, ideia, …
DA Definite Articles o, os, …
DEM Demonstratives este, esses, aquele, …
DFR Denominators of Fractions meio, terço, décimo, %, …
DGTR Roman Numerals VI, LX, MMIII, MCMXCIX, …
DGT Digits 0, 1, 42, 12345, 67890, …
DM Discourse Marker olá, pois, então, pronto, …
EADR Electronic Addresses, …
EOE End of Enumeration etc
EXC Exclamatives que, quanto, ...
GER Gerunds sendo, afirmando, vivendo, …
GERAUX Gerunds as auxiliary verbs tendo, havendo
IA Indefinite Articles uns, umas, …
IND Indefinites tudo, alguém, ninguém …
INF Infinitive ser, afirmar, viver, …
INFAUX Infinitive auxiliary verb ter, havermos, ...
INT Interrogatives quem, como, quando, …
ITJ Interjection bolas, caramba, …
LTR Letters a, b, c, …
LADV1…LADVn Latin Multi-Word Adverbs a priori, a posteriori, per capita, sine die
MGT Magnitude Classes unidade, dezena, dúzia, resma, …
MTH Months Janeiro, Dezembro, …
ORD Ordinals primeiro, centésimo, penúltimo, …
PADR Part of Address Rua, av., rot., …
PNM Part of Name Lisboa, António, João…
PNT Punctuation Marks ., ?, (, …
POSS Possessives meu, teu, seu, …
Past Participles not in compound
PPA sido, afirmados, vivida, …
PPT Past Participle in compound tenses sido, afirmado, vivido, …
PREP Prepositions de, para, em redor de, …

PRS Personals eu, tu, ele, …
QNT Quantifiers todos, muitos, nenhum, …
REL Relatives que, cujo, tal que, …
STT Social Titles Presidente, dr., prof., …
SYB Symbols @, #, &, …
TERMN Optional Terminations (s), (as), …
UM "um" or "uma" um, uma
UNIT Measurement units in abbreviated form Kg, h, seg, Hz, Mbytes,...
Finite "ter" or "haver" in compound
VAUX temos, haviam, …
Verbs (other than PPA, PPT, INF or
V falou, falaria, …
WD Week Days segunda, terça-feira, sábado, …
Contracted forms Combinations of :
CL+CL Two clitics -lha, lhos, -ma, ma, -tas, ...
PREP+ADV Preposition and Adverb dali, daì, daqui, ...
PREP+DA Preposition and Definite Articles aos, na, nos, da, dos
PREP+DEM Preposition and Demonstratives desse,deste, naquela
PREP+IND Preposition and Indefinite noutra, noutros, doutra, ...
PREP+INT Preposition and Interrogative aonde
PREP+PRS Preposition and Personal pronoun comigo, conosco, dela, nele, ...
PREP+QNT Preposition and Quantifier nalguns, noutro,noutras, ...
PREP+REL Preposition and Relative donde, aonde
PREP+UM Preposition and "um" or "uma" dum, duma


Tag Categoria Examplos

ADJ Adjectivo bom, brilhante, eficaz, …
ADV Advérbio hoje, já, sim, felizmente, …
CARD Cardinal zero, dez, cem, mil, …
CJ Conjunção e, ou, tal como, …
CL Cliticos o, lhe, se, …
CN Nome computador, cidade, ideia, …
DA Artigo Definido o, os, …
DEM Demonstrativo este, esses, aquele, …
DFR Fracções meio, terço, décimo, %, …
DGTR Números Romanos

DGT Dígitos 0, 1, 42, 12345, 67890, …
DM Marcadores de Discurso olá, …
EADR Endereço Electrónico, …
EOE Final de Enumeração etc
EXC Exclamativa ah, ei, etc.
GER Gerúndio sendo, afirmando, vivendo, …
GERAUX Gerúndio "ter"/"haver" em termos compostos tendo, havendo …
IA Artigo Indefinido uns, umas, …
IND Indefinidos tudo, alguém, ninguém, …
INF Infinitivo ser, afirmar, viver, …
INFAUX Infinitivo "ter"/"haver" em termos compostos ter, haver …
INT Interrogativos quem, como, quando, …
ITJ Interjeição bolas, caramba, …
LTR Letras a, b, c, …
unidade, dezena, dúzia, resma,
MGT Classe de Magnitude

MTH Meses Janeiro, Dezembro, …
NP Sintagma Nominal idem, …
primeiro, centésimo, penúltimo,
ORD Ordinal

PADR Parte de Endereço Rua, av., rot., …
PNM Parte de Nome Próprio Lisboa, António, João, …
PNT Pontuação ., ?, (, …
POSS Possessivos meu, teu, seu, …
Particípio Passado que não ocorre em termos
PPA afirmados, vivida, …
PP Sintagma Preposicional algures, …

PPT Particípio Passado em termos compostos sido, afirmado, vivido, …
PREP Preposição de, para, em redor de, …
PRS Pronome Pessoal eu, tu, ele, …
QNT Quantificadores todos, muitos, nenhum, …
REL Pronome Relativo que, cujo, tal que, …
STT Títulos Sociais Presidente, drª., prof., …
SYB Símbolos @, #, &, …
TERMN Terminações opcionais (s), (as), …
UM "um" ou "uma" um, uma
UNIT Abreviatura de unidade de medida kg., km., …
Verbos finitos "ter" ou "haver" em forma verbal
VAUX temos, haveriam, …
V Verbos falou, falaria, …
WD Dias da Semana segunda, terça-feira, sábado, …
Expressões Multi-palavra
de facto, em suma, um pouco,
LADV1…LADVn Advérbios multi-palavra

LCJ1…LCJn Conjunções multi-palavra assim como, já que, …
LDEM1…LDEMn Demonstrativos multi-palavra o mesmo, …
LDFR1…LDFRn Fracções multi-palavra por cento
LDM1…LDMn Marcadores Discursivos multi-palavra pois não, até logo, …
LITJ1…LITJn Interjeições multi-palavra meu Deus
LPRS1…LPRSn Pronomes Pessoais multi-palavra a gente, si mesmo, V. Exa., …
LPREP1…LPREPn Preposições multi-palavra através de, a partir de, …
LQD1…LQDn Quantificadores multi-palavra uns quantos, …
LREL1…LRELn Relativos multi-palavra tal como, …

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