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Technology referred the systems, methods, and devices that are used as the scientific

knowledge that is usually used practically. In this era, technology in the learning environment

is now regarded as a need rather than a want, as it was in the past. It is important that the

teacher has the knowledge and skills to use technology effectively. In his argument (Costley,

2014), he said technology has a positive impact on student learning. Technology causes

students to be more engaged; thus, they often retain more information.

Impact of modern technology in secondary education

In school techonology have both the positive and negative impact. The following atre the

positive impact of increase communication in the learning

enviromemnt, through the use of techonology studetsand learners can engage in lesson eve

when they are ot in the same class. Foer example in my milue there are some lesso that are

done through the internet and the the learners will listen to those lessons at their own spare

time. The oth impact is that through use of emails and whatApp groups, teachers usually

communicate with parents of their learners and there are some adjustment that are made even

without the parents comig to school

Another factor is the transformation of the learnig environment. Use of modern technology

had made the traditional way of teaching which is the teacher-centered strategy to shift and

the learner-centered strategy to be more effective as learners are obliged to pt the said devices

in practice so the teacher is most the facilitator and the learmner do most of the learning


It is beneficial to teachers to use technology as the part of their teachings as tit enhance

learning. Nowadays most to the learning environment are designed accordingly to the modern

technology. , I have learnt that it is easier to research for information and gather some data

using a computer and the internet. Through my skills, I also help my students with the basics
of computer operations, even though I am not a computer studies teacher. Since they must

constantly wait for the IT officers to instruct them in those modules that demand the use of

technology, some teachers who are unable to use it are delayed in helping their students. The

students' performance suffers as a result, and it is uncommon for teachers to meet their goal

of finishing on time. (Rathore, 2015) said technology supports already existing student-

centered practices and helps to solve problems or address challenges. This develops the spirit

of independence in the students.

Challenges to the teachers

There are some challenges that are faced by teachers through the use of modern technologies.

Most teachers are skills to operate and se the modern technological devices. The educational

system is lie it imposes the use of modern technology without training the educators and

barriers of education transfer are always encountered. The other factor is the lack of the

required resources. Technological devices are expensive to buy as well as to maintain, most

of te school do not afford such technologies and this makes it difficult of the set standard of

education to be meet and in most cases teachers become less motivated to use such resources.

Integrating technology in PBL, PJBL and IBL

Use of technology is vital in learning environment and I is crucial that technologies are

integrated in lesson and I the lesson plans. Successful project-based learning emphasizes the

use of technology with traditional classroom instruction to maximize learning effectiveness.

Your tech platform must be correctly integrated in order to achieve a successful pedagogy.

PBL is an approach that combines instruction in the classroom with the use of technology,

problem solving through projects, and real-world difficulties. This can be done through the

use of activities that entails the use of technology for example, in my meliu there are some

quiess that are done online and some of the activitires , like business games are real problems
that stundents solve with use of technology this learnig process takes a longer periods than

PBL, Learners have to be given a research project for an example in my course give learners

project to start their own business and that are some step to follow and at the ed of the project

the learner have to produce report using all the applications used un business such as data

processing, accounting software and the report been presented through any presentation

software. The other method is through IBL focuses on the learning process of students and

the growth of deeper understanding. Students take on the role of sleuths, gathering

knowledge through experiences and technological means. An example is that learners do

some course research to get better understanding of a subject matter.

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