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The Giant

The year was 2025. An earthquake occurred in the mountain region of Norway. The earthquake was
so powerful that everyone in Norway could feel it. The earthquake made a hole in the mountain. The
hole could be seen from a long distance. The government of Norway called in a team of scientists to
explore the hole, one scientist was Emilia Hansen. When Emilia and her team reached the mountain,
they didn’t want to waste any time and headed straight to the hole. When they reached the hole,
they cautiously entered the hole. The hole expanded to a cave. The cave was filled with strange and
colourful crystals, soon while taking samples from the crystals for testing purposes they reached a
strange structure made of rock. They also took some samples from the rocky structure. They left the
cave for the day.

Emilia then returned to the cave with her team the next day. Emilia sent the samples that she had
taken for testing to Oslo the capital of Norway. Emilia and her team went to the spot where they
left. When they reached the rocky structure, they found some scratches near the rocky structure as
if the rocky structure was moved. Emilia then scanned the rocky structure and found that the rocky
structure looked like a human. Emilia got curious and installed some cameras and sensors around
the structure. They left the cave for the day and headed back to their camp, where they started to
monitor the cameras that they installed.

After observing the whole evening nothing was caught in the sensors. So everyone went to bed at
night. Past 12 at night the sensors caught something. Emilia woke up and checked the live footage of
the cameras, she was stunned after seeing the footage. She woke up everyone in the camp and took
the helicopter to go check the hole herself. When they arrived at the hole it was the same thing that
she saw in that footage. It was a giant that looked like a human, it had limbs, mouth, eyes and sharp
teeth and claws. When the pilot shinned a light on the giant’s face. The giant looked at them and
started running after the helicopter. Emilia told the pilot to return to the camp. Emilia then
remembered that when she was little her father used to draw sketches of something similar to the
giant that she saw. Her mother thought that Emilia’s father had gone insane and left him. She went
to Siberia to meet her dad immediately. When she reached the address that she had of her father
she found her dad with long beard and long hair. Emilia told her father about everything that was
happening in Norway. When her father heard about everything he gave smirky laugh. He said “see I
told you giants exist”.

Emilia asked him how do we kill the giant because the giant was looking for food and food of giants
are human so she was worried that the giant would go towards a civilized town. Her father said that
giants only roam at night and they can’t come out in broad daylight. After hearing this Emilia and her
father returned to Norway. When they returned it was night and the giant had again started roaming
but this time the giant was headed towards Oslo, they didn’t have time to capture the giant and let it
out at broad daylight so that it would die. Emilia and her team tried to replicate the sunlight and
experimented on the rock sample that they had taken from the giant. They found out that it was the
UV ray in the sunlight that affected the giant, so they gathered giant UV lights and mounted the
lights on military trucks. They surrounded the giant with the trucks and turned on the light. The giant
started burning. The giant then started throwing rocks at the trucks and destroyed almost every
trucks. In the end only one truck remained. The giant chased the truck. The giant kept chasing the
truck and soon it was the time of dawn. The sun rose from the east and the giant burned to ashes.

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