Grammar Test

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Grammar Test

Name: Miguel Gordo group 12B date 4/12/2020

I. Use ideas from the boxes to complete each opinion with a
gerund subject (-ing)
(more than one answer may be possible.
Example: Voting is an important responsibility of all citizens.
Raise children live in different countries be a parent
have a good boss learn a new language lie
exercise regularly cook for yourself
1. Exercising regularly has several benefits.
2. Having a good boss can make a job better.
3. Raising children requires patience and understanding.
4. Living in different countries helps you learn about other cultures.
5. Lying is usually unacceptable behavior.
6. Being a parent is one of the most important jobs a person has.
7. Learning a new language is a good way to exercise the brain.
8. Learning a new language doesn’t have to be boring.

II. Create original Negative sentences with gerunds as subjects.

Not traveling to London was a good idea.
1. Not having a laptop gaming console makes me feel bad.
2. Not going to the provinces on this vacation is the best way to avoid
the COVID-19.
3. Not having money means no more sneakers for the next months.
4. Not learning english can be a problem when you are searching for a
5. Not working out can be unhealthy for you.

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