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OPINION Is hemoglobin good for cerebral oxygenation
and clinical outcome in acute brain injury?
Shane W. English a,b,c and Lauralyn McIntyre a,b,c

Purpose of review
The purpose of this review is to highlight the role of hemoglobin in cerebral physiology and
pathophysiology. We review the existing as well as recent evidence detailing the effects of red blood cell
transfusion on cerebral oxygenation and clinical outcome.
Recent findings
Hemoglobin is a key component in oxygen delivery, and thus cerebral oxygenation. Higher hemoglobin
levels and red blood cell transfusion are associated with higher cerebral oxygen delivery and decreased
cerebral ischemic burden. Recent studies suggest that this may be associated with improved clinical
outcomes. However, these results are limited to only a few, small studies and the results have not been
consistent. Further studies are required.
Hemoglobin is important for cerebral oxygenation and strategies to minimize anemia should be
undertaken. Although higher hemoglobin levels are associated with less cerebral ischemia and better
clinical outcome, whether this remains true whenever red blood cell transfusion is used to achieve this result
remains unclear.
anemia, brain oxygen, cerebral oxygen delivery, red blood cell transfusion

INTRODUCTION If cardiac output is fixed or maximized, as can be

The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the case in critical illness, the only modifiable factor
the relationship between haemoglobin (Hb) and in the delivery of oxygen is the content of oxygen in
cerebral oxygenation, and the effects of anemia arterial blood (CaO2), almost entirely driven by Hb
and red blood cell (RBC) transfusion on cerebral concentration and oxygen saturation (SaO2):
oxygenation. We highlight what is known and what CaO2 ¼ (Hb)  SaO2 þ 0.0031  PaO2
is new in this area and direct the reader to upcoming Here we use cardiac output (CO) as a surrogate
trials that may further guide clinical management as for cerebral blood flow (CBF), which has its own set
their results become available. of determinants including brain compliance, blood
viscosity, and vascular resistance and reactivity, any
or all of which may be affected by brain injury [4].
AN OVERVIEW OF NORMAL CEREBRAL Oxygen uptake or utilization (VO2) is the rate at
OXYGENATION which oxygen dissociates from Hb to the microcir-
The brain has the third highest metabolic rate (cere- culation of the perfused tissues [5]. The ratio of
bral metabolic rate – CMRO2) of all human organs
and tissues and has very limited capacity for energy a
Clinical Epidemiology Program, bCentre for Transfusion Research,
production outside of oxygen-coupled glucose
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and cDepartment of Medicine (Criti-
metabolism [1,2]. Thus, to maintain normal func- cal Care), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
tion, the steady flow of oxygenated arterial blood, or Correspondence to Shane W. English, Centre for Practice-Changing
oxygen delivery (DO2) is essential. The delivery of Research, The Ottawa Hospital – General Campus, 501 Smyth Road,
oxygen to the brain, like other systems, is thus PO Box 201B, Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6, Canada.
dependent on cardiac output and the arterial con- Tel: +1 613 737 8899; e-mail:
tent of oxygen in the following relationship [3]: Curr Opin Crit Care 2018, 24:91–96
DO2 ¼ CO  CaO2 DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000485

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


Physiologic responses to anemia in the

KEY POINTS injured brain
 Hemoglobin is the key readily modifiable determinant In the injured brain, normal adaptive responses to
of cerebral oxygenation. anemia may be adversely affected by and/or contrib-
ute to further secondary brain injury. The negative
 Anemia negatively affects cerebral oxygenation and is
associated with worse outcomes. physiological effects of brain injury generally relate
to anemia, hypoxemia, elevated intracranial pres-
 Increasing evidence suggests that RBC transfusion may sure (ICP), vasospasm, loss of or compromised cerebral
help cerebral oxygenation but it remains unclear if autoregulation, and flow-metabolism uncoupling
clinical outcomes are affected.
[12]. Consequently, both a drop in CaO2 and
changes to CBF are important pathophysiologic
factors following brain injury that contribute to
utilization to delivery (VO2/DO2) is the oxygen- further brain damage through alterations in cerebral
extraction ratio – with highest ratios observed in metabolism, ischemia, tissue hypoxia, or the down-
periods of DO2 – uptake dependence. Under normal stream effects of these [13,14]. Normal physiological
conditions, the brain enjoys luxury perfusion in an cerebral vasodilation in response to anemia (and
approximate 3 : 1 oxygen delivery to oxygen utiliza- consequential decreased CaO2) leads to increased
tion, or approximately 150 ml O2/min delivered for cerebral blood volume and may potentiate hyperemia,
approximately 50 ml O2/min consumed [1,6]. Via edema, and increased ICP. This in turn leads to further
numerous autoregulatory pathways (perhaps most edema, increased pressure, altered cerebral blood
importantly cerebrovascular autoregulation), stable flow, and the ischemic injury propagates. The exact
DO2 is maintained by alterations in cerebral blood consequences on cerebral oxygenation and by
flow [7 ]. further extension, clinical outcomes have varied
(see the following).


OXYGENATION? Anemia in clinical studies of acute
A decrease in cerebral oxygen supply (DO2, e.g. brain injury
anemia) in the face of sustained or increased At least in healthy controls, anemia is well tolerated
demand (i.e. VO2) will lead to a high oxygen-extrac- with respect to neurologic function. Changes in
tion ratio and may result in hypoxic and/or ischemic reaction time and memory have been demonstrated
insults in the absence of or with inadequate to be affected only with isovolemic hemodilution
compensatory mechanisms. below 70 g/l [15]. These changes were observed in
the absence of abnormal measures of systemic
effects of severe anemia (i.e. normal lactate and
Normal physiologic responses of the brain preserved total body oxygen consumption). Signifi-
to anemia cant advances in technology have improved the
In the setting of anemia, and resultant decrease in ability to measure and monitor cerebral oxygen-
CaO2, normal physiologic responses includes an ation. Historically, jugular venous oxygen satura-
increase in cerebral blood flow (namely an increase tion monitoring was one of the few measures of
in cardiac output through increases in heart rate global cerebral oxygenation. More recently, local
and/or stroke volume) and a decrease in blood vis- or regional measures obtained by direct cerebral
cosity (wherever isovolemia is maintained) [7 ,8]. tissue partial pressure oxygen monitoring has domi-
Whenever CBF has peaked or in the setting of nated the invasive measure of cerebral oxygenation.
decreased CBF, prior to reaching hypoxic and ische- Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has also become
mic thresholds, brain oxygen extraction fraction is prevalent in modern practice, as a noninvasive mea-
increased in response to anemia [7 ,9], utilizing the sure, predominantly of venous oxygen saturation,
supply/demand reserve. Thus, a drop in Hb without providing a measure of oxygen utilization [5,16].
an increase in CBF results in a drop in DO2. This may These techniques have provided new insights into
lead to an increase in oxygen extraction fraction, the cerebral effects of anemia and responses
which has been shown to precede cerebral tissue to transfusion.
hypoxia and brain injury [10]. Increased regional The CONFOCAL study (cerebral oxygenation
oxygen extraction fractions are a marker for poten- and neurological outcomes following critical illness
tially reversible ischemia and is associated with study [16]) was an observational study in the general
stroke [11]. critically ill population (n ¼ 104) in which cerebral

92 Volume 24  Number 2  April 2018

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Hemoglobin’s role in cerebral oxygenation English and McIntyre

oxygenation as measured by NIRS was shown to to improve cerebral oxygenation, and ultimately
positively correlate with Hb concentration clinical outcomes.
(r ¼ 0.339, 95% CI 0.147–0.506) [17 ]. Further, they

demonstrated an association between poor cerebral

oxygenation and delirium (P ¼ 0.017), such that poor Red blood cell transfusion and cerebral
cerebral oxygenation remained an independent risk oxygenation
factor for delirium, whenever controlling for higher With the use of brain tissue oxygen monitoring, we
narcotic doses and a history of alcohol abuse (per 10% can now quantify the benefit of improving DO2 to
increase in mean cerebral oxygenation during first tissue at risk from ischemia [13,20]. In a study of 29
24 h OR ¼ 0.16, 95% CI 0.05–0.56). Similarly, in the spinal or aortic surgery patients undergoing 84
vascular and cardiac surgery populations, poor cere- intraoperative transfusions, RBC transfusion was
bral oxygenation as measured by NIRS has been associated with an increase in cerebral oxygenation
associated with worse outcomes including higher as measured by NIRS (mean increase of 4.2%, 95%
rates of delirium, cognitive dysfunction, organ dys- CI ¼ 3.2–5.2), and the rise in cerebral oxygenation
function, ICU, and hospital lengths of stay [18 ]. correlated with the rise in Hb concentration
In contrast to healthy controls, in patients with (r ¼ 0.59, P < 0.001) [22]. In a small observational
acute brain injury, even moderate anemia appears to study of consecutive patients with traumatic brain
be directly associated with tissue hypoxia and clini- injury or subarachnoid hemorrhage (N ¼ 35), RBC
cal outcome. In traumatic brain injury for example, transfusion resulted in a mean increase in brain
Oddo et al. [19] demonstrated with brain tissue tissue oxygen by 49%, in responders, unrelated to
oxygen monitoring that Hb levels less than 90 g/l changes in cerebral perfusion pressure [23]. In sub-
are independently (controlling for age, admission arachnoid hemorrhage, wherever a significant num-
Glasgow coma scale (GCS), Marshall computed ber of patients must face not only the primary brain
tomography (CT) grade and APACHE II score) asso- injury postbleed but other threats from delayed
ciated with critical brain tissue oxygen tension cerebral ischemia, most notably vasospasm, DO2
(<20 mmHg), and that these factors together are only significantly improved with RBC transfusion
associated with poor outcome. Specifically, a Hb in those patients with a Hb less than 90 g/l [24].
less than 90 g/l with low-brain tissue oxygen tension Neither hypertension nor fluid boluses led to signif-
(<20 mmHg) was found to be independently associ- icant improvements. Notably in this study, transfu-
ated with poor outcome at 30 days [defined as a sion and its effect on viscosity did not translate in a
Glasgow Outcome Scale score of 3; study of 80 drop in CBF. Two small subarachnoid hemorrhage
patients, adjusted odds ratio (OR) 6.24, 95% confi- studies (N ¼ 8 and 17) in patients with anemia (Hb
dence interval (CI) 1.61–24.22] [19]. The same <100 g/l) demonstrated stable CBF, an increase in
author reported similar findings in a severe sub- DO2 and a decrease in OEF following a RBC transfu-
arachnoid hemorrhage population (Hunt and Hess sion [25,26]. However, in this study, RBC transfu-
grade 4 or 5, N ¼ 20): Hb levels less than 90 g/l were sion at Hb greater than 100 g/l was associated with a
significantly, and independently associated with drop in CBF. Although Kurtz et al. demonstrated
lower brain tissue oxygen tension levels and higher similar increases in DO2 with RBC transfusion in an
metabolic markers of cellular hypoxia (increased SAH population (N ¼ 15) there was no appreciable
lactate/pyruvate levels) and greater incidence of effect on cerebral metabolism (as measured by lac-
brain hypoxia [20]. In the ischemic stroke popula- tate to pyruvate ratios – although these ratios were
tion, even mild anemia (haemoglobin <120 g/l in already normal at baseline) [27 ]. In contrast, a
women and <130 g/l in men) was independently larger study of 52 patients with SAH using PET
associated with poor outcome (death at discharge scanning to measure CBF, DO2, and utilization while
and 12 months) [21]. undergoing RBC transfusion at baseline Hb between
70 and 130 g/l [28 ] found that transfusion was
associated with a 10% (P ¼ 0.001) increase in global
DOES TRANSFUSION WITH RED cerebral DO2, and more than 15% increase
BLOOD CELLS OPTIMIZE CEREBRAL (P < 0.001) in vulnerable regions of brain wherever
OXYGENATION AND CLINICAL baseline DO2 was already reduced. Although RBC
OUTCOMES? transfusion was associated with a drop in CBF glob-
Only briefly reviewed above, the evidence to date ally, an increase in CBF was found in the vulnerable
strongly suggests that anemia is bad, particularly in regions of the injured brain. Improved DO2 was
acute brain injury, and is associated with worse observed across the spectrum of anemia including
outcomes. We now review the physiological and 61% of patients with a baseline Hb greater than or
clinical evidence for RBC transfusion as a strategy equal to 90 g/l.

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 93

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The recent BOOST 2 (Brain Oxygen Optimiza- associated with brain dysfunction, like delirium [17 ].
tion in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury – Phase 2) Interestingly, changes in reaction time and memory
randomized trial examined two different manage- observed with severe isovolemic hemodilution (to Hb
ment protocols in 119 patients with severe trau- levels below 70 g/l) in healthy controls were reversed
matic injury – one directed towards optimizing with autologous RBC transfusion [15]. Furthermore,
ICP management (incorporating traditional strate- whether a restrictive transfusion strategy applies to a
gies of optimal cerebral perfusion and intracranial population at greatest risk for compromised cerebral
hypertension management) and the other (the oxygenation, such as the acutely brain-injured pop-
intervention protocol) towards optimizing cerebral ulation, remains unclear.
oxygenation [29 ]. The intervention protocol A systematic review of comparative studies pub-
included RBC transfusion to target a Hb level greater lished prior to early 2011 of RBC transfusion in the
than 100 g/l for optimizing cerebral oxygenation. neurocritically ill [35] included four studies in TBI
The authors report a 77% reduction in cerebral patients, one in subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)
hypoxia burden (P < 0.0001) with the use of the and the final in a mixed population. Although all of
cerebral oxygenation optimization protocol. the studies were at high risk of bias, no significant
These findings of improved markers of cerebral benefit in mortality or lengths of hospital stay was
oxygenation in acute brain injury have not been demonstrated in the higher transfusion trigger
unanimous. In a small observational study, 19 groups, which is consistent with randomized con-
patients with severe traumatic brain injury received trolled trial evidence from other critically ill pop-
20 RBC transfusions and found no significant ulations [34].
increase in cerebral oxygenation as measured by Several observational studies that were not
NIRS despite significant increases in Hb levels included in the above review have reported conflict-
[30 ]. Zygun et al. [31] reported an increase in cere- ing results and have significant limitations including
bral tissue oxygenation with RBC transfusion in a selection bias, confounding by indication and resid-
study of 30 patients randomized to a transfusion of ual confounding [14]. More recently, small random-
two units of blood at thresholds of 80, 90 and 100 g/ ized controlled trials of transfusion in the
l. However, this was only observed in approximately neurocritical care population have been published.
60% of patients, whereas the other 40% either had In subarachnoid hemorrhage, a small pilot random-
no increase or a decrease in cerebral tissue oxygen ized trial (N ¼ 44) comparing two RBC transfusion
measures posttransfusion. Improved tissue oxygen thresholds (100 vs. 115 g/l) demonstrated compara-
did not seem to be associated with baseline Hb but ble safety between the two arms but was not powered
rather was associated with baseline metabolic for clinical outcomes, and showed no significant
derangements. Furthermore, overall no significant difference in 28-day functional status [36]. The
change in cerebral metabolism as measure by lactate thresholds tested in this trial were higher than stated
to pyruvate ratios was appreciated. Similar findings thresholds utilized in current practice [37,38 ]. The
were reported in an earlier prospective observational results of another pilot randomized trial in SAH
study of severe traumatic brain injury and subarach- comparing two such thresholds (80 vs 100 g/l) are
noid hemorrhage patients (N ¼ 35), in which brain
forthcoming [39 ]. In traumatic brain injury, a 200-
tissue oxygenation increased in 74% of the recipi- patient randomized trial using a factorial design
ents by a mean of 49%, but actually decreased in compared two transfusion thresholds (70 vs. 100 g/
the remaining participants, unrelated to severity of l) and erythropoietin vs. placebo, and found no sta-
anemia [23]. tistically significant difference in 6-month neuro-
logic functional outcome [40]. This study did not
utilize the classically accepted definition of severe
Red blood cell transfusion and clinical traumatic brain injury for inclusion, but rather an
outcomes in acute brain injury ‘inability to follow commands’ and was not powered
As we have reviewed above, RBC transfusion may in to detect a clinically relevant effect. Interestingly, in a
fact improve DO2 but this does not necessarily result secondary analysis, higher brain tissue oxygen levels
in improved oxygen utilization or clinical outcomes. were observed over time in the higher threshold
Transfusion is not without risk [32 ], and now group, though mean values in both groups remained
numerous trials, both in general mixed critical care above ischemic threshold over the study period [41].
populations as well as medical and surgical popula- In the previously mentioned BOOST 2 trial in severe
tions have demonstrated no significant benefit from traumatic brain injury, although not powered for
more liberal transfusion strategies [33,34]. However, clinical outcomes, the authors reported a trend
there is a growing interest in the role of cerebral towards improved 6-month neurologic functional
hypoxia in general ICU populations and how it is outcome (GOS-E) in the group managed with the

94 Volume 24  Number 2  April 2018

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Hemoglobin’s role in cerebral oxygenation English and McIntyre

cerebral oxygenation optimization protocol [29 ]. oxygen monitoring compared with a protocol
Mortality in this group was 25% compared with based on ICP management without brain tissue
34% in the ICP-only group. Finally, in a recent mixed oxygen monitoring has an effect on 6 month
neurocritical care population trial, patients with a Hb neurologic functional outcome as assessed by
between 70 and 100 g/l were randomized to a RBC the Glasgow Outcome Scale –extended version.
transfusion management strategy triggered by a Hb
threshold (target maintenance of Hb between 85 and
100 g/l) vs. a management strategy aimed at main- CONCLUSION
taining cerebral oxygen saturations greater than 60% Hb is a key determinant in DO2 and hence in cere-
(as measured by NIRS) [42 ]. Targeting a cerebral bral oxygenation. Low Hb, anemia, may not only
oxygen saturation led to fewer units of RBCs trans- negatively affect cerebral oxygenation but also in
fused per study patient and a lower mean Hb level the injured brain, initiate a myriad of compensatory
while on protocol compared with the transfusion effects that may in fact propagate cerebral ischemia.
threshold group. They found no significant differ- Higher Hb portends to better cerebral oxygenation.
ence in neurologic outcome at discharge, hospital Despite the physiologic rationale, whether this
length of stay or mortality at 1 year. remains true whenever higher Hb levels is achieved
To date, the available trial evidence supporting with RBC transfusion is less evident – although the
RBC transfusion for optimizing cerebral oxygen- majority of the existing literature would support this
ation are limited to small studies that have been notion. Furthermore, it is less evident if improved
underpowered to detect meaningful clinical out- DO2 results in improved utilization and metabo-
come affects. Further adequately powered and rig- lism. Even less clear is at what trigger or threshold is
orously designed trials examining the effect of RBC optimizing Hb with transfusion beneficial on clini-
transfusion on cerebral oxygenation and more cal outcome. Further study is still required.
importantly, clinical outcomes in acute brain injury
are still urgently needed. Acknowledgements
Financial support and sponsorship
There are several ongoing trials in Neurocritical Care
that have the potential to make significant contri- S.E. is currently receiving grants from the Canadian
butions relating to the role of Hb, specifically RBC Institutes of Health Research and Canadian Blood Ser-
transfusion, in optimizing clinical outcomes in vices.
brain injury and are worthy of keeping watch for.
These include: Conflicts of interest
(1) SAHaRA (NCT03309579): this is a Canadian-led There are no conflicts of interest.
prospective randomized open-label blinded
endpoint trial in 740 adults with incident aneu-
rysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage and moderate
anemia (Hb  100 g/l) examining the effect of a Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
liberal versus restrictive RBC transfusion trigger been highlighted as:
& of special interest
strategy (100 vs. 80 g/l) during the first 21 && of outstanding interest

days. The primary outcome is functional neuro-

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96 Volume 24  Number 2  April 2018

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