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A Sea of

Safe Havens
Establishing the Marine Turtle Protected
Area Network in the Philippines
Philippine Inputs to the Transboundar y Marine Turtle Protected
Area Network in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape,
A Priority Seascape in the Coral Triangle Initiative Regional Plan of Action

A Sea of Safe Havens Table of Contents

Evangeline Florence B. Miclat, Conservation International Philippines 5 Messages
Hazel O. Arceo, Ph.D, Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines 8 Acknowledgements
9 List of acronyms
Copyeditor: Alya B. Honasan
Design and layout: Felix Miguel Mago 1
Photography: Tet Lara, Jürgen Freund, Nicholas Pilcher, Conservation 10 Safety Beyond Borders
International, DENR-Region 9. An MPA network for species protection
Map art: Felix Mago Miguel (based on Google Earth)
©2018 Conservation International Philippines. All rights reserved. No 14 Marine Turtles in the Philippines
part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or Species in focus
transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from 15 Ancient mariners
the copyright holders. 15 A precarious existence
16 Policies for protection
Photographs ©Tet Lara, Jürgen Freund, Nicholas Pilcher, Keith Ellenbogen 17 Research and studies
Conservation International, DENR Region 9
Map art © Felix Mago Miguel for Conservation International 3
20 Connecting for Conservation
The Marine Turtle Protected Area Network (MTPAN) in the Philippines
21 The El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area (ENTMRPA)
Recommended Citation: 24 The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (TRNP)
Miclat EFBM, Arceo HO (eds) (2018) A sea of safe havens: establishing 26 The Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary (TIWS)
the marine turtle protected area network in the Philippines. Philippine 29 Initiating the MTPAN formation
inputs to the transboundary marine turtle protected area network in the
Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape, a priority seascape in the Coral Triangle Initiative 4
Regional Plan of Action. GIZ-CI Support to the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape 30 A Bigger Picture
Project (Contract No. 81156987). Conservation International Philippines, From single MPAs to one network
Quezon City, Philippines. 36p 30 Networking as conservation strategy
32 A network that works

Cover: Green turtle, Tubbataha 5

34 Local to Global
The MTPAN in Philippine and international marine
biodiversity conservation

36 References

Printed in the Philippines

he Philippines is an integral part of for it would heighten efforts in meeting our
the Coral Triangle, an area in the Indo- commitments to CITES, CBD, Ramsar Convention
West Pacific region, recognized as the and CMS and to regional cooperation such as
global centre of marine biodiversity TIHPA , CTI-CFF, and ASEAN.
and a global priority for conservation. While we venture into this groundbreaking
As early as in 1948, policies to protect and work, we must not lose sight of the importance
conserve endangered anq migratory species, of connecting this network with neighboring
like the marine turtles, have been formulated in countries to effectively protect marine turtles
the country. A landmark policy, Republic Act No. in their known habitats across the Sulu-Sulawesi
9147 known as Wildlife Resources Conservation Seascape, a priority seascape of the CTI-­C FF.
and Protection Act of 2001, further braces all It is my hope that with our continued
protection and conservation laws on threatened partnership with local and national go'vernment
wildlife and its derivates for non-scientific and agencies, NGOs and POs, the academe, private
breeding purposes. sector, and local communities, the vision of having
The initiatives to establish a network of marine transboundary networks can be realized for both
protected areas (MPAs) targeting migratory, endangered and migratory species.
endangered species is a pioneering work in the Mabuhay!
Philippines. MPA networks are usually locally
managed and target fisheries and link coastal
ecosystems management. The MPA network for
marine turtles, for instance, will involve for the ROY A . CIMATU
first time, national protected areas and respective Secretary
multi-sectoral Protected Area Management Department of Environment
Boards. This national initiative will be challenging and Natural Resources
© E. Miclat/Conservation International

Turtle tracks, Baguan Island, Philippines

4 5
n the heart of the Coral Triangle lie the The Deutsche Internationale für Internationale he year 2017 marked a significant the transboundary cooperation in the Sulu-
Sulu-Sulawesi Seas, home to various species Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, on behalf of the milestone in Conservation Sulawesi Seascape, and, to the region through the
of marine turtles. The marine turtles in the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, International Philippines. The year Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries
Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape, which is bordered Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear began with the formulation of our and Food Security.
by Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, Safety, is very pleased to work with responsible 10-year strategy harmonizing our Place-based conservation networks have
are under constant threat from poaching, government agencies, local government terrestrial and marine initiatives that we call the now become the norm for managing our
entanglement in fishing gears, being caught units, Conservation International, civil society Highlands to Oceans (H2O) Strategy. Human interconnected systems. This publication, A Sea of
as bycatch, and pollution for example plastic organizations, and communities in the Philippines, well-being is, and has always been, in the heart Safe Havens, on the marine turtle protected area
debris. These key indicator species of our marine Indonesia, and Malaysia to protect the turtles in of our outlook. We work hard for a healthy network is a testament to this thrust. Not only
environment’s health are also susceptible to the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas, under the Sulu-Sulawesi planet because we understand and believe that does it compel governments and institutions to
the effects of climate change such as ocean Seascape Project. humans need nature to thrive. Among others, act in synergy but also let the resource users and
warming and acidification. Their feeding, breeding I particularly congratulate the project partners our strong partnership with the DENR started managers fathom the intricate dynamics involved
and nesting habitats are further in peril due to for their dedicated efforts to establish a network since our inception almost three decades ago. in their conservation and management. The full
anthropogenic marine and coastal developments. of protected areas for marine turtles across the Scores of initiatives from the terrestrial to the suite of systems, human and nature, can only be
Mitigating threats to the marine turtles in three countries. This network is most essential marine environments have been fruitful with adequately addressed methodically under the
the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas requires transboundary because turtles know no political borders as they our collaborations, further leading to policy Highlands to Oceans framework.
collaboration and coordinated actions between move around the seas. enhancements, program development, and
Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The We encourage all individuals of good will, critical on-the-ground strategic interventions.
transboundary network approach for protecting, and all related organizations, to support these Conservation progressed from small-scale
conserving and revitalizing the marine turtle efforts in our quest to shape a future worth projects to ambitious landscape- and seascape-
stocks would enable the regional management of living for all people. level programs that secure benefits to both ENRIQUE A . NUÑEZ, JR.
their critical habitats and their migration routes people and nature. The latter expanded Country Executive Director
across political and geographical borders. The the breadth of our work, thematically and Conservation International
first marine turtle protected area network in the geographically to Indonesia and Malaysia through Philippines
Philippines is an example that can be replicated DR. ANDREAS KALK
and up scaled to other areas for securing Resident Director (Philippines and Pacific)
biodiversity in the Coral Triangle and beyond Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
towards this end. Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

6 7
Acknowledgements List of acronyms

onservation International Neneth T. Ordoño, Conservation and Development ADB Asian Development Bank LGU local government unit
Philippines led the development Division, DENR-Region 9 ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations MEAT Management Effectiveness Assessment
of this publication as part of Jerika Dane B. Velasco, Coastal and Marine Division, BMUB German Federal Ministry for the Tool
its support to the Department Biodiversity Management Bureau Environment, Nature Conservation, METT Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool
of Environment and Natural Building and Nuclear Safety MNR Ministry of Natural Resources
Resources-Biodiversity Management Bureau El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area CBD Convention on Biological Diversity MOA Memorandum of Agreement
(DENR-BMB) in the implementation of the Alexander E. Mancio, Protected Area Superintendent CI Conservation International MOU Memorandum of Understanding
marine protected area network component of CITES Convention on International Trade in MPA marine protected area
the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape Project, a project Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna MSN MPA Support Network
funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Angelique M. Songco, Protected Area Superintendent CMS Convention on the Conservation MTPAN Marine Turtle Protected Area Network
Environment, Nature Conservation, Building of Migratory Species of Wild Animals NEAT Network Effectiveness Assessment Tool
and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and implemented Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary CT Coral Triangle NGO non-government organization
through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Minda J. Bairulla, Protected Area Superintendent CTI-CFF Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, NIPAS National Integrated Protected Area
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Fisheries, and Food Security System
Conservation International Philippines Palawan Province DENR Department of Environment and PA protected area
acknowledges additional inputs gathered Noel E. Aquino, Environment and Natural Resource Natural Resources PAMB Protected Area Management Board
and validations received from the DENR- Office, Provincial Government of Palawan DENR-BMB Department of Environment and Natural PASu Protected Area Superintendent
BMB particularly its Coastal and Marine Glenda M. Cadigal, Palawan Council for Sustainable Resources Biodiversity PCP Pawikan Conservation Project
Division; the DENR Region 9; the Protected Development Staff Management Bureau PCSD Palawan Council for Sustainable
Area Management Boards (PAMBs) of the El Benjamin J. Gonzales, Western Philippines University ENTMRPA El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Development
Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Edgardo C. Zabala, Jr., Palawan Provincial Government Protected Area PKP Palawan Knowledge Platform
Area (ENTMRPA), Tubbataha Reefs Natural EO Executive Order PSSA Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
Park (TRNP), and Turtle Islands Wildlife Conservation International Philippines ETDF Eco-Tourism Development Fund RETA Regional Technical Assistance
Sanctuary (TIWS); the Palawan Council Evangeline Florence B. Miclat GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale SCREMP Sustainable Coral Reef Ecosystem
for Sustainable Development (PCSD), the Davelyn Pastor-Rengel Zusammenarbeit Management Program
Provincial Government of Palawan, and Western GMP General Management Plan SEP Strategic Environmental Plan
Philippines University, Palawan; and GIZ —in GIZ ICDP Integrated Conservation and SSME Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion
particular, the following individuals: Marion Antonette A . Daclan Development Program TIP Turtle Islands Park
Joarlyn C. Morano IEC information, education, and TIHPA Turtle Islands Heritage Protected Area
Department of Environment and Natural Resources communication TIWS Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary
Nilda S. Baling, Coastal and Marine Division, Special thanks are due Dir. Theresa Mundita Lim IMO International Maritime Organization TMO Tubbataha Management Office
Biodiversity Management Bureau of DENR-BMB and Ms. Franca Sprong and Ms. Lena IOSEA Indian Ocean-South East Asian TRNP Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park
Pablo G. Delos Reyes, Jr., Coastal and Marine Kern of GIZ for valuable guidance; and the rest of IPAF Integrated Protected Area Fund UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific,
Division, Biodiversity Management Bureau the GIZ-CI Project Coordination Team members IUCN International Union for Conservation and Cultural Organization
Marlynn M. Mendoza, Coastal and Marine Jemimah Peñaranda and Cheryl Ventura for their of Nature WWF World Wide Fund for Nature
Division, Biodiversity Management Bureau dedication and excellent assistance.

8 9
I An MPA network
for species protection

Safety Beyond
he Philippines lies within the Coral A marine turtle, for instance, needs a chain
Triangle, a region composed of six of habitats to complete its life cycle, habitats
countries—Indonesia, Malaysia, the which can only be reached through migration.
Philippines, Timor-Leste, Papua New Single, stand-alone MPAs may provide

© Jürgen Freund
Guinea, and the Solomon Islands— protection only for a nesting beach or a feeding
that make up what is considered the epicenter area, thus have limited conservation value. MPA
of global marine biodiversity (1). The Philippines networks, meanwhile, can protect all these
has, in fact, been consistently acknowledged critical habitats, including migratory routes,
as a biodiversity hotspot, both marine and
terrestrial. Being a “hottest hotspot,” however,
also means that its natural environment is facing and offer better chances for a turtle to survive,
the highest levels of threats (2), prompting the reach maturity, and repopulate its own kind.
need for various national and local conservation Ecological networks benefit an ecosystem by
and management strategies. facilitating not only the conservation of species
Key among these strategies has turned out to and habitats, but also by promoting sustainable
be the establishment of marine protected areas use of natural resources by human communities,
(MPAs), an important, effective management with reduced impacts on biodiversity (5).

© DENR-Region 9
tool against threats to marine biodiversity and An ecological network can include large
economically important resources (3). Although transboundary areas that require a similarly
studies on the potential benefits of MPAs to expansive conservation approach.
fisheries have been done, their essential role A key example is the Turtle Islands Heritage
in biodiversity conservation, and in protecting Protected Area (TIHPA), which consists of three Turtle Islands, Tawi-Tawi
important habitats and marine life populations— islands in the Turtle Islands Park (TIP) of Malaysia
particularly endangered and migratory species—is and six islands in the Turtle Islands Wildlife
also being recognized and appreciated, especially Sanctuary (TIWS) in the Philippines. Established
© Conservation International

in the communities where they are located. in 1996 to protect a system of important nesting
MPA networks, or systems of connected areas through a collaborative agreement
MPAs operating across large scales (4), also between Malaysia and the Philippines, it was the
make possible the protection of natural world’s first transboundary protected area for
processes, which sustain habitats and marine turtles. The scaling up of this network
populations of species, and which operate into a tri-national initiative, by including sites
outside the boundaries of single MPAs. in Indonesia and additional sites in Malaysia
Baguan Island, Turtle Islands, Tawi-Tawi
10 11
and Philippines, was proposed under the Sulu-
Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion (SSME) Programme,

Coral Triangle Initiative which ran from 2006 to 2016 (6).
In 2009, the Tri-National Committee for

on Coral Reefs, Fisheries the SSME adopted a Regional Action Plan for
the Conservation of Sea Turtles that included
Ph il ip p in e S e a
and Food Security the proposed network of sites, which included
Bunaken National Park and Berau (where the
S o u th Ch in a S e a
Implementation Area Derawan Islands are located) in Indonesia;
Tun Mustapha Park, Sugud Islands Marine
Conservation Area, TIP, Tun Sakaran, and Sipadan
S ulu S e a
Island in Malaysia; and TIWS, Balabac Straits
Corridor, and El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource
M i ndanao S e a
Protected Area (ENTMRPA) in the Philippines.
Brunei Based on best available scientific information,
turtle tag returns, and satellite tracking data, the
Malaysia S ul awes i S e a

inter-linkages of these sites were established for

the migratory green turtles (Chelonia mydas).
M olucc a S e a
Given that the SSME (now the Sulu-
Bism a r c k Se a
Sulawesi Seascape) became the first priority
transboundary seascape recognized in the
Ja v a Se a
Regional Plan of Action of the Coral Triangle
Papua New Guinea
Indonesia B anda S e a
Initiative for Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food
So l o m o n Se a Solomon Islands Security (CTI-CFF), the initiative to establish a
network of MPAs for green turtles in the seascape
is continued on this regional platform, following
the completion of the tri-national cooperation in
the SSME in 2016.
C o r a l Se a The Philippines is playing a critical role in
Australia initiating this truly transboundary MPA network
for green turtles in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape
and making it a reality. Within the country, efforts
are underway to establish the Philippine part of
Map art based on Google Earth
© Felix Mago Miguel for this transboundary network, which covers four
Conservation International
sites: the ENTMRPA , the Tubbataha Reefs Natural
Park (TRNP), the TIWS and marine turtle habitats
CTI-CFF Implementation Area Coral Triangle Scientific Boundary
in the Municipality of Balabac in Palawan. These
This boundary is based on the Exclusive Economic Veron et al. 2009
Zone (EEZ) of the CTI countries. EEZ source data from Reference:
sites have been reported to share green turtles
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) 2011. CTI member from the same population, and provide habitats
countries include the following: Philippines, Malaysia, for these animals at different stages in their
Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, and life. Three of the proposed sites are already
Solomon Islands. established protected areas under the National
Integrated Protected Area System (NIPA S),
while Balabac has yet to establish an MPA for
turtle protection.

12 13
2 T
Ancient mariners A precarious existence
he first records of marine turtles in Marine turtles have long been threatened
the Philippines were from 1895, and because of their economic importance. Both
listed four species. Today, five of the animals and eggs are harvested for food and trade.
seven existing species of marine In 1909, an estimated 2,040 kg of turtle shells and
turtles are found in the Philippines: shell products were exported to various countries
Species in Focus green (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill (Eretmochelys (10); as recently as 1975-1980, 32,921 kg of raw

Marine Turtles
imbricata), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), hawksbill turtle shells were exported to Japan (11).
loggerhead (Caretta caretta), and leatherback Trade has significantly decreased in the following
(Dermochelys coriacea) (7). years with the passage of national laws carrying
Green turtles are widely distributed, nesting steeper penalties, as well as international laws

in the Philippines
in the Turtle and San Miguel Islands, both in such as the Convention on International Trade in
Tawi-Tawi Province; Pitogo, Zamboanga del Sur; Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES).
and two islands in Basilan, Languil, and Malamawi. In 2011, 14,220 green turtle nests were recorded
Hawksbill turtles are also widely distributed, but in Baguan Island, breaking the previous record of
have found a developmental habitat in Lagonoy 12,311 nests in 1995 (12).
Gulf (8). Olive ridleys have been sighted all Accidental deaths from entanglements
over the country, with nesting sites in Subic Bay in nets of trawlers and gill-net fishers; marine
Freeport Zone; Morong, Bataan; Lian and San pollution; and disturbance or destruction of
Juan, Batangas; and Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. feeding and nesting grounds also threaten turtle
A leatherback turtle has been found laying eggs populations (13). Then there are the ominous
in Rawis, Legaspi City, Albay (9). impacts of climate change: sea level rise leads

© Nick Pilcher © Nick Pilcher © Conservation International © Tet Lara © Nick Pilcher

olive ridley turtle loggerhead turtle green turtle hawksbill turtle leatherback turtle
(Lepidochelys olivacea) (Caretta caretta) (Chelonia mydas) (Eretmochelys imbricata) (Dermochelys coriacea)
Vulnerable, IUCN Vulnerable, IUCN Endangered, IUCN Critically Endangered, IUCN Critically Endangered, IUCN

Size Size Size Size Size

Adults: length 60-70 cm Adults: length 70-100 cm Adults: length 80-120 cm Adults: length 75-90 cm Adults: length 140-160 cm
Mass: up to 70 kg Mass: up to 200 kg Mass: up to 300 kg Mass: up to 150 kg Mass: 300-1000 kg
Hatchlings: length ± 25 mm Hatchlings: length ± 25 mm Hatchlings: length 30-40 mm Hatchlings: length ± 30 mm Hatchling: length ± 50 mm
Mass: 15-20 g Mass: 15-20 g Mass: 25-30 g Mass: approximately 5 g Mass: 40-50 g
Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction
Reproduce ever y 1-3 years Reproduce every 2-4 years Reproduce every 2-4 years Reproduce every 2-4 years Reproduce every 2-4 years
Lay 1-3 clutches of eggs/season Lay 2-5 clutches of eggs/season Lay 2-5 clutches of eggs/season Lay 2-5 clutches of eggs/season Lay 4-7 clutches of eggs/season
Lay 90-130 eggs per clutch Lay 80-120 eggs/ clutch Lay 80-120 eggs per clutch Lay 120-200 eggs/clutch Lay 50-90 eggs/clutch
Eggs weigh ± 30 g each Eggs weigh 30-40 grams eggs weigh ± 40-50 g Eggs weigh ± 25-30 g Eggs weigh ± 80 g
Incubation period–± 60 days Incubation period ± 60 days long Incubation period ± 60 days Incubation period ±60 days long Incubation period ± 60 days long
20-30 years to reach sexual maturity 20-40 years to reach sexual maturity
Source:, 2017

14 15
to erosion on nesting beaches; higher sand It is viewed that international laws and
temperatures affect sex ratios or prevent eggs regional cooperation may have helped influence
from hatching; and changes in ocean currents policy development to conserve marine turtles of important Philippines
alter traditional migration paths (14). and critical habitats in the Philippines (15). The
establishment of marine turtle sanctuaries in Turtle Areas PA L AWA N
Policies for protection 1982 came after the Philippines became party
All marine turtle species are listed in to the CITES in 1981. In 1992, the Philippines
for green turtles
Appendix 1 of CITES, prohibiting international signed the Convention on Biological Diversity (from TIHPA) Tu b b a t ah a R e e fs

trade of the animal and its products. The (CBD); the same year, NIPAS Act became a S u lu S e a
South C hi na Se a
International Union for Conservation of Nature law. The NIPAS Act included the Turtle Islands M I N DA N A O
(IUCN) lists olive ridley and loggerhead turtles Wildlife Sanctuary among the declared protected
Tu r t le I sl an d s
as Vulnerable, green turtles as Endangered, landscapes and seascapes in the country. In 1994, Koy a K i n ab a lu
and the leatherback and hawksbill turtles the Philippines became party to the Convention
as Critically Endangered. In the Philippines, on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Mindanao Sea

national legislation to protect marine turtles Wild Animals (CMS), the international treaty
was established as early as 1948, with the first established to conserve terrestrial, avian, and Malaysia
Fisheries Administrative Order (FAO) regulating marine migratory species.
turtle egg collection. Since then, many other On May 31, 1996, the Philippines signed the
S u l a w e si S e a
legislations to conserve marine turtles and historic Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with
manage their habitats in the country have the Government of Malaysia that established
followed (Table 1). the three Turtle Islands of Malaysia and the six
Map art based on Google Earth
In 1979, Executive Order (EO) No. 542 created © Felix Mago Miguel for
Task Force Pawikan under the Office of the Conservation International

President. In 1982, the Task Force was subsumed Source of information: Marine Research Foundation and GIZ, 2016
under the then Ministry of Natural Resources
(MNR) as the Pawikan Conservation Project (PCP), the priority conservation initiatives of Indonesia, being implemented by concerned national
which became instrumental in establishing Malaysia, and the Philippines. This initiative agencies, local governments, and non-

© Conservation International
several known nesting sites and turtle habitats has been carried forward to the CTI-CFF, the government organizations (NGOs). In terms
as marine sanctuaries. To date, marine turtle six-country cooperation involving Indonesia, of research data, the Wildlife Resources
conservation and habitat management are Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Division of the DENR-BMB centralizes all
under the Biodiversity Management Bureau of Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste. Indonesia, information generated by its regional offices
the Department of Environment and Natural Malaysia, and Philippines are also signatories to and other institutions. At the local level, the
Resources (DENR-BMB). the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asian (IOSEA), Palawan Council for Sustainable Development
MOU on the Conservation and Management (PCSD) maintains the Palawan Knowledge
Turtle tagging, Turtle Islands, Philippines
of Marine Turtles and their Habitats, an Platform (PKP) for Biodiversity and Sustainable
intergovernmental cooperation of 35 signatory Development. The PKP was launched in 2014
Turtle Islands of the Philippines as the TIHPA. The states which can also provide the regional to provide information on Palawan’s biological
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), platform for transboundary marine turtle diversity and natural heritage.
in particular the Working Group on Nature conservation in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape (16). Through the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape
Conservation, and the Philippines-Malaysia Joint Project of 2012-2018, commissioned by BMUB
Commission for Bilateral Cooperation provided Research and studies and implemented by C TI-CFF and GIZ in
the venues to discuss the establishment of TIHPA From 1982 to 2007, 15,269 marine turtles Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, the
as the first transfrontier protected area for marine were tagged throughout the Philippines, most Marine Research Foundation tracks turtles
© Keith Ellenbogen

turtles in the world. of them from the TIWS. Turtle tagging is still using satellite telemetry to identify linked
Under a Memorandum of Understanding being done for captured or rescued turtles, areas for green turtles, and to provide the
(MOU) from 2006 to 2016 for the SSME, setting and in nesting beaches. Site-based turtle science for expanding the network of MPAs in
the stage for the establishment of a tri-national monitoring and conservation programs are the seascape.
network of MPAs for green turtles was among
Turtle monitoring in Selingan Island, TIP, Malaysia

16 17
Table 1. Development of pertinent legislation for the conservation and management
of marine turtles in Philippine waters

Year of Issuance Title Main Provisions/Notes Year of Issuance Title Main Provisions/Notes
1948 Fisheries Administrative Order (FAO) No. 23: Closure of the Turtle Islands four months MNR Administrative Order No. 34: To Declare Caluya in Antique is set aside as a turtle
Regulation Establishing “Closed Season” for the a year to turtle and egg harvesting the Municipality of Caluya as Marine Turtle sanctuary
Conservation of Turtle Eggs and Shells in the Sanctuary
Turtle Islands 1983 MNR Administrative Order No. 1: Deputizing Expansion of conservation effort by
1951 FAO No. 29: Rules and regulations governing the Provincial Governors and Municipal Mayors in involving local executives
gathering of aquatic turtle eggs Areas Critical for Protection of Marine Turtles as
1952 FAO No. 29-1: Amending Sections 8 and 9 of FAO Granting of concessions for gathering Conservation Officers
No. 29 turtle eggs in the Turtle Islands for 1984 MNR Administrative Order No. 518: Establishing Portions of mainland El Nido and several
P10,000 Certain Areas of Northern Palawan as Marine islands opposite Bacuit Bay established
1954 FAO No. 36: To establish a closed season period Section 2 amended in 1962 through FAO Turtle Sanctuary and Promulgating Rules for as Marine Turtle Sanctuary and named El
for the gathering or killing of marine turtles, No. 68 Administration and Control Thereof Nido Marine Turtle Sanctuary
turtle eggs, or turtle shells 1989 Department of Environment and Natural Directs regional field officers to work in
1964 FAO No. 76: Regulations Governing the Resources (DENR) Special Order No. 884: other areas where turtle conservation
Collecting and Gathering of Marine Turtles Designating Regional Pawikan Conservation programs are being implemented
Project Field Action Officers to Carry out
1967 FAO No. 88: Regulations for the Conservation of Ban on the collection of marine turtles
Nationwide Marine Turtle Conservation Program
Turtles, Eggs and Shells in the Philippines and eggs for five years
1991 DENR Administrative Order No. 14: Amending Provision to allow sustainable uses
1972 General Administrative Order No. 68: Philippine Fisheries Commission loses
MNR AO No. 518 within the reserve to address livelihood
Transferring Administration of Turtles to the Parks and Wildlife Office control of
opportunities for the communities was
Parks and Wildlife Office marine turtles, signaling the shift in
included, and the area was renamed as El
government view of sea turtles and eggs
Nido Marine Reserve
from economic to ecological resource
1992 Republic Act (RA) No. 7586: An Act Providing for Establishment of protected areas for
1974 Bureau of Forestry Administrative Order No. 1:
the Establishment and Management of National biodiversity conservation and sustainable
Regulations Governing the Collecting, Gathering
Integrated Protected Areas Systems (NIPAS) development
and/or Disposing of Marine Turtles, Turtle Eggs
and its By-Products 1998 Presidential Proclamation (PP) No. 32: Declared El Nido Marine Reserve as PA
El Nido Managed Resource Protected Area under NIPAS to be known as El Nido
1979 Executive Order (EO) No. 542: Creating Task Provides a council under the Office of the
Managed Resource Protected Area
Force Pawikan and Appropriating Funds Thereof President, and financial support to turtle
conservation 1998 RA No. 8550: An Act Providing for the Development, Provision of penalties against the
Management and Conservation of the Fisheries destruction/conversion of critical habitats,
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Non-issuance/renewal of permits for
and Aquatic Resources Integrating All Laws such as coral reefs and mangroves,
Administrative Order No. 12: Regulations for the collection of marine turtles, eggs and
Pertinent Thereto, and for Other Purposes gathering/collecting rare, endangered and
Conservation of Marine Turtles in the Philippines by-products except in Region 9 & 12 where
threatened species including those listed
it can be sold to authorized government
in CITES, and obstruction of migratory
agencies, and ban on export
1980 Special Order No 201: Creation of an Provision for the recruitment of personnel
1999 Presidential Proclamation (PP) No. 17 1: Turtle The six Philippine Turtle Islands are
implementing organization of the Pawikan Task and setting up of a separate office for Task
Islands Wildlife Sanctuary declared a wildlife sanctuary
Force to implement Pawikan Conservation Force Pawikan
Program 2001 RA No. 9147: An Act Providing for the Prohibition of the collection of
Conservation and Protection of Wildlife threatened wildlife and its derivatives for
1982 MNR Administrative Order No. 6: Suspension of Issuance of permits to collect, gather,
Resources and Their Habitats, Appropriating non-scientific and breeding purposes;
Permits on Marine Turtle Exploitation utilize, possess, transport, remove, export
Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes institution of higher penalties
and/or dispose marine turtles, eggs and
by-products is suspended 2010 RA No. 10097: An Act Establishing the Tubbataha Establishment of the 97,030-hectare
Reefs Natural Park in the Province of Palawan TRNP as a permanent PA under NIPAS
MNR Administrative Order No 8: Establishment Seven islands in the country, including
as a Protected Area under the NIPAS Act (R. A .
of Certain Islands in the Provinces of Tawi- Baguan in the Turtle Islands, are set aside
7586) and the Strategic Environmental Plan
Tawi, Palawan and Antique as Marine Turtle as turtle sanctuaries
(SEP) for Palawan Act (R. A . 7611), Providing for its
Management and for Other Purposes
MNR Administrative Order No 10: Deputizing Use of local officials to enforce laws to
EO No. 899: Authorizing the formation of the Adopts the Philippine Action on
the Governor, Vice-Governor of Tawi-Tawi and support the Ministry of Natural Resources
Ad Hoc Committee for the Implementation of Enforcement of Environmental Laws the
Mayor and Barangay Captains of Taganak as
the Philippine Action Plan on Enforcement of two biodiversity hotspots and directed
Conservation Officers
Environmental Law in Hotspots: Turtle Islands, the Philippine Coast Guard to be the
MNR Administrative Order No 33: Regulations Establishment of arrangement Tawi-Tawi and Balabac, Palawan 2009-2013 lead agency.
Governing the Collection of Marine Turtle Eggs wherein 30% of the turtle eggs are for
in Tawi-Tawi and Reiterating the Duties and conservation, 10% for a Foundation, and
Responsibilities of Deputy Conservation Officers 60% for exploitation
and Game Wardens

18 19
3 The Marine Turtle Protected
Area Network (MTPAN)
Cul i on Isl an d El Nido-Taytay
Resource Managed
Protected Area
in the Philippines

Connecting for
L i n apacan Isl an d

our sites in the Philippines have Three of the sites—ENTMRPA , TRNP, and the Ta y t a y
been identified to be part of TIWS—are established MPAs under the NIPAS Act Protected Area Boundary
total area: 903.21km2
the transboundary MPA network (RA7586), and are thus governed by a Protected
Presidential Proclamation No.32
in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape. Area Management Board (PAMB). The DENR acts
Dumaran Isl an d
These are the El Nido-Taytay as chair of this board, and appoints a Protected
Managed Resource Protected Area (ENTMRPA), Area Superintendent (PASu) to implement all
Palawan Map art based on Google Earth
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (TRNP), and the policies in the protected area. 30 km © Felix Mago Miguel for
Conservation International
Municipality of Balabac in Palawan, and the Balabac, meanwhile, is still in the process
Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary (TIWS) is in of establishing turtle MPAs. In view of this, only
Tawi-Tawi Province. the three official and functional MPAs can be The El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource
established into a network. Protected Area (ENTMRPA)

ENTMRPA is located in the northwestern important nesting site for green, hawksbill, and
portion of mainland Palawan, straddling the olive ridley turtles (18).
municipalities of El Nido and Taytay. Bounded on El Nido was first declared a Marine Turtle
the west by the West Philippine Sea and on the Sanctuary in 198 4, for which 36 km2 were set
east by the Sulu Sea, the protected area (PA) has aside. Protection of the marine portion, however,
an area of 903.21 km2 and covers 21 barangays. only began in 1991, when an administrative
People in El Nido depend greatly on the order expanded the area covered to 95 km2,
marine environment for livelihood. Fishing is an area henceforth known as the El Nido
year-round, while other sources of income are Marine Reserve. In October 1998, Presidential
tourism-related industries, seasonal gathering Proclamation No. 32 declared El Nido a Managed
of the nests of swiftlets (known locally as Resource Protected Area; the following year,
balinsasayaw), farming, construction work, and it became known as the ENTMRPA after three
handicraft making. barangays in Taytay were included.
Four species of marine turtles have been The ENTMRPA is being managed according
reported within the PA: hawksbill, green, olive to the NIPAS Act (RA 7586). A Protected Area
ridley, and leatherback. Sightings occur year- Management Board (PAMB) handles policies,
round, while nesting behavior is usually observed while a DENR-appointed PASu implements
© Jürgen Freund

from February to May (17). El Nido is identified them. Initially, there was some confusion over
as a critical developmental area for green whether the ENTMRPA was the responsibility of
and hawksbill turtles, and its eastern coast an the DENR or the PCSD, as the latter is mandated

El Nido, Palawan 20 21
Documented Species in the Area
to implement the Strategic Environmental Plan
(SEP) of the whole province. In 1998, a MOA olive ridley hawksbill
between DENR and PCSD made the two bodies
co-chairs of the PAMB. A General Management
Plan (GMP) was conceptualized in 1995, and
loggerhead turtle leatherback turtle Green turtle: Developmental habitiat,
was updated through a series of stakeholder nesting; foraging, feeding; migratory
consultations in 2013. DANGERS: Poaching, by-catch
Aside from all the barangays, the indigenous (fish pens, gill nets), solid waste,

habitat destruction (dynamite,
people within the PA , the Tagbanua, are also cyanide), disturbance of nesting

green turtle
represented in the PAMB and actively participate site, pollution.

in board meetings. Local communities support
PA management, although some board members
believe that more livelihood assistance should be Green turtle: Role in life history Manila
DANGERS: Threats to the turtle population
made available (19).

Funding for the ENTMRPA comes from the

regular budget of the DENR, the Integrated

Protected Area Fund (IPAF), and the Eco-Tourism El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area

Development Fund (ETDF), as allocated by the covers 903.21 km2

local government unit (LGU) for the conservation


Migratory route

of coastal resources. The LGU also draws from


a trust fund from the penalties and fines of The Balabac Strait

violators of the Municipal Fishery Code.
Environmental issues in the ENTMRPA

include illegal poaching of timber and wildlife,
The Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary


cutting of forest and mangrove trees for fuel The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park
covers 2414.96 km2

or charcoal, slash-and-burn farming, illegal covers 970.3 km2

occupancy of forestlands, illegal fishing,

overfishing, agrochemical use, increased non-

biodegradable waste from households and
tourism establishments, wastewater from

the public market, coastal development, and
population pressure. Lack of trained personnel
for enforcement and monitoring, and insufficient Green turtle:
Developmental habitat
funds for management, compound the problem.
DANGERS: Poaching, solid waste,

Eight programs have been outlined to address coastal erosion/sediment shifting,

extreme temperature
threats and achieve goals in the ENTMRPA:

ecosystem management, law enforcement,

sustainable livelihood, visitor management,

research and monitoring, regional integration, A
institutional management, and sustainable O
financing. A special project, the Sustainable Coral Green turtle:

Reef Ecosystem Management Program (SCREMP)
of the DENR-BMB, recently provided additional DANGERS: Poaching, by-catch
funds for all PAs under the NIPAS for capacity (trawling), solid waste, habitat
destruction, coastal erosion/
building of regional personnel and for a marine

sediment shifting, extreme

on Ea
a or le
biodiversity monitoring system (17). temperature

rn l f g

te ue oo
In ig G

on M on
a g ed
r v a as
ti o
se ix M b
on l r t
C Fe a
© ap
22 23
later passed on to the Department of National
Defense. The Tubbataha Management Office
(TMO) was formally established in August 2001
through funds mobilized by WWF-Philippines,
and is responsible for the day-to-day activities of
the park. A PASu heads the TMO, and supervises
administrative and research staff as well as a

© Jürgen Freund
multi-agency enforcement team of marine park
rangers from the Philippine Navy, the Philippine
Coast Guard, the Municipality of Cagayancillo,
and the TMO.
Turtle monitoring, Tubbataha Reefs
The bulk of funds for managing the park
comes from tourism revenues. No regular
budget is received from the government, aside
from the service of Navy and Coast Guard
personnel as rangers. In the early 2000s, threats to the TRNP
The management plan of the TRNP has been were destructive fishing using explosives and
updated several times to include additional sodium cyanide; poaching by local and foreign
programs and strategies. The most recent TRNP vessels, particularly of marine turtles and their
GMP for 2011-2020 requires the Tubbataha PAMB eggs, precious and common shells, and giant

© Tet Lara
to meet quarterly, while an Executive Committee clams; and damage from fish trawling, long lining
meets monthly to address operational and for tuna, and boat anchors (21). Current issues
Ranger Station, North Atoll, Tubbatah Reefs
administrative issues. include accessibility due to its remote location
The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (TRNP)

TRNP is in the middle of the Sulu Sea, the establishment of Tubbataha as a no-take
about 150 km from Puerto Princesa City, zone in 1988, the Tubbataha PAMB has provided Tubbataha Reefs
Palawan. It is within the political boundaries the municipality with a 10 percent share in
of the Municipality of Cagayancillo, and is tourism collections to fund livelihood projects, Natural Park
composed of the uninhabited North and to compensate for lost fishing income.
South Atolls and the Jessie Beazley Reef. The The TRNP was first established as the 332-
park covers a total area of 970.3 km 2, with 100 km Tubbataha National Marine Park in 1988.

km 2 of coral reefs and more than 870 km 2 of It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site
surrounding waters. The reefs host one of the in 1993, the only purely marine World Heritage Palawan
most diverse populations of marine life in the Site in Southeast Asia. It was later expanded to
country, and the beaches of the islets offer include the Jessie Beazley Reef, and renamed the
nesting areas for marine turtles. Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park. It is on the Ramsar
Two of the five species of marine turtles List of Wetlands of International Importance; it
found in the Philippines, green and hawksbill, is the last remaining intact seabird rookery in
Tubbatha Reef s
can be found in the TRNP. Studies show that the country; it is an ASEAN Heritage Park; and
Tubbataha is a developmental and nesting it has been proposed as a Particularly Sensitive
habitat for green turtles, and a foraging area for Sea Area (PSSA) under the International Maritime
hawksbills (20) as well as young green marine Organization (IMO). Marine Protected Area Boundary
total area: 970.3 km2
turtles from as far away as the Pacific Islands. In the early 1990s, patrols in Tubbataha
Before its establishment as an MPA , the managed to control illegal and destructive
Sul u Se a Presidential Proclamation No. 1126

park was under the political jurisdiction of fishing, and helped kick an illegal seaweed farm
Cagayancillo, whose residents considered out of the area. A Presidential Task Force was
Map art based on Google Earth
Tubbataha a traditional fishing ground. Since set up in 1995, initially headed by the DENR, but © Felix Mago Miguel for 60 km
Conservation International

24 25
total income. Turtle egg collection is also a of the TIHPA , the world’s first transboundary
Turtle Islands revenue generator. protected area for marine turtles, in 1996.

Sul u Se a As early as the 1980s, the MNR, through WWF-Philippines conducted a social
Wildlife Sanctuary the PCP, already implemented research analysis to identify conservation and
and management activities to conserve development opportunities in the area, and
marine turtles. The bulk of PCP’s work is the to address long-term conservation needs. The
management of Baguan Island Marine Turtle result was the Integrated Conservation and
B o a a n I sl a n d Sanctuary, and the protection of its surrounding Development Program (ICDP), implemented in
L ih im a n I sl a n d waters and reefs. 1997-2003, and which focused on livelihood,
L a n g ga n I sl a n d
In 1982, Baguan Island was declared a enforcement, health, and education. External
Pulau Selingan G re at B a k k uga n I sl a n d
B a k k uga n ke cil Marine Turtle Sanctuary, where egg collection assistance continued through the Sulu-
Pulau Gulisaan
Bag u an I s l an d was prohibited; collection was regulated in Sulawesi Seascape Project-Sea Turtle Corridor
the other islands. Residents of four islands— Component of CI, which focused on improving
Taga n ak I s l an d
Taganak, Lihiman, Langaan, and Bakkungan— MPA management.
were allowed to collect 60 percent of the total The TIWS is governed by its PAMB, with a
eggs produced; 30 percent were conserved, and PASu responsible for day-to-day management.
Marine Protected Area Boundary
total area: 2,414.96 km2 the remaining 10 percent went to the Tawi-Tawi The TIWS PAMB is composed of 15 members,
Presidential Proclamation No. 17 1
Marine Turtle Foundation. including representatives from environmental
Sandakan The entire municipality was first declared NGOs CI Philippines and WWF-Philippines,
a TIWS in 1999, due to its national and which develop projects to support management
10 km
international significance as one of the few (26, 27). Because many PAMB members are not
remaining major nesting areas of green turtles based on site, however, the board does not
Sabah Map art based on Google Earth
© Felix Mago Miguel for
Conservation International in Southeast Asia. The islands also became part meet regularly.

The Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary (TIWS)

and seasonal access; increasing volume of The Turtle Islands are in the Sulu Archipelago,
marine debris; difficulty in engaging stakeholder under the political jurisdiction of the
participation and cultivating ownership because of Municipality of the Turtle Islands in the Province
its remote location; insufficient funds for financial of Tawi-Tawi. It consists of small islands Taganak,
and human resources; energy exploration; and Baguan, Langaan, Boan, Lihiman, and Great
threats from international shipping (22). Bakkungan and a rocky islet, with a total land
Four management programs will be pursued area of approximately 3 km2.
in the TRNP for long-term implementation: The Turtle Islands host two species of marine
conservation management, conservation turtles, green and hawksbill, and are considered
awareness, ecosystem research and monitoring, the most important nesting habitat of green
and sustainable resource management. turtles in the Philippines (23). In 2011, around
The program on ecosystem research and 14,000 nesters were recorded, higher than

© E. Miclat/ Conservation International

monitoring includes biological assessments, the 12,000 nesters recorded in 1995 (24), with
research, and data banking and sharing. an average of nearly 2 million turtle eggs laid
Annual coral reef monitoring surveys have annually from 2010 to 2012 (25).
been conducted since the late 1990s, initially The sanctuar y currently covers a total
by external research groups, and later by the area of around 2,414.96 km 2, including
TMO research staff themselves. In 2010, TMO its surrounding waters. Major sources of
research staff and rangers were trained, and livelihood here are fishing, farming, labor,
have since carried out regular monitoring of and sari-sari (small dr y goods) stores. Fishing
marine turtle populations themselves. contributes around 62 percent of the average

Green turtle hatchling, Baguan Island, TIWS

26 27
The TIWS Management Plan has been commercial fishing, which is sometimes done
prepared and is being updated to incorporate too close to the coast, causing turtles to get
proposed ecotourism projects, as well as entangled in the nets and damaging reefs;
research and action plans for climate change unregulated coastal development; increasing
adaptation based on vulnerability assessments. population due to uncontrolled emigration and
The annual budget for the TIWS is only natural birth; and lack of research, including
P80,000 (about US$1,600), mostly used for studies on biological characteristics of marine
PAMB meetings, community consultations, and turtles. Another imminent threat is sea level rise,
maintaining the turtle hatcheries. It is not enough which can cause degradation of nesting sites (23).
to support law enforcement activities (28). In Insufficient technical and logistic capabilities,
2013, the PAMB authorized the PASu to open an meager budgets, and irregular PAMB meetings
IPAF trust account. add to the problem. Because of uncertain
There is a very good relationship between the weather conditions, lack of transportation
protected area office and the local community, facilities, and insufficient funding, it is very
since the PASu lives in Taganak. The barangay difficult to organize a PAMB meeting.
chairman and people’s organization officials The most serious threat to TIWS, however,
represent local communities in the PAMB. Various particularly as a marine turtle conservation site,
livelihood support programs have also been is the continued harvest of turtle eggs. Locals

© DENR Region 9
implemented through the support of NGOs (29). claim that it is a traditional source of livelihood,
The issues and concerns identified in the but a survey conducted in 1998 showed that only
TIWS are low fish catch, the result of habitat 11 percent of the population benefited annually
destruction, entry of commercial fishers, from egg collection.
increasing fisher population, and poaching To address continued turtle egg collection, Green turtle hatchery, Taganak Island
by both local and foreign fishers; destructive sustainable alternative livelihood programs Buying Club was organized with help from CI-
fishing practices using dynamite and cyanide; are being implemented. The Taganak Women’s Philippines, to put up sari-sari stores, and make Bank’s (ADB) Regional Technical Assistance (RETA)
handicrafts and mat products. The proceeds 7813 Project (2012-2017) and the BMUB-supported
were divided among the members with a portion Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape Project (2012-2018)
set aside for community projects, such as a through GIZ, in partnership with DENR-BMB and
deep well that benefited two primary schools, CI Philippines. This initiative should continue, as
in an area with limited running water (26). Fund Balabac Strait is a critical route for marine turtles,
generation from ecotourism, docking fees for not only those from the Indonesian and Malaysian
commercial boats in Taganak port, and other parts of the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape, but also for
sources contribute much-needed resources to turtles entering the Sulu Sea from Guam and the
the IPAF for better management of the TIWS. Andaman Sea (29).
Other conservation strategies are restoration
and rehabilitation of degraded habitats; establishing
appropriate tenures for residents to heighten
involvement in resource management; community
organization; and management zoning (24).

© Conservation International
Initiating MTPAN formation

Because the three MPAs detailed above

are already established, they form the initial
© DENR Region 9

component MPAs of the MTPAN in the Philippines.

Efforts to establish MPAs in Balabac are being
coordinated with the local government and
stakeholders, assisted by the Asian Development Turtle souvenirs produced by Taganak women from
plastic waste
DENR Regional Director, Chair of TIWS PAMB, in discussion with a federation of 6 People Organizations, Taganak Island
28 29
4 Proposed
Marine Turtle
Protected Area
From single MPAs to one network
El Nid o-Taytay
Resource Man aged
A Bigger Picture
Protected A rea

Protected Area

Tubbataha Reef s

Natural Park

ll three initial component 95 percent. The TIWS and ENTMRPA are both Sul u Se a Mindanao
MPAs of the proposed MTPAN Level 1—they have a legal basis for establishment, Bal abac Strait
are nationally legislated and the management body has been organized, a
managed under the NIPAS. management plan has been adopted, an initial
Thus, the management systems budget has been allocated, and management
Turtle Isl an d s Wi ld l i fe San ctuary
are similar, with a multi-sectoral PAMB acting as activities are taking place, particularly on
overall supervisory body, and the PASu heading enforcement (Table 2).
day-to-day operations. Primary source of funds
for the MPAs is the IPAF, with contributions from Networking as conservation strategy
the LGU and the national government, but funds There are considerations for establishing
Map art based on Google Earth
© Felix Mago Miguel for
are insufficient to support all MPA operations. All an ecological network of MPAs, in this case a Conservation International
three component MPAs have a multi-year general network of linked habitats of green turtles.
management plan, albeit in various stages. Individual MPAs should already be and conserve green turtles in Philippine waters MPA network, connectivity, vulnerable habitats,
In 2013, the management effectiveness of established before they become part of a is the rationale behind the proposed MTPAN. vulnerable life stages, and others. In summary,
nine NIPAS sites, including the three component network. Such maturity ensures that they will The main goal of the framework for MPA the criteria call for the protection of habitats
MPAs, was assessed using the MPA Management not be distracted by network-level activities networks in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape is that will cover the different life histories of the
Effectiveness Assessment Tool (MEAT) (30). while carrying out their own independent to ensure the protection of sites critical to species of concern, the reduction of threats in
Effectiveness was measured using nine major operations. However, networking can also restoring and sustaining viable populations of these habitats and along migratory routes, and
criteria: legitimization; a management plan; a strengthen existing individual MPAs through species with special management needs ( 33). the identification of human and natural threats
management body; financing; law enforcement; shared learnings, resources, and capabilities, The framework defines three approaches to that can be more effectively addressed at the
monitoring and evaluation; information, exchange of information, and increased the management of MPA networks based on network level than on an individual MPA basis.
education, and communication (IEC); community opportunities for fund sourcing due to objectives: 1) a network for migratory species The proposed MTPAN must also consider
participation; and site development (31). The decreased transaction costs ( 32). The three of special concern (in this case, marine turtles); connectivity with other critical areas. Turtle
three MPAs underwent another MEAT assessment MPAs can thus pursue the establishment of the 2) a network of MPAs for integrated coastal tracking studies have shown that green marine
in 2014, and were also evaluated using the network, with the TRNP as a model. Meanwhile, ecosystems (e.g. coral reefs, seasgrass beds, turtles also pass through the southeastern
Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT), the TRNP can benefit from this collaboration mangrove forests); and 3) a network of MPAs for Palawan coast, for example, so collaboration with
an internationally accepted tool developed through the maintenance of a broader fisheries management. stakeholders and conservation and development
by WWF for the World Bank and Global ecological network for marine turtles. The framework also presents sample criteria programs in that area can be considered.
Environmental Facility. The connectivity among the sites should be for MPA networks, based on internationally Each of the three component MPAs serves
Results showed that the TRNP is the most clearly identified. What actually connects them? accepted parameters. Some of these criteria as an important habitat for at least one life
advanced, well-managed, and effectively This is particularly relevant when formulating are habitat representation and heterogeneity, stage of both green and hawksbill turtles,
sustained MPA at Level 3, with a METT score of shared goals. In this case, the need to protect human threats and natural catastrophes, size of emphasizing the connection between these

30 31
Table 2. Status of management of the component MPAs of the MTPAN.
areas and supporting the networking approach and the bounds of the collaboration. A working
as a conservation strategy. The MTPAN will group, composed of members appointed by
also contribute to three goals of the Regional concerned agencies for consistency, along MPA Name Management Effectiveness Strength/s** Major Gaps**
Plan of Action of the C TI-CFF: Goal # 1 (priority with representatives from each MPA , can be MEAT (2013)* MEAT (2014)^^ METT (2014)^^

seascapes designated and effectively managed), organized to discuss and draft the MOA . El Nido – Taytay Level 1 – Level 1 – 60% Legal instrument in No site
Managed Resource Established Established place; community development;
Goal # 3 (MPAs established and effectively A network management body can have a Protected Area (Score = 55) participation; lack of trained
managed), and Goal # 5 (threatened species combination of leaders and players, depending continuing personnel,
status improving) ( 3 4). on the local situation. Based on the Network capacity building especially for
of personnel; enforcement
In 2016, representatives from the component Effectiveness Assessment Tool (NEAT) pilot marine turtle and biophysical
MPAs formulated a vision for the MTPAN: testing, active involvement of higher-level monitoring being monitoring; IEC;
conducted; active M&E; finalization of
“healthy marine turtle populations in Philippine institutions is required for sustainability—for
PAMB members; management plan;
seas for human well-being,” and committed example, the municipal government should be with financial insufficient funds;
“to effectively protect marine turtles through a active in a network of community- or barangay- support from the
functional MPA network” (35). This shared vision based MPAs, and the provincial government in an
Tubbataha Reefs Level 3 – Effectively Level 3 – Effectively 97 out 103 (95%); RA as a legal basis; Funds still
is an important first step, and will serve as a basis alliance of municipal governments. Natural Park Sustained Sustained highest elements: management insufficient to
for the development of appropriate management The NEAT, developed under MSN, is a self- (Score = 81) context & planning plan being support whole
strategies and activities. assessment tool to evaluate the performance of (perfect scores) regularly updated; MPA operations
functional PAMB; and capacity
inter-local government networks implementing presence of TMO development;
A network that works joint coastal resource management efforts. with experienced management
and dedicated prone to political
As mentioned, an MPA should be effective Although it is still being refined, the results
staff; regular M&E; influences;
in its own right before joining a network. Among of its initial application have proven very IEC; enforcement stakeholder
the three network MPAs, TRNP is the most useful for network managers to gauge their system in place; ownership difficult
strong leadership to sustain due to
advanced, although both TIWS and ENTRMPA management effectiveness. The NEAT presents
remoteness and
are making headway in improving enforcement the minimum thresholds needed to establish seasonal access; no
and implementing monitoring and evaluation a network. security of tenure
for staff
programs. More importantly, the PAMBs of For the proposed MTPAN, the management
Turtle Islands Level 1 – Level 1 – 52 out 102 (51%); Legal instrument M&E; enforcement;
all three MPAs have shown deep interest in body should include the regional DENR Wildlife Sanctuary Established Established highest elements: in place; PAMB irregular PAMB
being part of the proposed MTPAN by issuing offices, PCSD, and municipal LGUs of the three (Score = 50) context, planning & organized; meetings; lack
process approved of technical and
resolutions to this effect. localities, as well as actual MPA managers
management plan; logistic capabilities;
The MPA Support Network (MSN) developed and relevant stakeholder groups. Engaging active community insufficient funds;
initial standards for the establishment and the provincial LGUs of Palawan and Tawi- participation lack of policy
especially of on user fees;
management of networks ( 36). These include: Tawi will be strategic for additional technical
women; IEC; PAMB members
1) a formalized agreement; 2) a management and financial assistance, and even political potential for need to be more
body; 3) budget allocation for at least one year; support. The actual set-up of the management ecotourism knowledgeable
about duties and
4) a financial management system; and 5) initial body will depend on on-site experiences and responsibilities
joint activities. consensus. As soon as this body is formed, the *CTI-CFF, 2013c (31)
** Includes workshop outputs during the Technical Workshop on the Review and Finalization of the Philippine MTPAN Concept, August 2016
The formal agreement can be a MOU or management planning process can begin.
^Dizon et al., 2013 (37)
MOA , with the latter preferred for its legal Respective member PAMBs can make budget ^^DENR-BMB, 2014 (38)

dimension. Collaboration among LGUs, through allocations in the early stages of network
a MOA , has a legal basis in the Philippines’ Local establishment. Eventually, such allocations and
Government Code. member contributions should be stipulated
With the MPAs covered by NIPAS, the in the MOA . A clear and transparent financial Possible areas of cooperation for initial other national agencies. Other possible joint
proposed MTPAN can pursue MOAs among management system is essential; the network joint activities will depend on common activities include IEC programs on marine
the different PAMBs, especially since the can decide to put contributions in a common issues. For instance, enforcement seems to turtles, harmonized laws and regulations,
respective LGUs already play a large role in trust fund, or just set aside an amount for be a shared concern among MPAs. Although research and monitoring, capacity-building for
MPA management through membership in the network activities. A common fund may prove distance will make joint patrolling difficult, MPA management groups and stakeholders,
PAMBs. A detailed MOA can initiate discussions useful when the network starts to receive the network can set up a joint reporting fund sourcing, and regular information
on network operations, and set realistic goals external funding or donations. and intelligence-sharing system linked with exchange and interaction.

32 33
Proposed transboundary marine turtle protected area network
with Indonesia and Malaysia. (Bunaken National Park and Berau
Marine Conservation Area (including the Derawan Island Group) in
Indonesia; Sipadan Islands, Tun Sakaran Marine Park, Turtle Islands
Park, Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area, and Tun Mustapha
The MTPAN in Philippine Park in Malaysia; and four component sites in the Philippines.)

and international marine

biodiversity conservation

Local to Global

istorically, marine turtle The MTPAN will support the Philippines’
conservation and management commitment to the Indian Ocean-South Manila
Philippine Sea
in the Philippines face many East Asian (IOSEA) MOU on marine turtles,
challenges in protecting the to the Asean Cooperation on Environment, South China Sea
species, as seen in continued particularly in establishing a network of
El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area
poaching, mortality from by-catch, egg protected areas to conserve critical habitats,
collection, and degradation of critical habitats. and to the C TI-CFF.
The proposed MTPAN would be the most Finally, with its location within the Sulu-
ambitious but extensive conservation effort yet Sulawesi Seascape, the Philippine MTPAN
for marine turtles in Philippine waters because will eventually form part of the proposed The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park
of varying political, sociocultural, and economic transboundary marine turtle protected area
The Balabac Strait Sulu Sea
dynamics in the component MPAs, and because network with Indonesia and Malaysia.
protection of different key habitats for the Moving from individual MPAs to
The Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary
animal’s different life stages can be integrated. an effective network will need the full
Individual MPAs can be strengthened, also engagement of the leaders of the respective
Tun Sakaran Marine Park
improving site-based management. The MTPAN component MPAs and the countries involved, Malaysia Mindanao Sea
can provide important lessons for other areas with support from external organizations. Sipadan Islands
in the country, especially for the protection of After all, the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape is home
Sulawesi Sea
particular threatened species. to a global heritage, the endangered marine
Berau Conservation Area
Beyond national efforts, the MTPAN will turtles. Here in the transboundary area can be
affirm the commitment of the Philippine found one of the few remaining major nesting
Bunaken National Park
government to international agreements on grounds for green turtles in Southeast Asia;
biodiversity conservation, particularly the CBD, here can be found the single largest nesting
CITES, the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, population of green turtles in this region.
CMS, and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Humans and turtles have a common
I n d o n e s i a
In particular, it will contribute to Aichi Target 11 fate due to dependence on the same
by conserving areas of particular importance ecosystems. Current initiatives may not be
for biodiversity and ecosystem services through enough, but networking can indeed help
effectively and equitably managed, ecologically scale up efforts, optimize potential benefits—
Map art based on Google Earth
representative, and well-connected systems of and ultimately make these oceans a safer © Felix Mago Miguel for
Conservation International
protected areas. haven for marine turtles.

34 35

of marine turtles in the Tubbataha Reefs, Cagayancillo, Palawan,

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Establishing the Marine Turtle Protected
Area Network in the Philippines
Philippine Inputs to the Transboundar y Marine Turtle Protected
Area Network in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape,
A Priority Seascape in the Coral Triangle Initiative Regional Plan of Action

A Sea of
Safe Havens

DENR Biodiversity Management Bureau

Coastal and Marine Division
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