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Form 6 Контрольна робота за І півріччя

за Full Blast

Test I
Variant 1

1. Listen to the text and mark «True» or «False».

1) Once upon a time, some monkeys were playing. ________________
2) One of the monkeys saw the leopard. ________________
3) The monkey ran up a tree and saw a nest. ________________
4) He wanted to eat the eggs from the nest. ________________
5) The mother bird said nothing to the monkey. ________________
6) The leopard had a good lunch. ________________

2. Answer «Yes» or «No».

1) Were the hares playing under a tree? _________
2) Did the monkey like eggs? _________
3) Did he take the bird’s eggs? _________
4) Was there a hungry leopard watching the monkeys? _________
5) Was the mother bird flying above? _________
6) Did the mother bird help the monkey? _________

3. Fill in.
1) A ______________ saw a bird’s nest on a branch.
2) The ______________ bird wasn’t sitting on the nest.
3) There were three beautiful blue ______________.
4) The monkey decided to be ______________ and didn’t take the eggs.
5) The next day the monkeys were playing in the long ______________.
6) The leopard had nothing to eat for ______________.

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