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Test 1 | Specifications – Version A

Metas Curriculares
Vocabulary Grammar ©

Personal information Present simple
Routines Adverbs of frequency

Metas/Skills Questions Marks Answer key

Listening (20 minutes)

L9. Compreender conteúdos A. Listen and identify the speaker. 4 x 10 = 40 A. 4, 2, 1, 3

em programas, produzidos
B. Listen and complete. 10 x 6 = 60 B. 1. 12 years old … Colombian
para o seu nível, em meios
2. William … sports/rugby
3. Jones … long blonde hair … talkative/outgoing
4. thirteen … British … 322 Rally St.

TOTAL: 100%

Reading comprehension (15 minutes) 30%

R8. Ler textos breves de B. Find the synonyms in the text. 4x2=8 B. 1. “early” 2. “quick” 3. “lucky” 4. “sick”
tipologia diversificada
C. Read the text and say if 4 x 3 = 12 C. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F
the sentences are True or

D. Answer the questions, according 4 x 2,5 = 10 D. 1. He wakes up before 7 am.

to the text. 2. He goes to school by bus.
3. Sometimes he has breakfast in the school
4. Robin is lucky because she lives next to
school and so she can sleep longer and
have a long breakfast too.

Vocabulary (15 minutes) 24%

Daily routine A. Identify the routine actions. 6 x 2 = 12 A. 1. get up 2. have a shower 3. have breakfast
4. go to school 5. do my homework 6. go to bed

B. Complete the text with the correct 6 x 2 = 12 B. 1. get up 2. have a shower 3. have breakfast
routine verb. 4. don’t go to school 5. do my homework 6. go to

Grammar (15 minutes) 26%

Present simple A. Complete with the correct form of 5 x 2,6 = 13 A. 1. do 2. likes 3. goes 4. doesn’t have
Adverbs of frequency the present simple. 5. Do … go

B. Put the words in the correct order to 5 x 2,6 = 13 B. 1. We always have breakfast at home.
make sentences. 2. They are never late for school.
3. My brother sometimes plays football in the
4. Is Jane usually at home at 9 pm?
5. They often do their homework after lunch.
Writing (25 minutes) 20%

W10. Produzir textos, A. Write an email to a friend telling 20 – 15: Escreve entre 30 e 50 palavras; escreve sem erros
de 35 a 50 palavras him/ her about your school day ortográficos; usa o vocabulário adequado e não dá muitos erros de
routine. gramática.
14 – 8: Escreve entre 15 e 25 palavras; escreve com alguns erros
ortográficos; por vezes usa o vocabulário adequado e dá alguns erros
de gramática.
7 – 0: Não respeita o número de palavras; escreve com muitos
erros ortográficos; não usa o vocabulário adequado e dá muitos
erros de gramática.

TOTAL: 100%
Test 1 | Version A

Listening scripts

Exercise A/B Speaker 3

Hi there! I’m Jane Jones, I’m eleven years old.
Speaker 1
I’ve got long blonde hair. I’m very talkative and
Hi, my name is Gloria and I’m twelve years old. I’m from
outgoing. I love hanging out with my friends.
Colombia and my family name is Gomez. My website address
is Speaker 4
I’m Alan and I’m thirteen and I’m British. I live with my big family in
Speaker 2
London, Rally Street number 322. My email is, in
Hello! I’m a fifteen-year old boy from Scotland and my name is
case you want to get in touch.
William. I love almost all sports, but my favourite is rugby.

Speaking (5 to 8 minutes) 100%

SI9. Participar num diálogo simples em contextos diferenciados Interação oral: 50% Respostas
Answering personal questions. de carácter
SP8. Expressar-se numa linguagem simples e descritiva em
situações previamente preparadas Produção oral:
Oral description of pictures showing 50%
daily routines.

Duration: 5 to 8 minutes

Part 1
The teacher asks the following questions to each student

a)How are you? d)Where do you have breakfast?

b)Where do you live? e)What time do your classes start?
c)How do you come to school? f)

Part 2
Students choose one picture to describe. They should mention:
a)the activities/routines they can see
b)the time of the day they happen
c)the people in the picture
d)what happens before and after what they see
Test 1 | Version A

Avaliação Data ____-____-20___

O(A) Encarregado(a) de Educação O(A) Professor(a)


A You will listen to four teenagers talking about themselves. Look at the pictures and
identify who’s speaking. Write 1, 2, 3 or 4 according to the order you hear them.

B Listen again and complete the sentences with the missing information.
1. Gloria is and she’s .

2. is Scottish and he loves .

3. Jane is eleven years old. She’s got and she’s very .

4. Alan is years old and he is . He lives at , London.
Test 1 | Version A

Reading Comprehension

A Robin and Eddie are two students from Brisbane, Australia. Read the dialogue.

Robin: Hey Eddie! How are you? Eddie: Hi Robin. Not too bad, mate. Robin: What’s wrong? You look
Eddie: I don’t like getting up early, but I don’t have a choice!
Robin: What time do you wake up?
Eddie: On school days, I usually wake up before 7 because I come to school by bus.
Robin: Oh, I see. How long does the bus take to get to school?
Eddie: Well, it’s always a twenty-minute ride and, as classes start at a quarter past eight, I have to be quick
and get ready on time.
Robin: I’m so lucky! I live very close to school. It’s only a ten-minute walk, so I can sleep a little bit more and
have a long breakfast.
Eddie: Unfortunately, sometimes I only have breakfast at school… after the first class. So I don’t eat before 10
Robin: But don’t you feel tired and sick?
Eddie: Yeah, sometimes. By the way… shall we go to the cafeteria? I’m starving!
Robin: Great idea! I’m hungry, too!

B Find in the text the synonyms of the words given.

1. at the break of day
2. fast
© Porto

3. fortunate

4. unwell
Test 1 | Version A

C Are the following sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1. Robin and Eddie are students from Australia. ©

2. They are having a conversation at school.
3. Eddie doesn’t mind getting up early in the morning.
4. He always has breakfast before going to school.

D Answer the questions about the text. Write complete answers.

1. What time does Eddie wake up on school days?

2. How does he go to school?

3. Where does Eddie have breakfast when he can’t eat at home?

4. Why is Robin so lucky?


A Look at the pictures and write the routines.

1. 2.

4. 5.
Test 1 | Version A

B Complete the text with the routine verbs from the previous exercise.

On Sundays, I usually 1. at 10 in the morning and I 2. before I

3. . As we 4. (not), I can relax and spend time with the family. But I still have
to 5. for the next day. I 6. at 10 pm so I can have a good night’s
sleep before another busy week begins.


A Complete the sentences with the present simple.

1. We (do) our homework in the library.

2. Grace (like) her teachers a lot.

3. She (go) to bed at ten, every night.

4. Josh (not have) a school book at home.

5. you (go) to school by bus or by car?

B Put the words in order to make sentences.

1. breakfast / have / at / we / always / home


2. never / for / they / late / are / school


3. my brother / football / plays / sometimes / in the gym


4. is / at / Jane / usually / home / at / 9 pm?

© Porto

5. often / do / they / homework / their / after / lunch


Test 1 | Version A


A You are at a new school. Write an email to a friend from your old school telling him/her
about your school day routine now.



Test Tip: Writing

Daily routine
1. Make a plan.
2. What do you do:
• in the morning
• in the afternoon
• in the evening

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