Idioms in Use (UNKNOWN)

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English Use | 60 units of vocabulary reference and practice Self-study and classroom use Michael McCarthy Felicity O'Dell sSoyexr Contents Acknowledgements 3 Using thi ote 3 Learning about idioms {Whee ar idiom? iE Using you dcsonacy Idioms to talk about ... Health Happioes and sadness Angee Knowing and understanding Experience and perspos Soscet an alae Hisingpeoblons Dealing wth problems Power an aston 1G Serucrering an rly aout aunty 11 Conversational responce . 1 Praise and etic 13 Opinions on people and actions 1 Bebaviou ad seteaes 15 Reacting co what eters soy {6 Danger 1 ber 1 Necenity and desizsilay 19 Teobabiiy and lace 20 Seen aru 21 Feelings 22. Haman reloscships 23 Sie and penion 24 Money ‘ 25 Work 26 Speed tare and incr 37 Communisison ts conimering on fangvage 28 Communication 2: gtning the message seis 28 Lileand expenses preci» 30 Menoey| Idioms from the topic area of 51 Tie 1 the post an the tore $3 Time 2: clocks and regen 35 Thecemears 34 Colour 35 Game and spore 536 Ansmals Is esrb peoale 3? Ammale 2 dsc siuations 34 Wesponcand wae ens or 3 *0 Food Reads Houses an howakeld abjccs Nature Boats and ailing Ssenee technology and machines laloms using these keywords: as 2 a8 50 3 8 55 56 3 ss 9 a Key age; sum hand Foor eel, oe onc, shoulder, sm eg Head Face, hne ack, chee Byes Ear bps, mouth, noe, eth ong Hearn Brain, mind, Mood and gus Beck one Line SGoed and bad Ground Sines and ions with ike ino List of phone symbols 170 Index 371 oe a Using this book Why was this book writtent le wae writen obelp you improve joe knowledge of dkms in Engh, liome ae fined cxpresons wove meaning nex ietarlyabsjon fom Took a ihe dvds Word inthe iciom. You wil come seross «eat man ions when ou lien to and read Engh Soi important hat you leaen about the meanings of iors aod about how they are we You can ase Cis Bok ether wih teacher or fr sels We sated to encourage nga lest hive + balanced spprosch co om in Hh Semetes inthe pst aches acd tose that twas ast ine for laraey ro aeady iim as hey auhe star asng them in a8 inaccurate ov unsuebie wa. Bu wioms are {och wilenpetad we that ci inappropeate wo gore them. This book focus jst on thee ‘ome whch the modern student ness t know a att prove the armaton 808 Drnvce which wll Rep you understate! and yer ser corey How were the Idioms in the book selected? There ates pret man ioms in Engl, bye st of then sound rather okashioned or rene very wily wid, The 100 of 9 ogo which are wed un neh Denk eee al ‘elced from those inne significa bes on corner scares nt Rage Lage dhtabuses the CANCODE corpus of sport Engst developed a the Universi oF Nottingham in asciation wth Cambridge Uniersy tes and the Caibeige Inernat onal Corpse of writen English, Thote dtabasesthow ws hos the cons have stull bes usd by nave spears of Fish m conversations, sewpapes nee, ad any ae caret ‘The tm selected ar all alco be found the Cambridge Pnernatinal Dictionary of [dome where adtional cxtmples an! wage ates wl aly be our. You cam search hs Ahsionar ane By going che flowing woot: upulisnonarscumb es. How Is the book organised? The book bas 60 o-page wits. The left-hand page resent he iis dar are works om inde unt, You will acl Gel an explana ofthe meaning al ach idiom an example of {ine andy where appropiate, any special acts slot its wage. The sight hand page ‘heck that you ave undertond the information on che lel hand page hy giving you 9 ties, fof eyes thar practise she oar as presen. The exces pay partculr tanin co [hecking yout uadentanding ofthe iioms and Row they re sna becaute diss one lmportné for mast Ieaeners than being blero actively us he iors “The ants ae organise i hee seins eons to talk about. which grows idioms astoring che wp ses tar they ae used totale abou, Thus, to be esowed under [have a enorme amauta! wok to dol is Inctsd in Unie 23, Work ions frm the topic ar of «which yup ions ascoring ty the age dey aze has ‘om, Thus, ht the oof [carn very angry way it acuded in Une 41, Hoases and hovsahold ebjers iam asin these keywords which groups ums aesoning 0 keysseds in dw, For xaniple Unit 48 deals with orf iioms based on he werd eae The book a has shee alle ewsvaes and am index wih ins he 1,090 om we es wih and nen the wits here they ca enh be Fond | gh me ne How should | use this Beokt Arve athe ll main nite there are ae inerducory uni: Unit | Wha ate ons? and Uniti Using your dionerary. eis strongly commended tit you mork through these Sits fe Ace tha, you may wok om he un nay orth ait a, What else do I need In order to work with this book? You needs nossbook oe is whisk vo can write down the ns ho yu sty bck os well ary caer that you come across elsewhere, this You ako need go howe access oa good diconaey: We stongly ccorimend the Cambridee Intonation Dictionary of toms thie ges enacly the and of atormation hae you 68 sortave aboot idioms, Your teacher, nose may sae ler menmmand ie {Toma thar you wl fd yet Soy te hope that hie hook wil ‘sr! igh’ on al you need o know abot Engh ios {see Unie 8) and hat, by theme yno firs the uns fo be saying: "Enghsk cam A pie of cake” ec Unit 17 ngs one nike § 4 What are idioms? Idioms and meaning ‘ons are expressions wich Rave a meaning tat i nor abies fom the inavidual words Yor example, te ida deve somebod) tound the bead means nate somebody any frsyared bar we can kao this use by Tooking a the wor “Thebes way to undestand an iam i ta seit content. omen sys “Thin opener driving me rund she ben Thin TI haw i way and get new one then ce coment nd commonsense tls sth rive round the bend mans something ‘tern rom diving sca coun carve othe road The context wus the i Ope is oe working propery and cae’ having an effect on che person ising ‘Types of idioms oo wang ee Twi ciaclarpowen | lilewe Gr with one ave) predic cro ll ody roe she | Fetsong on [ne Bink ofan ihe overey Sore a lange ene Se LG ST [aya atone a Viel nod Tod | veh ead oie agp geod etd esaamand ied [enor tre Wise cue orsmimre——(Feeatalng torysbort [ou eran ans neal Fixed aspects of idioms -Mos idioms a fixe in see fore, and ean be changed vs Varied. Sometins, howe, {he rams the weeabalary ean be Yared sigh, Where this Book ora ditions we ‘aformation on what ean be varied, always note fein your Veabulary norbook, vera co ‘Okra ann Fie he | Gowran: Haars Svar pa tha bv ay ov nA “The bucc han been pene ors Ment Mn No or sev propre osc fe enemy Tern wr ons #0 Fw evra nanscir No Suc rg ihe ay Sepang the loa or ie PS) 6 gh Sonn Us i Exercises How much can you guess about the mening ofthese ions ust by looking at the context “Tak thoboxes acconlng to wat you can understand abt he word 0 Bul 1 ese was ging ot plce atone by hank oF by cook, I hic always been ray dear oats fy a legen ite means using illegal methods faeceery “TD ‘ean notaing wl ro bo a rrenns Twas very determined oo 6 See Unit 17, 2 The government and the mans area Jogperkend: thee may bea general tke ws no ONAN c means have aged eatin a 5 ean hate exh ote oo 0 tmeans disspre vere sronly 35 6 See Unit 22 53 We kad to pay throu the sone tour visa in Five days ated ofthe wsual 30 avs cans sullen some we aS o ‘ans ey sll i oF reoney o 6 3 seams poy sarge saan of sey oo 38 See Unit 24 Csi the dios inthe sentences below according to thir grammatical pe “Type A ve eobjeteompemens “Type D simile {andor adverbial) ‘Type bone or inomisd Type 8 preposkionl phase ‘Type F while dause oe sencence “Type C compound 1 Should we Ry er go by ean? What ave the pron and coms? Type See Unie 10. 2 Prphaving second thoughts sat going hid with Jan. She can be a i eal Type See Uni 5 13 Wher Tad fished ll my exams falta fre a8 bid Tye See Uni 60, 44 [dont know muck about dein, se I gave the decorator a fee hand in my new lt ies ‘ee Unit 45, 5. She comes fore setter wellt-de teil She sways ha a cennforeshle Tre: ‘See Unit 24 16 My old schoo! fine Hari rived out of the Blu. hat sen her fr 1 tes Tre Seo Uni 82, ‘Correct the mistakes the iioms in these entncc. Use the clue in brackets Use good several dcionary or «dctionary of idioms if necesan. 1 My father four was pot down whew Ini wanted ear for my svenaeath Hirth. FHesaid Twas too young gramnar— voice} See Unit 46 2. Her words put he eat amon the bres Jom is fons. (ocabulaey) See Unit 37 53 Youll pleased ta heat we served wud and sate Peru. ool) See Unie 16 5 He was Ming in is teeth when he said he had gt & Firsts gray i eam he rth ‘he fale, (grmmmsr sl wore) SeeUni 51 Engh een the 7 7" = Using your dictionary ‘What do you look up? Aicean be difiuleto werk oe whae an ‘Mira means even when you know al he india words inte idiom, rau wl fen teed rook up dims ina disonay, Mf you are ‘working wi a dictionary on CD-Rom then SSL have no problems fing the ion 9 hein, Fer working with aration distonsr ou Raver Bnd where the ims nad As sim conc of several words, which of thse do you look up in your Uutionary? For example do you ey to find Kil wo bids with me stone onder ilk, birds or tone, or let he eat OW ofthe bag under lector Lg? Ir you ate using ster the Cambridge Inderational Dieionary of ines (CD) o¢ the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (CALD, then the eas way of ining what you ne to look athe alphabucicl ines the hic of the bok Thi laa the expres included inthe dictionary with the Word wheve a entry forthe expression wil be foun the ‘icons highlighted in bold. Th shows that in CIDE Kl ¢wo beds with one stone wil he Found eer tas ad let the cat nae af the Bag wil be Fund under cat I CALD these 0 iis ale ound winder il a cat Ie yo are using» erent ce mary, read i ineodctony rots ow to ee how dale ‘vith igs. This ll vend the frostaton you wld eters elon didn 0 fk wp ‘he eng element ofthe dom fist What information does your dictionary give you? Yr dictionary vill you la a oho hinge 28 wel 6 the meaning ofthe iti Ae ims ae used in such ied wae, porn ea the noe i your distor ‘aelll Af you wart se wom aswell 90 urdrseand thom You wil find all hese things in good dconary of idioms + information abour words that are interchange, eg rive/endl dh round the bend {formation about hove she aim eee brakes, fr eampl, shoe samy ade he ‘hm can be left 1 an fsa my oes, + nutes abr the grammar of the dom tte a eons For example, to say tha a iia ‘ually used ina passive construction ai cotnuons form or na negate sentence «+ exarpls ofthe dim in se onients om reister the rite Ins ype in CIDL ate formal formal ery informa, ld fsbroned, taboo, onerous aed terry + pots shoe regional wantin in ys = thi is importne ae many eich idioms wil sound ‘lor range roan Amro and vce versa e's not pn for is bok in ih ermston sbut eh om yo wl nin Fy Scsoary tok up he eta you very wane Fo OOK ary Ed met nourvcabtry retook wre rr Plorason or ter earpee tss she 8 Eng one te 2 ia as Exercises Lock up the idiom in these snance in your sonar: What word i ach idiom Ke under? > the person in che strc ho picks up ae Bile the gueaments mistake. 2 She had a woudl rip to Asstt at noe sh come ack dene 0 earth wih a ump. 5 Johad a ferousargamene wit his sypervzoy, bu he marae to stand is pound 41 Her fling very mire no there's no need for yout ick the if a9, 5 You're banging your head again 4 brick wall ring ge hist help Yow 6 You seared the ving daylight out of ey cep up behnd me Hie thst ‘Which words) coal he loot af he tos in thee Setencs? Tes always hard when you have t cme back down to cath with bump afer 3 boli. 2 No one thas she could limb the mountain without oxygen, bur the seceeded aginst ail he ods 4 She chim where it hue ot by ling hi shat ha always sen sapplntmen 9 Ae paren 4 The way he eated sare the ving daytghsout of met ‘Which word ia each idiom could be chang for another word? 1 Don’t warty about a thing =U sure the company wil pickup the Bll 2 (came back down i eth with a bump whe Isa the pile of poo wating forme ar the weekend 3 Therm lose many of is men, hue managed tan is around 44 Why docks seem to enjoy sticking the knife nk ualented actors a wsters 5 feel a6 Fm banging my head agaisc a brick wall we hi at rhe moment 6 eatery ni scared de ing daylight ot of ‘What wammatialinfomacon dos your dictionary give about these iors? Rend the information ad then wit sentence with cach Mine 1 it hone in the mouth 2 he pasting up the dass 5 fhe onthe brink of 4 fe yourself up in kno 5 he man enoush Mae the register abel i theo with the idioms inthe sentences blow formal fumsrous formal ey fone er oral on ike hin = he’ sucha sme bal, (OK. Md ee washing. Theres no peace for he wicked! er Sani has ved tthe vile from tne memo My grandma alrays sel o say that am apple day Hee the doctor sy. The ood was 0 dalicious ~ we stalled ot aco. The the what I hve sa wl give you pate for hough, non ans Use 9 Health Idioms describing health Nase bet fang under he sae! fr nee. Cre day fs cae 8 ve aking ke (ea named oa 0 dm Uo fo ty fr fn day te vehrg Male ‘er a ag a hse, hee lng fh off! ay resco day Yo sine | so te rude rc anh seta Sn be ado er ts he as (th mend hy eon fe wat, heehee tno bot da And es Don geo ra? eer Src. 2 Wooing extremely Seng Baer > da something to gain Hes ene and emesis "perc wel “feral erty wl Informal idioms for mad efit ar fiddle ‘There are many informal dios which are used to say that someooe i ad He's not all here. She a barker ee 20 cat) Sie off her wo HES off his rocker Hes net ight the head. She one sandwich short of pics, Shes got a acre lose Hes as nity ava riteake. 7 rocker ‘roley “There dt als slot of very informal ions meaning di for example Shes popped her lags. She given up the ghost. She’ kicked the bucket Hes bien the das He's fallen off his pech Idioms based on medical images cr = eeanele ‘ore polndipoe | a aajec nich saneane sould por | Ty oxo meraon tlre whee tctwuikaboweboaue nies | hee it ase poor in ‘re soreone a | doe sive Die inet someone | Rena wo wd hm money now woul {Ssteldose of ther | enc ey ve eto you morerco | he na use ths om edie enmedicine | show sum tow wnanaeie | eseeer et yu Titer pilto | wpessne bt esc | Losing eb was tals Beri alow fool Taper kept | Goscreding orate ameing | The bs bs spred the ove pl ‘role mer expe oy ofeng = ge se pene ave ay feet | weve rave er mow on Trane say move peer aren = esr hr ery fe 10 exh ons inte Exercises 1 Pur these expressions inc four groups of ioms that share the sme meaning (There are ow soaps of emo idioms and evo groups of fowr) Explain the meaning neath cae. rep te pho oeon he raadeoreconmcy pete it bean dtermend rien sratracla "fel oftesour be ror alee tl one te weather ae your age boo our wey flour pach beset ce 1.2. Complete each of these idioms. 1 Don't mention che merge 0 hin — is bit of spot for bm. 2 Tallng Jo what you fel my bea pil for im co swallow, but you tive ti hi neverbees 3 Watching rave! programmes on TV always gives me foe. 4 Tsconder whats happened t Stan ~ he looks Hike death vl 5: lane to pu increas fan int eeatom ae supposed tos te ‘oF increased tation, 6 Imagine someone ss unfit 8 Rath pring on holla ia the Hiraayns. She must have 3 Too ‘A od game of golf ar che weekend always belps 0 ny father's faeries, 1 Tom was quel for awhile last year but hea fica a 8 Twas exhausted when Ig hom fom work, but afer ance cap of, 10 Helen wont anderson ehe probs ~ she one shor of pin 1.3. Which ofthe idioms meaning die do these pictures make you think of 1.4 Match cach statement on the lft with the most likely espante onthe ih. 1 Te gocitchy fect. ‘Oh deas Lope hes OK torso 2 Hv as dght a ain now Yeu but shell soon gt over = 3. Hes noe ight in he head Where would you lke 0 50? 44 Tm going to tll in what chink of him, That 2 elie 5 Dad’ abt efcalour tod: Good. Give him a doe of his own medicine {Fang the eam was 2 Dir pil now; Jane told me he was olf hi sk, roswell ou ge’ Oey ane woul oer pegra or ou ey tse Ege SOE ‘iy oye hn tare ro many oma egress enya sh ei he ae {Grad efanin wha eum? yeh Engh ions Use

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