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Cambridge English Teaching Framework

Full level descriptors

The following stage descriptions are intended to be representative of a specific range of abilities under each
category, and as such are intended to be relative rather than absolute. It is expected that each teacher will
progress through the stages in individual and unique ways, at varying speeds, although it is also recognised
that for teachers in some teaching contexts the goal may be to become a good 'foundation' teacher. It is
also likely that teachers may demonstrate aspects of two adjacent stages at any one time, and that it may
not always be possible to place themselves neatly within one distinct stage.
While factors such as specific qualifications obtained, training undertaken or number of hours/years of
formal teaching experience are all important, they may not necessarily be directly related to specific stages
and are, therefore, not specified in the framework as such.
It is acknowledged that a certain level of language ability is required in order to teach language effectively,
however any minimum language level required of the teacher is likely to vary depending on the teaching
context and language levels of the group of learners being taught.
The detailed descriptions below are intended to capture the notion that gradual development of teachers'
expertise over time involves growing understanding of teaching and learning, growing awareness of
their own strengths, weaknesses and potential as a teacher, increasing sophistication in their planning,
decision-making, teaching skills and reflection, as well as the ability to respond to a more complex range
of classroom situations. Each of the paragraphs at each stage refers to the five categories of the Cambridge
English Teaching Framework ('Learning and the Learner'; 'Teaching, Learning and Assessment'; 'Language
Ability'; 'Language Knowledge and Awareness'; 'Professional Development and Values').  Full level descriptors  2

Cambridge English: Teaching Framework

Stages Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

1. Learning and the learner

• Has a reasonable understanding of general • Has a good understanding of general learning • Has a sophisticated understanding of general learning
• Has started to develop a basic
learning theories and many of the key theories and many of the key language- theories and most of the key language learning concepts,
understanding of general learning
language-learning concepts, and has started to learning concepts, and often uses many of and regularly uses most of the key terms.
theories and language-learning concepts,
Learning use some of the key terms. the key terms. • Lesson plans and classroom practice consistently
and is aware of some key terms.
theories • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a high level of understanding of the theories
• Lesson plans and classroom practice
demonstrate some grasp of the connection demonstrate frequent use of this and concepts and how they relate to student learning,
may demonstrate some of this
between the theories and concepts and understanding and the link between the and reflect the personal theories developed as a result of
student learning. theories and concepts and student learning. observing learners and reflecting on teaching.

• Has started to develop a basic • Has a reasonable understanding of theories • Has a good understanding of theories of • Has a sophisticated understanding of theories of first and
understanding of theories of first and of first and second language learning, key first and second language learning, key second language learning, key language-learning concepts,
second language learning, key language- language-learning concepts, and classroom language-learning concepts, and classroom and classroom SLA research findings, and regularly uses
learning concepts, and classroom SLA SLA research findings, and has started to use SLA research findings, and often uses many most of the key terms.
FLA and SLA research findings, and is aware of some some of the key terms. of the key terms. • Lesson plans and classroom practice consistently
key terms. • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a high level of understanding of the theories
• Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate some grasp of the connection demonstrate frequent use of this and concepts and how they relate to student learning,
may demonstrate some of this between the theories and concepts and understanding and links between the and reflect the personal theories developed as a result of
understanding. student learning. theories and concepts and student learning. observing learners and reflecting on teaching.

• Has started to develop a basic • Has a reasonable understanding of approaches • Has a good understanding of approaches • Has a sophisticated understanding of approaches and
understanding of approaches and and methods for language teaching and and methods for language teaching and methods for language teaching and language-learning
methods for language teaching and language-learning concepts, and has started to language-learning concepts, and often uses concepts, and regularly uses most of the key terms.
Language- language-learning concepts, and is use some of the key terms. many of the key terms.
teaching • Lesson plans and classroom practice consistently
aware of some key terms. • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a high level of understanding of the theories
• Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate some grasp of the connection demonstrate frequent use of this and concepts and how they relate to student learning,
may demonstrate some of this between the theories and concepts and understanding and links between the and reflect the personal theories developed as a result of
understanding. student learning. theories and concepts and student learning. observing learners and reflecting on teaching.

• Has started to develop a basic

• Has a good understanding of concepts such • Has a sophisticated understanding of concepts such
understanding of concepts such as • Has a reasonable understanding of concepts
as intercultural competence, learning styles, as intercultural competence, learning styles, multiple
intercultural competence, learning such as intercultural competence, learning
multiple intelligences, learning strategies, intelligences, learning strategies, special needs, affect and
styles, multiple intelligences, learning styles, multiple intelligences, learning
special needs, affect and differences in types differences in types of learners and teaching contexts, and
strategies, special needs, affect and strategies, special needs, affect and differences
Understanding of learners and teaching contexts, and often regularly uses most of the key terms.
differences in types of learners and in types of learners and teaching contexts, and
learners uses many of the key terms. • Lesson plans and classroom practice consistently
teaching contexts, and is aware of some has started to use some of the key terms.
key terms. • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a high level of understanding of the concepts
• Lesson plans and classroom practice
demonstrate frequent use of this and how they relate to student learning, and reflect
• Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate some grasp of the connection
understanding and links between the the personal theories developed as a result of observing
may demonstrate some of this between the concepts and student learning.
concepts and student learning. learners and reflecting on teaching.
understanding.  Full level descriptors  3

Cambridge English: Teaching Framework

Stages Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

2. Teaching, learning and assessment

2.1 Planning language learning
• Has a sophisticated understanding of key principles of
• Has a basic understanding of some • Has a reasonable understanding of many key
• Has a good understanding of many key lesson planning and uses this understanding to plan
key principles of lesson planning, and principles of lesson planning and uses this
principles of lesson planning, and uses this detailed and sophisticated systems, skills and integrated
uses this understanding to plan basic understanding to plan reasonably detailed
understanding to plan detailed systems, lessons (often unconsciously without the need for
systems and skills lessons according to a systems and skills lessons according to a given
skills and integrated lessons according to detailed plans and has internalised sufficient routines
given template with basic awareness of template with some awareness of learners’
their own template, with good awareness of and resources), with a clear rationale and thorough
learners’ needs and difficulties and some needs and difficulties and some linking of
Lesson learners’ needs and difficulties and linking of understanding of learners’ needs and difficulties and
linking of activities within a lesson. activities within one/more lessons.
planning activities within/across a series of lessons. linking activities across a number of lessons to support
• Usually follows the lesson plan without • Sometimes adapts the lesson plan according learners and their learning.
• Adapts the lesson plan where necessary,
much adaptation, may not yet be able to to the flow of the lesson, is able to respond to
is able to respond appropriately to most • Adapts the lesson plan where necessary, is able to respond
respond to unforeseen classroom events, some unforeseen classroom events, and can
unforeseen classroom events, and can see appropriately, confidently and automatically to almost
and has started to see some clear links see some clear links between planning and
clear links between planning and teaching all unforeseen classroom events and has developed a
between planning and teaching choices teaching choices and subsequent
choices and subsequent student learning. sophisticated understanding of the link between planning
and subsequent student learning. student learning.
and teaching choices and subsequent student learning.

• Has a good understanding of many key • Has a sophisticated understanding of key principles of
• Has a basic understanding of some key • Has a reasonable understanding of many key
principles of course planning. course planning.
Course principles of course planning. principles of course planning.
• Is able to plan a series of lessons and/or a • Is able to plan a series of lessons and/or whole course
planning • Is able to plan a short series of lessons • Is able to plan a series of lessons with clear
whole course which meet the requirements in a creative and sophisticated way, and is able to work
with simple links between them. links between them.
of a prescribed syllabus. creatively within the constraints of a prescribed syllabus.

2.2 Using language-learning resources and materials

• Has a basic understanding of how to • Has a good understanding of how to
• Has a reasonable understanding of a variety of
select and exploit coursebook and select, adapt and exploit coursebook and • Has a sophisticated understanding of how to select, adapt
Selecting, ways of selecting and exploiting coursebook
supplementary materials. supplementary materials. and exploit coursebook and supplementary materials.
adapting, and supplementary materials.
supplementing • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate
• Lesson plans and classroom practice
demonstrate selection of reasonably demonstrate selection of appropriate selection of appropriate and engaging materials, including
and using demonstrate selection of appropriate
appropriate materials, including materials, including web-based materials, web-based materials, improvising and supplementing
learning materials, including web-based materials,
web-based materials, without much improvising and supplementing where consistently with a clear rationale and detailed
materials with some improvisation and with some
improvisation and with basic awareness necessary and with good awareness of understanding of learners’ needs.
awareness of learners’ needs.
of learners’ needs. learners’ needs.

• Has a good understanding of many key

• Has a basic understanding of some key • Has a reasonable understanding of many key • Has a sophisticated understanding of key techniques for
techniques for using teaching aids.
techniques for using teaching aids. techniques for using teaching aids. using teaching aids.
Using teaching • Lesson plans and classroom practice
• Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate
aids demonstrate effective use of a variety
demonstrate simple use of the board and demonstrate reasonably effective use of the consistently effective use of a wide range of teaching aids
of teaching aids to motivate and engage
other equipment. board and other equipment. to motivate and engage learners.
learners.  Full level descriptors  4

Cambridge English: Teaching Framework

Stages Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

• Has a basic understanding of key • Has a good understanding of key concepts of

• Has a reasonable understanding of key • Has a sophisticated understanding of key concepts of
concepts of digital teaching/learning. digital teaching/learning.
concepts of digital teaching/learning. digital teaching/learning.
• Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice
Using digital • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate use
demonstrate use of some digital demonstrate use of digital resources, where
demonstrate use of digital resources, where of digital resources, where available, and sophisticated
resources resources, where available, but may not available, and good understanding of how to
available, and have started to demonstrate understanding of how to integrate them effectively
yet demonstrate detailed understanding integrate them effectively and appropriately
understanding of how to integrate them and appropriately into day-to-day teaching, as well as
of how to integrate them appropriately into day-to-day teaching, as well as
appropriately into day-to-day teaching. confident improvisation when necessary.
into day-to-day teaching. improvisation when necessary.

2.3 Managing language learning

• Has a basic understanding of classroom- • Has a reasonable understanding of many • Has a good understanding of classroom-
management techniques for creating classroom-management techniques for management techniques for creating • Has a sophisticated understanding of classroom-
and maintaining a constructive learning creating and maintaining a constructive and maintaining a constructive learning management techniques for creating and maintaining
Creating and environment, and ways of motivating learning environment, and ways of motivating environment, and ways of motivating/ a constructive learning environment, and ways of
maintaining a learners. learners. engaging learners. motivating/engaging learners.
constructive • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice often • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice consistently
learning sometimes demonstrate a balance demonstrate a balance between teacher- regularly demonstrate a balance between demonstrate a balance between teacher-centred and
environment between teacher-centred and learner- centred and learner-centred activities, and teacher-centred and learner-centred learner-centred activities, and consistently effective
centred activities, and basic classroom reasonably effective classroom management activities, and effective classroom classroom management techniques to keep learners on
management techniques to keep learners techniques to keep learners on task whilst management techniques to keep learners on task whilst maintaining discipline.
on task whilst maintaining discipline. maintaining discipline. task whilst maintaining discipline.

• Has a reasonable understanding of many key

• Has a basic understanding of key • Has a good understanding of a wide range of
techniques for responding to learners. • Has a sophisticated understanding of a wide range of
techniques for responding to learners. techniques for responding to learners.
• Lesson plans and classroom practice techniques for responding to learners.
Responding to • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice
demonstrate a reasonable variety of • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a wide
learners demonstrate basic techniques for demonstrate a variety of techniques for
techniques for responding to learners with range of techniques for effectively responding to learners
responding to learners with some effectively responding to learners with good
reasonable understanding of with sophisticated understanding of learner differences.
understanding of learner differences. understanding of learner differences.
learner differences.

• Has a good understanding of a wide range • Has a sophisticated understanding of a wide range of
• Has a reasonable understanding of many
• Has a basic understanding of key of techniques for setting up and managing techniques for setting up and managing classroom
key techniques for setting up and managing
techniques for setting up and managing classroom activities. activities.
Setting up classroom activities.
classroom activities. • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a
and managing • Lesson plans and classroom practice
• Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a variety of techniques for wide range of techniques for consistently and effectively
classroom demonstrate a clear instructions and a
demonstrate simple, clear instructions effectively setting up/managing activities, setting up and managing activities, supporting groups and
activities number of techniques for setting up/
and basic techniques for setting up and supporting groups and individuals within the individuals at different levels within the class, monitoring
managing activities, supporting and
managing activities. class, monitoring learner performance and learner performance and encouraging interaction
monitoring learning.
encouraging interaction between learners. between learners.  Full level descriptors  5

Cambridge English: Teaching Framework

Stages Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

• Has a good understanding of key techniques

• Has a reasonable understanding of many key • Has a sophisticated understanding of key techniques
• Has a basic understanding of key for providing feedback on learners’ written
techniques for providing feedback on learners’ for providing feedback on learners’ written and spoken
techniques for providing feedback on and spoken language.
written and spoken language. language.
Providing learners’ written and spoken language. • Lesson plans and classroom practice
feedback • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a
• Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a variety of techniques for
demonstrate a reasonable variety of wide range of techniques for providing consistently clear
on learner demonstrate basic techniques for providing clear and accurate feedback on
techniques for providing clear and accurate and accurate feedback on learners’ written and spoken
language providing feedback on learners’ written learners’ written and spoken language, with
feedback on learners’ written and spoken language, with a sophisticated understanding of learner
and spoken language with some good understanding of learner differences,
language with reasonable understanding of differences, using the feedback to further consolidate
understanding of learner differences. and using the feedback to further support
learner differences. classroom learning.
classroom learning.

2.4 Teaching language systems

• Has a basic understanding of key • Has a good understanding of key principles
• Has a reasonable understanding of many
principles and techniques for vocabulary and techniques for vocabulary teaching and • Has a sophisticated understanding of key principles and
key principles and techniques for vocabulary
teaching and learning. learning. techniques for vocabulary teaching and learning.
Teaching teaching and learning.
• Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a
vocabulary • Lesson plans and classroom practice
demonstrate a basic repertoire of demonstrate a variety of techniques for wide range of techniques, used consistently, for teaching
demonstrate a number of techniques for
techniques for teaching vocabulary teaching vocabulary, and strategies to vocabulary and strategies to encourage learner autonomy.
teaching vocabulary activities and lessons.
activities. encourage learner autonomy.

• Has a reasonable understanding of many

• Has a basic understanding of principles • Has a good understanding of principles
principles and techniques for grammar • Has a sophisticated understanding of principles and
and techniques for grammar teaching and and techniques for grammar teaching and
teaching and learning. techniques for grammar teaching and learning.
learning. learning.
Teaching • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a
• Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice
grammar demonstrate a number of techniques for wide range of techniques, used consistently, for teaching
demonstrate a basic repertoire of demonstrate a variety of techniques for
teaching grammar, and an awareness of grammar using different lesson shapes to support learners
techniques for teaching grammar using a teaching grammar using appropriate lesson
different lesson shapes to support learners and their learning.
fixed lesson shape. shapes to support learners and their learning.
and their learning.

• Has a basic understanding of principles • Has a reasonable understanding of many • Has a good understanding of principles and
• Has a sophisticated understanding of principles and
and techniques for phonology teaching principles and techniques for phonology techniques for phonology teaching and
techniques for phonology teaching and learning, and how
and learning, and how to use the teaching and learning, and how to use the learning, and how to use the phonemic script
to use the phonemic script as a learning tool.
phonemic script as a learning tool. phonemic script as a learning tool. as a learning tool.
Teaching • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a
• Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice
phonology wide range of techniques, used consistently, for
demonstrate a basic repertoire of demonstrate a number of techniques for demonstrate a variety of techniques for
teaching sounds, word/sentence stress, connected
techniques for teaching sounds and teaching sounds, word and sentence teaching sounds, word/sentence stress, and
speech and intonation through isolated and integrated
word stress when teaching vocabulary stress through isolated and integrated intonation through isolated and integrated
phonology activities.
and/or grammar. phonology activities. phonology activities.  Full level descriptors  6

Cambridge English: Teaching Framework

Stages Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

• Has a reasonable understanding of many

• Has a basic understanding of principles • Has a good understanding of principles and
principles and techniques for teaching • Has a sophisticated understanding of principles and
and techniques for teaching discourse. techniques for teaching discourse.
discourse. techniques for teaching discourse.
Teaching • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice
• Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a wide
discourse demonstrate a basic repertoire of demonstrate a variety of techniques for
demonstrate a number of techniques for range of techniques, used consistently, for teaching many
techniques for teaching simple discourse teaching different discourse features in
teaching simple discourse features in writing different discourse features in writing and speaking.
features in writing. writing and speaking.
and speaking.

2.5 Teaching language skills

• Has a reasonable understanding of many • Has a sophisticated understanding of principles and
• Has a basic understanding of principles • Has a good understanding of principles and
principles and techniques for teaching techniques for teaching listening.
and techniques for teaching listening. techniques for teaching listening.
listening. • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a wide
Teaching • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice
• Lesson plans and classroom practice range of techniques, used consistently, for developing
listening demonstrate a basic repertoire of demonstrate a variety of techniques for
demonstrate a number of techniques and listening skills using different stages in a principled way
techniques and activities for developing developing listening skills using appropriate
activities for developing listening skills, with according to learner needs, frequently integrating with
listening skills using a simple template. staging, often integrating with other skills.
an awareness of pre/while/post stages. other skills.

• Has a sophisticated understanding of principles and

• Has a basic understanding of principles • Has a reasonable understanding of principles • Has a good understanding of principles and
techniques for teaching speaking.
and techniques for teaching speaking. and techniques for teaching speaking. techniques for teaching speaking.
Teaching • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a wide
• Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice
range of techniques, used consistently, for developing
speaking demonstrate a basic repertoire of demonstrate a number of techniques and demonstrate a variety of techniques for
speaking skills using different stages in a principled way
techniques and activities for developing activities for developing speaking skills, with developing speaking skills using appropriate
according to learner needs, frequently integrating with
speaking skills using a simple template. an awareness of pre/while/post stages. staging, often integrating with other skills.
other skills.

• Has a reasonable understanding of many • Has a sophisticated understanding of principles and

• Has a basic understanding of principles • Has a good understanding of principles and
principles and techniques for teaching techniques for teaching reading.
and techniques for teaching reading. techniques for teaching reading.
reading. • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a wide
Teaching • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice
• Lesson plans and classroom practice range of techniques, used consistently, for developing
reading demonstrate a basic repertoire of demonstrate a variety of techniques for
demonstrate a number of techniques and reading skills using different stages in a principled way
techniques and activities for developing developing reading skills using appropriate
activities for developing reading skills, with an according to learner needs, frequently integrating with
reading skills using a simple template. staging, often integrating with other skills.
awareness of pre/while/post stages. other skills.

• Has a sophisticated understanding of principles and

• Has a basic understanding of principles • Has a reasonable understanding of many • Has a good understanding of principles and
techniques for teaching writing.
and techniques for teaching writing. principles and techniques for teaching writing. techniques for teaching writing.
Teaching • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate a wide
• Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice
range of techniques, used consistently, for developing
writing demonstrate a basic repertoire of demonstrate number of techniques and demonstrate a variety of techniques for
writing skills using different stages in a principled way
techniques and activities for developing activities for developing writing skills, with an developing writing skills using appropriate
according to learner needs, frequently integrating with
writing skills using a simple template. awareness of pre/while/post stages. staging, often integrating with other skills.
other skills.  Full level descriptors  7

Cambridge English: Teaching Framework

Stages Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

2.6 Assessing language learning

• Has good understanding of assessment
• Has started to develop a basic • Has some understanding of assessment • Has a detailed understanding of assessment principles
principles and different types of assessment,
understanding of assessment principles, principles, different types of assessment and and different types of assessment, has a thorough
is aware of different levels, and also
Assessment different types of assessment and the role the role of external exams in the wider world. understanding of different levels, and also clearly
understands the role of external exams in the
principles of external exams in the wider world. • Selects and designs simple tests, and understands the role of external exams in the wider world.
wider world.
• Uses available tests, although is not yet conducts more detailed tests with materials • Designs oral and written tests to consistently and regularly
• Selects and designs oral and written tests to
able to design their own. provided. assess learners’ progress at all levels.
regularly assess learners’ progress.

• Has good understanding of the role of • Has a detailed understanding of the role of assessment
• Has started to develop a basic assessment in learning and of the importance in learning and of the importance of learning-oriented
Using understanding of the role of assessment • Has some understanding of the role of of learning-oriented assessment. assessment.
assessment to in learning. assessment in learning. • Regularly provides clear and detailed • Regularly provides consistently clear and detailed
inform learning • Provides simple feedback to learners • Provides clear feedback to learners on their feedback to learners on their strengths individualised feedback to learners on their strengths and
on their performance in class and after performance in class and after assessment. and weaknesses, both in class and after weaknesses, both assessing learning in class and after
assessment. assessment, and uses the feedback to design more formal assessment, and uses the knowledge gained
further activities/lessons. to set priorities for individuals and the class.

3. Language ability
• Uses classroom language which is mostly
• Uses basic classroom language which is • Uses classroom language which is • Uses a wide range of classroom language which is
mostly accurate. consistently accurate throughout the lesson. consistently accurate throughout the lesson.
Classroom • Responds accurately and appropriately to
• Responds accurately and appropriately to • Responds accurately and appropriately to • Consistently responds accurately and appropriately to
language their learners’ output most of the time,
their learners’ output some of the time, in their learners’ output most of the time, in their learners’ output in both planned and spontaneous
in planned situations, and occasionally in
planned situations. both planned and spontaneous situations. situations, using a wide range of language.
spontaneous situations.

• Provides accurate examples of the • Provides accurate examples of the language • Provides accurate examples of the language
Language • Provides accurate examples of the language points being
language points being taught at A1 and points being taught at A1, A2 and B1 levels of points being taught at A1, A2, B1 and B2
models A2 levels of the CEFR. the CEFR. levels of the CEFR.
taught at A1–C2 levels of the CEFR.

Recognising • Recognises basic errors that their • Recognises most errors that their • Recognises almost all errors that their
• Recognises all errors that their learners make.
learner errors learners make. learners make. learners make.

Communicating • Interacts appropriately with other teachers

• Interacts with other teachers in simple • Interacts appropriately with other teachers in • Interacts appropriately with other teachers in all
with other in simple and routine, and some unfamiliar,
and routine professional contexts. most professional contexts. professional contexts.
professionals professional contexts.

CEFR level • At least A2. • At least B1. • At least B2. • At least C1.  Full level descriptors  8

Cambridge English: Teaching Framework

Stages Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

4. Language knowledge and awareness

• Has not yet developed strategies to
check and develop their own language • Has started to develop strategies to check and • Uses strategies to regularly check and • Consistently uses strategies to effectively check and
awareness. develop their own language awareness. develop their own language awareness. develop their own language awareness.
• Lesson plans and classroom practice have • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice demonstrate the
Language started to demonstrate the ability to demonstrate the ability to analyse most demonstrate the ability to correctly analyse ability to correctly analyse all language points, provide
awareness analyse common language points, choose language points, provide accurate models of most language points, provide accurate consistently accurate models of usage for all language
very simple models of language usage usage for many language points, and answer models of usage for most language points, points, and answer all learner questions accurately,
and answer simple learner questions most learner questions with the help of and answer most learner questions, with confidently and comprehensively with minimal use of
about language with the help of reference materials. minimal use of reference materials. reference materials.
reference materials.

• Has a reasonable awareness of many key • Has a good awareness of key terms for
Terminology • Is aware of some key terms for • Has a sophisticated awareness of key terms for describing
terms for describing language, and has started describing language, and often uses many of
for describing describing language. language, and regularly uses most of the key terms.
to use some of the key terms. the key terms.
language • Lesson plans and classroom practice have
• Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice
• Lesson plans and classroom practice consistently
started to demonstrate some knowledge demonstrate a high level of knowledge and accurate use of
demonstrate some knowledge of key terms demonstrate good knowledge and accurate
of key terms for describing language. key terms for describing language.
for describing language. use of key terms for describing language.

• Is aware of some available reference • Has good knowledge of available • Has sophisticated knowledge of available reference
Reference • Is aware of many available reference
materials. reference materials. materials.
materials materials.
• Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice • Lesson plans and classroom practice consistently
• Lesson plans and classroom practice
demonstrate limited use of these demonstrate use of a variety of these demonstrate sophisticated and creative use of a wide
demonstrate some use of these materials.
materials. materials. range of materials.

5. Professional development and values

• Fully appreciates the importance of classroom observation
• Recognises the importance of classroom
and receiving feedback and is highly committed to self-
• Is aware of the importance of classroom observation and receiving feedback.
• Has started to develop a basic improvement.
observation and receiving feedback. • Actively seeks observation and feedback on
understanding of the value of classroom • Actively seeks observation and feedback on their own
Classroom observation and receiving feedback. • Actively seeks observation and feedback their own teaching, responds constructively
teaching, responds constructively to feedback after being
observation on their own teaching, and responds to feedback after being observed, identifies
• Has started to learn from observation observed, regularly re-assesses their own strengths and
constructively to feedback after being many of their own strengths and weaknesses
feedback. weaknesses as a teacher, and is often involved in formally
observed. as a teacher, and is willing to be observed by
supporting the development of other teachers through
workshops, observations and/or career guidance.  Full level descriptors  9

Cambridge English: Teaching Framework

Stages Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

• Has started to develop a basic

• Fully appreciates the importance of reflecting on teaching,
understanding of the importance of • Recognises the importance of reflecting on
• Is aware of the importance of reflecting on and is highly aware of their own beliefs about teaching and
reflecting on their own teaching, but has teaching, and has good awareness of their
teaching, and has some awareness of their learning and their strengths and weaknesses as a teacher.
limited awareness of their own beliefs own beliefs about teaching and learning and
own beliefs about teaching and learning and • Consistently reflects critically on teaching, regularly taking
Reflecting on about teaching and learning and their
their strengths and weaknesses as a teacher.
their strengths and weaknesses as a teacher.
teaching and strengths/weaknesses as a teacher. action as a result, and actively seeks feedback from a
• Reflects critically on a lesson leading to
• Reflects simply on a lesson even without range of sources, is highly aware of their own beliefs about
learning • Has started to reflect simply on a lesson action, and recognises areas where there is
guidance, and is able to recognise some areas teaching and learning, recognises areas where there is a
with guidance, but may not be able to a mismatch between their own beliefs and
where there is a mismatch between their own mismatch between their own beliefs and good practice,
recognise where there is a mismatch good practice, and actively seeks answers to
beliefs and good practice. and has a good understanding of the theoretical rationale
between their own beliefs and good questions they have.
for their pedagogical decisions.

• Is constantly aware of available professional development

• May be aware of some available • Is very aware of available professional
options and activities.
professional development options/ • Is aware of available professional development options and activities.
activities. development options and activities. • Regularly re-assesses their own strengths and weaknesses
Planning own • Is able to self-assess their needs and plan
as a teacher, identifies their needs and makes detailed
• Requires guidance in self-assessing • Is able to self-assess their needs, and how to achieve their goals, and actively
development plans for how best to achieve their goals, and has a good
their needs, and may participate in participates in professional development seeks the most appropriate professional
understanding of how best to participate in professional
professional development opportunities if activities often with guidance. development activities in line with their
development activities they have chosen in order to meet
and when encouraged. career goals.
specific career goals.

• Has a good understanding of different types • Has a sophisticated understanding of different types of
• Is aware of different types of teacher research
• Has some understanding of teacher of teacher research and how they can be teacher research and how they can be used to improve
and how they can be used to help better
research and how it can help better used to help better understand and improve own teaching and that of colleagues, and to contribute to
Teacher understand and improve teaching.
understand teaching. own teaching and that of colleagues. the profession.
research • May have done some informal research on
• Is unlikely to have conducted any teacher • Has carried out some small-scale informal • Often carries out informal classroom research and shares
their own class or teaching, as requirement for
research. research on their own class or teaching, not the findings with colleagues, and may have engaged in
a training course taken.
necessarily as requirement for a course taken. more formal research as part of an academic qualification.

• Clearly understands the importance of

• Understands the benefits of collaboration and
collaboration and teamwork. • Has a sophisticated understanding of how teams work and
• Has some awareness of the need for teamwork.
• Initiates collaboration and teamwork, why this is important.
Teamwork and collaboration and teamwork. • Liaises with colleagues when lesson planning
actively seeks support/guidance from • Facilitates collaboration and teamwork, often by leading
collaboration • Seeks advice from colleagues when lesson and discussing learners, and sometimes seeks
more experienced colleagues, and provides teams, and provides support/guidance for less experienced
planning and discussing learners. support/guidance from more experienced
informal guidance to other colleagues colleagues when needed.
when approached.  Full level descriptors  10

Cambridge English: Teaching Framework

Stages Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

• Has a good understanding of institutional

issues and of the professional, social and • Has a sophisticated understanding of institutional issues
moral responsibilities of teachers in the and of the professional, social and moral responsibilities
• Has started to develop understanding modern world, and is aware of different roles of teachers in the modern world, and is highly aware of
• Has some awareness of institutional of institutional issues, and awareness of within the institution and opportunities different roles within the institution and opportunities
Professional issues and of different roles within their different roles and responsibilities within their within the wider profession. within the wider profession.
roles and institution. institution. • Demonstrates good professional conduct, • Consistently demonstrates good professional conduct,
responsibilities • Fulfils job-related responsibilities inside • Is aware of teacher responsibilities outside effectively takes on different roles and effectively takes on many different roles and responsibilities
and outside the classroom. the classroom and takes on additional roles responsibilities within the workplace, is within their place of work, is involved in formally supporting
as required. involved in supporting the development of the development of other teachers through workshops,
other teachers, either formally or informally, observations and/or career guidance, and contributes
and contributes to the development of the actively to the institution and the wider profession.
institution. © UCLES 2018 Full level descriptors   11

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