Cours - 9eme - Annee - de - Base Anglais Module 2 Education Adel Chebbi

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1-My first-day memories at school (A pupil’s essay)
I still remember the first day I went to my primary school. I walked into the classroom with my dad and
begged him not to leave me. I didn’t know anybody, and I didn’t want to know anybody. I wanted to go
home. I really wanted to be in the environment that I knew and was comfortable in. I remember my dad
taking me to the teacher and asking her to keep an eye on me because I was very shy and feeling scared.
I burst into tears when my father left but the teacher comforted me and gave me some candies.
Eventually, I stopped crying and settled down to listen to her reading a story to the entire class.
Thankfully, the class only lasted for half a day, so I didn't have to be at school for very long. The next
day, I started to make some friends and everything went well.
2-Why I like my school ( A pupil’s essay)
My school is very important in my life. I spend here about eight hours every day. It’s the best place to
meet new friends, to learn different things and have fun, but the most important goal is to prepare us for
life. This place will prepare us to become clever and enthusiastic people. That is why education is so
important. Today education is viewed as the best key to a successful life. I try to enjoy every single day
here, because everybody who ended school said:’’ It was the best part of my life”. When I’m older I
want to return to the first class and live it again. We should enjoy it as much as we can. The motto of
our school says: ” If you want to move the world, you have to move yourself first”.

Ken remembers when he got a bad mark in Maths. He then decided to erase his name from his test
paper and write write his classmate’s name, Sebastian, in its place. In the break, he stole Sebastian’s test
and put his instead. On his way home, he erased Sebastian’s name and wrote his. In doing so, Ken
cheated his parents into being proud of him.


1-memory souvenir, remembrance The joy of childhood is still vivid in my memory.
1- 2-Preparatory serving or designed to prepare Foreign Students in the US should take a
(Preparatory school) preparatory course in English

a grade to assess pupils’ My marks in Maths are so great.

3-mark (n) achievement
2- 4-notice (v) observe, pay attention to She looked upset because her boyfriend didn’t
notice her new haircut.
4- 5-erase (v) eliminate, rub or scrape by I erased the black board for the teacher
means of an eraser
5- 6-instead in place of My father is busy, so I’ll go instead.
6- 7-proud (of) feeling pleased over something The parents felt proud of their son who won the
honourable or creditable to world championship in wrestling.

1-The genitive case:
The genitive case is mainly used for showing possession. It is a grammatical case for nouns and
pronouns. Typically, forming the genitive case involves adding an apostrophe followed by ‘’s’’ to the
end of the word . However, the genitive case does not always show possession as in the following
example of‘’children’s songs’’ which means songs for children.
Singular noun dog Dog’s dinner

Dogs’ dinner
Plural noun
Chris’ hat
Singular noun ending in ‘’s’’ Men’s room

Plural noun not ending in ‘’s’’

2-Possessive Pronouns:

Determinant Pronoun Example

My book mine The book is mine.

Your necklace yours The necklace is yours.

His stationeries his The stationeries are his.

Her cat hers The cat is hers.

Its beaches its The beaches are its (Tunisia).

Our class ours The class is ours.

Your CD yours Those CDs are yours

Their house theirs The house is theirs.

1- Fill in the blanks with words from the list below:
memories - cheated - notice - instead - erase - proud - marks - grade

a- The parents felt ……………….of their daughter during her graduation ceremony.
b- Could you ………………. any difference beteen the photos. They are thoroughly similar.
c- What an excellent pupil ! He got excellent ……………….. in all subjects.
d- I don’t eat fish?. I prefer meat, ……………….. .
e- Visiting the sea-side town of Brighton was one of my best childhood ………………. .
f- You can ………………..these old files and install newer ones.
g- Have you ever ………………..on any exam ?

1- Fill in the spaces below with the right possessive form:

This weekend, I am going to the beach. I am not sure which car I should take. I could take
……….mother’s but I am not sure if ……….is running properly. I think I will take ……….father’s
because ………is new and is running well. The problem is that I smashed ……….power window last
month when I parked it in ………..garage. I also need to take some sunblock. I don’t have time to buy
some myself, so I guess I will ask ……….neighbour if I can borrow ………. . Doctors always warn
to cover ………..body in sunblock before being exposed to intense sunlight.

3- Writing:
Your classmate wrote the following post on Facebook:
‘’My parents are so pushy. They want me to get the best marks at school. I am really achieving
this , but it’s all through cheating.’’
Write a reply in which you remind him/ her that cheating does not pay and that success
is the result of hard work.










Who should choose the career of a child – parents or children?
The world is changing and the dreams of each child change accordingly. Children should also be
given the right to choose their career path and live their dreams but the real world experience of
parents definitely can't be ignored. So, who should be the one choosing a career for a child - the
child himself, parents or both together?
1-Parents should choose the career of a child.
- It is the desire of all parents to see their children well settled in their life and thus, they have the
right to choose a better career for their kids.

- Children are sometimes not mature enough to take right decisions about their career. Parents can
guide their kids to take a good decision. Parents are the burning candle in the life of a child.

- Parents provide an immense support to their kids by guiding and choosing them a right career
path. No parents would like to spoil their child's future by taking a wrong decision.

- Parents are much more experienced than their children. They have seen the world better than their
kids and thus, their decision would be better and more reasonable.
2-Children should choose their own career.
- Children have the right to choose their own career and they have the right to live their dreams.

- A child can only know his interests and abilities better than anyone else. He knows his subjects
and areas of interest and thus, can decide his career path easily.

- If children choose a career according to the wishes of their parents, they will have a boring
academic life as they would face a lack of interest.
3- Both parents and children should choose the child’s career.
Most of the parents fail to achieve their dreams due to family or financial issues. In such cases, parents
encourage their kids to adopt their dreams. They try to see themselves in their kids. It is always better that
parents and children should decide together on the career to pursue. Both should have a part in the decision.

Mike, aged 15, wanders out in the classroom. He day-dreams about his future career and about his
luxury car. Eventually, the teacher interrupts Mike’s waking dream by asking him to answer question
number two.
1- fall (v) / fell drop, collapse He fell asleep after he felt so tired.
2-awake (adj) Not asleep You have to stay awake to see the
midnight news forecast.
1- 3-unless if not , except that I’ll be on time unless the train is late.
2- 4-earthquake a sudden shaking of the earth’s ground, A strong earthquake hit the coast of West
seism coast of Japan last night.
3- 5-cool (adj) moderately cold, neither cold nor warm The weather is cool today.
4- 6-loud (adj) noisy, sonorous He gave a loud cry for help.

-Future intention -I am going to buy a new dress.
GOING TO -Certainty -We are going to sing at the party
-Decision already planned
VERB + ING -Planned future action -I am playing tennis tomorrow
+Future expression -Appointment -We are having a party next Christmas.

We use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the object of the verb refer to the same person or thing.
There are 8 reflexive pronouns. They end in ‘’self’’ (singular) or ‘’selves’’ (plural)
SINGULAR myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself

PLURAL ourselves, yourselves, themselves

1-Fill in the blanks with words from the list below:
fall - dream - awake - cool - loud - earthquake

Last night, I was watching TV in the living room. The weather was almost ………………outside
and warm inside. I started dozing on the sofa-bed and I had a quick ………………. . I imagined I
was wandering in my home town when a terrible ………………. hit the place. I saw buildings
……………….. down and heard ……………… explosions. People were in full panic, running
aimlessly and fleeing their homes. Then, they gathered in the town square. I heard someone
shouting:’’Our homes will be ruined unless a miracle happens.’’Then, all this came to an end
when I heard my mother saying: Are you still …………… my dear?’’.
2-Underline the correct alternative:
A-Have you booked an appointment with our new customer ?
a-Yes, I am going to see him tomorrow morning.
b-Yes, I am seeing him tomorrow morning.
B-What are your plans for the summer vacation ?
a-I am going to decorate my house.
b-I am decorating my house.
C-What are you doing this evening ?
a-I am going to have dinner with Jane.
b- I am having dinner with Jane.
D-Do you have any free time ?
a-Sorry, I am going to help my parents around the house.
b-Sorry, I am helping my parents around the house.
3-Complete the paragraph by using the right option:
I find out that when I talk about (me – myself), other people are also willing to talk
about (theirselves - themselves). A person can only praise (itself – himself) when the
other person is doing the same thing. However, communication is a two-way street. You
cannot do all the talking (you – yourself). You also step back and let the other person
tell you about (myself -himself). Sometimes, we take the initiative by opening
(ourselves – themselves) to others. Hence, in doing so others can follow the lead and
also fully reveal (themselves – yourselves).

Add pronouns, articles, and other words to get a coherent paragraph about school
1- opinion / school rules / maintain order / pupils safe / focus / lesson
2- example / my school / uniform / compulsory / mobile phones / prohibited
3- respect / teachers / listen / advice
4- discipline / secret / success / future life







1-You make new friends. 1-You feel lonely and uprooted of your
familiar environment and you find it
difficult to adjust.
2-You meet new teachers.

2-The new ways of teaching could be

3- You build up a strong personality when harder.
you cope with a new environment.

3-It is often disruptive to the pupil’s

4-You feel confident as you become the achievement and development.
centre of attention when other pupils start
noticing how you behave with them.

Nancy was very afraid to go to another school. So, she told her mother she was too sick to go there. The
mother knew her daughter was really more afraid than she was sick. The first day she took her to her
new school, the girl met her old classmates and all her fears and worries vanished.



1-fun (n) entertainment, amusement, enjoyment They play games just for fun.
2-pretend (v) give false appearance, feign, make He pretended to be ill to leave the
believe meeting.
3-shake hands greet by clasping someone’s hands All the fans wanted to shake
hands with the superstar.
4-afraid (ad)j scared, terrified, frightened When I was a child, I was afraid
of cats.
5-sit for an exam take an exam 9th Grade pupils sit for the
national exam in June.

1-Match the words from column A with words from column B to get meaningful expressions:
A B Answers
1-pretend a-stories 1- ……….
2-shake hands b-an exam 2- ………

3-fun c-with a tourist 3- ……….

4- ……….
4-sit for d-to be sick
5- ……….
5-afraid e-of ghosts

2-Put the negative or interrogative form of the simple past depending on what is required:
a-Justin went to Paris last summer. ( question – Where)
b-I saw Jane during the party. (Negative)
c-Pele was Brazil’s best footballer ever. (question – Who)
d-The queen went to Australia last winter. (Negative)
e-They bought a new house in Rome. (question – Where)
3- Writing:
A-Add articles, pronouns and othe words to get a coherent paragraph about Linda’s first
day at school. Use the right tense:
a- / first day / school / to be /still fresh / memory
b- / father / to take / headmaster’s office
c- He / to point / letter chart / to ask / say / letters / could say them all
d- / headmaster / to call / teacher / to take / class
e- / entered / classroom / pupils / to receive / warmly / to feel happy




B-Your friend has just moved to a new school. He feels unhappy and uncomfortable.
He feels afraid because he finds it difficult to adjust to his new school life. Write
him/her an e-mail in which you show your support and provide him/her with some
helpful advice.







School violence is any activity that can create a disturbance in an educational system.
Violence in schools can take many forms, ranging from physical violence to
psychological violence. It is often expressed through acts of bullying, intimidation,
domination and repression. Violence in schools creates insecurity and fear which harm
the general school climate and infringe pupils’ right to learn in a safe, unthreatening
environment. Schools cannot fulfill their role as places of learning and socialization if
children are not in an environment free from violence.


 To attend school regularly
 To respect the right of others to learn
 To respect the property and equipment of the school and others
 To conduct themselves in a courteous and polite manner in class and in the school space
 To keep the school environment clean and free from litter
 To abide to the uniform code of the school
 To read all school notices and inform their parents about them.
a- Study in a place that is free from distractions.
b- Have ready all the things you will need, such as paper, pens, or a dictionary.
c- Study at a time when you are not hungry, tired or sleepy.
d- Don't wait until the last minute to study. Short daily study sessions are better than one long
session the night before the test.
e- Set a goal for each study period. If you are being tested on three chapters, set up four study
sessions, one for each chapter and one for a review of the main ideas in all three chapters.
f- Read and reread your class notes and the relevant chapters in the textbook.
g- While you are reviewing your notes, summarize them by highlighting the key ideas.
h- Do any practice exams or study sheets provided by the teacher. These will help you focus your
study session and give you confidence.
i- Get help from the teacher if you do not understand something.


Kelly used to live in Surrey and had to move to Brighton and enrol at a new school. There, the kids
taunted her and made fun of her southern accent. When things got worse, Kelly had to talk it over to
her teacher. That made them so mad that they attacked her after school.
1-believe (v) think, assume as true I don’t believe in ghosts.
2-used to habituated to, accustomed to I am not used to the chilly weather.
3-accent the distinctive mode of pronunciation Tom speaks English with a French
of a group of people accent.
4-taunt (v) to intentionally annoy someone by The other kids used to taunt me for
making unkind remarks, to mock, to being fat.
laugh at
5-mad crazy, insane, angry I was mad at my sister who smashed
my car’s power mirror.
6-participate take part, share, cooperate Many pupils participated in the
school clean-up campaign

III-GRAMMAR: Obligations with “must” and “have to”

Must is used to express a strong obligation which comes from the speaker and may be directed
at the speaker or the listener.


.You must arrive in class on time.

.You must stop when the traffic lights are red.
.I must go to bed.
Have to is used to express strong obligation, but when we use have to there is usually a sense of
external obligation. Some external circumstance makes the obligation necessary.


.I have to send an urgent email.

.I have to take this book back to the library.
.NB: The past of must is ‘’had to’’
1-Write each word in the table below in the correct bubbles:
discipline – attack – kind - taunt – mock – respect – mad – polite – angry – violence –
courteous – participate

Good behaviour Rude behaviour

…………………………..... …………………………….
………………………….… …………………………….
……………………………. …………………………….

2-Fill in the blanks with the right form of “must” and “have to”:
Valentina’s day begins at 7:45 am with breakfast. She ……….do the washing or cleaning but
……….look after the children as the house rules require. Valentiva, however, ……….listen to her
host family’s advice while she is in Britain. She ……….behave on her own especially when she goes
shopping. She ……….spend all her pocket money on useless stuff.

Your friend suffers from bullying at school. She wrote in the school magazine complaining about her
classmates’ violent behaviour. Write a reply to her and give her advice on how to solve this problem.
Here are some hints to help you:
-talk to an adult that can help- like a teacher, a parent, …
-stay close to pupils who can help you.
-avoid confrontation with the bully.
- stay in places where you feel safe.

Advantages of education in our future Life
Education is the most powerful weapon in any kind of situation. In fact, pen and pencil are much
stronger than gun and knife. Some students are not taking education as a serious matter. Those who
never study hard at their early stage will suffer a lot in their future life. So, what are the advantages of
education in our daily life ?
1-You will get respect from everyone:

Respect is one of the greatest treasures of everyone’s life. Education is one of the most powerful keys
which make others respect you. If you are an educated person, you will get respect from everyone and
everywhere. When you meet a person the first time, they won’t ask you how much money you have,
but they will ask you what is your job and what is your educational level.
2- Education changes your habits:

You can’t find any better place than a school to learn your basic habits. Of course, you can learn
behaviour from your parents as well. But when you start going to school you will be surrounded by
the friend circle where you will learn many habits from them rather than parents. Education not only
sharpens your brain but sharpens your habits as well.
3 – Education enables you to get a job :

You can’t find any good job without education. If you have a degree or diploma or any other
certificate programs, you will get a job anywhere. Some parents suffer a lot without education. That’s
why they advise their kids about the advantages and disadvantages of being educated.

4- Education makes friends :

In order to make a new friend, you must be an educated person or rich person. If you don’t have one
of these qualities, simply you will be rejected by others. It’s really sad but this is the life we live
today. Also, keep in mind, if you are rich you will make some selfish friends who want to be your
friend because of your money. But if you are an educated person, you will make some good quality
friends. So, making better friends is another advantage of education.


Kate, a 15-year old school girl complains about her careless parents who don’t support and motivate
her to study well. Her father does not send her enough money to cover her school expenses. Her
mother expects her daughter to help her in household work. However, she does not realize Kate has
much homework to do. Feeling so depressed and upset, Kate thinks of quitting school and search for
a job. She even intends to leave her parents and rent a house with her friends.



1-get on (with communicate well, have a good I don’t get on with my neighbours.
someone) relationship They are troublesome.
2-expect (v) await for something to happen Don’t expect any solution to your
laziness. It’s too late.
3-expenses (n) the amount of money that They have to pay the expenses of the
something costs you or you need trip to the travel agency.
to spend
4-realize (v) understand, become aware of Only later did she realize her awful
5-indeed in fact, in reality, truly The DNA tests proved that Vincent
was indeed the father.
6-sensitive (adj) pertaining to or connected with My eyes are very sensitive to the
senses anf feelings lights.
7-rent (v) to hire property (flat, car,etc), to We are looking for an apartment to
let, to lease rent.
8-upset (adj) sad, depressed, worried, anxious The mother is upset about her sick
daughter who is staying in hospital

III-GRAMAR: The future simple (will + base form)

The future simple tense is used to express future intentions that are decided at the time of
speaking. In the first person singular and plural (I,we), shall can be used instead of will. Shall is
more formal.


They will go the the beach They won’t go to the beach. Will they go to the beach?

1- Fill in the blanks with words from the list below:
expect - realize - rent - support - sensitive - upset - indeed -
Generation gap implies a broad difference between parents and their children. Some parents don’t
even …………….. that their children may grow ………………. When they are deprived of
moral and financial ……………… . They always ………………their children to be obedient and
submissive to their authority. ………………, authoritarian parenting may lead some
………………..children to feel fearful and act overly shy outside the home.

2-Choose the correct future form (will / going to):

a- He ………………..spend his vacation in Hawaii.
b-I ………………..tell anyone about your secret.
c-We ……………….call them when we arrive.
d-Who (you) ……………….invite for the party?
e-Michelle ………………begin medical school next year.
f-I ………………..send you the information when I get it.


Your friend, only 16, thinks of quitting school and work as a waiter in a hotel. Write him an
e-mail advising him not to leave school and reminding him of the benefits of good schooling.










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