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Alessandro Montoro presents

Chanson d'Automne
Core Rulebook

A fast, minimalistic skirmish game

in the Profane Lands

Chanson d'Automne, along with all its variants and expansions, is © 2023 Alessandro Montoro and is
licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED.

This wargame is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual or fictional events or locales or persons, living or
dead, fictional or not, is entirely coincidental. The actions and events described in this game are purely the result
of imagination and should not be taken as real or factual. The eventual use of any real or fictional names,
organizations, or locations is unintentional and does not imply endorsement or affiliation. This game is intended
for entertainment purposes only, and the creators do not condone or endorse any of the actions or behavior
depicted within the game. Players should remember that this is a fictional game and should not attempt to
recreate any of the scenarios or actions in real life. Please enjoy the game responsibly.

Why does this game exist? THAT’S WHY!

15 minutes to learn this game, 30 minutes for a game. That’s the best thing, all with tons of fun! This simple
agnostic game system was born from the need to complete one or more matches within the available session.
For those with limited time, some games are too long or scattered.
CdA does NOT pretend to be perfectly balanced. It pretends to be enjoyable!
I have almost 20+ years of experience in designing games, both tabletop and digital (for example the free
videogame Lowpower). I always had the desire to create a skirmish game. Now it’s the time.
I've played a plethora of systems, and none of them have ever had an inherent "speed" component within the
rules. There's always some ‘slow down’. After some mathematical analysis, I devised this system. As a physicist
and mathematician specialized in game theory and toy models, I bring a particular perspective.
Additionally, people no longer have the physical space for massive tables like the ones used in Warhammer
Fantasy Battle or similar.
From an economic perspective, the costs of miniatures have become exorbitant worldwide. With this game, using
just one box of models, you can easily play with 2-3 people without any issues. With CdA everything becomes
quick, fast, and accessible in a short amount of time. CdA was born to fulfill these needs! Use whatever miniature
you like (POSSIBLY PAINTED, PLEASE) and have FUN! And do not forget to share on socials and don't
forget to spread the word!

PS: it’s perfect to play even on virtual board game simulators!

PSS: if possible, do not print. Think about the environment.

Alessandro “Alessar” Montoro / November 30th 2023

Informations and links

Chanson d’Automne is a minimalistic wargame for dark fantasy battles and campaigns created by the italian
award winner writer Alessandro Montoro (
Even though the game is created by an Italian author, the said author strongly believes that maintaining
two parallel versions, one in English and one in Italian, is unnecessary and distracting.
For this reason, there will be no official Italian translation for this rulebook.
Chanson d’Automne (CdA from now on) is available for all wargamers FOR FREE. Play it and if you like, share it
with your friends and gaming groups!
Here some links:
❖ CdA official character generator (for lazy wargamers):
❖ CdA official FB group:
❖ CdA official IG:
❖ CdA official hashtag: #cdaskirmish

The Profane Lands, where leaves fall until the end of the world...

Why does this game exist? THAT’S WHY!......................................................................................... 2

Informations and links.............................................................................................................2
The Eternal Autumn.................................................................................................................6
What do you need to play?............................................................................................................7
Gathering a warband......................................................................................................................7
Characteristics............................................................................................................................... 7
Variations, upgrades and downgrades.......................................................................................8
Slots........................................................................................................................................... 8
Hands.................................................................................................................................. 9
Equipment........................................................................................................................... 9
Skills.................................................................................................................................. 11
Autumn Gifts............................................................................................................................ 13
How to play - the game rules.......................................................................................................15
Sequence of play..................................................................................................................... 15
Forfeits..................................................................................................................................... 16
Movements.............................................................................................................................. 16
Disengage......................................................................................................................... 16
Weird terrains.................................................................................................................... 16
Carpets of dry leaves.................................................................................................. 16
Shrine of the God of Solitude......................................................................................16
Cursed living trees...................................................................................................... 17
Profaned Graveyard....................................................................................................17
Pumpkin field.............................................................................................................. 17
Harvest field................................................................................................................ 17
Wine storage...............................................................................................................17
Spiderweb grove......................................................................................................... 17
Charge and combat................................................................................................................. 18
Reaction............................................................................................................................ 18
Stance change...................................................................................................................18
Combat resolution............................................................................................................. 18
Support.............................................................................................................................. 19
The Stunned state....................................................................................................................19
Healing.............................................................................................................................. 19
Coup de grâce......................................................................................................................... 19
Blessed by the God of Solitude................................................................................................20
Skills or Equipments action......................................................................................................20
Pillage...................................................................................................................................... 20
Treasures.......................................................................................................................... 20
Golden rule.............................................................................................................................. 20
The despair roll........................................................................................................................ 20
Campaign system - Post-game sequence................................................................................. 21
1: Injuries................................................................................................................................. 21
2: Equipment durability............................................................................................................ 22

3: Exploration........................................................................................................................... 22
4: Black market........................................................................................................................ 24
5: Avatars................................................................................................................................. 24
6: Redistribution....................................................................................................................... 24
Map system - The cathedral method.......................................................................................... 25
The campaign flow...................................................................................................................25
Miscellaneous............................................................................................................................... 26
Name generator....................................................................................................................... 26
Game Masters?....................................................................................................................... 26
Tile-based CdA........................................................................................................................ 27
Rogue-like experience............................................................................................................. 27
Multiplayer games....................................................................................................................27
Scenarios...................................................................................................................................... 28
1-1: The Profane City...............................................................................................................28
1-2: The Dark Crypt................................................................................................................. 28
1-3: The Haunted Forest..........................................................................................................29
2-1: The Forgotten Lair............................................................................................................ 29
2-2: The Shadow Bazaar......................................................................................................... 29
2-3: Like leaves........................................................................................................................30
3-1: The Astral Rift................................................................................................................... 30
3-2: Friends in the mist............................................................................................................ 30
3-3: The Heir............................................................................................................................ 30
Bestiary......................................................................................................................................... 31
1: An unknown monster appears!............................................................................................ 31
2: Hollow.................................................................................................................................. 32
3: Black Knight......................................................................................................................... 32
4: Abomination......................................................................................................................... 32
5: World-edge Hound............................................................................................................... 32
6: Forgotten Beast................................................................................................................... 32
Solo mode..................................................................................................................................... 33
Roster - Chanson d'Automne......................................................................................................34
Sample Normal Roster - Chanson d'Automne...........................................................................35
Sample Rare Roster - Chanson d'Automne............................................................................... 36
Sample Epic Roster - Chanson d'Automne............................................................................... 37
Hobby showcase.......................................................................................................................... 38
The hunt...................................................................................................................................38
The necromancer.....................................................................................................................40
Fallen idols...............................................................................................................................41
The Avatar............................................................................................................................... 43
The golem................................................................................................................................ 44
The cursed living tree...............................................................................................................45
Final thanks...................................................................................................................................46
Long live the supporters!..........................................................................................................47
Support and project sharing.....................................................................................................47
License - CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED.....................................................................................................47
Content creation........................................................................................................................... 48

The Eternal Autumn

In the Profane Lands, where endless Autumn reigns,
The world's history weaves its age-old chain.
When the last leaf drops, prophecy unveils,
The end of days, as ancient songs entail.

The God of Solitude, in the shadows embrace,

Infinite seas and secrets his reign in place.
Beneath the fading sun, a world bereft,
In darkness, mystery and secrets are left.

Once grand, these realms are now a distant dream,

With treasures lost, in each fading gleam.
Yet time's relentless march, a silent plea,
Brings the fall of kings and realms, as we see.

As leaves descend, they paint an amber scene,

The world's last gasp, where nightmares convene.
The Cursed Gods, a quiet night,
Infinite mountains engulf the waning light.

In the Profane Lands, where time is not right,

Eternal gloom in every shadow enshrined.
The final age, with beauty and decay,
Whispers of forgotten realms fade away.

Neverending Autumn has descended upon the Profane Lands, daughters of the world's
history. Everything decays.
The prophecy says that when the last leaf falls, the end of the world will come.
Little remains, but what little there is, is contested. What are gold and power compared to

In case your friends forgot the link!

Here the QR code for this manual

UPDATED STUFF: Differences from the last release are highlighted in blue.

What do you need to play?

15 minutes to learn the game. 30 minutes to play a match! Ah and at least one friend,
of course!

The table for CdA is circa 50 cm x 50 cm

(20” x 20”). Generally, it will be filled with
trees, buildings and ruins, depending on
the scenario.
You can use fantasy miniatures of every
scale with any kind of bases. All players
must agree on it.
28mm fantasy miniatures are the
suggested ones.
You will need some D6, two types of
markers (maybe gem markers of two
different colors, blue and red would be
perfect), a tape measure in cm/inches, a warband roster for each player, and this rulebook!
Some extra markers may be helpful for the scenarios, especially as treasure tokens.

In the previous image: A champion from the Kingdom or Rosah battles a demon

Gathering a warband
The warbands in CdA are small. Really small. There are three types of models to use:
Normal, Rare, and Epic. There are three possible warband compositions:
❖ Normal: 3 Normal models
❖ Rare: 1 Rare model and 1 Normal model
❖ Epic: 1 Epic model

Note: Rare or Epic does not mean that the model MUST be big as minis. It is only an index
for power! But of course, a gigantic Dragon would be cool…

Each type of model has it’s so called profane number, a fundamental value in CdA:
❖ Normal: 2
❖ Rare: 3
❖ Epic: 5

Example: Mox gathers a warband of one single powerful vampire assassin (Epic size).
Chronos instead decided to create a warband of 3 stupid trolls (3 Normal models). Dirinel
decides to play around with some of his models, and gather a dwarf slaver (it will be the
Rare one since it’s very powerful) and a model represented by a fragile giant Golem.

DON’T WORRY! At the end of the rulebook you’ll find 3 warband’s rosters ready to

Each model has 6 profile characteristics plus some equipment/skill slots (see below).
The characteristics are:
❖ M - Movement: measures how many inches a model can move. The base value is 6”
❖ C - Constitution: the roll for Healing (explained later). The base value is 4+
❖ S - Strength: the roll to attempt to wound another model. The base value is 4+
❖ A - Aim: the roll to attempt to wound another model at a distance. The base value is 4+
❖ I - Intelligence: the base value is 4+. Useful for stance change and other tasks.
❖ X - Experience: The base value is 1. It can never be <0

When selecting a model for your warband, you can make a number of variations ranging
from 1 to the profane number.

Note: it’s not possible to do 0 variations. First the variations, then the equipment/skills,

Variations, upgrades and downgrades

A variation consists of downgrading one characteristic to upgrade another. In practical
terms, it means upgrading one characteristic and downgrading a different one.
Here the ranges for the five characteristics.
❖ M characteristic: minimum is 2”. Increase or decrease in steps of 2”.

❖ C, S, A, I characteristic: minimum is 6+. They increase or decrease according to

this pattern.
6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+6+ 2+5+ 2+4+ 2+3+ 2+2+ 2+2+6+ …

Note: from the orange cell, the number of dices increase

❖ X characteristic is unaffected by variations, upgrades and downgrades.

Example of a variation: Levian decides to upgrade Movement from 6” to 8”, but this is
followed by a downgrade in Intelligence, which changes from 4+ to 5+. Dirinel decided to
upgrade Aim from 2+ to 2+6+. In this way the model will roll TWO dices. Dirinel then
downgrades Intelligence from 5+ to 6+.

Note: remember again! After 2+ there are two values, which means two dice, thus more
chances! Also, you can reach three, four (GOD-LIKE POWERS) and so on…

Each model has a different starter number of slots that is equal to their profane number.
These slots can be used for equipment or skills. The default number of hands of a model is 2
(marked as “H”). You can select any of those equipment or skills, but it’s better to roll
randomly with a D66. Choose with your gaming group the approach, random or by

During the warband creation you can populate all those slots up to the profane number.
The maximum number of slots for a model during character progression is the profane
number PLUS TWO (gray slots in the roster).

Example for skills and equipment: for one of his Normal models Horo chooses the skill
'Animal' and the equipment 'Serpent's Fang Flail', which uses only one hand. As the
campaign progresses, this model will be able to have a second one-handed item.

Note: a skill or an equipment already present in a warband cannot be selected for THAT

By default, a model has 2 hands. Each hand
requires a [1H] slot. Therefore, a model can have
equipment or skills by default until it reaches [2H]. If
something increases the number of hands, you can
use 'more stuff.' You can never exceed your number
of hands for any reason. If an item or skill has [0H],
it doesn't use any hands.

Note: it is assumed that the character may have, for

example, a helmet worn, another in the backpack,
or perhaps even three helmets in the stomach,
considering it's a monster! In short, an explanation
can be found.

The number before the name of the equipment is a combination of 2D6, one tens and
another units in case you want to generate it randomly. This kind of dice is called D66, and it
will be called this way from now on.

❖ 11 Voidbane Sword [1H]: Cancels one reroll in combat if the other is Defensive.
❖ 12 Shield of Despair [1H]: In Defensive stance activation add a reroll.
❖ 13 Vampiric Two-Handed Greatsword [2H]: The first attack of the game adds three dice to
the Strength dice with success on 4+. This multiplier is applied as last.
❖ 14 Cursed Spear [2H]: 5”, for shooting the model can use its Strength instead of Aim and
this counts as a shooting. Any 6 grants an additional dice with success on 4+.
❖ 15 Dragonbone Bow [1H]: 10”, if this shooting is the first of your activations in a turn, it gets
ONE reroll.
❖ 16 Wraithfire Crossbow [2H]: 12", if the target is below half the range, your total successes
in shooting are doubled.

❖ 21 Bloodforged Armor [0H]: For each shooting or combat success against this model, roll
1D6. With 5+ it's ignored.
❖ 22 Bloodthorn Dagger [1H]: The model can reroll all dice once in combat if it’s Aggressive.
❖ 23 Shadow Cloak [0H]: The model can’t change stance and it’s stance is special: Neutral. If
someone wants to shoot at this model, there is always a -1 to all dice.

❖ 24 Wolf Gauntlets [0H]: If the models do not use any other equipment it gets +2 to Strength
rolls. If the model stance is Defensive, the model always gets a -1 to Healing.
❖ 25 Soulbound Amulet [0H]: The model cannot get rid of it ever, and Durability is not rolled
for this item. When a model Stunned by this model is eliminated as a result, roll on
Constitution. With at least one success, you gain an upgrade on Constitution.
❖ 26 Death Mask Helm [0H]: If the model's stance is Defensive, it gains 1 extra die with 4+
success during combat.

❖ 31 Serpent's Fang Flail [1H]: Every opponent that has fought with this model the last turn
must roll Constitution before the first activation of the actual turn. If they fail, they become
❖ 32 Dryad's Robes [0H]: If a Stunned friendly model within 7” is about to be eliminated due to
a failure in Healing, it can repeat all rolls once.
❖ 33 Unholy Bracelet [0H]: The model can reroll all dice once in shooting if it’s Aggressive.
❖ 34 Soulstealer Scythe [2H]: If an enemy model is eliminated by this model, it can
permanently swap one characteristic with that model (for example M with M, C with C etc). It
persists even after the game.
❖ 35 Shadowstep Boots [0H]: After a movement rolls a D6. With 4+ the model gets one free
movement; it cannot repeat this roll after this new movement.
❖ 36 Reliquary of Souls [1H]: Every time an opponent's model is eliminated from the game,
add one soul to the reliquary. After the game, before rolling for injuries, you can remove 2
souls from the reliquary to skip the injury phase for all the warband and gain 1 upgrade on a
chosen statistics on the equipment’s owner.

❖ 41 Ghostly Chainmail [0H]: The model can pass through obstacles as if they were not there.
The important thing is that it ends its movement on terrain that allows it to stand. Note that it
cannot climb vertical walls in this way.
❖ 42 Profane Brand [1H]: This counts as an action. Once per game the model can use this
item. Every opponent model on the table rolls for Constitution and Intelligence. If they do not
score at least one success, they become immediately Stunned. Note that if they are in
combat, they remain in combat but Stunned, with all the consequences that follow.
❖ 43 Enchanted Ring of Shadows [0H]: This counts as an action. Roll for Constitution,
Strength, Aim, and Intelligence. If you achieve at least one success on each of these
characteristics, designate an opposing model in your line of sight that is not in combat. That
model is eliminated. If you fail on 2 of your characteristics, you are immediately Stunned.
❖ 44 Blade of the Lake [2H]: Each combat sequence with this model is repeated a second
time if the owner is not Stunned.
❖ 45 Soulbound Chalice of the Rose [1H]: The model cannot get rid of it ever, and Durability
is not rolled for this item. When this model changes stance, roll 1D6: on a 6, it immediately
gains an upgrade on a chosen characteristic.
❖ 46 Garnet Orb of Divination [1H]: This model gets an additional activation. This activation
must repeat, if possible, the choice as the FIRST activation (it must be the exact same
nominal action, for example if the models moved, it must move again, if charged, again, etc).
If the model could not emulate the same action, it must do a forfeit with this special action.
With the skill Precognition, this equipment can be used on the FIRST or the SECOND

❖ 51 Cloak of the Reaper [0H]: Double any XP that will be gained by this character. After this,
you can apply any other XP multiplication effect. The model can’t change stance and it’s
stance is special: Neutral.
❖ 52 Helm of the Warbringer [0H]: If the model's stance is Aggressive, it gains 1 extra die
with 4+ success during combat.

❖ 53 Wicked Throwing Knives [1H]: 8”, the model can shoot enemy models in combat.
❖ 54 Bloodstained Glaive [2H]: 5”, The model can use its Constitution instead of Aim. This
counts as a Shooting. A model Stunned by this model loses an action in the next turn, if
❖ 55 Tome of Forbidden Rituals [1H]: You can decide to use this item in the Injuries phase.
Each model of the warband rolls for injuries twice. Then the warband gains 2D6 XP to
distribute immediately amongst all the models. Then roll a D6: with 4+ the model with this
equipment rolls 2 times on injuries with -2.
❖ 56 Harpy's Veil [1H]: When an opponent activates a model within 7" of this model, they must
roll on Intelligence. If they don't get at least one success, that model forfeits the action.

❖ 61 Oathbreaker's Buckler [1H]: If this model's stance is Defensive, when it suffers a shot,
roll 1D6. With 4+ the shot is ignored.
❖ 62 Moonlit Morningstar [2H]: An opposing model trying to heal from a Stunned state
caused by this model will have to roll once every success.
❖ 63 Skullcrusher Mace [1H]: The model can reroll ONCE in combat if it’s Aggressive. If it’s
Defensive, subtract -1 to all opponents Strength dice.
❖ 64 Soulbound Maple Crown [0H]: The model cannot get rid of it ever, and Durability is not
rolled for this item. When this model stuns an opponent, roll 1D6: with 4+, the owner
immediately gains an upgrade on a chosen characteristic. If it rolls a 1, it receives a
downgrade on a characteristic chosen by an opponent.
❖ 65 Windweaver Staff [2H]: The model counts as having the effect of the skill
❖ 66 Devil’s Diadem [0H]: An opposing model fighting against this model temporarily loses all
its skills as long as it remains in combat with this model. In the injury phase the possessor of
the Devil’s Diadem rolls twice.

Note: for players who want to use the 'What you see is what you have' gaming style, remember! You
can alter the 'name' of an equipment to fit the model. However, for equipment purposes, the principal
referential name and number will remain the official one.

In the previous image: the Reliquary of Souls, crafted by a Cursed God

You can generate new skills with a D66.

❖ 11 Undead [0H]: When healing, it can reroll up

to ONE die TWICE or TWO dice ONCE.
❖ 12 Automaton [0H]: Changing status is
automatic, does not require actions, and can do
other actions afterwards. It can be performed at
any time.
❖ 13 Animal [0H]: Its stance is always
Aggressive and cannot change it. It gets 1 extra
upgrade on the profile.
❖ 14 Frightening [0H]: Any model attempting to
charge this model must first roll at least 1
success with Intelligence, or the charge is lost in
a forfeit.
❖ 15 Tail/Extra Arm [0H]: This model has 3H.

❖ 16 Heartless [0H]: If this model wins the combat, does not cause the opponent to be
Stunned. Instead the opposing model immediately rolls a D6, and with 4+ it is eliminated.

❖ 21 Demonic [0H]: This model loses the capacity to handle (it can have only 0H equipment)
but obtains 4 upgrades. This limitation does not apply for skills.
❖ 22 Unnatural Agility [0H]: The model can move on vertical surfaces and also
“upside-down”, but it must always end its movement on terrain where the model can stand. It
gains +3”. The model can freely climb and cross weird terrains.
❖ 23 Bulky [0H]: When you gain this skill, make adjustments until you reach the minimum
Movement of 2”. If this model becomes Stunned, it can reroll Healing twice when healing
❖ 24 Mesmerist [0H]: all enemy models in 9” receives -1 to Intelligence rolls.
❖ 25 Warlock [1H]: This counts as an action. This counts as Shooting. Spend 1 XP and
shoot at 10”, doubling your total dice for Aim.
❖ 26 Necromancer [2H]: This counts as an action. Spend 1 XP on this model and roll for
Intelligence. With at least one success, place 1 Hollow in base contact with the evoker and
under your control (see Bestiary section). There can be only 1 evoked Hollow at the time.

❖ 31 Secret Order [0H]: The warband can always have a Normal Avatar. It can grow
according to normal rules.
❖ 32 Chosen One [1H]: Blessed by the God of Solitude is active even if this is a one model
❖ 33 Ghostly Form [0H]: This model cannot be shot in any case. The model can’t change
stance and it’s stance is special: Neutral.
❖ 34 Precognition [0H]: This model gets an additional activation. This activation must repeat,
if possible, the choice as the FIRST activation (it must be the exact same nominal action, for
example if the models moved, it must move again, if charged, again, etc). If the model could
not emulate the same action, it must do a forfeit with this special action. With the Garnet Orb
of Divination this skill can be used on the first or the SECOND activation (the one of the
❖ 35 Greedy [0H]: If an enemy model gets eliminated by this model, steal ONE of his
equipment. You can reassign it instantly and only on this model (in a legal way). If it is not
possible, the object is lost.
❖ 36 Academic [0H]: This model doubles every XP he has in the Avatar phase of the
post-game sequence. Also, it has a +1 on all Intelligence rolls.

❖ 41 Regeneration [0H]: This model gets +1 to all healing rolls.

❖ 42 Mindless [0H]: You can activate this model only if a friendly model not Stunned is at 8” or
less from it. This model has +2 on combat and shooting dice. If this is the only model of that
warband left in game, it can activate only on 4+ on D6 (it is not a forfeit, it is a pass).
❖ 43 Blood Frenzy [0H]: Every time this model leaves an enemy Stunned, it can activate
again for free.
❖ 44 Monster Slayer [0H]: If the enemy model is Rare or Epic, this model can reroll twice all
dice for shooting or combat.
❖ 45 Smuggler [0H]: If any equipment of other players in the campaign gets broken, it’s not.
Your warband obtains it and you can assign it. Also, you can reroll once the D66 for any found
equipment. If multiple warbands have this ability, randomly determine which one will receive
the equipment.
❖ 46 Immortal [0H]: This model can never be Stunned. Whenever this model will be Stunned,
instead it will lose the next action of its turn (if the model has any left). If this model is the last
model in the warband with 2 or more starting models, the owner loses the game. The model

can’t change stance and it’s stance is special: Neutral. An Epic model or a monster can
never be immortal. Reroll this skill if an Epic model finds it.

❖ 51 Dimensional Wanderer [0H]: This counts as an action. The model rolls for Intelligence.
With at least one success, this model can be placed anyway on the table at 4” or more from
treasures or enemies. This skill can be used even if the model was in combat.
❖ 52 Healer [1H]: This model and any friendly Stunned model at 8” or less from this model can
reroll all dice for Healing once.
❖ 53 Blessed Sight [0H]: this model ignores the -1 from the not clear sight in shooting. Also,
his range of shooting with any weapons is doubled.
❖ 54 Acid Blood [0H]: If an enemy model is Stunned by this model in combat, it must roll 1D6.
On a 5+, the enemy model is automatically eliminated. Add +1 if the model with this skill is
Rare and +2 if it is Epic.
❖ 55 Mounted [1H]: The model gets +2” on Movement. It can’t move vertically (in other words
“it could not climb”) unless it “can fly in some way”. Whenever this model gets stunned, roll
1D6. With 3+ ignore the stun. If a 1 is scored, the model is eliminated.
❖ 56 Orcish Heritage [0H]: This model gains +1 dice in combat for each downgrade it has on
Constitution, for a maximum of 3. These additional dice score a success on 4+.

❖ 61 Flesh Magic [0H]: This counts as an action. Once per game, this model can use its
gaze to blind an enemy model within 8”. The blinded model must roll 1D6 each time it tries to
activate: on a 3+ it must do forfeit. On 1 and 2 it can act normally.
❖ 62 Dark Presence [0H]: This counts as an action. Roll for Intelligence. With at least one
success you can immediately move an enemy model or you can shoot with that model to
another model at your choice.
❖ 63 Gargoyle Curse [0H]: This counts as an action. Roll for Constitution. With at least one
success the model can turn into a Gargoyle. This means that for this turn and the sequential
turn it has the Winged/Levitation effect, Bloodforged Armor equipment effect, Monster Slayer
effect and Unnatural Agility effect. Those are similar effects included on this skill and do not
count as the real equipment/skills nominated. Every piece of equipment loses its effect for the
duration of this skill.
❖ 64 Winged/Levitation [0H]: This model can move anywhere, ignoring terrains and heights
levels. The important thing is that the model ends its movement on stable ground. It can
charge even without line of sight. For shooting, its line of sight can 'begin' at any point along
the vertical axis of that model, up to a distance equal to its Movement (M). The model is as if
it could hover in the air to gain visibility!
❖ 65 Assassin [0H]: This model can add his Intelligence rolls to all combat rolls.
❖ 66 Black Knight Oath [0H]: This model can charge a friendly model. The friendly model is
immediately eliminated. The owner of this skill model immediately gets 2 upgrades.

Note: for players who want to use the 'What you see is what you have' gaming style, remember! You
can alter the 'name' of a Skill to fit the model. However, for equipment purposes, the principal
referential name and number will remain the official one.

In the previous image: a Tome of Forbidden Rituals, a source of demonic power

Autumn Gifts
Every warband may generate a Gift from this list at warband creation. All rules mentioned
below are explained later in the rulebook. Roll 1D6:

1. Toxic Mushrooms: In the shadowy depths of the Enigmatic Woods, where the veil
between the living and the dead is thin, toxic mushrooms thrive. Known as the
Singing Fungi, these malevolent spores are said to carry the tormented whispers of
the spirits trapped in the woods. Alchemists covet them for their potent poison, while
the superstitious believe that inhaling the spores allows communion with the spectral
realm. Everytime a model gets Stunned by a member of your warband, it must
roll a D6. With a 1, the model is automatically eliminated.
2. Sacred Chestnuts: Deep within the Profane Lands lies the Sacred Chestnut Grove,
a mystical place where the spirits of the forest converge. The chestnuts produced
here are imbued with the essence of ancient nature deities. Collected during sacred
ceremonies, these chestnuts are believed to bring good fortune and protection. They
are often worn as amulets or used in rituals to commune with the spirits of the wood.
In the post-game sequence you can ignore up to 3 Exploration results. Also, all
the equipment found by the warband can be rerolled once.
3. Bones of the Dead: The desolate Bone Mountains, haunted by the remnants of
forgotten battles, is where the Bones of the Dead are found. Warriors who fell in
ancient conflicts are laid to rest here, their bones preserved by the eerie energies of
the region. Necromancers seek these bones for dark rituals, hoping to harness the
residual power of the fallen for their own purposes. Whenever a model of your
warband eliminates another model, it immediately gets 1 upgrade on a random
4. Oak Wood: In the Kingdom of Rosah, the valiant knights embark on pilgrimages
through the towering Oakheart Forest, the abode of the ancient Oak Sentinels, trees
with trunks as hard as iron. Oak wood from these sentinels is highly esteemed for its
durability and magical resonance. Craftsmen shape this oak into weapons and
artifacts, believing that the strength of the Oakheart trees imparts protective qualities
to their creations. The cost of equipment for members of your warband is equal
to the number of models in the warband itself (including Avatars), not the
profane number.
5. Carved Pumpkins: In the quaint village of Hallowridge, nestled on the outskirts of
the Enchanted Woods, the tradition of carving pumpkins has a magical significance.
Each year, during the Harvest Festival, villagers carve intricate designs on pumpkins
to ward off malevolent spirits. These Carved Pumpkins are believed to be a barrier
between the mortal realm and the spectral entities that roam during the autumn
nights. The warband owner of this item always controls the monster with the
highest profane number on the table (roll casually if there are many).
6. Rain Flute: Forged from the bones of a long-extinct creature, the Rain Flute is a
mystical instrument that, when played, invokes the spirits of the Autumn Rains.
Legend has it that the haunting melodies can summon rainstorms, crucial for the
prosperity of the harvest. The flute is both revered and feared, as it is said to hold the
power to control the very essence of the season. The warband owner of this Gift
can declare to use it before the start of a game. Every model of the owner’s
warband will have an additional -1 to hit. Also, Carpets of dry leaves could not
be set on fire.

How to play - the game rules

Each player rolls 1D6. Reroll ties. The
highest number decides who goes first.
According to the turn sequence,
everyone deploys 3” from one of the
edges or corners of the table of their
choice. At this moment you decide the
stance for a model (if not forced by
skills or equipment). No other warbands
must be present in that edge/corner. If a
model’s base exceeds 3”, put that model
in contact with the edge/corner.
In the same order, players proceed with
their turns performing an action each, in
A turn is concluded when all players
have finished what they can do.

Example: Horo rolls 1, Chronos 4. Chronos decides, for tactical reasons, that Horo will be
the first player. Horo will always start first in every turn. Both deploy in the same order, and
enjoy a game of CdA.


In the previous image: the city-state of Autumnia, the Center of the world

Sequence of play
In order, each player chooses to activate one of their models with the following actions or

Example: Levian has a Normal warband. Horo has an Epic one. Horo is the first player. Horo
does 1 action with his big monster. Levian moves a model. Horo charge! Etc. Actions are

After all players' activations, it’s the turn of the Monsters (NPC), the models without an
assigned player. In the Bestiary you’ll find all the info about them.
A Normal model can be activated 1 time. A Rare model 2 and an Epic model 3.
A player can pass the turn doing nothing only with the forfeit action. When activating a
model, the following actions can be taken.

Note: this number of actions can be altered by skills, equipment or other extra rules.

Action. A model can renounce one of his actions as an action. In this way, the player
passes. Maybe no model can do anything interesting or important…

Action. Move the model by its Movement value. Bases could never overlap, not even during
Obstacles 1” or less in height are automatically climbed over. Climbing a vertical surface is
considered standard movement, but it must reach a “stable point” at the end of the
movement. If a model chooses to ‘jump’ from a height (> 2”, ONLY if the Movement allows
them to land on a stable surface) they must make a Constitution roll. If the roll fails, the model
is Stunned. If the roll is passed, that model gains an extra action for that turn.

Action. A non Stunned model can move away from another non Stunned model in base
contact only obtaining at least one success on Intelligence. In case of all failures, it counts as
a forfeit.

A model can move off the table to escape. In this case, they do NOT have to roll for wounds,
but their total XP will remain unchanged as it was at the time of the escape. However it
counts as “survived”.

Weird terrains
If there is “weird terrain” (a forest patch, a swamp, ecc.) all models that start the movement
in THAT terrain or in base contact with THAT terrain reduce their Movement by 2” (minimum
2”, not reducible). If a weird terrain is vertical, it could not be climbed with movements.
Now, here is a selection of some Profane Lands specific weird terrain types.

Carpets of dry leaves

If a model starts his turn on a Carpet of dry leaves, it can Pillage. If it does so, the model
rolls on Strength and Intelligence. With at least one success on either of the characteristics
the carpet is set on fire!
From the start of the next turn, every model even partially on that Carpet of dry leaves on fire
will be automatically Stunned. Every Stunned model present at the start of the turn on a
Carpet of dry leaves on fire will be eliminated. The fire will last for the reminder of the game.

Shrine of the God of Solitude

This weird terrain will be on the battlefield only with a 5+ on a die roll during table
preparation. Every model in 7” from this weird terrain obtains -1 to any healing roll. A model
can Pillage this Shrine only if it has one of these Gifts: Sacred chestnuts, Bones of the dead
or Oak wood. If it does so, roll on Intelligence. Obtain one upgrade OR 1 XP for every

Cursed living trees

If a model starts its turn at 2” or less from a Cursed living tree, roll on Constitution. With at
least one success nothing happens, otherwise the model is Stunned.
Usually, any tree that is not ‘autumnal themed’ will be a Cursed living tree. They are still

Profaned Graveyard
If a model starts its turn in this terrain it could Pillage. Roll on all characteristics. With at least
one success on each characteristic (every single of them), summon an Hollow from the
Bestiary! It’ll be under your control for the rest of the game. It will vanish at the end of the

Pumpkin field
If a model starts its turn in this terrain it could Pillage. Roll a number of dice equal to its
movement number. If half or more of the dice results are 4 or higher, your warband obtains
TWO bonus rerolls to use at any time on any dice in THIS game (not in the post-battle

If a model starts its turn in this terrain it could Pillage. The model became Stunned. It gains
1D6 XP thanks to the rest.

Harvest field
This terrain always grants a -1 for Shooting. Any successful Coup de grâce in this terrain
must be rerolled once.

Wine storage
If a model starts its turn in this terrain it could Pillage. Roll a 1D6. With a 6 the model
immediately gains a random skill if possible.

Spiderweb grove
If a model starts its turn in this terrain it could Pillage. Roll a 1D6. With a 6 the model
immediately obtains a random object. With a 1 became Stunned. With other results nothing

If a model starts its turn in this terrain, it can Pillage. Roll for Intelligence. If all successes are
achieved, the model can 'knock and enter the Manor.' Remove the model from the table for 2
turns. Count it as still on the table, as if it were in a location inaccessible to other
models. At the beginning of the turn following the second turn of 'hiding’, place it back on the
field approximately in the same position where it had knocked on the Manor door. Roll
immediately a D6. With a 5+ generate immediately an equipment. This can be assigned on
that model if it is possible.

Charge and combat

Action. Charge, which means moving a model of its
Movement (or less) and placing it in base contact with:
❖ a visible enemy model (Stunned or not) that is
not in base contact with any other model
❖ a visible enemy model that is in base contact
with a Stunned model. Move immediately the
Stunned model away from the opponent by 2”
in any direction.
Then the charger can do combat as a free action
(see below). A charge, with move plus attack, is a single action.

Note: melee may only take place between 2 models at most. A model is visible if the charger
model can ‘see it’.

A charged model can attempt a reaction as a free action if it is not Stunned.
If the base Movement of the charged model is greater than that of the charging model, it can
make an Intelligence roll. If at least one success is achieved, the model that wants to charge
reaches base contact, but then the charged model exits combat and can move 2” as a free
action and in the opposite charge direction (if possible). No fight occurs.

Stance change
Action. Change the combat stance of one of your models (stances are Aggressive and
Defensive). Roll on the model's Intelligence. With at least one success, the change can be
made. Otherwise, the model remains in its current stance.

Combat resolution
A combat can occur as part of a charge or as an action if two models are in base contact.
Each player rolls simultaneously for Strength using all the dice in the characteristic.
❖ Models in Aggressive stance can give -1 to ONE opposing die
❖ Models in Defensive stance can reroll ONE of their dice once.
❖ Models in the special stance Neutral do not possess any stance bonus. The Neutral
stance overrides all kinds of stance forcing due to anything.

Example: Chronos's model, Elemental, has a 2+ and 4+ in Strength, while Alessar's model,
Frog-Knight, has only a 5+. Chronos rolls two dice, one hitting on 2+ and the other on 4+.
Alessar rolls one die. Elemental scores a 3 on the 2+ die and the other is a 1. Frog-Knight
rolls a 2!
Since Elemental is in an Aggressive stance, even if it gives -1 to Frog-Knight only valid
dice, the roll would be a success anyway. Frog-Knight is in a Defensive stance and decides
to reroll. The new result is 6! Frog-Knight wins the fight, and Elemental is Stunned. Well

Note: if your model has the Neutral stance and the opponent’s model a standard stance, the
opponent keeps their advantages!

The player with the highest number of successes emerges victorious in the combat. In the
event of a tie in successes, the player with the highest number on any of the dice claims the
win. If a tie persists and only one of the two models is in a Defensive stance, that model is
declared the winner of the combat. The defeated model is then placed in the Stunned state.
If your model’s profane number is greater than the opponent’s one, you have a +1 on
a dice of your choice.

Action. If one of your models is within 3” of a friendly model, they can test on Intelligence to
support. With at least one success, they can grant an additional action to that model. Then
the supporter model does a forfeit for free. In case of failure, Support is a forfeit. Basically,
the Support action ‘transfers’ an action.

Action. Shoot at an enemy model that is not in base contact with any other model.
Check the weapon's range to see if you can reach the target. Roll on your model's Aim. If the
line of sight to the target is unclear, you get a -1 penalty. With at least one success, the
target is Stunned.
If a model doesn't have any ranged equipment, it has a default range of 3” due to ‘rock
throwing’ or other stuff like that. Everyone deserves a little bit of range attacks!

The Stunned state

A Stunned model cannot take any actions except Healing itself or using a skill that can be
used while Stunned.
If a model starts the turn in base contact with a Stunned model, it can move normally away
from that model without a Disengage action.

Action. Heal a Stunned model. Roll on its Constitution, and with at least one success, the
model loses the Stunned state. It can immediately take action as if it hadn't done anything
yet. If the roll fails, the model remains Stunned.
If the roll fails, the Stunned model can only move in any direction by 2”.

Coup de grâce
Action. If a Stunned model is attacked in any way, it is eliminated from the game. For
combat there is no need to roll, it is automatic. For shooting the model must roll normally
to shoot (killing on distance is far more difficult).

Blessed by the God of Solitude

If a model is the sole survivor of its warband (Avatar included), and the initial warband is not
composed of a single model (Avatar included), that model gains +1 on EVERYONE OF ITS
DICE ROLLS for the rest of the game. Do not forget this blessing!

Skills or Equipments action

Action. Use something like an equipment or a skill as explained in the rules of that particular
equipment or skill.

Action. Pillage, which means interacting with something on the battlefield. Each scenario
shows his rules for Pillage. Quite often, a Pillage action will be used to find a treasure (see

Hopefully, one day you’ll find a treasure! You can perform a Pillage action to pick up the
treasure. Treasures, no matter how many are carried, subtract 1” from the model’s
movement. If that model is eliminated, the treasure returns to the ground where that model

Golden rule
For every sequence or stack of modifier, this is the one and only sequence of application:
1. Apply all +/-X modifier to dice
2. Apply all multiplication modifier (double the dice or similar)
3. Apply all ADD NEW DICE

IMPORTANT NOTE: for indecision about rules, throw a die or decide the right interpretation. The most
important thing is having fun, not discussing rules! Action is on the table, not in the rulebook.

The despair roll

A result of 1 on a die is ALWAYS a failure (unless specified), even if there are modifiers to
be added. No one can escape his destiny!

In the previous image: the Soulbound Chalice of the Rose, a powerful item

Campaign system - Post-game sequence

CdA is surely good for one-shot games!
But it is designed especially for
After a match, a warband can search for
XP, purchase equipment, or develop
new skills.
This is the sequence to follow:
1. Injuries
2. Equipment durability
3. Exploration
4. Black market
5. Avatars
6. Post game sequence ending

In the previous image: Autumnia, the Center of the world on an old map

1: Injuries
Each eliminated model must roll 2D6 and consult the results:
❖ 2: The Cursed Gods have decided that the model has been erased from
existence! Remove it from the roster along with all its belongings. Immediately
generate a new model of the same type, with all skills and equipment randomized.
❖ 3-4: Lost. The model loses 1 random piece of equipment if it has any.
❖ 5-6: Deep wounds. The model gains 2 downgrades to distribute among its statistics.
❖ 7: Lucky escape. Nothing happens.
❖ 8-9: Memory loss. The model loses 2 XP if possible.
❖ 10-11: Exalted! The model gains 1 upgrade to distribute among its statistics.
❖ 12: Pilgrimage. Gain 1D6 XP (experience), then the model will not participate in the
next match. Note that at least one model MUST always be able to participate in the
next match. Reroll the injuries if the warband has only 1 model.

Each member of a warband gains XP equal to their profane number for participating in the
The winning warband gains an additional +1 XP per model.
Each model gains +1 XP for each victim taken, killed Avatars included.

Note: you may think at this point that it is unfair that killing Epic and Rare models give the
same XP as Normal ones. This is the power of those kinds of models…

2: Equipment durability
Roll 1D6 for each equipment. On a result of 1, remove that equipment from the roster.
Nothing lasts forever…

3: Exploration
A roll on this table is a D66 one. Each warband has
1 guaranteed roll. Additionally, every warband is
entitled to one roll for each of its models not
taken out of action (survivors, Avatars included).
The winning warband has the right to reroll ALL their
dice once during exploration (all, or no one).

❖ 11: Encounter a group of dead creatures. The

eerie silence sends shivers down your spine.
Nothing happens.
❖ 12: Find an ancient relic. The relic emanates a
faint glow, filling your heart with ancient
knowledge. One model gains +1 XP.
❖ 13: Find a cursed blood pool, gain a downgrade on Constitution. The cursed blood taints your
body, weakening your constitution.
❖ 14: Find a mysterious potion, orange like the leaves. As you drink the potion, a surge of
energy courses through your veins, but the true effects remain a mystery. One of your
characters must drink it and discover its effects (roll a D6: 1-2 gain a downgrade on Strength,
3-4 gain an upgrade on Constitution, 5-6 gain an upgrade on Aim).
❖ 15: Discover an abandoned hideout. The hideout holds forgotten secrets, granting wisdom to
one of your members. One model gains +2 XP.
❖ 16: The magical aura surrounding the item gives it an otherworldly allure. One model rolls for
one piece of equipment.

❖ 21: A dark megalith rises from the ground. Remove one skill from one of your models.
❖ 22: Find a pool of magic water from the cinder lake. Drink it to discover its effects (roll a D6:
1-2 gain an upgrade on Intelligence, 3-4 gain an upgrade on Movement, 5-6 nothing
❖ 23: Find an ancient knowledge tome. The tome contains ancient wisdom, enriching the mind
of one of your characters. One model gains +3 XP.
❖ 24: Discover an abandoned graveyard. One model rolls a D6. With odds, find a skill, even find
one piece of equipment. It can replace one of its skills with this one. If the skill is incompatible
with his state, nothing happens.
❖ 25: Find a hidden treasure. The treasure chest reveals its contents, bestowing valuable
equipment upon your group. Gain 2 random pieces of equipment.
❖ 26: Encounter a group of creatures of the Autumn. The creatures attack unexpectedly, and
one of your members is wounded in the encounter. Roll for injuries for one of your characters.

❖ 31: Discover an abandoned temple. The hideout holds ancient teachings, and one of your
members gains valuable insight. Gain one upgrade on Movement.
❖ 32: Find a statue of the God of Solitude. Do a sacrifice to discover its effects (roll a D6: 1-2
gain a downgrade on Constitution, 3-4 gain an upgrade on Strength, 5-6 gain a downgrade on
❖ 33: Encounter a group of soul merchants. The enigmatic traders offer rare items. You can buy
items for just the profane number value for one of your characters.
❖ 34: Find an ancient knowledge tome. The tome contains forbidden knowledge from the Bone
Mountains, granting an otherworldly skill to one of your characters. One model rolls for one
skill. It can replace one of its skills with this one. If the skill is incompatible with this state, roll
again for the Exploration.
❖ 35: Encounter a necrotic lair with a dead Forgotten Beast. The lair's corruption affects your
equipment, putting it to the test. Roll for durability on one model’s equipment.
❖ 36: Find a mysterious altar with a communion bread on it. As you partake in the communion,
your abilities are altered by unknown forces. Eat the bread to discover its effects (roll a D6:
1-2 gain a downgrade on aim, 3-4 gain an upgrade on Strength, 5-6 gain a downgrade on

❖ 41: Find a cursed lake guarded by a Cursed God’s broken statue, gain a downgrade on
❖ 42: Find an ancient slab from the Kingdom of Rosah. The slab contains healing secrets,
fortifying the Constitution of one of your characters. Gain an upgrade on Constitution.
❖ 43: Encounter a warband of hollow jesters. The smugglers offer a rare tattoo, improving the
Constitution of one of your members.Gain an upgrade on Constitution.
❖ 44: Encounter a nether lava pool. Roll for durability on three equipment in your warband.
❖ 45: Find an ancient skull full of chestnuts. The composition emanates a powerful aura,
granting profound knowledge to one of your members. One model gains +3 XP.
❖ 46: Encounter a group of creatures of the forest. The creatures attack relentlessly, and one of
your members sustains injuries in the fierce battle. Roll for injuries for two of your characters.

❖ 51: Encounter a forgotten cemetery. The graveyard appears deserted, offering no surprises or
dangers. Nothing happens.
❖ 52: Find a mysterious altar with a communion chalice full of wine on it. Drink from it to
discover its effects (roll a D6: 1-2 gain a upgrade on Aim, 3-4 gain a downgrade on Strength,
5-6 gain a downgrade on Intelligence).
❖ 53: You are lost in the Maple Forest. Remove one skill from one of your models.
❖ 54: Find a mysterious shadow. Talk to it to discover its effects (roll a D6: 1-2 gain a
downgrade on Strength, 3-4 gain an upgrade on Intelligence, 5-6 gain a downgrade on
❖ 55: Find a field with a chest. The hidden treasure unveils its contents, bestowing valuable
equipment upon your group. gain 2 random pieces of equipment.
❖ 56: Find a barrel of magic wine. The wine enhances your mind or speed, depending on its
mysterious properties. Drink it to discover its effects (roll a D6: 1-2 gain an upgrade on
Intelligence, 3-4 gain an upgrade on Movement, 5-6 nothing happens).

❖ 61: Find an ancient urn. Gain an upgrade on Constitution.

❖ 62: You find the gates to hell. The gate’s corruption tests the durability of one of your
character's equipment. Remove one piece of equipment from one of your models.
❖ 63: Find a hidden barrel in the middle of the leaves. Acquire 3 random pieces of equipment.
Upon assigning these items, roll for durability for each of them.
❖ 64: Find a ruined castle. The ancient property is haunted by terrible presences. Each member
of the warband loses 1 XP if possible.

❖ 65: You find yourself in the Sacred Chestnut Grove. Everything burns. Exchange 3
characteristics between your models (Movement with movement, Aim with Aim, ecc). Then, a
model gains +2 XP.
❖ 66: The sky turns black, and everything withers in the clearing. Randomly select one of your
models (including any Avatars). That model will skip the next game. Reroll the exploration if
there is only 1 model in the warband.

In the previous image: a map of the Maple Forest, an unexplored region

4: Black market
In this phase, each model can spend their XP points to buy stuff for themselves only.
❖ Each warbands rolls 3X random equipment and 2X random skills, where X is the
number of models in the warband (Avatar excluded). This is the scavenger pool
from where the models of those warbands can buy stuff in this phase. Also, this
scavenger pool will contain all unassigned equipment or skills from any other
previous phase and from the last game itself.
❖ The cost of each equipment or skill is equal to TWO TIMES the profane number of
that model. Each piece of equipment always sells for 1 XP.
❖ A model can purchase a characteristic upgrade paying THREE TIMES the profane
number in XP.
A warband may reroll the Autumn Gifts ONCE PER POST-GAME SEQUENCE. The new
one will substitute the actual. It can also be the same as before and this must be accepted.

5: Avatars
In desperate times, Avatars appear to help poor adventurers. They come in different shapes
and sizes. It is still unclear whether they are sent by the God of Solitude or some other

In this phase a player can recruit an Avatar only if they haven't won the last game played.
A player cannot recruit more than one Avatar. Avatar starts as Normal models.
In this phase if a player already has an Avatar, they can eliminate and recreate it to move on
to the next size. An Epic Avatar remains as such. Avatars are created exactly like a Normal,
Rare, or Epic mode, but they do not cost XP.
Avatars can’t have skills and equipment. Avatars always have 0 XP and it never
increases. They never roll for injuries in the post game sequence. If a warband with an
Avatar wins a game, decrease in this phase the size of the model (Epic became Rare, Rare
became Normal), recreating the Avatar. If a warband wins and has a Normal Avatar, delete it
from the roster in this phase.

Note: the Avatar acts as a balancing system. The more you lose, the more an Avatar can
help you!

6: Redistribution
Now you can swap equipment (but not skills) amongst your models. All reassignments
must be legal (no multiple hands or other eventual broken constraints).

In this phase you can also redistribute XP amongst your models; this will help future
Each unassigned piece of equipment or skill in the scavenger pool at the end of the
Redistribution phase will be forever lost (there is no storage space for the warband).
That’s it! Now the warbands are ready for the next game!

Map system - The cathedral method

If you want to play a campaign WITH a map, here is a method me and my group like to use.
I call it “The cathedral method”. Here the rules:
❖ Draw a map with 6 territories, numbering those from 1 to 6.
❖ The campaign can accommodate any number of participants.
❖ All participants in the campaign participate with one and only one warband.
❖ Each player starts the campaign with 3 Campaign Points (CP).
❖ Anyone entering the campaign at any turn begins with 3 CP and a Normal Avatar.
❖ In case of a tie, a winner should be determined with common sense.

The campaign flow

This is how it works:

1. Players greet each other, present the warbands

with good storytelling and prepare for the
games! The lore is important, remember.
2. Each player receives 1 Discovery Dice for each
character in their roster (Avatars are included)
3. Everyone secretly rolls their Discovery Dice,
removing repeated results. These are the
territories explored by the warband in that turn.
4. Each player selects only one Discovery Die
corresponding to ONE territory on which they
want to play.
5. Players gather and simultaneously reveal the numbers chosen on their Discovery
6. Matches are created. Unmatched players repeat the process by rolling their
Discovery Dice again or come to another agreement, with the approval of all players.
7. Each table generates a scenario (random or by agreement).
8. Play the games!
9. Each winner adds half the average of the CP of the defeated players in that game to
their CP (rounding up at the end of the calculation).
10. Losers receive a Compass. Only in the next campaign turn the Compass can be
used to change the number of the final territory by +1 or -1 (minimum 1 and
maximum 6).
11. Each player carries out the Post-game sequence.
12. End of the campaign turn.

13. At this point anyone can destroy their warband and start with a fresh one. However,
the player will return at 3 CP, like a new player.
14. The winner of each game writes the Battle Report (please share also with me if you
want! I love Battle Reports).

The player with more CP at the end of the campaign wins. You must choose with your
group the definition of “end of campaign”.
The winner “wins” a final game, the so-called “Cathedral game”, where ALL warbands are
against him in a single standard scenario. Good luck.

In the previous image: a Black Knight, worshiper of demons, enemy of the Gods

Here you’ll find some extra flavor stuff.

Name generator
If you don’t know how to name your character, use this table!
Roll how many D6 you want to compose the name and the “title”.

Example: Alessar rolls. His Rare model will be “Bolavu the Secret Juggler”. Quite interesting!
Dirinel, for his Normal model, generates the fancy Garesalaxo the Creepy Stoic. Levian is a
simple dark gods worshiper, so he generates The Cursed Chosen One. Chronos uses only
the first part of the generator. So his Epic model will be Arkacs the Supreme Gray Warrior!

D6 Name bit Name bit Name bit Title part Title part

1 Ar Pt Wa Cursed Killer

2 Ty Fi Et Creepy Savior

3 Bo Vu Xo Naked Juggler

4 Re Ir La Stoic Berserker

5 Sa Ga Py Forgotten Chosen One

6 Cs Ka Yt Secret Warlock

Game Masters?
I believe the most beautiful thing is having a friend who acts as a Game Master in a
campaign. If you decide to do so, draw inspiration from the most common role-playing
games. Simulate 'pre-game' choices and enjoy discovering what is happening in the Profane
Lands. Perhaps your heroes will find additional items before encountering the enemy, or
someone will die! It's up to you. Feel free to use any campaign system you desire. The only

limitation is your imagination and the desire to have fun. With a Game Master, everything is
amplified and even more engaging!

Tile-based CdA
You and your group would like to play
CdA, but without using the measuring
Say no more. It can be done!
If you have a grid of any type (square,
hexagonal, triangular, etc.), you can
play CdA by remembering these simple
❖ 1” equals 1 tile
❖ Models with big bases occupy
more than 1 tile
❖ Distances in diagonal COUNTS
❖ Adjacent tiles diagonally are
considered ‘connected’
❖ The table will be 20 squares x
20 squares

In the previous image: a duel between two messenger from different kingdoms

Rogue-like experience
If you want to have a true rogue-like experience, every time you have to choose, generate
randomly! Generate everything in this way, not only the characteristics of individual models
in the warband but also the type of warband, skills, equipment.

Multiplayer games
Before starting a multiplayer game, players can choose to form alliances. Once established,
alliances persist throughout the entire game. Models controlled by allied players are
regarded as 'friendly,' while all other models are designated as 'enemy,' influencing game
mechanics and equipment/skills targeting criteria.

Deployment is as described in the game rules section unless specified in a different way.
To generate a scenario roll 1D3 (a D6 where 1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, otherwise 3) and then roll a
D6. Keep in mind that every token, treasure, goal, objective, or zone on the table must
be reachable by models of all sizes used by all players.

1-1: The Profane City

The warband finds itself in an abandoned and profane city. The statues of the God of
Solitudes are dark omens for the visitors. The warbands must explore the deserted streets
and crumbling ruins to find clues about the origin of this desolation.

This is the standard scenario. All the warbands fight for supremacy.

WIN CONDITION: the last warband standing wins.

1-2: The Dark Crypt

A warband of adventurers must explore a cursed crypt in search of an ancient treasure.
However, the crypt is infested with undead and creatures of darkness. The warband must
fight for their survival and face the terrible guardian of the crypt.

The table is supposed to be a dark crypt

underground, or a cave, or something
similar, grim and dark. Thus, every model
has Movement and shooting distance
halved (both for excess) due to darkness.
In the middle of the table there is a Crypt. A
model can get in touch with the Crypt to
perform a Pillage on the Crypt. Roll a D6. If
the model is Normal, find a treasure on 6.
Rare on 5+, Epic on 4+. If a model fails the
Pillage rolls, it must move immediately as a
free action away from the Crypt (if possible)
and not in contact with any model. Visions
of fear hunts the mind of the hero!

WIN CONDITION: the player that at the end of the 9th or sequent turns controls the treasure
wins the game. The treasure contains 3 random pieces of equipment.

In the previous image: a Runic Golem, animated by magic and jewel sorcery

1-3: The Haunted Forest

The warband finds itself trapped in a dark forest infested with demonic creatures. They must
find a way out, but the forest seems to move and change shape around them. They must be
cautious and keep an eye on every corner to avoid traps and deadly pitfalls.

Deploy 4 Shadows at the center of the table. Those Shadows are monsters. The profiles of
all the Shadows are IDENTICAL to one random model sorted amongst all the models in play.
The only difference is that they do not have the equipment of the source model, nor the
If a model kills a Shadow, it gains +1 XP.

WIN CONDITION: the last warband standing wins. If all warbands get destroyed, all
warbands lose the game.

2-1: The Forgotten Lair

The warband discovers an ancient abandoned temple dedicated to a dark deity. Inside the
temple, they must face tests of faith and courage to earn the favor of the deity. But the
temple is haunted by evil spirits that will try to hinder them.

At the center of the field dwells a Forgotten beast. These monsters always charge towards
the closest model and are enemies to any player.

WIN CONDITION: the first warband who kills the Forgotten Beast wins. The model who kills
the forgotten beast gains 2 upgrades.

2-2: The Shadow Bazaar

The warband discovers a dark and hidden bazaar where magical and cursed objects are
sold. They must search for powerful and precious items, but be careful not to fall victim to
deceit and tricks.

Place 3X token on the battlefield anywhere, where X is the number of warbands. Each time
a model tries to Pillage one of these token, roll 1D6: with 4+ it's a treasure. A model that
touches his deploy border or corner takes the treasure. If a 1 is obtained on a Pillage roll,
generate 1 monster from the Bestiary and deploy it immediately at 3” from a table edge.
The number of monsters that can enter the game are limited by the possible types of the
warbands (thus if 2 Normals appear, the third monster will be a Normal).
If a model dies, it leaves the token in the same spot, ready to be Pillaged automatically as a
Here each treasure kept translates as an additional die roll during the Exploration phase.

WIN CONDITION: the warband that at the end of the 9th turn has more treasure wins the

2-3: Like leaves

The warband is now situated within an ancient and mystical nexus, intricately linked to the
realm beyond. The eerie statues of the Cursed Gods cast foreboding shadows upon the
intrepid travelers.

All the warbands fight for supremacy. Whenever a model is eliminated, redeploy it. The
player who eliminated it gets a number of Kill Scores equal to the model’s profane number.

WIN CONDITION: the warband with most Kill Scores at the end of the 15th turn wins.

3-1: The Astral Rift

Warbands find themselves at an astral rift, a portal to other dimensions. They must navigate
the fractured landscapes of alternate realities, facing bizarre and otherworldly adversaries.

Deploy as standard.
At the center of the table there is always an Altair.
The Rift: In each turn, the battlefield transitions to a new alternate reality, changing the
landscape and the opponents encountered. At the beginning of each turn, the first player
rolls a 1D6. On a result of 5+, all the scenery on the table is redeployed in different
positions, except the Altair. Please note that if a model is on a scenic element, they are
teleported away with the scenic element. Warbands must adapt to each reality's challenges.
A model can pillage the Altair to test with Intelligence and Constitution. If both characteristic
rolls score at least 1 success, the The Rift ceases to work, stopping the dimensional mess.
Otherwise, the model goes Stunned.

WIN CONDITION: the last warband standing wins.

3-2: Friends in the mist

The warbands discover the remnants of a lost expedition, and they must explore the
wilderness to uncover the truth behind the expedition's disappearance and recover valuable
artifacts. But then a strange mist arose…

At turn, each player places a model on the table, not in base contact with any other model,
starting with the first player.
At the start of every turn, randomize which warband you’ll control (yes, you read right).
Every time you eliminate a model (even YOUR model, due to the warband exchange) you
score a Kill Score equal to the model’s profane number.

WIN CONDITION: the warband with most Kill Scores at the end of the 12th turn wins.

3-3: The Heir

The warbands encounter the lost heir of a distant kingdom. If returned to the throne, gold
and power will be within reach.

At the center of the table there is the Heir, a knight, or a noble “thing” of some sort. It cannot
be shot, targeted with anything or charged.
A model that starts his turn at 2” from the Heir can move it by 4” in any direction. This is NOT
an action, it’s totally free. The Heir cannot climb, jump, and can’t cross weird terrain.
Call the Heir: a model that is at 8” from the Heir can try to “call” the Heir for attention, arguing
that the other warband wants to kidnap or something like that. That model rolls for I, and with
at least 1 success, can move the Heir by 6” in any direction. This counts as an action.

WIN CONDITION: the warband that keeps the Heir at 3” or less from its table border or
corner for 2 consecutive turn wins.

The Profane Lands are full of unknown
monsters. Beyond the impenetrable
mountains and the seas that surround the
lands, dark beasts thrive.
In this section, you can find some of the
most common creatures of the Profane
Lands. These beasts can be introduced
as NPCs at will in any game. Alternatively,
if you use a campaign Game Master, they
can be encountered between matches by
some heroes. Furthermore, when required
in a scenario, this section can be used to
generate an NPC (non playable
characters, means not of a player)
monster with a D6. In short, it's up to you!
If you want to create your monsters, you can do it! Follow a standard character creation. Just
a simple rule: a monster can never have equipment or skills that have the “counts as
an action” stuff on it.
Monsters behavior: the monster is always Neutral. Monster moves all after the players
completed their actions. Roll a D6 for each monster. With 1-3 the monster will move toward
the closest non-monster model, trying to charge even without a line of sight. With 4-6 the
monster will try to shoot the closest enemy model in sight. If no one is at reach, the monster
counts as scoring a 1-3 result. Monsters always try to give the Coup de grâce.

In the previous image: a body reanimated by the curse of the Eternal Autumn

1: An unknown monster appears!

Reroll, or generate a monster using the official character generator:

2: Hollow
⬛ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Hollow 4” 4+ 2+6 6+ 5+ 1

Skill 11: Undead

Equip 23: Shadow Cloak

3: Black Knight
⬛ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Black Knight 12” 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 1

Skill 16: Heartless

Equip 13: Vampiric Two-Handed Greatsword

4: Abomination
⬜ Normal - ⬛ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Abomination 6” 2+5+ 2+5+ 4+ 4+ 1

Skill 41: Regeneration

Equip 35: Shadowstep Boots

Equip 62: Moonlit Morningstar

5: World-edge Hound
⬜ Normal - ⬛ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

World-edge Hound 2” 3+ 2+6+ 6+ 3+ 1

Skill 23: Bulky

Skill 24: Mesmerist

Skill 44: Monster Slayer

6: Forgotten Beast
⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬛ Epic M C S A I X

Forgotten Beast 8” 2+5+ 2+3+ 6+ 4+ 1


Skill 13: Animal

Skill 14: Frightening

Skill 54: Acid Blood

Skill 22: Unnatural Agility

Solo mode
This feature was requested by lots of
players. So be it!
A solo player starts with 3 Sacred leaves
(draw 3 leaves on the roster’s margin).
For every game the player loses, remove
one Sacred leaf before the Post-game
sequence. If the player remains with 0
Sacred leaves, they lose.
During the Black Market phase you can
buy a new Sacred leaf for a total of XP
equal to THREE times all your model’s
profane numbers summed up. Thus, for a
Normal warband, the Sacred leaf will cost
18 XP. You can’t buy a Sacred leaf if you
have 3 of them.

If the player completes all the scenarios of this manual, wins. Minor wins if the player
completes 5 scenarios.

The suggestion is to use a completely random generated warband, randomized even for the
type (Normal, Rare, Epic). Generates all skills and equipment at random. You wanted to be
challenged? Now you are.
The player decides the scenario’s order to play. The player always starts first with deploy
and so on. The monster’s warband moves in the monster’s phase. Then the “other”
monsters move. Monsters, monsters everywhere…

A solo game is won where a warband completes all the scenarios.

The “enemy warband” will be a warband generated with monsters. The number of monsters
that can be in that warband are limited by the possible types of the warbands (thus if 2
Normals appear, the third monster will be a Normal).

This NPC warband does not do the post-game sequence.

Note: each additional monster is deployed as standard rules. The monster's warband has its

In the previous image: a fallen champion decays among the leaves


Roster - Chanson d'Automne

Warband Name: Player:

Autumn Gifts

⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Avatar - ⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X


Sample Normal Roster - Chanson d'Automne

Warband Name: Chimera’s servants Player:

Autumn Gifts Bones of the dead

⬛ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Garnet Knight 4” 3+ 3+ 5+ 4+ 1

Equip 56: Harpy’s Veil

Equip 12: Shield of Despair

⬛ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Maple Wizard 6” 5+ 5+ 3+ 3+ 1

Equip 16: Wraithfire Crossbow

Skill 41: Regeneration

⬛ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Chimera from the Edge of the land 6” 4+ 2+ 4+ 6+ 1

Skill 13: Animal

Skill 43: Blood Frenzy

Avatar - ⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X


Sample Rare Roster - Chanson d'Automne

Warband Name: The alchemists Player:

Autumn Gifts Oak wood

⬜ Normal - ⬛ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Golem 4” 3+ 2+ 6+ 4+ 1

Skill 12: Automaton

Skill 11: Undead

Equip 52: Helm of the Warbringer

⬛ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Dark Jewels Blacksmith 4” 3+ 5+ 3+ 4+ 1

Skill 14: Frightening

Equip 53: Wicked Throwing Knives

⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Avatar - ⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X


Sample Epic Roster - Chanson d'Automne

Warband Name: The Scourge of the world Player:

Autumn Gifts Rain flute

⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬛ Epic M C S A I X

Stone Dragon 4” 2+6+ 2+ 6+ 6+ 1

Skill 13: Animal

Skill 62 Dark Presence

Skill 16: Heartless

Skill 32: Chosen One

Equip 43: Enchanted Ring of Shadows

⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X

Avatar - ⬜ Normal - ⬜ Rare - ⬜ Epic M C S A I X


Hobby showcase
Welcome to the Hobby Showcase section. Here the community joins together to bring to life
the land of Eternal Autumn! Embark on a visual journey into the captivating Profaned Lands,
where miniatures come to life and uncharted stories unfold.
In these lands of Eternal Autumn, each model tells a story, and every terrain holds secrets
waiting to be discovered. Uncover the lore, get inspired, and forge your own tales in the
lands where Eternal Autumn heralds the end of the world. This is the place where the
adventure is as boundless as your imagination. Let the showcase begin!

The hunt

Two siblings, born of the same litter, a puma and a direwolf, nurtured by a
shared mother, hunt in tandem, bound by an unbreakable bond

They journey to the forest's edge in the midst of a relentless autumn, where prey
is scarce. Their path leads them to a village of farmers…

At dawn, the inhabitants uncover the aftermath of a gruesome massacre


Assuming it to be the deeds of a “normal” creature, they resolve to embark on a

perilous journey into the mountains, unaware of the sinister truth awaiting

The necromancer

In the Profaned Lands, the necromancer and his living organ followers were on
the quest for a potent artifact left by the Cursed Gods

Eager to harness its magical essence, they rang the bell with anticipation…

However, instead of gaining power, they unwittingly summoned a hostile stone

dragon, a guardian of the forbidden artifact. The necromancer's ambitious plans
took an unexpected turn as the creature roared to life!

Fallen idols

Amidst the withered leaves of the never-ending autumn, a wizard from the
Kingdom of Rosah cautiously approaches a mysterious demonic grove
Curtis Fell from Ramshackle Games

In the Profane Lands, a warband of adventurers stumbles upon a sinister statue,

its features distorted by the curse of Eternal Autumn
Curtis Fell from Ramshackle Games

It is alive! The Harbingers of Desolation confront the malevolent presence, their

fate hanging in the balance
Curtis Fell from Ramshackle Games. Monster by Trent Holbrook

The Avatar

In the desolate expanse of the Profaned Lands, a group of desperate undead found
themselves lost and forsaken

Amidst their despair, an Avatar emerged, offering them salvation and a path to

The golem

The jewels blacksmith had searched for months to find the perfect magical
location. Finally, amidst the woods of the Eternal Autumn, he performed the
intricate ritual…

As the last incantation left his lips, a towering golem emerged, animated by the
magic of the enchanted jewels

In the end, the golem proves to be a worthy servant. Its creator brings it to his
sanctuary of fallen leaves
Building by Fogou Models

The cursed living tree

In the forgotten corners of the Maple Forest, a malevolent and mysterious

creature lurks, feeding on the life of the trees around it

A group of monster hunters seeks the blessing of a Cursed Goddess of the hunt to
gain the strength to find and defeat it…

After days of searching, they come across the living cursed tree, grateful for the
fire-infused weapons received as a gift at the sanctuary!

This section needs YOUR support! #cdaskirmish

Would you like to have your personally sculpted models and your themed tables and
scenery featured in this rulebook? You own a line of products? Contact me via email (it's in
the “Final thanks” section) or IG, and we’ll see! I’ll quote you as the photo’s owner, of course.

Final thanks
First, thanks to you who downloaded this rulebook. If you like CdA, share it with your friends, on
social media and in game stores!
PS: the first CdA expansion is already on WIP. The ‘Science Fiction version’ too…

Long live the supporters!

The first thanks are for the artist and friend @Pintocreation! His artworks for CdA are amazing.
Thanks to my friends from the Plundemordhe Team for the playtest. You are the best! Check out
their (our) unofficial supplement for Mordheim called Desolation. You can find it on Broheim. Here
all the boys:
❖ Francesco Gabriele “Chronos” Saturni, Levian, Vladimiro Rago, Horo, Alex, Nick
Thanks to Wild Thing Studios for the suggestions and for the testing:
❖ Andrea Pomelli, Francesco Pavanelli
Thanks also to the other testers of the IG wargaming community:
❖ @abh_brethren_charles, @ryeburg_yt, @noirsoleilart,
A big thanks to the showcase section supporter:
❖ @old_skull_painter, @sporehammer, Curtis Fell from Ramshackle Games and Trent
Holbrook, Fogou Models

If you want to reach me out for a “bug report”, typos, photos or some Battle Reports, feel free to email
me at!

Support and project sharing

Finally, if you wish to support CdA, future CdA expansions, or simply make a donation of
appreciation for the game, here is the QR code to use. Coffee will be super. I love coffee!
Or, if you can, tell a wargamer influencer about CdA! That will be as appreciated as a coffee.

License - CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED

Chanson d'Automne, along with all its variants and expansions, is © 2023 Alessandro
Montoro and is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED.
You are free to:
❖ Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
❖ Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
❖ Attribution - You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and
indicate if changes were made . You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in
any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
❖ NonCommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes .

❖ No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological

measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Content creation
Now, some extra bits about content creation.

Sure, if Chanson d'Automne does well and receives positive feedback, there will be
more official expansions in the future. But perhaps some of you will think, 'What if I wrote
a non official expansion?’ Or maybe a fully compatible RPG system?

This license CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED permits anyone to create content for Chanson d'Automne
(CdA) and share it freely for non-commercial use. This includes adventures, scenarios,
modules, and more.
Here are the key guidelines:

By following these terms, you are authorized to create
non-commercial content based on or compatible with
CdA without needing explicit permission from the
Art and text from the books cannot be reused or
translated unless you obtain explicit permission. This
excludes “The Eternal Autumn” (CdA poem). You may
also use the names of creatures, locations, and
entities from the game world.
You are free to reuse and reference the mechanics
and game rules of CdA!

Your product cannot use the logos without specific
You are encouraged (though not required) to
incorporate a CdA compatibility logo, indicating that it
is designed for CdA but it is not CdA official material.
Here the compatibility logo:


Chanson d’Automne
You should never imply that your work is an official CdA product or that the creator endorses
it unless special arrangements have been made.


The creator holds no responsibility for legal claims against your product.
Any legal disputes or claims relating to this license will be subject to Italian law and resolved
in an Italian court.
Your publication must include the following text in a visible place and on the website or
storefront promoting the product. The copyright text must be clearly displayed within the
product and on the storefront:

[Product name] is © [Year] [Author or Publisher Name].

[Product name] is an independent production by [Author or Publisher] and is not affiliated with
Alessandro Montoro. It is published under the Chanson d'Automne Third Party License.

Chanson d'Automne, along with all its variants and expansions, is © 2023 Alessandro Montoro
and is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED.

Can I create CdA NFTs? No, absolutely not.

Also, avoid incorporating racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic themes in your content.

Remember: Chanson d’Automne is a sort of “gift” for all wargamers out there. I expect this
gift to be used to its fullest potential. Everyone deserves wargaming materials for FREE!
Have fun!

In the previous image: the God of Solitude, protector of the solitary and guardian of time

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