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Understanding the important milestones in a child's journey towards reading is
crucial for parents, educators, and caregivers. Introducing children to reading
from an early age is beneficial to the rest of their lives.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
18-26 months 22-30 months 24-40 Months

Combine words into Expanding vocab complex sentences

simple sentences More complex Grammar
Increased vocabulary sentences improvement
Understand basic Asking questions Increased sentence
grammar Use of plurals and formation
Question formation past tense Increased vocabulary
Use of pronouns Imitation of Adult Accurate pronoun
talk usage

Developing Phonology:
By the age of four, most children are producing post-alveolars. (As in Sheep, Cheap, & Jeep) Post-alveolars" are
sounds in speech that are made with the tongue positioned near the ridge behind your upper front teeth
By four or five, children should master Dentals (As in Thin, Then). Dental sound is made by touching your tongue to
your upper front teeth

Developing Morphology:
Children begin to produce inflectional and functional morphemes. (As in jumping)
Next they begin the use of regular plurals often accompanied by overgeneralization.
then, children begin to use past tense forms (as in walked)
”The final inflectional morpheme to be used , present tense -s, occurs first on verbs(comes, knows) then with
auxiliary verbs (does, has)”(Yule, 2022)

Developing Syntax:
The formation of questions begin. First stage add WH (Where) to beginning of expression.(As in Where kitty?)
Stage two, more complex questions begin such as “you want eat?”
Stage three, inversion begins and children’s questions begin to look more like adults.

Developing Semantics:

The introduction of overextension. Developing semantics is about learning the meaning of words and how to use
them correctly. It's like understanding not just what a word means, but also when and how to use it in different

Reading Skills Pyramid





Phonic Awareness

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