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> UNIT 11 NARRATIVE WRITING 2 ~ Linking words and expressions 1.Think of something that you lookes! forward to for a long time that finally h + What was the occasion of event? Why did you want itso much? + Did you have to make preparations for it? so. hat were they? + What actually happened? + Didi live up to your expectations or not? pyrene Write some notes and then tell your parte about it, 2 Read theve lines trom Larry's reconstruct it with @ partner story and Lany’s dream to fy aeroplanes / bought twenty balloons / 2 garden packed a few sandwiches and ai sir pistol / cut the rope / Mloited around / the winds were blowing /a British Airwass pilot at 3,500 metres / ahelicopter /a TW reporter 3. Read the fall story and compare it with sours, Match these five headings with the correct paragraphs. 1 Serious problems 1 Preparing for take-off © Down to earth with a bump 3 Larry and his dream O Flying bigh 4 Read the story again and complete it with 4 correct linking word or expression fom the box. first of all Finally Eventually Next However Alldaylong Then. one diy By thistime until Assoonas Immediately Fortunately just at that moment Unfortunately inorderto $0 because 5 Use your notes from exercise 1 and write your story (about 250 words). 6 ead each other's stories and newer questions about then, 12 Weiting Unit y 2A but his lifetime dream was to fly 1 Lamy: was a trek driver, aeroplanes. () ____ he would wate the fighter jets riss-crossing he (Thaw his buck garden and dream about the magic of flying Paeceeenve had an idea, He drove to the nearest hardware Shopand bought twenty large balloons and five tanks of hel (3) they were not normal bright}y-coloured pa 'y one-metie weather balloons used by balloons but he: meteorologists Back in his arden. (4) tw his car door.) arry used a rope to tie a chair Te tied the balloons ta the ehair and inflated them, ane by one. (6) he packed a few sandwiches anda bottle of Coke, loaded an airpistol, and Climbed on to the chait, His plan was to float wip lazily into the sks tovabout sisty metres, and then to pop a few balloons ()___ descend to earth again, His preparations complete, Larry cut the rope. (S) she didn't Moat up. he shot up. as if he had been fited from a cannon! Not to sixty metres, butt wp ancl up ancl up, (9. bout 31500 metres. IFhe had popped any balloons at this height, he ‘souk! have plummeted to earth, (10)__ he just had to stay up there, floating around and wondering what to do w 4 = night was falling and things were getting se Winds were blowing Larry out to sea, (12) anamared British Airways pilot spotted him and radioed the aitport saying he'd just seen «man with a gum, sitting om a gander chair at 3,50! metres. (1 helicopter was sent to rescue him, but at wasn't easy (19). the wind from their totor hlades kept pushing the home-made aisship further aw, (15). ethos managed to drop 4 ine down fron above, and pulled hana to sotety 5 (16) — be was on the ground he was antested, UY reporter shouted, ‘Hey mate, why did you do it?” Lany: Janke ‘iim in the eve, and said, “A man's got to follow his dreary

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