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Grupa A Klasa .................... Data ................

Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / 45 p. Ocena .............

1 Listen and choose the correct option. ( ... / 5 p.)

Posłuchaj opowiadania i wybierz właściwy wyraz.

EXAMPLE: Mia lives in a house / a block of flats.

1. There is / There isn’t a big garden at Mia's grandparents’ house.

2. There is a big / small trampoline in the garden.
3. There is a lamp next to the window / door in the tree house.
4. Mia thinks the garden is fantastic / boring.
5. Mia’s mum has got a brother / sister.

2 Match the items in 1–5 with the places where you can find them. There is one extra ‘place word’. ( ... / 5 p.)
Dopasuj nazwy pomieszczeń do przedmiotów. Jedna nazwa jest podana dodatkowo.
bedroom garden living room bathroom hall kitchen

1. bed, desk, wardrobe: ______________________

2. fridge, table, chairs: ______________________
3. plant, sofa, TV: ______________________
4. bath, mirror, lamp: ______________________
5. swing, trampoline, tree house: ______________________

3 Choose the correct option. ( ... / 5 p.)

Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

EXAMPLE: There is a carpet on the floor / door.

1. I don’t like washing / dusting the dishes.

2. My family loves camping, so we usually sleep in a swing / tent.
3. Is there a diving board / cushion at the swimming pool?
4. Look at this colourful butterfly / bee. It’s yellow, green and blue.
5. The flats / walls in my room are grey. It’s my favourite colour.
4 Complete each sentence with a word/phrase from the box. ( ... / 5 p.)
Uzupełnij dialogi podanymi w ramce wyrażeniami.
worry looking for there you are find it

A: Mum, where is my schoolbag? I can’t (1) ______________.

B: Don’t (2) ______________. We’ll find it. Let’s look for it together.

A: I’m (3) ______________ my glasses. Can you help me?

B: It’s (4) ______________, on the sofa.

A: Where is my notebook?
B: Here (5) ______________.
A: Oh, thanks a lot.

5 Look at the pictures and complete each sentence with a word from the box. ( ... / 5 p.)
Popatrz na ilustracje i uzupełnij wyrazy w podanych zdaniach. Jeden wyraz jest podany dodatkowo.
on in behind between next to in front of under

EXAMPLE: There is a computer on the desk.

1. There is a wardrobe ____________ the window.

2. There is a lamp ____________ the armchair.

3. There is a girl ____________ the boys.

4. There is a mirror ____________ the bathroom.

5. There is a camera ____________ the girl.

6 Choose the correct option. ( ... / 5 p.)

Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl właściwe wyrażenia.

EXAMPLE: There are / There aren’t / There isn’t any chairs in the kitchen.

1. Is there / There is / Are there many blocks of flats in your street?

2. There is / There are / Is there an armchair in front of the TV.
3. A: Are there any books on the desk?
B: No, there are / there aren’t / there isn’t.
4. Is there / Are there / There is a wardrobe in your bedroom?
5. There are / There aren’t / There isn’t a swing in my garden.

7 Complete each sentence with the correct option. ( ... / 5 p.)
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrażeniami.

EXAMPLE: A: Is there a cat in your room?

B: Yes, there is.

1. A: ______________ chair in your room?

B: No, ______________.
2. A: ______________ any balls next to the sofa?
B: Yes, ______________.
3. A: ______________ a trampoline in your garden?
B: No, ______________.
4. A: ______________ any boys in your class?
B: Yes, ______________.
5. A: ______________ a lamp in your hall?
B: No, ______________.
8 Read the text and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). ( ... / 5 p.)
Przeczytaj reklamę hotelu i zdecyduj, czy zdania są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F).
If you want to have a great weekend, come to
a fantastic Family Fun hotel. The hotel is small, so
you will certainly feel at home here. There are only
fifteen rooms. The rooms are quite small, but they
are really nice. There is a small sofa and a TV in
each room. The beds are really comfortable. In the
hall there is a special wall where children can draw
pictures. It’s easy to clean!
There is a big, beautiful garden behind the hotel.
What can you do there? Parents can sit in
comfortable armchairs and read books or swim
with their children in the swimming pool or jump
from the diving board. There are also swings and
a slide for children. Are there any tree houses?
No, there aren’t, but we’ve got tents where kids
can play with their friends. Pets are welcome here,
so bring your dog with you.

1. There are sixteen rooms in the hotel. T F

2. The rooms aren’t big. T F
3. The garden is in front of the hotel. T F
4. There aren't any tree houses in the garden. T F
5. There aren't any dogs allowed at the hotel. T F

9 Complete the description of your dream room. Use the words in the box or your own ideas. Uzupełnij ( ... / 5 p.)
opis Twojego wymarzonego pokoju, użyj wyrazów z ramki lub swoich pomysłów.
big • small • bed • yellow • carpet
• blue • cushions • lamp • plant • window

1. My dream bedroom is _______________________________.

2. There is a ______________________ in my room.
3. There are ______________________ on my bed.
4. There is a ______________________ next to the desk.
5. There is also a ______________________ in my dream room.

Grupa B Klasa .................... Data ................
Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / 45 p. Ocena .............

1 Listen and choose the correct option. ( ... / 5 p.)

Posłuchaj opowiadania i wybierz właściwy wyraz.

EXAMPLE: Mia lives in a house / a block of flats.

1. There is / There isn’t a big garden at Mia's grandparents’ house.

2. Mia thinks the garden is fantastic / boring.
3. There is a lamp next to the window / door in the tree house.
4. There is a big / small trampoline in the garden.
5. Mia’s mum has got a brother / sister.

2 Match the items in 1–5 with the places where you can find them. There is one extra ‘place word’. ( ... / 5 p.)
Dopasuj nazwy pomieszczeń do przedmiotów. Jedna nazwa jest podana dodatkowo.
bedroom garden living room bathroom hall kitchen

1. bed, desk, wardrobe: ______________________

2. bath, mirror, lamp: ______________________
3. plant, sofa, TV: ______________________
4. fridge, table, chairs: ______________________
5. swing, trampoline, tree house: ______________________

3 Choose the correct option. ( ... / 5 p.)

Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

EXAMPLE: There is a carpet on the floor / door.

1. I don’t like washing / dusting the dishes.

2. Look at this colourful butterfly / bee. It’s yellow, green and blue.
3. Is there a diving board / cushion at the swimming pool?
4. My family loves camping, so we usually sleep in a swing / tent.
5. The flats / walls in my room are grey. It’s my favourite colour.
4 Complete each sentence with a word/phrase from the box. ( ... / 5 p.)
Uzupełnij dialogi podanymi w ramce wyrażeniami.
worry looking for there you are find it

A: Where is my notebook?
B: Here (1) ______________.
A: Oh, thanks a lot.

A: I’m (2) ______________ my glasses. Can you help me?

B: It’s (3) ______________, on the sofa.
A: Mum, where is my schoolbag? I can’t (4) ______________.
B: Don’t (5) ______________. We’ll find it. Let’s look for it together.

5 Look at the pictures and complete each sentence with a word from the box. ( ... / 5 p.)
Popatrz na ilustracje i uzupełnij wyrazy w podanych zdaniach. Jeden wyraz jest podany dodatkowo.
on in behind between next to in front of under

EXAMPLE: There is a computer on the desk.

1. There is a wardrobe ____________ the window.

2. There is a mirror ____________ the bathroom.

3. There is a girl ____________ the boys.

4. There is a lamp ____________ the armchair.

5. There is a camera ____________ the girl.

6 Choose the correct option. ( ... / 5 p.)

Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl właściwe wyrażenia.

EXAMPLE: There are / There aren’t / There isn’t any chairs in the kitchen.

1. Is there / There is / Are there many blocks of flats in your street?

2. Is there / Are there / There is a wardrobe in your bedroom?
3. A: Are there any books on the desk?
B: No, there are / there aren’t / there isn’t.
4. There is / There are / Is there an armchair in front of the TV.
5. There are / There aren’t / There isn’t a swing in my garden.

7 Complete each sentence with the correct option. ( ... / 5 p.)
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrażeniami.

EXAMPLE: A: Is there a cat in your room?

B: Yes, there is.

1. A: ______________ chair in your room?

B: No, ______________.
2. A: ______________ any boys in your class?
B: Yes, ______________.
3. A: ______________ a trampoline in your garden?
B: No, ______________.
4. A: ______________ any balls next to the sofa?
B: Yes, ______________.
5. A: ______________ a lamp in your hall?
B: No, ______________.
8 Read the text and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). ( ... / 5 p.)
Przeczytaj reklamę hotelu i zdecyduj, czy zdania są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F).
If you want to have a great weekend, come to
a fantastic Family Fun hotel. The hotel is small, so
you will certainly feel at home here. There are only
fifteen rooms. The rooms are quite small, but they
are really nice. There is a small sofa and a TV in
each room. The beds are really comfortable. In the
hall there is a special wall where children can draw
pictures. It’s easy to clean!
There is a big, beautiful garden behind the hotel.
What can you do there? Parents can sit in
comfortable armchairs and read books or swim
with their children in the swimming pool or jump
from the diving board. There are also swings and
a slide for children. Are there any tree houses?
No, there aren’t, but we’ve got tents where kids
can play with their friends. Pets are welcome here,
so bring your dog with you.

1. There are sixteen rooms in the hotel. T F

2. The rooms aren’t big. T F
3. The garden is in front of the hotel. T F
4. There aren't any tree houses in the garden. T F
5. There aren't any dogs allowed at the hotel. T F

9 Complete the description of your dream room. Use the words in the box or your own ideas. Uzupełnij ( ... / 5 p.)
opis Twojego wymarzonego pokoju, użyj wyrazów z ramki lub swoich pomysłów.
big • small • bed • yellow • carpet
• blue • cushions • lamp • plant • window

1. My dream bedroom is _______________________________.

2. There is a ______________________ next to the desk.
3. There are ______________________ on my bed.
4. There is a ______________________ in my room.
5. There is also a ______________________ in my dream room.


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