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She was spinning clockwise while keeping her eyes on her outstretched thumb …turning and

turning till the wildflowers where a blur, until finally she tumbled down and grabbed the ground
with her arms stretched out behind her holding on to the earth..
We missed judged her.

The last fairy

I woke to my consciousness the first of which I'm taking my small little hands into a dry
fermented bean dish vast and dense. I could not put a dent in it. I'm flying and balancing I'm
learning to go fast and Dodge the small hanging lamps and cushions and rugs in the shop of
curiosities that I fly through I know the men the brothers with their long hair and their beards and
their colorful clothes that work there at some point I'm hanging close to the rafters balancing
myself and I learned to make a tiny bell sound like a chime and the man looks up at me and
smiles and I can feel I've done something! I've done something interesting he likes it.
The next thing I'm getting very fast I'm getting very good at flying and I want to race and I want
to challenge one of them young men are racing down a hill out back of the shop I'm flying as
fast as I can and he's running as fast as he can and we're neck and neck and then I grab a hold
of his waist and I noticed something sticky on this belly and I say you've touched yourself ..why
don't you why don't you let me do this? and he says you can't do any of that! I say I'm pretty
sure I can I have all of this stuff and he says listen …charm! he yells at me charm and I said..
charm? what's a charm? and he says you you're a charm.. I say what am, what do you know of
me and he says remember when you came and then I see it unfold before me too tiny little
people one man with dark hair very serious and one lady with her hair back with wrinkles and
she's got reddish hair she's sitting next to me and she's pretty sad and I'm a tiny tiny little thing
with red hair and she tells the men and me "she'll never grow. "The next thing we're taking a trip
we're going to go sell things in the market I go with the men I say you know I think ..I think I
could fly you….I balance them on ither side of me and I'm very strong and I balance them and I
fly and as we're flying I see a herd of something and it's stampeding and I fly over it and when
it's done and it has passed oh my little somebody is down there is a small puppy that has been
stepped on by hoves and it is lying there and I say wait let me try to heal it …I think I think I'm
supposed to be able to heal things and I can I bend to the small puppy and look for the life
force I want to encourage the blood to flow and the things to heal and I can't find any life force
the puppy is dead. I cannot heal it this is kind of sad we travel on… I don't want to go back to
the market where there's a stalI...'m about to enter the market but I don't want to go and I begin
to throw a fit and the men that don't take me very seriously at all say well do as you wish, go
where you wish …find us later .. I huff and puff for a few seconds and then go through the door
looking for them into the busy market area but I do not see them I do not see them anywhere I
begin to get very afraid going back and forth and I can't see them anywhere and people notice
me.. the man here he stares at me he sees that I can fly he sees that I am different than others
and stares at me and begins to walk after me and I overhear someone say "how much do you
think we could get for her?" I'm not human I'm a fairy I'm different I do not have human rights I
can be bought and sold .I can be stolen and they are chasing me I try to decide where to go to
fly to hide I fly up I fly up into the rafters I try to hide I go to different places I find I find some
children in their beds I think oh if I could jump in with one of them then they will not find me so I
get in the bed with one of the children ..I said please please let me stay here with you but a child
says no listen Ada you you have to leave !!!I can't stay here I'm so afraid and I'm so terrified of
things that I wrestle with the child tonight in my desperation..i grab them by the neck and I'm
very strong even though I'm very small and I start to yell but you must let me stay holding their
neck and I'm shaking them and then… then I'm so very sad so very terrified of myself and what
I'm doing to the child. That I fly far away very fast and more people try to capture me wherever I

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